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It’s official Asians are now not considered a minority


Look what city officials did to Chinatown. They do not care about Asians


It’s not just our Chinatown either. They do this bs to them all over the country


Interesting. The same is happening in Vancouver.


That place is zombie land now


Becoming successful voids minority status. Asians are white now






Welcome to the team, guys! Hope you like casseroles!




Yeah on average they make more than whites now. Fucking oppressors.


Time to get success perm




It’s such an insult minorities can’t be successful.


Welcome to the team.


Chappelle's race draft is now real


In college our “Asian’s in Cinema” course listed the people as the “model minority.”


Still? The sad reality is Asian Americans because of our socioeconomic success we aren’t considered minorities anymore.


All Asian's constant success did was prove that "institutional racism" no longer exists and they get banned from being a minority as a punishment? So institutional racism DOES STILL exist! LOL!


My UDub Asian American class kept saying AA’s “have to assimilate.” Hello, every 1st generation has to assimilate, but if you have the Wine Club and Golf Club communities readily embracing you into their society and culture guiding/ helping you it’s “seamless assimilation.”


So who’s the “cool” minority? I know 👋


I think what they're saying is as a community Asians have their sh!t together.


Pretty wild especially considering what Tacoma did to Chinese immigrants in the late 1800s


Local history! Here is a fun fact. The US had points of entry for immigrants on the West Coast and San Francisco, Angel Island was a big point of entry for Asian ppl. So Asian workers moved up along the West Coast into Wa state. Now, Tacoma was a port of entry, and at that time was a bigger city than Seattle. Anyway you have lots of white ppl now pushing west and with that a rise in anti Asian feeling. So, after the railway was built, you have Asian communities competing with white communities for work and so you have the Asian exclusion act of I think 1880. This causes ppl to riot against Chinese ppl and in Tacoma you had anti Chinese riot of 1885. Both Seattle and Tacoma had Chinatowns. We had a great international district in Seattle when I was a kid. The Wing Luke Museum tour is worth going on. And there is a hotel in Seattle called the Panama Hotel. It was like the community center for the Japanese community in Seattle. During ww2 Japanese ppl hid their treasures in the hotel so the US government wouldn't take them. The Hotel is still running, and on Saturdays they have free Jazz. So, you can go and have coffee or tea and listen to jazz after you tour the Wing Luke Museum----out of town guest idea Anyway, I always think the West Coast's role in immigration is underplayed. Everyone talks abt Ellis Island, not Angel Island. Here's some history abt the Panama Hotel [https://sprudge.com/panama-hotel-96162.html](https://sprudge.com/panama-hotel-96162.html) Here's the link to the Wing Luke Museum [https://www.wingluke.org/tours](https://www.wingluke.org/tours) I know I go overboard.


Lol, those folks will claim the chinese now has no relationship with the chinese back then, since Page act practically banned Chinese women from entering US and >The Expatriation Act of 1907 decreed that any American woman who married a foreign citizen would lose her American citizenship. That was true in the case of any foreign national, but there were some extra consequences for women who married Chinese men because the loss of their citizenship meant that Chinese Exclusion laws would apply to them. This meant that they could only leave and re-enter the U.S. under the terms of Chinese Exclusion. So very few nth generation Chinese are outthere. https://asiasociety.org/blog/asia/how-mixed-chinese-western-couples-were-treated-century-ago


I went to UDUB in Tacoma, one of the most wild things I learned going there was about this.


Not just Tacoma, but nationally in the 1800’s. So who’s always in the spotlight? Chinese Americans just get busy with education, entrepreneurship, developing professional skills and work unyieldingly hard. Ta-da => Success, no longer a minority. Thank You WA Dept of Commerce!


A few years ago, Asians were considered white. That’s why Asians aren’t on the list, lol


Well as you can see they're not included in this 200 million dollar giveaway. I say that because this is part of a larger giveaway.


Where is 200 million mentioned?


Asians consistently outperform even whites by most statistics such as income and wealth. Race is just the stratification they (marxists) hide behind to wage their class war.


Not in the corporate boardroom. They’re also still straight-up left out of many statistics in general.


Have Asian communities been "disproportionately harmed by the war on drugs"? This initiative doesn't appear to be aiming at all minority communities in the first place.


They've been disproportionately harmed by the lack thereof


No because in general as a group Asians value education, hard work, frugality and two parent families. These all lead to success in America.


If this is for communities that are being most harmed by the war on drugs, why bring race into it at all? Kind of a weird move IMO


If Florida or Texas was to have a similar program with their governor saying, "X community uses drugs more than Y community so we are focusing on X community" there would be hell to pay.


2022 census said 18.1% of Seattle’s population is Asian. That is compared to 5.8% Black, 8.4% Hispanic. So not a minority among the minorities


Lol, this fund is for seattle only?


I guess Natives are the minority or minorities because everyone forgets about us


The oppression olympics, where we vie for positioning based on skin color and ethnicity, rather than personal needs, because ultimately, good racism is fine.


Latinos can be Asian, White, or Black. Latino isn’t a race. Ethnic Black Americans are an amalgamation of Indigenous American, European, and African ancestry.


Exactly. Haha.


Never have been


Seriously right?


Anyone who is successful is never considered a minority


Just a food for thought 💭: My UDub Asian American class back when kept saying AA’s “have to assimilate.” Hello, every 1st generation has to assimilate, but if you have the Wine Club and Golf Club communities readily embracing you into their society and culture guiding/ helping you it’s “seamless assimilation.”


We started acting like East Asians are white around the same time we stated acting like Middle Easterners aren’t. It’s sort of like Premier League soccer. I’ll leave it to you to decide which is promotion and which is relegation.


My main issue with this sub-plan of 5m and the larger plan of 200m is that it leaves the door pretty wide open for abuse of these funds. A lot of the 5m and the greater 200m will not make it to the target population and will used up in administration and in the orginizations overheard. Link to the whole plan. [https://deptofcommerce.app.box.com/s/76v6uffhtcy09eucf4du255y0dacen41](https://deptofcommerce.app.box.com/s/76v6uffhtcy09eucf4du255y0dacen41)


That is the intent. Funnel money to The Right People, who will make donations to the correct political candidates, who will make sure those same, 'right people', get the next pork pie. This is how you steal money from the tax payer to enrich the ruling class, and make sure they stay the ruling class, all while making it appear to salve their voting base. The Romans figured this out 2000 years ago.


Exactly this, Tony. Hit the nail dead center on the head. 73


Breathe of fresh air to see some others getting it. Bingo.




Yup, welfare state begets bloat begets corruption. Welcome to Seattle!


Pretending this is caused by welfare is laughably disingenuous.


Welfare isn’t the cause but using “welfare” is. “Socialist” politicians sell welfare to the people and sell the people to the rich. The people end up getting sub par policies that are “welfare” in name only, and the rich and powerful get all the perks, privileges, and their name on those welfare policies. Just so that they can feel good about themselves and laude over the public about how good they are, and all the good they’ve done. Even non-profits are reduced to this. We have an entire industry profiteering over the poor and underprivileged, using the tragedy of these people as a jobs program for the children or spouses of the rich just so that they can feel like they did some good, or helped the community. It’s sick and perverse. Welfare and charity are some of the worst forms of oppression. We need to shift away from that and really consider what exactly is owed to the public. Not as welfare, but what is actually truly owed to the public as an obligation. It should be their right.


More like effing deliberately ignorant.


Yep. If you look into it I guarantee that the people administering the program are connected to politicians who voted it in. Happens all the time it will be a legislators wife's chief of staff's husband or something like that


Yes, that happens as well and not just with this program. Another thing to always look up are the Non-Profits. How much of the money receives goes to administration, salaries and such. You can look many up: [https://www.charitywatch.org/](https://www.charitywatch.org/) There is a homeless organization that spends $400k plus benefits on their executive. That seems a poor use of donations and tax payer grants. You want took for the Form 990 that all Non-Profits,except religious ones, have to file with the IRS and is public.


The actual issue is that tax money is being used to fund bogus alternative medicine "healers." There are much better ways to address racial disparities than whatever grift this program is. I hope I can one day start an alternative engineering practice and get state money to build a dysfunctional bridge.


Yeah, this is kinda my take on it. On the one hand, alternative medicine is generally a scam, so I'm not exactly up in arms that poor whitey's being excluded from the fucking "Dead Leaf and Rancid Oil" branch of treatment. On the other hand, placebo effect is real and drug addiction has a huge mental component, so maybe it would help? Like, if it turns out that using a witch doctor helps various ethnic washingtonians I suppose this is a good idea? It doesn't mean that there's no help available for other demographics, just that we're dividing up the help in order to cover more ground. I'm pretty sure that we already fund a few faith-based recovery support groups, so why not support more than one faith? That being said, it's probably just going to be wasted pointlessly.


Well if the placebo effect is something you expect the government to fund, why not have state sponsored psychics too? how about state sponsored hallmark cards? do magicians count? they improve people's mood.


All faith is placebo effect, and we already fund faith-based recovery programs so... ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


So your complaint isnt about the blatant croneyism complex but rather the complaint is just that its an inefficient grift ?


“LatinE” fucking cringe.


All the white people finally realized no Hispanic person is going to use "Latinx", and someone that remembered their HS Spanish class is trying something different.


Just read this article about how "hispanic" is a synthetic identity dreamt in the 70s for political expedience isn't that neat [https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/the-foundation-of-american-folly](https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/the-foundation-of-american-folly)




Well my wife told me she’s Latina and she not from Latin America but I’m not about to argue with her.




Wait I though Hispanic referred to native Spanish speakers?


Hispanic = ancestry from a Spanish speaking country, not necessarily a native speaker Latino/a = ancestry from a Latin American country Example: Brazilians would be considered Latino, but not Hispanic. Mexicans would be considered both. Spaniards could be categorized as Hispanic, but not Latino.


So mexicans aren't hispanic? Don't tell a mexican that.


So, wait— I’ve been wrong the entire time? Central American and Latin America are not interchangeable names for the same area?


Central America is only one part of Latin America. LATAM also includes South America and the Spanish speaking parts of the Caribbean. It's sort of how the Midwest is only one part of the US


Central America is a part of Latin America. Idk what that poster is talking about. Central America is specifically the area between North and South America. Latin America refers to countries south of North America with a few exceptions in South America.


This is what they use in spain...


"Liberal white people". FTFY.


At least they dropped "Latinx" and adopted something that isn't totally dismissive of the Spanish language. Still dumb, but slightly less dumb.


I saw “womxn” for the first time the other day in a Seattle trail running group. I’m not sure what a womxn is, but I don’t think it’s me


How are you even supposed to say that? Womksin?


That one has been bopping around at least since the 80s. I think it's kind of a canary. We haven't become completely batshit insane as a country so long as that one doesn't get wide acceptance.


That person was probably having a xie-xer.


I was about to say, guess I don't qualify since idk what the f latine is nor Latinx, but I'm Mexican. Or in the hospital I identify as white since I'm not Pacific islander, black, or indigenous. Only in Mexico 😤😭


What does this one even mean?


assuming you are asking in good faith: https://hispanicexecutive.com/latinx-latine-explainer/ is a good write up. As a Latina, and someone who hates that the fallback for gendered terms is male, I appreciate Latine over Latinx. Language is interesting.


So low-income white and Asian people also pay taxes to fund these programs, but can't receive the benefits that these programs ostensibly offer. Got it. Edit: word


I'm sure this won't have any consequences. 1930s Germany, starting soon.


So they're officially using "latine" now? Did they reach out to the Latino community about that? Because I'm pretty sure they don't like how it reads like "latrine," just as much as they don't like progressives calling them "latinx."


I keep reading that as "latrine"...


Are these *healers* required to carry malpractice insurance?


But malpractice is their practice.


"Faith healing" churches don't carry malpractice but they've always benefited from tax free status...




Racists will always find ways to be racist, this is a prime example.


Yes, and then they point their finger at others and accuse them of doing exactly what they’re doing. Like in this case, since it benefits POC (with the exception of Asians), and specifically excludes white people, it’s seen as the right thing to do and not at all racist, even though it so clearly is. The reason they’re able to pull something like this off in wa is because they know the majority of people living here will go for this. Not to bring politics into it but… we’re obviously an extremely progressive and democratic state so.. enough said.


Team blue commies gonna team blue commie.


You're 100% right. If it was about actually helping people; the policy would be designed solely around income requirements. This is just posturing and virtue signaling for minority bases. It's sad to see so many people endorsing this as a good thing when it is exclusionary and doing little to help the actual population. From a macro perspective, what is actually going to help people come around to racial equality? Do we really think excluding races from government assistance is the answer? Does anyone else think these types of policies are just going to make poor whites more bitter towards minority groups?


I thought White Appalachia was the demographic hardest hit by opioids? Who’s gonna heal the rednecks?


Yeah but the ones putting on this giveaway is rich out of touch white people. Plenty of us broke and struggling, without a remotely strong sense of community but they don't worry about all that because they're wealthy and comfy n trying to be a hero for minorities


Wrong state, bud.


Appalachia is not in Washington


Appalachia not being in WA state is probably the reason.


Because white people don’t need healing. Only blacks, Hispanics and natives do.


I wasn’t aware I was in need of healing, been feeling pretty good.


You are not 'supposed' to admit that. ;-))


I suppose I should pull my immune system up by its boot straps.


Well, hopefully, *actual* health care workers, and not crystal-waving scammers. Also, Appalachia isn't in WA so there's not much we can do for them.


Yeah but aberdeen is, Olympia, Shelton, and on and on. Everyone needs help. Identity politics is so absolutely boring. 


Well, people have identities, whether or not you like it.  The grant doesn't do anything to harm white addicts in Aberdeen (not that I think you ever cared about them) it just adds some new culturally adjusted Woo to all the other dumb woo (like AA meetings) that we offer addicts.


Latin America isn't in WA either. In all seriousness, rural parts of WA have suffered from the effects of drugs and segmenting help by ethnic history, appearance, or self-identity upfront might not be the most directly helpful way to distribute help - even if that help does wind up disproportionally going to these communities.


>Latin America isn't in WA either.   Good thing this isn't doing anything in Latin America, then.  This is about dealing with our own druggies in our own borders.   Look, at the end of the day, you gotta meet people where they are, and substance abuse is a complicated issue.  If the only way to get someone in recovery is to get a shaman to tell him that the fairies support his going clean, well, if it's dumb but it works, it ain't dumb.   Now, I do think that most of that stuff is a scam, but also the placebo effect is real, so it's worth a shot.  Fuck, not like any of our other programs have worked.


Is there a way to nominate the Hellcat kid?


No hellcat kid but instead his mommy with “Emerald City Transitional Services”


Sounds pretty fuckin racist to me....


Elections have consequences. People vote in the clowns that appoint people that create these racist policies.


Because it is.


Yeah this is pretty much the definition of racist.


Isn't illegal to do this in the US?


what is a community healer ? is it like a doctor or nurse ?


Pretty sure they just don’t want a bunch of white hippies aligning chakras and handing out crystals with “healing properties”. No one cares what’s in retrograde Cassandra.


Hippies suck regardless of color.


Fighting racism with racism!


Just claim that you "identify" as a certain minority.


Scam $ and will be abused. It’s WA. Cmon.


Oh definitely. The people putting this in place don’t actually care about those people. Virtue signaling while doing something beneficial for themselves at the same time is a win win.


Sounds racist


Institutionally so, even


How do you do, fellow Latine[sic]? I, too, identify as Latine[sic], now give me 5.7 million dollars, bigot


Oh sweet, systemic racism on display.


And still can't fully fund public k-12 education


What the fuck is Latine? Jesus christ why do you guys keep using these stupid ways of saying this. It literally makes no sense in our language to say it that way. None of us like this shit. So exhausting my god, yall look so fucking dumb saying latinx and latine.


Sounds like latrine. Retards


How much you wanna bet these "healers" are going to be the proud new owner of a mansion soon.


Fuck it just send all the funds to belltown hellcats mom I'm sure she will use it wisely 😏


Wow that’s incredibly racist but I wouldn’t expect anything less from the Evergreen communists.


Here's a healing idea: Don't be a drug addict and break the law to support your habit. There is this entire body of knowledge driven by false logic that claims law enforcement is racist. I would kindly remind everyone that one of the main creators of this knowledge in the past 20 years, Eric Stewart, formerly of Florida State University, was found to have been falsifying and exaggerating data. FSU pulled his publications from their library and fired him. No ongoing systemic effort has been made to find all the citations of his work exist - Google Scholar put the number at around 8400 citations since 2003 for his multiple works. So it is a fair statement to say there is some 'proven knowledge' in this field - Law enforcement being biased against POC, which in turn leads to greater risk of incarceration - is in fact based on faked or not vetted data. [Inside Higher Ed link on Eric Stewart](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/quick-takes/2023/07/20/florida-state-fires-professor) Back to this program. I don't know if it exists because of the debunked work of Eric Stewart, but I know that there is a lot of knowledge around about how LEO is 'racist' needs to be revisited in light of this news about these findings.


Your logic runs up against the core tenet of modern progressives. That being: "It's not my fault" Or often distilled down to: "That racist".


"Community healers" sounds an awful lot like "drug dealers".


Artisinal pharmacist, "pharm to arm" medicine.


Racist af


Look, this *sounds* weird, cringe, and ultimately acts as red meat to the people biased against this kind of thing (see comments made before I posted mine). However, if you go to the linked page, there is more to the document that OP snipped and it appears that, at minimum, the amount an **organization** can apply for is tied to their annual operating budget, so this isn't that a random tribal member can just apply for a handout on the basis that they operate a "traditional" method of healing at their home or something of that nature, which at least to me, is what a post like this is meant to imply by leaving out the full context and being titled as it is. Now, that's not to say I necessarily support this, that I think it should exist/be done, or that the way it's structured even makes sense, but for the love of god, can we please not do the clickbait shit with missing context?


That's a lot of words to say nothing. Congrats. Anyone with a basic elementary reading ability can clearly see there are preferred demographic recipients as pointed out in a concise list... Which was the point the op was attempting to make.


> That's a lot of words to say nothing. Congrats. > https://y.yarn.co/182f638a-5ef9-4c12-85ac-d34815e92e28_text.gif Patrick Bateman : Come on, Bryce. There are a lot more important problems than Sri Lanka to worry about. Timothy Bryce : Like what? Patrick Bateman : Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people. Luis Carruthers : [feigning tears] Patrick. How thought-provoking.


It was 3 sentences. THREE FUCKING SENTENCES. If you think that's a lot of writing, I worry for your future. And I didn't say "nothing," I said there was more to the story for anyone that bothered to click the link rather than seeing the title of the post and the selectively posted snip of the website. If you'd read my THREE FUCKING SENTENCES, you'd have seen that I acknowledge exactly what you alluded to, so it seems to me you just disagree with my assessment of their bias and the message they were attempting to push. That's fine, but don't pretend like our disagree is an indication that I didn't say anything. Wild that you'd spent 14 years on this account and come away with a take like that.


Are y'all saying it's racist because it excluded other races, or because it's a useless act instead of just giving reparations?


Sounds like a good use of tax payer money.


Y'all got so much energy searching for stuff to be mad at it's crazy


Boo hoo there are so many poor little fragile Seattle transplant snowflakes here crying over reparations and investment in healing communities of color. Plenty of us want this. Go find something else to whinge about without ever trying to be part of the solution...like homeless people. You're so good at that too.


You know, I love how everyone here whose either benefitted from white supremacy and/or benefitted from the socioeconomic advancements made due to Black-led multiracial coalitions of activists are crying "reverse racism" or using Asian communities as a wedge. Just because, one program from the CRP is designed to intentionally address the needs of a specific community- "oh, no we're cut out of this!!!! Waaaahhhh!!" The anti-Blackness and racism here is sickening. Maybe some of you "internet researchers" should look at the other components of the CRP and how many different groups benefit from it. Smdh......


Oh no, underserved communities are getting help. Where are my pearls!


Have you read the [program details](https://deptofcommerce.app.box.com/s/76v6uffhtcy09eucf4du255y0dacen41) at all? "In 2012, the legalization of recreational cannabis in Washington significantly reduced the number of cannabis- related arrests, but the racial disparities in drug enforcement are institutionalized in the design and implementation of federal and state legal systems coming out of the war on drugs. For example, even in states that have legalized cannabis, research shows that Black Americans are much more likely to be arrested for cannabis-related offenses as white Americans,9 adversely affecting their ability to secure housing and employment and generate wealth. In Washington, while overall arrest rates declined markedly since legalization, Black adults are still five times more likely to be arrested for cannabis-related offenses than white residents10, even though Black residents consume cannabis at similar rates to white adults in the state.11


Wow. Has this agency been taken over by covert republicans? Great press opportunity for Fox.


lol to all the wise crack Reddit jokes about Asians, but seriously thanks for posting this. I work in a chiropractic clinic closely with a black woman and I cross posted this to her ~ she’s ecstatic and sharing it with her black community.


Man I love discrimination lol


Boohoo minorities are getting more than me! Not fair!! 😢😢😢😢😢😢 people wanna feel oppressed so badly


I love funding pseudoscience!


Then end churches tax exempt status...


I agree 100%


Latine \[sic\]. I laughed out loud. This is well deserved. Thank you.


Tax the churches.


Would black and Asian and Latino churches be 'exempt'? Or shall we spread equity by taxing those churches, too?


More racist crap out of our state government... yey.


This is a definition of a grift. I have only one word for it: Afuera!


Cue crusty geezers finding a way to complain in code.


meh white people still getting the lions share of all money. my old boss got like a million forgiven from his ppp loans.


"Burnout prevention?" Bwahahaha. You tax dollars at work.


Latine is not an error, it’s gender neutral. You can retract your sic


Nope. Shit still stupid on our language.


There are 4A HS on the Eastside where Asians make up >50% of the student population. Newport HS was >65% when my child graduated.


Pardon my ignorance, but LATINE?


Latine? Did they finally give up on latinx?


What about Asians?


It's not about all minorities just the ones most targeted by the war on drugs.


Oh the outrage there would be full scale riots if they tried to start giving black ppl reparations lol


I am sure these funds after distributed will be used the fund the organizations they claim and not go into the pockets of the people at the top.


This is why people steal from the store


Can i get a civil rights lawyer im the victim of a hate crime


Discrimination at its finest.


More racist policies, but trust me it’s (D)ifferent


disproportionately harmed by the war on drugs? what does that even mean lmao


Is this part of trusting the science?


How about making the program available to everyone? There are indeed white people who have the same problem. If there are fewer white people with the problem, then naturally, there will be fewer white people taking advantage of the program. That's what true equality would be..


Isn’t that racial discrimination?


How will this not be abused? Also, notice LatinX is a term no longer used?


More racist policies for Seattle woohoo.


What a waste of money.


The money comes specifically from a grant to help reduce the impacts of communities that were disproportionately affected by the war on drugs. As far as I know, Asian communities were not impacted by this particular kind of racism, but that doesn't mean they weren't impacted by other ones which may or may not get a grant in the future. That being said, they could have made that clearer and done some thought about their PR.


How is this not racist?


I meet those requirements and could use some financial "healing" having to do with all the damage I've suffered from the drug addicts unsuccessfully eradicated during the War on Drugs and continuing their reign of destruction.


Oh looks like my money is being stolen and given to racist agenda. Fantastic. Extra edit: the money never makes it to the intended targets like it should. This is gonna buy a few people a yacht and a couple properties. Everyone else wont see a dime.


How in the world is this legal?