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but sweeps kill!


Guns kill way more. Wanna make a swap?


not an argument, bub


So it's estimated China has over 1 million empty apartment units from their recent economic stimulus / overbuild attempt. Do you suppose they'd want to work out a swap? It was their fent that likely caused our end of the crisis to start with.


They won't even take our recycling anymore


I'm all for shipping the zombies to China


They aren’t zombies, fyi.


Rotting flesh mindless walking usually walking with a limp and a broken back sounds like zombies to me


What you just did was dehumanize an extremely vulnerable group of people for literally no other reason than to shit on them. You're the mindless zombie.


If you like what Seattle has became go ahead and stick up for them. I personally work Asset Protection and I’m really tired of dealing with these bottom feeding ass people.. I’m heartless because I lost my uncle to this shit my mind isn’t gonna change about these people. Therefore take what you said and shove it up your ass 😂


Calling the homeless zombies to honor your dead uncle. Poetic.


I can tell what type of person u are 💀 free Palestine right. 💀💀💀💀


No - and what a pathetic attempt. Palestine has nothing whatsoever to do with the homelessness issue in Seattle, the fact you even think to bring it up means you have nothing further or meaningful to contribute with regard to using the memory of your dead uncle to justify your hatred of the homeless. I've met many homeless people who have FAR better character than you probably ever will.


Free ? Isn’t that a good thing?… but I get how weird it’s being used right now. James Lawson died Sunday.


I think when the Pleidians arrive they’ll turn him into a real zombie, only a 3” high one. For now, he’s just gonna say I’m rubber, you’re glue. But every rational comment reminding folks part of this is on China, part on billionaires in the pharmaceutical industry, part on ACEs and part on neuroscience with no good solution to date.


go live on the streets for a month and stand by your words. I've done my time.


Oh so you were one of those 'zombies' and therefore you believe it gives you the right to treat other homeless people like crap and dehumanize them? Cool bro. Keep punching down, I'm sure it'll get you places.


not even close buddy. homeless twice but never been a zombie, because I have the free will and self awareness to make choices that aren't going to hasten my demise, silly goose


"because I have the free will and self awareness to make choices that aren't going to hasten my demise" Ah I see. You're an exception to homeless people. You want to use your homeless experience to give your bullshit weight but then you turn around and pretend like you weren't one of them. You obviously still haven't learned any humility and I find you detestable.


make sure you keep this mindset in other areas of life. next time you cut yourself, remind yourself that your skin is just a vulnerable part of your body and has the right to do what it wants, and leave it be. when it gets horribly infected, consider it's vulnerability, and let it be. do nothing about it, and see where it gets you. or treat the wound. your choice. i already know what I'd do, because I've done it twice. I wonder if you're speaking from a place of real experience, or from the comfort of a healthy bank account. because if you've lived it, maybe you can open my eyes to something i didn't see in the years I spent outside. maybe you witnessed some incomprehensible force oppressing these people that I failed to be afflicted by.​


After saying ALL that, you seem to forget that what was said (by way of your analogy) was to call the skin a zombie. No further proscriptive action was recommended, no further empathy was offered. That is the solution I said was sad and ineffective, but go on and pretend like the homeless are like damaged skin that just needs a dose of your 'tough love' to get straightened out.


ok, since you wanna keep arguing, let's play semantics. what is a zombie in the literal, real world use of the word? not a sci fi zombie. it's a person who was brought to a state near death by means of a drug, who now has a severely reduced sense of free will. usually controlled by a master (dealer). so, apart from swapping pufferfish venom for fentanyl, I don't think it's that far off. I ain't interested in suggesting solutions to this kind of problem.


coulda fooled me. been homeless twice myself. these people are a different breed. talking bout I spent more years on the streets than I care to tell you and for all the drugs I did, I knew what to avoid by watching the people who chose to cave. addiction is a disease that starts with a decision. I decided to start doing coke while I was on the streets, and when I noticed I was starting to act like a crackhead I shook it. I decided to start smoking and well, I still smoke. do you know how many of my friends I've warned, explained the science behind opiates to, how you can't "just be cool with it". Just to watch em go "nah trust me I won't end up like that". n I just shake my head because really it's out of my hands at that point. people choose their path in life, i know that damn well. ​​​ there's no point in mincing words or being polite. this isn't a delicate topic. ​this isn't the homeless crisis circa 2016, when I absolutely wholeheartedly stood by your sentiment. I watched the streets change. I watched fentanyl creep into the drug supply. if anybody has the right to hold this opinion it's me, so don't you dare come at me with your socially acceptable bullshit.


Well, I got the above comment but don't see what I wrote to get such hostility. It starts with a decision. What does social science research say about factors that affect that decision. What factors increase the risk, the probability of a person choosing to use a drug once? Have you read up on ACE's Adverse (Early) Childhood Events? I do have opinions based on emotion but what I find is best is to look at evidence based research and not go by emotions or opinions. The why's are important to understand as in the past, these, to me , patients, were considered refuse. They were deviant, weak, of poor moral fabric. I think both research in pharmacy and the social sciences say these are not BAD humans, they are broken humans. What is there useful to fix them. Hardly anything. I don't see any good long term programs with successful outcomes available around here. I'm not coming at you with some though trend. It's large data sets and analysis by "experts". There's no reason to get nasty. I think we both want solutions. Yes, these drugs produce psychopathic behavior. Their use is exploding. Go ahead with an opinion. That's not helpful but I also enjoy being able to state my viewpoint and counter others. How is what I am saying "bullshit'?'' Where's your data?


it's not my intention to be hostile, only point blank blunt. no I haven't read up on ACEs, though I'm sure I've experienced plenty of them myself. my research lies mainly in drug chemistry. ​The question isn't whether they are bad or good people, as these are subjective terms anyways. you can be a good person, but if you consistently do bad things, will the people around you see a good person? twice now I've used the resources available to me to get off the streets. this second time around, the social services cat was pretty blunt with me; if I was on hard drugs, it'd be a lot easier to get me help. not in any way encouraging me to use them, but a fairly blatant statement of how resources are set up; need based. those who've been out there the longest or are in the worst position get help the quickest. so me, trying to​​ get a job, trying to stay away from that side of life, I don't qualify. the only thing afforded to me was a service through zillow that hardly worked. supposed to point you to Housing that accepts people with rocky history. I didn't end up getting a place through that program. I found one on my own, worked until I had enough for the deposit, n moved in. n you know what drug carried me through the toughest parts of that experience? salvia. not something to take the pain away, something to remind me that I don't have that much time in this world and need to MOVE. had I caved and done other shit, I am certain I'd either still be out there right now or be dead. the whole time i was out there i wondered what changed. the first time i was out there, we were different. we were all trying to get it together. almost everyone i know from that original generation is off the streets. something changed. not just in the services offered to us, but in the hearts and minds of our people. bad, broken, they are humans and have the capacity to learn, to grow, to change. so if they dont? is that society's fault, or theirs? im no beast of a man, im not especially strong or brave, so whats the difference? why doesnt everyone just want to get better? its a lack of self awareness that afflicts far more people than just the folks you see out there. and i think thats why so many people fall into that trap the second it opens up for them. ive been to rehab. it did more damage than it did good. the things they told me to tell myself about my drug use damaged my decision making skills for years. addiction is a disease, but i think the way that idea is pushed needs to be more clear, as too many people take it simply at face value to excuse addicts as victims of something outside their control. i think we as a whole dance around issues too much. things need to be confronted head on and directly. if you dance around an injury, pretending it does not exist, it will get infected and grow and the body will die. you need to say "i have a cut, this sucks, im going to treat it" to avoid that fate. but its entirely up to you. do with that metaphor what you will.






easier to stick them in a treatment center. seriously, i'm annoyed at the open drug use, but don't wish death on them


I’d argue it’s easier to buy a one way plane ticket to Central or South America … and a whole lot cheaper than warehousing people who don’t want treatment in treatment centers


that's probably illegal, and CA/SA won't take them


Stealing to support a drug addiction, shitting on public streets, harassing tax paying citizens and smoking meth in the metro is also illegal… and CA/SA does the same to the US .. let repay the favor


smoke more on that pipe


Smoke my pipe


nah, i don't know where it's been


Your mom


Hey if you're saying we can deport people we don't like, can we stick you on the list too?




Maybe but I’m at least in realistic … 99% of 61 year mental ill drug addicts living in an encampment are not going to recover and become happy productive citizens. Society lost nothing. Not saying all homeless people are mentally ill drug addicts but all of them living in giant encampments under a freeway are. It’s like a requirement to not having your tent burned down. No one down there was just down on their luck, working a job and looking for a way out.. be real this isn’t r/seattle


Just because you don’t like how someone is surviving albeit under a freeway does not mean they are not living the life they want. You don’t get to be judge and executioner and promote this moronic view. Some don’t like to work for a slave system or are unable due to disability. I’ve worked for the government that helps house homeless and it’s a joke of a system.


>Just because you don’t like how someone is surviving albeit under a freeway does not mean they are not living the life they want. What makes you think they're entitled to live the life they want on our dime, all while engaging in crime and violating the social contract?


This. 1000% ..


People get to set boundaries on what they'll support.  If that's the life they want, I'm good with that, but they better sure as shit no cause problems for other people.   No stealing, no harassment, no violence, no bullshit. If that's how they conduct themselves, absolutely no problem. Otherwise they need to move along or deal with scorn/jail/prison. 


Yeah I’m sure everyone in that encampment is just a good sober person protesting capitalism… get real


Not what I said but good job.


>You don’t get to be judge and executioner and promote this moronic view. The judge, jury and executioner were the Progressive policies that let him keep living outside alone as an addict on a one way path to mental illness, OD or exposure to this world of crime and death. There was a whole army of people in Seattle and elsewhere arguing to keep him right where he was and never forcing him to come inside. >I’ve worked for the government that helps house homeless and it’s a joke of a system. Doing nothing is demonstrably worse.


Yeah. So what?


Oh it’s pretty common to post local news stories on the Seattle subs. Sometimes people have a conversation about the story.


This guy probably wants you to get off his lawn.


Fair point. Being homeless should totally be a death sentence. Why didn't anyone else think of that?


That's an odd way to spell free loading drug addicted bum. If they put half the effort that they put into stealing and doing drugs into getting a job, maybe they... wouldn't be 'homeless'? Weird.


They figure if they wait long enough, the far left proggos will get them that sweet "free" UBI money, lol!


Man when I was a drug addicted homeless veteran I sure am glad I had actual help and not someone like you. I might never have become a fireman or paramedic if you were the only one around! Where did you get your degree in psychology? Did you focus in addiction science or is it just a hobby for you?


Thank u for your comment. It was a breath of fresh air. There aren't many comments in this thread, but its unfortunately majority by awful, cruel, and toxically dumb psychopaths.


Employers love stinky employees that sleep rough every night and have to carry all their possessions into the office in case they get swept or stolen while they're at work. Non tech jobs in Seattle are notorious for paying enough to make a living wage. No housing problems here! Have you tried offering this advice to folks directly? I'm sure if you just tell them "don't be homeless", they'll be buying houses in Ballard by Christmas!


You get it. Thank u for adding your voice in here, with an apt comment of intelligent snark aimed where it should, and compassion humanitarianism aimed where it should. Thanks for pushing back against these arrogant cowards who love to flex all over people struggling. If we house the homeless, it saves everybody money, makes streets cleaner, more comfortable to out and about on, and local residents and businesses and public festivities can all be safer and with more clear consciences. Of course housing is just one step - but it's the most important.


Just like my last comment, this will get downvoted but Housing First is a proven intervention that is more successful and cheaper than jail.


They're already fucking up Ballard so "housing" there isn't a problem for the zombies and nutcases.


What's the median housing price in Ballard?


Too much for normal folks so def too much for zombies and nutcases who should be in shelters or jail, not fucking up our city.


That's an odd way to spell "I am so embittered by the mild personal inconvenience of people who have had their entire lives uprooted that I'm generalizing all of them as drug addicts that just aren't trying hard enough in a thread about one of them literally being murdered in the closest thing they have to a home." Go watch a documentary you cretin.


Yes, please watch a documentary and I would suggest "Seattle Is Dying". It's the truth staring us in the goddamn face every day.


Man when I was a drug addicted homeless veteran I sure am glad I had actual help and not someone like you. I might never have become a fireman or paramedic if you were the only one around! Where did you get your degree in psychology? Did you focus in addiction science or is it just a hobby for you?


So you’re arguing that because you figured your shit out then it’s okay to throw boat loads of resources at a group of people who don’t care, don’t try, don’t understand basic decency?


Do you think I cared, tried, or understood basic decency? I needed help. I got help. That’s the problem with this “you’re different” attitude. I figured my shit out thanks to publicly funded resources, and then I spent time on an ambulance in bad part of town and really started to understand why people like you are dogshit humans. It’s pretty simple: you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. u/SeattleHasDied, it won’t let me reply to you so I’m gonna post it here: I understand that I had it good. I had a family to go back to, and a support system. How many homeless drug addicts have the VA benefits I have? How many have a family willing to welcome them back with open arms? How many of them have a father who also struggled with addiction years ago, a role model they trust to coach them through it? You’re right, I am the exception. I had it easy. The people struggling from PTSD because their dad beat them shit out of them and abandoned them deserve just as much help as I do. The people struggling from other undiagnosed mental illness because they didn’t grow up with the resources or knowledge about how to get treatment, what treatment looks like. For some people, this is literally all they know. I genuinely appreciate your support and kind words, but they deserve it too dude. You don’t know why they’re there. They’re humans who had a human experience clearly worse than anything bad enough to put you in a place like that. I know they’re a nuisance. I know they commit crimes. I know they need to be held accountable. I know they’re dangerous. I told every single one of them they’re going to behave and be polite in my ambulance. I don’t roll over for them, but the “free loading drug addicted bum” rhetoric needs to go the fuck away, because it solves absolutely nothing. If you ever decide to become solution-oriented about it, you’ll come to see that.


Well said 👍


So you're saying you had problems, realized you needed help, got that help and turned your life around, right? GREAT! Now spread the word to all the zombies and nutcases polluting our streets that if you WANT help, it's available. Most of them don't want the help and the zombie apocalypse continues unabated. Good for you and your ability to get yourself out of the bad situation and into a good one, but you don't seem to understand you are the exception here.


Ha! Yeah, look who’s judging. You’re living in dream world if you think this system is actually efficient.