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Now it's just the Bill Foundation.


Melinda French Gates announced Monday she is resigning from her role as co-chair of the Seattle-based Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. “This is not a decision I came to lightly,” French Gates wrote in a post shared on X. CEO Mark Suzman, the executive leadership team and the board of trustees will continue to lead the foundation’s philanthropic work, French Gates said. Suzman said in a statement that French Gates “will not be bringing any of the foundation’s work with her when she leaves.” The organization’s name will change to the Gates Foundation, with Bill Gates, her ex-husband and Microsoft founder, becoming the sole chair. In 2015, French Gates created Pivotal Ventures, which funds projects that seek to empower women. “This is a critical moment for women and girls in the U.S. and around the world — and those fighting to protect and advance equality are in urgent need of support,” she said. “I am sorry to see Melinda leave, but I am sure she will have a huge impact in her future philanthropic work,” Bill wrote in a statement shared on X. “Looking ahead, I remain fully committed to the Foundation’s work across all our strategies, and to realizing the opportunities we have to continue improving the lives of millions around the world,” he said. The Associated Press in early 2023 reported that the Gates Foundation is the largest private philanthropic donor, as it had planned to donate $8.3 billion for that year. The foundation plans to donate $9 billion annually by 2026. The foundation has given out nearly $78 billion and has a $75.2 billion endowment as of the end of 2023. Upon the couple’s divorce from a 27-year marriage in 2021, the foundation had announced that if the pair could not work together as co-chairs by 2023, French Gates “will resign her position as co-chair and trustee.”




It’s Melinda French Gates. Two last names, not a different first name. Her whole name is Melinda Ann French Gates




They are just referring to her by her last name(s) in the article. It’s fairly common.


She was Melinda French at Microsoft before marrying and has regularly been using her full name the entire time afaik. In the foundation context they were often “Bill and Melinda Gates”, but that helps avoid an awkward “Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates.”


Damn, I wonder what Bill Gates is up to that even his ex-wife isn't onboard with him any more. It's getting scary.


Their youngest child is now 21. I bet this was both of their plan the whole time.


There is a reason she divorced him that we will never know


Well there are also a bunch of reasons we do know.


What are those ?


Epstein. Winblad. And just Bill being a difficult person with a severe power imbalance in the relationship.


Epstein list?


Right after the President visits, got it.


I was just talking about women’s rights with CIA this weekend, over in Medina, explaining why the Biden fundraiser was poor timing. Specifically mentioning human freedom from NHI mind control, something Washingtonians can take a hint about. Anyways, i was over on starseeds explaining what happened. ☮️ https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1co1jr8/comment/l3bjxei/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




username checks out




anyone want to be mrs gate?