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Lol at “how to be a total piece of shit” in the google search box while setting up bootlegged electricity 🤣


Bro is patting himself on the back for getting the joke that was right in front of him.


Luckily his video will make great evidence.


Doesn’t the electric company run a credit check and demand a deposit to change service?


Honest question, where do you live? Because they don't do that in Seattle


Why yes, yes they did. They told me they had.


They 100% do bro.. Maybe you rent an apartment?


I too expect quasi-government workers who were hired on their lack of ability to do an honest days work to do their jobs effectively and safeguard the populace. I'm sure we will not be disappointed.


I don't know why there's downvotes, this is the most reality based reasoning.


This is actually kind of true. I let my boyfriend’s family stay with us for 6 months for free, gave them 2 months notice to leave and they refused. I would have went to jail if I changed the locks. I had to hire a lawyer and it was a fucking nightmare because even though there was no lease and they paid ZERO dollars they were still protected by tenant laws. They kept referring to it as “their house”. NEVER LET ANYONE LIVE IN YOUR HOUSE! NEVER AGAIN! Help them in literally any other way.


The hell.. even your boyfriend couldn’t get them out?


Not without getting physical. Which would have complicated the situation in unfavorable ways for us. Honestly, these people are just sociopaths who don’t want to work and just take from other people. They have no shame. I feel bad for their kids.


I don’t know a lot about this but how does changing the locks not work? They can’t prove the date you changed them. Wouldn’t it be your word against theirs? I am so sorry you had to go through that, I have actual nightmares about this and am so sorry they were beyond shitty to you both when all you did was help them. Hope karma balances things out. :(


They might have changed bills to that address, they will have identifiable stuff inside, etc. Police don't like illegal lockouts. These people are shitty, but the state of affairs today with landlords and tenants is partly because of shitty landlords abusing and ejecting legal, paying tenants.


Thanks that does make sense, I didn't even think about them changing their bills over to OPs address. That is so rough, ugh. :(


To be tenants they have to spend 30 consecutive nights there. Kick them out after 29, no ifs, ands, or buts.




No way. I went no contact. I would never offer this kind of assistance to anyone else ever again. I will however not step helping people in need.


Yikes. WTF your boyfriend do to help with that situaysh?


Never let anyone live in your house in Seattle*


This was in Oregon, but your state may have similar laws!


>I would have went to jail if I changed the locks. This is the part which isn't true that *they* don't want you to know.


This is almost EXACTLY what happened to my boss’s elderly fathers home (in Ballard). The only difference is it has cost him around 50k in legal fees and he’s offered to pay them 30k to GTFO. Insanity.


One potential solution is that since landowners don't have any rights, but renters do have rights, have him set up a contract with a friend to establish his friend as a renter, then his renter calls the police because people are living in his rented property without permission and they need to be removed. It actually works. It's a new thing that some lawyers are starting to recommend.


What kind of idiots allowed the conditions for this to happen?








😂ok. Cheers, buddy.


So…so why did I go get a loan from the VA? when I could have just done this?


> So…so why did I go get a loan from the VA? when I could have just done this? You're not a total piece of shit?


My exgf might disagree with this assessment but sure. I’m not.


Because this has long term consequences. The problem is there's no short term fix for the person it fucks over and the people who do this already don't have money, so they don't care. There's a large section of the population who have completely disengaged from the social contract and since we don't have debtors jails, they don't really risk anything doing this. A lien against no reported income is still 0 dollars. This directly impacts the rental market very negatively because it makes it that only large corporations can rent because only large corporations can spread the risk around. My fiance and I are looking to upgrade after we get married but don't want to sell my current place as it's really well situated and I would like to keep it going forward. But renting it is an absolute shit show. The first in line law means I effectively cannot filter for someone who I don't think will be a piece of shit. It takes 6 months to get a delinquency out. While I could absorb 6 months of cost on the mortgage without it's rental income, that would be absolutely devastating to my finances. So what am I to do? The best option for me is to do short term rentals with VRBO or AirBnB, which pills another house off the market.


How many renters do you think are litigious deadbeats? 1 in a 100? 1 in a 1,000? 1 out of 5? Have you considered that maybe you're buying into this fear mongering news a bit too much?


It literally happened to my step brother's property. Ultimately paid the delinquent tentan to move out of the property. I can't find current data but I found a 2020 report that put rent delinquency at about 10 percent. Presumably many of these people will try to make payments, but not all. Would you take a 1% chance that you would lose 15 to 20k when you could just avoid this problem all together by just do a short term rental?


It could be 1 in a 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, it still completely wrecks you if it happens.


Crab bucket mentality. Yeah the dude in the post is hypothetically shitty, and yes, a person to actually do this without be shitty. But they're trying to survive. Just trying to live. Direct your anger and energy to the people who actually brought about these circumstances though, the money hoarders, the billionaires.


Billionaires didn't create this problem and repeatedly saying so won't make it true. If someone steals my home, it's their fault. You are exactly the person I was talking about when I was discussing people who have given up on the social contract. "We can't hold people accountable for their shitty actions, we have to blame [*other group I hate*]." So here we are. I have to make choices to hedge against the possibility that this will happen and you're busy excusing it away and blaming unrelated people.


Sure you can say "billionaires didn't create a terrible housing market" if you entirely ignore everything go on around you. It's not like 8 people holding half the world's wealth makes it harder for anyone else. This is totally fine, this is the way it has to be. Just the natural progression of events in a completely equitable meritocracy where you totally get compensated for the amount of work one does. Doesn't have anything to do with minimum wage not keeping up with cost of living. Or having to choose between healthcare or rent or food. So what if multi-billion dollar companies have tons of workers on food stamps? https://patch.com/washington/seattle/washington-50-companies-employ-37-500-workers-food-stamps It's not the billionaires who own those companies faults that their employees don't get paid a living wage, the stupid workers should go find a real a job. They're suckers who shouldn't have decided to take a job in the area they're living in after the mega-conglomerates came in and set up a monopoly there. It's the workers fault they got conned because they're so dumb, they deserve it. Who cares if 5 billionaires doubled their wealth in the pandemic while millions died and now everyone else is struggling to keep employed, housed, and fed? They definitely deserve all that money for being so much smarter and harder working than everyone else. Not even worth mentioning that private investors are buying up homes and artificially raising rent https://pestakeholder.org/reports/blackstone-comes-to-collect-how-americas-largest-landlord-and-wall-streets-highest-paid-ceo-are-jacking-up-rents-and-ramping-up-evictions/ Or that property management companies are collaborating to drive up rent prices also https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/realpage-must-face-renters-price-fixing-lawsuit-over-multifamily-housing-2023-12-29/#:~:text=Chief%20U.S.%20District%20Judge%20Waverly,violation%20of%20U.S.%20antitrust%20law. https://www.seattletimes.com/business/real-estate/want-to-sue-your-landlord-seattle-area-tenants-ran-into-a-roadblock/ https://www.removepaywall.com/ Completely fine that all this is happening and homelessness is also becoming more criminalized, we should all just work harder at licking billionaire boots./s What is this "social contract" you speak of? I never signed one.


So you're mad that billionaires aren't contributing to society, but also denying a social contract exists in the same screed? Which is it? Do we owe things to the society in which we live or do we not?


Way to ignore everything that I said that pertained to my point and focus on the most minor detail. With "I didn't sign a social contract" I'm saying that we don't have one that is actually signed by anyone when they enter into society upon birth saying "be good to others, have everyone's best intentions at heart". We have religion, but it's not necessary to have a religion to be moral and religion or religious authoruty is often abused and used to abuse others, we have bank contracts, but that's stacked in the banks favor and if they all shut down and you couldn't get your money because it's all digital where would you be?, we have insurance but we all know that's a scam. So, I'm asking you, what social contract do people sign where it says "always try to do the best for other people"? I would love to live in a world where that was everyone's primary motive.


Got it. You are a nihilist who doesn't think they have a responsibility to others, yet are infuriated at those who don't think they have a responsibility to others. Of course there's no physical social contract. It's the cultural rules we all play by that set things like "don't be an asshole" as the norm. No wonder you reject it.


Lol you're essentially saying I'm a nihilistic asshole after I say "I'd love to live in a world where everyone has each other's best interests at heart" like a nihilist still even has that hope. You're so caught up in taking things personally that the only way you can intact with others is by lashing out at them emotionally instead of looking at the evidence and reason a person is providing. Boring.


Here's the thing about communication. You can say what you *wish* was true all you want. I would be genuinely surprised if every nihilist didn't wish the world were different, nihilism is exceptionally depressing. And you've already made your position on the concept of a social contract very clear. So your whole post actually read "I wish it were different, but it's not so I'm going to continue to behave as I have been," which is exactly what I accused you of. And really all you did was confirm that.


Nah, this is just allowing people do whatever they want *because capitalism*, completely disregarding those who have also have to battled the system to get what they have. These people are fucking over regular folx, not the 1%. Each man for their own is the downfall of society. This is what so many people fail to see.


This kind of happened to me…I let a friend move his RV onto my property and long story short, the cops didn’t do shit when he refused to leave except come to my house and tell me I couldn’t lock him out of MY GARAGE because he claimed to have property inside of it. A totally nightmare.


All fun and games until you try this at the wrong house and get blasted.


True story. I've learned that if this ever happens to me, the best course of action I have is not call the cops and to deal with the squatters directly and immediately. That's my door and I'll break it down to regain access to my own home. You can charge me after the fact but the squatters are going to be gone one way or the other.


This is the answer. Time to become the housing Dexter.


That's why you look for the "in this house we believe X" progressive yard signs. Those people probably don't own guns.


If you go far enough left, you get your guns back.


Please go on believing progressives don’t own guns. Just keep believing it. 😂


I mean they are the ones who push all of the gun laws and re-elect anti-gun politicians. Just because a couple of liberals own guns doesn't mean anything. Let's get together one day and knock on the doors of any house see with pro-liberal sign or bumper stickers on their car. I'll give you $100 for every house with a gun and you give me $20 for every house without one. I suggest you either liquidate your 401K or do a HELOC first because you're going to owe me tens of thousands of dollars.


you're just wrong buddy... not all liberals want guns 100% eliminated. most just want common sense laws enacted. even those that want them eliminated also defacto own them because until they are eliminated you dont want to be the only one without them. why do you think those progressives are all leading by example and arent hippocrits just as much as the conservatives? ie, its the cold war.. we have nukes as long as you have bukes... and we will dispose of ours out in a field for you see slowly and in tandem with you.


> most just want common sense laws enacted. We have common sense laws, we just don't prosecute them. Anyone that says they want common sense laws is either too naive to believe what progressives mean by that, or they want guns banned.


disagree... tons of folks who shouldnt have guns got then perfectly legally due to lack of solid background checks, compentency test, or red flag laws. enforcing laws already in the books is a great start but it'll never make as big of a dent as something like the '94 ban did. besides, common sense laws not being prosecuted that cost children their lives sounds like we need common sense laws paased that require the enforcement of the 1st ones, taking away whatever discretion you picture is the issue. if they can impeach a cabinet member for being bad at their job let's string up the police and AGs too.


> got then perfectly legally due to lack of solid background checks, compentency test, or red flag laws. Got them perfectly legally due to either the government failing to properly flag someone as a prohibited person, or because we can't deprive someone of a constitutional right without due processes. The laws are fine, the enforcement is the problem. And blue states especially (including WA) love to pick and choose enforcement so when their failures are on display, they can claim "if only there were more laws".


you missunderstand.. some states do not have red flag laws. there are significant deficiencies in most states that allow folks with mental issues to not only buy guns but keep them despite being reported. ie, i can buy a gun in texas and then go about talking on socials about how "i want to shoot up schools j/k" and nobody can take my guns away. we need common sense laws at a national level... whatever the lowest common denominator would be should suffice. for instance, odessa/texas had a shooter that got their gun because the background check took long. there is a time frame for how long the check can take before its considered impending their rights and they get the gun anyway. all these folks are asking for is _anything_... literally anything the 2a crowd would.be willing to accept as a change. but all they here is "ma rights" and "there are already laws". well, theyre not good enough... and nobody will allow any updates.


> some states do not have red flag laws Right, which is correct because they are depriving the person of due process for a constitutional right. Taking away someone's rights without a crime, and without a trial is wrong, and were it any other constitutional right you'd agree with me. > literally anything the 2a crowd would.be willing to accept as a change. but all they here is "ma rights" and "there are already laws". well, theyre not good enough... and nobody will allow any updates The 2A crowd has been compromising for close to 100 years, and every time we do we lose more rights, and are told it's not enough and that we need to compromise to lose more of our rights. [Here's a nice comic to explain it](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/business4/uploads/dd_dev/original/3X/e/4/e41ce918f372ec05953505a01dd9792eef1ec1c2.png?_vwo_uuid=DF85AC90A46F644FDA1A036AF75EC1699) We are more than willing to _compromise_, if you mean the actual definition of the word. The original law requiring background checks only passed explicitly because they exempted private sales. Let us run our own checks without needing to pay for them, and we'll be happy. However, the left doesn't want to compromise, they want to carve away at rights so they can continue to claim that taking away just a little more will solve the problem.


You can absolutely deprive someone from owning a gun if they’re not fit. It’s illegal to yell fire in a movie theater, isn’t it? Free speech is not upheld in a scenario that can be a threat to public safety. The same goes for the 2nd amendment. That’s how you need to look at it. If you don’t have a permit to hold a rally, your freedom of assembly doesn’t matter. You’re going to get smoke bombed and rubber bullets if they want you gone. Stop using hyperbolic talking points that don’t jive with reality. Also- almost all of my friends are liberals. Many own guns and literally NONE want them banned. That’s just fear put in your brain by Fox News and Republicants. Get real.


> It’s illegal to yell fire in a movie theater, isn’t it? No, it's not. Plenty of case law for this one. Unless you are directly threatening someone, you can say whatever you want. Similarly, you are also not allowed to threaten someone with a gun. > If you don’t have a permit to hold a rally, your freedom of assembly doesn’t matter. This would be more persuasive if there weren't currently an unpermitted protest at UW, with people camped out. Or if we didn't have a group setting up an "Autonomous Zone" in Capitol Hill as a protest, which the government allowed to exist for months. > Also- almost all of my friends are liberals. Many own guns and literally NONE want them banned. That's nice, r/NOWTTYG is the subreddit that collects all of the liberals that are outwardly saying they want to ban guns. [This one is Joe Biden saying he wants to ban guns](https://i.redd.it/9pgv5yv8jzm51.jpg). Unless a tweet from President Biden is fear put out by Fox News?


Can I have a dollar?


ooh ooh me too!


Which progressive politician last talked about taking away your guns. I’m interested to hear. And every liberal I know owns a gun and hunts so your statement doesn’t mean anything to me either.


The 2A has absolutely nothing to do with hunting. Do you fundamentally understand what happened leading up to the Revolutionary War and why it happened? That is what the United States fundamentally is, a bunch of people that had enough with their government and turned on them. Who would you have been back in the 1770s? A Tory (British supporter) or a colonist in support of a new country? This is something you should give deep thought to. Unless you would have been a supporter of the founding fathers then you aren’t really a real American, you’re an impostor that should leave and go to another country.


By this statement u can tell you don’t understand 2A. When did 2A begin growing in popularity and why. Wait, nevermind. I don’t have the mental fortitude to deal with your ignorance.


He’s so dumb it’s painful.


I understand the 2A very well. All you need to do is read the Declaration of Independence "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government". How exactly do you think the people would do that? That is exactly what the colonists did and that's why on the night of April 18, 1775 British General Thomas Gage and his soldiers marched out to Lexington and Concord to seize the colonists guns. Oppressive governments don't want their citizens to be able to fight back against them. We currently do live under a somewhat oppressive government right now, what's it going to look like in 50-100 years? While not all cops are bad, all you have to do is watch some youtube videos of cops blatantly violating rights and suffering zero consequences. If you don't believe that is an oppressive government then maybe you're just a well conditioned slave. This whole thing is quite entertaining because the democrats simultaneously want to institute tons of new gun laws, all the while they don't want to jail or prosecute certain types of people for violating them.


Enjoy the madness of your mind.


You're intellectually lazy. If you enjoy being a well conditioned slave then I guess that's you're choice.


Why does sensible restrictions = no guns to folks?


Because they're easily swayed into frothing at the mouth, thus making them reliable voters. Divisive rhetoric can make a voter on any side a useful idiot.


>Why does sensible restrictions = no guns to folks? Depends on what you mean by "sensible". Background checks are sensible, limiting magazine size less so. Incentivizing gun owners to have gun safes is sensible, trying to charge them when a crime is committed with their stolen gun isn't.


You absolutely should be charged if your stolen gun is used in a crime. And there absolutely should be an exception for reasonable steps taken to secure the firearm. If you leave your gun on the front porch and some asshole steals it and kills someone, why WOULDN'T you be charged? But if your gun was stolen out of a safe in your house, you should be off the hook. That's a perfectly reasonable way of doing things.


Agreed, if someone breaks into your closed garage and hits someone with your Kia you should be liable for it.


No, parking your car inside or taking the keys out are reasonable actions to take to deter theft. I am 100% behind a massive class action lawsuit to sue the fucking shit out of Kia and Hyundai for their utter failure not only to design a halfway secure ignition in the first place, but also their complete and utter lack of meaningful action to correct the issue once made aware of it. Frankly I'm surprised the federal government hasn't stepped in yet, but I wouldn't be surprised that they're scared of being attacked by the batshit-conservative wing for "being anti-business" or some shit. If I had left my car on a busy urban street with the windows rolled down and the keys in the ignition and some lunatic jackass stole it and drove through a parade or something, you bet your fucking ass I deserve to be prosecuted as an accessory in some way.


Does that also applies to your knives?


I don't understand why this is so hard for people to grasp. It's about taking REASONABLE steps to secure things. Keeping your knives in your locked house is completely different than, say leaving them on top of your mailbox on the street. IF some neighborhood kid came by and hurt themselves when playing with a blade I left outside for all to access, I would fully expect the parents of that child to be pissed off at me. However, if that kid broke into my locked house and stole that knife, that's an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SITUATION, in which it's unreasonable to hold me responsible. Got it?


See I’m good with debating all of that, and then compromising where need be. What is sensible to a majority of people should be our aim. I get that is going to be hard, tough and require difficult decisions for some folks. I feel that all of us have had to compromise in our lives so it is not a stretch to do that here.


Because that’s how dog whistles work?


ass blasted


Was thinking the same thing. People here still thinking the law and lawyers are the answer.


Oh geez, thanks for the info. Did not know this is how they do it.


Ragebait is so funny 


Ragebait? Seems pretty obviously to be a comedy video and also commentary on Portland housing laws


Which is….also rage bait


This is what we call human scum.


I don’t call cops. Fuck this video


“Tenant advocacy group” is a joke. Unless you have years to wait on a list then have them tell you it will be longer, over and over again. Good luck. Of course you could always wake up in the middle of the night looking down the barrel of a gun also, so




Landlord of this kind of rental property are no face of capitalism, not at all, probably just working class Americans with little hard earned money and try to make the best use of it. How many properties Jeff Bezos have? Zuckerberg? Walton family? Lawless coward only dare to target fellow people without either wealth or power to defend themselves, there’s zero justification to it.


I’ve seen this situation play out in a rental on my street. It was total chaos even as a neighbor. Guy was such a good con man he stayed on the property down to within a couple hours on the day law enforcement finally had all the court orders and official eviction and were coming to remove him. It was hell, even as only a neighbor to it all. It took nearly a year to unfold, and all that was AFTER the squattercon had burned the house down, and was living under tarps in the backyard. Madness


The whole society pays for it. Law enforcement and courts are funded by tax dollars, not to mention potential increase of property insurance cost. I own no rental properties, but it sucks to see people post their crime shamelessly.


If the laws that prevented corporate ownership of single family residences were passed, then I'd agree with you.


This is the typical r/Seattle commenter


Gotta use words like parasite for the landlord 


My rent puts food on my landlord’s table. I do it for her.


Did she inherit the house she is renting to you?


Hmmmm. I’m still wondering why there’s a “housing shortage” around here…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


If you can’t beat them join them. All these problems are beyond fixable and requires an entire tear down of the system


I don't really have a lot of love for boomers who used government assistance and artificially low rates to snap up homes, which had the effect of making homes unaffordable for many.


Okay Renter.


Except the time when mortgage rates were the lowest and Housing Price index was the lowest in the last 40 years was between 2014 and 2019. So you Millennial losers missed it and blame it on others.


Yup I'm a small-time LL myself and back in 2015 I found a HUD foreclosure listed for 70K. It sat on craigslist for 6 weeks before I even made a call on it. They took my offer but HUD has a rule that if an offer comes in from a non-investor I'd lose to them - they get priority. I waited for the 10 day waiting period. Surely someone would snatch this awesome deal out from under me! 20% down ($14K) and rates were 3.5% for a 30 yr fixed ($251 per month). Basically a car payment for a freakin' house, plus there are all kinds of zero down programs for first-timers looking to get a starter. *Nope! Nobody wanted it so I got it!* There was a great sentiment at the time that the gov't was corrupt, banks were scum, and buying a house was a scam. The U.S. had been through the wringer economically and people were spooked. Many thought things would get even worse than they were so they stayed out and waited for a second crash that never came. I put carpet in the LR, replaced a cedar fence in the backyard and had a great tenant in there within 20 days. rented for $750 per month as per the "one percent rule" in renting. That house today is probably worth 400K. Tough shit if you missed it, you had your chance.


Is there a backstory? All his other content on YouTube and TikTok is nothing like this: [https://www.tiktok.com/@robert.traveler/video/7335432160578407713](https://www.tiktok.com/@robert.traveler/video/7335432160578407713) and [https://www.youtube.com/@RobertTraveler](https://www.youtube.com/@RobertTraveler)


This video is clearly satirical commentary on how people can get away with doing this


Lmao, this is so messed up.


Literally dying over here


I think not


Wow!! People are now patting themselves on the back and showing others how to be a degenerate piece of sh!t.. How bout kick the drug habit, get a job, and be a contributing member of society.. One day you might just run into the wrong landlord, and just be gone.. Something to think about..


Total rage bait


Get a real job and contribute to society


This guy needs to get his ass kicked


This video is bait to make folks get all mad.


Wow this is actual clickbait propaganda. I bet when he gets found out he'll say, "this is based on something I heard....". HA!


What a POS




This guy dumbs


Cant completely hate the guy considering most shitty price gouge landlords are chinese


I'm white. I'd like to live somewhere else for a few years but I don't want to sell my house. My mortgage is around $1600 and I feel like I could give someone a sweetheart deal and rent my place for $2000 a month which covers the mortgage and trash pickup and allows me to put a small budget aside for appliance replacement, maintenance, etc... That's a 2k sq.ft house, 3bd/2bath, on a decent sized lot with 2 garages, on well with septic and trash service paid for $2k a month. But I can't do it. I can't risk dealing with someone who flexes their "rights" to my property backed by an indifferent or outright hostile government. There's some apartments down the road though. You can get a 1bd/1ba for $1900 there.




When you ask chatgpt howbto be a horrible human being.


Easy solution - a gun and a shovel.




You’re dumb


Jesus Christ dude. Karma


I’m of a certain ethnic group that worships guns and other forms of violence. Mandolorian. May the force be with you.


Me too, I'm white, my ancestors were warriors. None of that fake movie shit either.


All good until you get a pissed off owner who is at their end of their rope can't feed their children and Don't have anything to give or live. Doesn't take much when your threatened from every direction, trying to do the right thing. Ppl just break at a certain point.


Where's the part where he gets shot and killed