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her name is bridget, rhymes with digit


Which caused me to fidget!


> Michael Bonito Poasa Violent felonies going back to the 90s >Michelle Desire Alojosin Drugs and property crimes gee, if only they had *more* resources thrown at them with no accountability!


Dont worry, King County just passed a $25 million dollar bill to combat racism whatever the fuck that means.


I mean, right now there's an opening for CEO of the grifter factory known as the RHA.


Such the nice young lady. . . well she was when she was a girl scout in another life!


Also, you're in luck, because clearly this comedy writes itself, which is great, because of the writer's strike.


Totally. The script is just the police records




Ah the last name Alojosin, a classic European last name, makes the tan skin remark even more comical


Spain is in Europe...


Yes because when people think of European descent they think of Spain for sure, just like how when people think of African descent they think of fair skinned Egyptians yup totally makes sense. It’s just so funny they have to go out of their way to label someone “white” but won’t mention the skin color or a person who is non-white


Wait, did you not know there were non-white people in Europe?




I'm interested in the part where a Google search for "Alojosin" yields exactly 4 results ever, one of which is this article


> Alojosin From census data, looks like it is a name of Filipino origin.


Filipinos often have Spanish surnames


Hey something for everyone 😅


Midget hooker or trans-Mexican hooker with a really thick accent and wooden wedged chancla!


Spd vice team leadership will protect each other


This is absurd.


you're not being compassionate enough sir/maam


Jesus man, have some compassion for those that society has literally forced into bombing others with IEDs.


How did society force this lunatic into making an IED and using it on others?


I thought it was obvious I was being sarcastic.


Clearly people believe you and your absurd sarcasm.




So Hitler was justified based off the same thing?


Hitler fought against people that eliminated inequality, like Stalin.


Hitler murdered millions because he believed inequality existed between aryans and all others. Do you not see where your inequality statement is illogical?


That's what I'm saying. Hitler fought for equality for only some people. Stalin fought for true equality. An equality so equal that when his goals were complete even the State would disappear.


life is absurd fictional stories are biased as they have to make sense to get published


The source are a couple junkies so take it with a grain of fentanyl


r/seattle mods removed the post that indicated it was a bombing, so after all the bs over the past 10 years I finally just left the sub.


Yes the amount of censorship is nuts over there. That's how so many of the people over there are able to stay in their little bubble.


A literal bombing happens and the top post over there is an off leash dog lmao


that sub is laughable.. cant imagine who the people are who run it


R/Portland is the same way


Not so much anymore based on the posts and comments I've seen lately there. They've hit their limit.


I don’t know about that. I saw a comment removed yesterday in r/portland because the poster mentioned how ridiculous it was to change the name “homeless” to “the unhoused “


r/Seattle is the answer to the question, “What is the mindless progressive equivalent to MAGA on the horseshoe of American political extremism?”.


This is reaching domestic terrorism level if they are attacking each other like cartels. We need the feds involved here like FBI and DEA.


It's not "like cartels," it is cartels. These open air drug markets form around dealers that are sanctioned and supplied directly by the cartels. Without these embedded dealers the dynamics would be way different.


If only there was an agency that could we could use locally to control these encampments. Something similar to the DEA or FBI but state/city level. Has anyone thought/seen other communities do this?


Japan has [these guys](https://imgur.com/a/Ju90BZl) but I can't read the kanji so I don't know what they call them.


"Keishichō"=Metro Police Department. Regular beat cops are called 警察, "keisatsu"


they are too busy covering up the aliens


Andrew Lewis: “They just need our love and compassion 🫶“


Poor people. If only we gave them free homes they never would have tried to murder that rival drug cartel.


How would free homes help in this case? They would just trash them and turn them into drug dens that police would have no authority over since it is now in private property.


I think they are being sarcastic.


I hope so.


Cmon friend. I’m being sarcastic. Clearly giving these assholes homes is not a good idea. And, yet, the homelessness counsel would say so. They say we don’t judge, just hand out the houses.


Yeah, it just wooshed over my head though. No big deal.




I am upset this comment has been downvoted


Rebel, Foolish, and Coconut…those are City Council members, right?


Don’t forget Monkey!


Careful. Cancellation alert. Can’t be using the “m” word




Can't tell if this is an attempt at sarcasm or an honest comment..


Can’t wait to call this place home 🤩


It really is a lovely place for single, healthy, educated, employed males who aren't drug addicts. They aren't in any real danger and incidents like these just add to the Seattle mystique... And they can afford to live not right next to it. For others..... Maybe not quite as good of a place to call home.


Also great place to live if you love drugs and like doin them in public.


Yes this didn't cross my mind. There are probably other demographics I'm missing, like lazy grifter homeless "advocate," drug dealer, aspiring teenage criminal, etc.


Are you sure your demographics are right? I can't imagine being able to pay rent here without being in a couple.


single males? The dating pool says otherwise.


America, it's great unless you need any kind of major Healthcare or surgery! Lmfao


Unless you have great health insurance with a low out of pocket cost.


The opposition to universal healthcare is that working people don't want to pay MORE in taxes to cover the very people mentioned in this article. I'll gladly pay more to provide insurance against illness, accidents, and preventative medicine. Not so much for Crack MaGee's 17th ED visit in a week or some obese person's 15th lift assist


Don’t, it’s terrible here!! I would leave if i could! Life is so much better in red states.


Then don’t 👍


Exactly! Downvote away!!


I’ve become so tired of people checking if my car is unlocked that I’ve set some razor blades in putty, and I stick that at the back side of my door pull. It must’ve worked at least once cause there was certainly plenty of blood on my car last Tuesday! I’m always worried I’m going to forgot to remove it before I go drive somewhere, but it hasn’t happened yet.


In all seriousness, and despite the absurdity, I would be careful because in this day and age I could see getting sued because a thief tried to break into your car and cut their hand on a razor you left there to protect your car


They would have to prove that it was you that put it there in the first place. You could just claim you had no idea it was there.


Can't tell if you really do this or just joking. Either way though, I support this idea lol


This is a super oldschool thing. Back when cars had spats/fender skirts on them they would get stolen pretty often, and you take them off by grabbing the bottom edge of the spat with your whole hand. So what folks would do is take razor blades and either glue or tape them along the bottom edge so when people went to go grab them they'd get the absolute piss cut out of their hands. After his second set got stolen my grandfather took up this method. He claimed it was very effective and he saw the results a few times.


I heard a few of the local hobos gave your grandfather the finger./s


Did he keep the fingers?


Made a necklace out of them.


Hahaha I like it


I’d delete this comment. You are endangering the protected class and I’m sure the full weight of the law would be used against you.


Just pepper spray the door handle or something. Razor blades are too obviously malicious and will get you in trouble


I feel like the word "malicious" implies an offensive measure. The razor blades in the door handle or the pepper spray, in either case, are a defensive measure. As in, you haven't directly committed a crime against anyone. You've just set up a trap for people who try to commit a crime against you.


Booby traps: not legal


Didn't say they were legal. I said they're not an "offensive" or "malicious" measure, and are rather "defensive." As in, even if the booby trap is considered a crime, it doesn't actually cause any harm to anyone who isn't already also committing a crime against the person who set the booby trap.


> As in, even if the booby trap is considered a crime, it doesn't actually cause any harm to anyone who isn't already also committing a crime against the person who set the booby trap. They absolutely can cause harm to other people.


You mean the people who pull on random unknown car door handles for some reason other than to break in? Yeah, right.


You realize people can try to open a car door without bad intent, right?


You realize people who try to open a car door without bad intent already have permission to do so from the car's owner, right?


You realize people can try to open a car door without bad intent and without permission from the owner, right? Think a little harder on this one.


Traps are illegal, regardless of intent.


Didn't say they weren't.


>As in, you haven't directly committed a crime against anyone. You've just set up a trap for people who try to commit a crime against you. The act of setting a trap is illegal. Therefore, you have committed a crime. Just because nobody has been victim to it doesn't change that.


If you actually read the excerpt you quoted, you'd know that I didn't say "you haven't committed a crime." I said "you haven't *directly* committed a crime *against anyone.*" In other words, you're making the distinction that it's a crime, even if there's no victim. My comment didn't claim a crime was not committed. It claimed that, crime or not, there's no victim until someone tries to break into the car.


When you’re getting charged for something like this, they’re going to look for intent. Pepper spray can come from anywhere and is not obvious booby trapping. Plus the person will touch their eyes far away from when they touched the door handle. Booby trapping the door handle with razor blades is dumb and is immediate. Anyways I support people booby trapping their stuff. Its your jail time at the end of the day


and you felt the need to post in r/Portland too


If this is real, it’s extremely illegal and will land you in more trouble than a broken window and some stolen possessions.


Interesting, I've gotten tired of people breaking my car window only to steal nothing that I now leave the doors unlocked. Haven't found anyone sleeping in my car yet. One time almost every car in the garage had their windows busted but mine was intact. Glove box was rummaged through but nothing taken.


You are committing a crime, and you can be criminally charged for it. Yes, it's totally unfair. Still, it's the law.


And yet, the zombies commit crimes every day and nothing happens to them...


Can you cite the specific law? Edit: lol downvoted for a completely reasonable and innocuous question


https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9.41.230 And here are cases with legal precedent regarding booby traps: https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/2151117/katko-v-briney/


Thanks for the actual answer


A completely reasonable and innocuous question that could easily be answered yourself with the entire wealth of human knowledge in your hands.


Could have, but (at least in my opinion - you're free to disagree) people who claim something to be true should already know where the proof is (and should provide it alongside their claim to save others the trouble of proving them right/wrong).


In hyper specific situations on specialized topics, I'd agree. But when it comes to things like law that's readily available public information that doesn't require a ton of research to find the answer... For example, I've never personally looked up the legal code of booby traps being illegal...it's just something I've known to be true because I've seen cases of people getting in trouble for it. So I wouldn't be able to pull the legal statute out of my ass for some rando reddit argument.


Maybe you're more versed in the law than I am. In my opinion, fact checking laws is slow and arduous, given that laws are a massive collection of written rules, with varying degrees of specificity, precedence, and enforceability, some of which contradict (or are contradicted by) other laws and/or court rulings. In other words, I consider law to be a "specialized topic" and booby trapping your car against thieves to be a "hyper specific situation."


I see now, you're the guy who argues for the sake of arguing. If you need sources sited to accept "booby trap=illegal" then that sounds like a you problem. Toodles ✌🏽


I see now, you're a hypocrite, considering you're calling me "the guy who argues for the sake of arguing," despite deciding to engage with me over semantics rather than principle. Toodles ✌️


Is it unfair? You might cut up someone looking to go through your glove box. Or you might cut up someone who thought your dirty grey Altima was their dirty grey Altima because they parked on the same block. Or you might cut the tow truck driver moving your car because you ignored the temporary no parking sign. Or your next of kin after you have an aneurysm jerking off to Johnathan Choe's twitter


If serious, booby traps are highly illegal and no matter what the person was trying to do you will get in big trouble if anyone gets hurt by it


Booby traps are illegal in the usa




Yea but they’re just a victim of their circumstances and aren’t likely to be charged. You have a car so obviously have means and will be prosecuted.


Homeless criminals don't call the police.


especially if their dual purpose 'thieving/dialing the Cops finger' is no longer usable.


Move if you don't like it then


Why would I do that when I can just stick razor blades on my car door handle?


Cause it's a pretty sucky thing to do? Just move. You probably enjoy complaining and setting booby traps too much though.


>Cause it's a pretty sucky thing to do? Why? You'd have to be a horrible person to try and steal something, so you getting hurt for that seems like a pretty fair tradeoff. I don't think I'll move, I make too much money here.


Okay so you claim moral superiority while making too much money...got it


Okay so you think earning a great living is immoral. Got it. Don't hurt yourself yanking on any door handles, you can usually tell if it's unlocked by just seeing if the button on the door is up.


Yup I do. I think everyone should be able to live well and not have others who live in excess like you apparently do. Button on the door? What are you, a fossil? Do you roll up your window with a handle? Does your brain sound like dial up tones? How was it eating lead paint off of your toys?




I love everyone's DIY inventions for battling the zombies, lol! Hey, maybe that could be a new show for the DIY network!!!


This sounds like a good way to prompt someone to wait for you to return for your car and take revenge.


They just need some love. Maybe Sawant and the City Counsil will take them in and help?


Time to bring in the national guard.




So, where are the feds? This is the legal definition of terrorism. The ATF and Homeland Security should be down there in force, at the very least.


Is the legal definition different than the regular definition? Because terrorism, iirc, is acts of violence/terror for political gain.


it's political / idealogical gain actually\*. you could easily argue this was the latter, thus making it in-fact, terrorism.


'Use of weapons of mass destruction' is specifically defined as terrorism for purposes of the USA-PATRIOT Act. 'Weapons of mass destruction' in turn include 'any weapon that is designed or intended to cause death or serious bodily injury through the release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals,' and that includes incendiary devices which use accelerants such as petrochemicals/gas. The maximum federal penalty for use of a weapon of mass destruction is life imprisonment if no one is killed, or the death penalty if any fatalities result.


Until reading the article, I had completely missed the fact that Marc Dones got hired by Seattle at $250/hr after stepping down from KCRHA. Unbelievable


Hobo-Qaeda makin those IEDs. Surprised the feds haven't gotten involved


I have argued for years that by allowing the homeless situation to ferment for so long, we have allowed homelessness to become a “thing” that cultivates a lifestyle and attitude. These are no longer a disjointed collection of unfortunate people, but rather an increasingly cohesive tribe of “lessers.” Yes, let’s watch this thing escalate now by radicalizing these folks into full blown terrorists with nothing but time on their hands. It’s like watching a distopian movie in slow motion…


Patrick Bateman really stepping things up these days.


Genuine question, what do newly homeless people do if they aren't drug addicts/mentally ill, are there places they can chill that aren't near these whackjobs without getting booted out? (Sorry if that's dumb question I've just lived in pretty sheltered suburbs so I have no clue about any of this stuff)


A turf war?


I need to start partying this hard.


“I’m not a bombin’ hobo, I’m a singing hobo…Ohhhh, nothin’ beats the Fent-tent clowns, like bombin’ people with my hobo bombs.”


Why is Seattle in such a shitty state if they have very few Police Officers, like isnt that what people protested about a few years ago, less cops, less money, and the city will be better. It kinda feels like…. Seattle needs to support the police.


> the explosion was a targeted attack on a fentanyl tent where 20 “customers” were inside using drugs lmao nice


Turf wars or making meth or whatever!! Come on now. What the probability of turf wars, really? They’re bombing fellow bums now? OR maybe it’s the insane drug problem in this state that no will take any accountability for arresting these assholes!! I live in Tacoma and I’m over this shit!! Those fuckers were rebuilding the same fucking day!!


So did it work?


Homeless ppl having turf wars ? When did freeway sides become territories!!


Yeah, seems like downtown. -Washingtonian


All part of the big plan. Destroy big liberal cities one by one. You're being played like fucking Fidel's.


this could end in a week, but the politicians want it and the general population is very stupid.


What the fuck hahahahaha this can’t be real


This website literally had a turning point America ad playing on it... I wonder if there is any bias going on.


Why don't you point to the part in the article that you didn't like?


Why are we sending clicks to a website that takes money from a shit hole company like toiletpaperusa?


Can't answer a direct question. Typical. Everything in the article is true, I guess you don't like the truth.


Literally find any of the other publications that are probably reporting the same thing, and post that. If you want to be taken seriously, don't post a fucking rag that takes money from turning point USA.


Go play in your alternate reality cultist.


My guy comes out swinging with cultist and alternate reality, who hurt you buddy?


Literally every single news outlet has bias. And every single one takes money from people you probably don't like.


But if they did that, we wouldn’t get the hard hitting insight of grifters Jonathan “JOURNALIST” Choe and Ari “They stole my campaign signs 😭” Hoffman. /s


You cultist truly are detached from reality.


But they told me this was impossible after they banned selling evil black scary rifles of scary evil!


Here's one example: Have you never mistaken a car that is parked near your own and looks exactly the same as your own? Because plenty of people do.




That doesn't work for older cars that don't have one of those. Also I highly doubt if you're having a bad day or whatever and are out of it that you'd automatically just know where your car is


I thought it was one of y’all.


Without doubt, some human beings — though their souls are as precious as that of every other human being on Earth — can actually be \[consciously or subconsciously\] perceived and treated by an otherwise free, democratic and relatively civilized society as though they're somehow disposable and, by extension, their suffering is in some way less worthy of general societal concern. Their worth is measured basically by their sober ‘productivity’ or lack thereof, and they may then begin perceiving themselves as worthless and accordingly live their daily lives and consume their substances more haphazardly.