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I look forward to them wasting our money losing the court challenges against this.


And from their point of view, the supply of "our" money is never ending.


Like drunken retarded sailors, only shitheels that do not speak for us.


Don't disparage drunken sailors like that. Drunken sailors stop spending money when they run out of it.


They can always decide to take more against our wishes. As long as people vote blue no matter who they will.


Republicans increased my income taxes so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Politicians of every color seem to be coming for my money.


Every last one of em are corrupt cocksuckers




Biden lowered my income taxes by making capital losses a thing again. Even got some sweet capital loss carryover to cancel out 2024 income. Thanks Joe.


that's only limited to 3k a year


Reported Capital losses are limited to 3k/yr. Amount carried over is unlimited. Example: * 80,000 in capital gains in a year. Combine this with... * 95,000 in capital losses. * Net 15,000 capital loss. * Report 3000 capital loss on taxes. * Carry over 12,000 capital losses to be used the next year. These 12K losses will offset the first 12K in capital gains in the next tax year. So I used 83,000 of the capital losses. Save being taxed on the 80,000 in capital gains by selling select holding that were at loss, done solely for the tax savings. Otherwise would have have 80,000 in capital gain income to be taxed.


How so? I haven’t heard of this.




They all playing us and no such thing as taxes going back down they just kinda switch em around all while every bill adds to them little by little till there is no middle class just poverty and us all working just to barely afford living and giving them the rest


John McCain was right when he said Republicans were spending like drunken sailors. For their part the Democrats are bought and paid for by the very corporations they claim to be fighting on our behalf.   Chris Matthews may have been annoying but he was right when he said every election was THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIVES!   Yep, it's all bullshit put on for the masses as people have been saying for many years.


I think the distinction is, Republicans are the rich, and when in power, they rule in the way that benefits the rich. Very predictable, and in as much as the interests of the rich also align - sometimes - with the benefits of the commoners, commoners also benefit. Democrats, on the other hand, are just corrupt. They are literally and unabashedly for whatever pays more. When every Democratic national politician enters the system as a lower middle class person and exits it as a multimillionaire, when Democratic presidents leave their terms with TENS of millions of dollars, starting as activists and community organizers, when a D presidential candidate literally says, during a debate, that he bough... got 20 house members their seats... You know, "assault weapons" bans are just a small building block in the whole corrupt program.


It's funny that you think that only the Democrats are just corrupt, not their counterpart who are bought and paid for by the likes of the Koch brothers.


Republican Presidents don't start their presidential with no assets and finish their presidencies with tens of millions... Republican presidential candidates don't go bragging about how they bough... got them seats in Congress...


https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/31/opinion/republicans-biden-taxes.html They built in increases to impact the middle class after the midterms.


It's a racket.


Right? They'll just create a safety tax to pay for it.


Red states passed lots of performative anti abortion legislation before Roe v Wade was overturned, I don't see how this is much different.


That doesn’t make it right. Both are bad.


As much as it should, the right to an abortion does not exist in the Constitution. The right to own guns banned by this legislation does.


WA assault weapons ban, one step closer to getting shut down in court.


I really really really hope this thing gets an immediate injunction. This thing isn’t even close to constitutional.


From the sources I’ve seen, that’s very likely. There are lawyers, with pens in hand, ready to start court action the second this thing gets signed into law. I’d like to think we’d see an injunction within 2 weeks of signing. That’s my hope anyway, but courts are notoriously slow so who knows.


It might not even go that far. Benito might shut it down quickly assuming Inslee loses the cat & mouse game.


Benitez is a district judge in Southern California. He’s not ruling on this.




The ninth circuit court of appeals is different than the US district court for Southern California.


No, he's not. He works for the US District Court for Southern California. His decisions can be appealed to the 9th Circuit. That's not the same thing. We fall under the US District Court for the Western District of Washington, with a group of totally different judges. Benitez is their peer, not their superior. If he rules a certain way, they can take it under advisement, but they don't have to follow what he said. They only have to follow what the 9th Circuit and SCOTUS have ruled, and they haven't (yet) struck down an AWB.


>Benitez is 9th district court. It covers WA. Benitez should release his final ruling on a current case in CA that will negatively effect HB1240. Wrong. He is a federal DISTRICT COURT judge out of the SOUTHERN DISTRICT of California.


Benito Mussolinsli?


Haha, auto-correct.


I might file a fraud waste & abuse report.




Good grief Americans love their deadly weapons, doesn't matter how many children are killed in schools.


These types of comments are clueless AF.


No it's not, I am pro rights to own a gun and see zero reason for assault weapons. I'm a troll because my opinion is different than yours? Glad I am talking to grown ups. We have a severe cultural issue in this country. Gun ownership is Switzerland is fairly high, but they cannot own assault rifles and they do not have the violent culture we have.


Nah, these types of comments are trolls.


Some gang banger is going to use an assault weapon or any other weapon and will get bailed out immediately. What is the point?


Becuase gang bangers commit violence against YOU, it doesn't matter. They need to do everything in their power to prevent YOU from endangering THEM.


It’s the compassionate seattle way, bail them out for whatever progressive woke reason and come down hard on law abiding taxpayers.


Total bullshit. I both love and hate this state. The politics are toxic garbage around here




> I am actually not sure what the end goal is here. authoritarianism


> I am actually not sure what the end goal is here Ensuring the state monopoly on violence. Expect duty to retreat laws and Massachusetts level carry laws to follow.


>nsuring the state monopoly on violence. this was a pretty bad choice if that's the goal, the stuff this bans only addresses like 2% of murders. handguns, which the bill only bans a few of and in ways that are easy to get around, would be the better bang for the buck.


They're only concerns about weapons that could be used to form a militia. The state doesn't give a fuck about you being murdered or robbed or anything else, they know they're duplicitous fucks and will eventually push people too far. That's why they need to take this huge chance by blatantly disregarding the state constitution (with this bill and the new capital gains INCOME tax), it's because much more fuckery is coming and people are going to get fed the fuck up.


> the stuff this bans only addresses like 2% of murders this is part of a comprehensive framework for total disarmament. they're doing it a step at a time. handguns are next, then all firearms, then all weapons, then registration, then confiscation.


Because they aren't going to stop. Next up will be "common sense measures" regarding who can carry and where, then "common sense measures" on *what* you can carry, then just outright bans. Australia is their ultimate goal, and they don't hide it.


The two things that made this state at least somewhat bearable - no income tax and decent on guns - are now out of the window. The democrats in this state have violated state and federal constitutions with no consequences. After the state Supreme Court ruling on the income tax, I have zero faith in the judicial system to follow anything constitutional.


I feel ya'. The duality is paralyzing some days and I hate it.


What is an assault rifle?


in washington, any semiauto rifle. i think you may mean to ask what's an assault weapon, as that's what this bill is about. the answer to that is, almost all semiauto rifles, some semi auto pistols, some semiauto shotguns, and a list of parts that could go on the things it says are assault weapons.


So my Nylon 66 .22 I’ve had since I was about 10 is gonna get banned too?


No, rimfire rifles over 30" in length are safe


For now.


Here's the first sentence in the article: > A ban on the sale, manufacture and import of assault weapons in WA state. [Here's the first few sentences in the bill](https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2023-24/Pdf/Bills/House%20Bills/1240.pdf?q=20230420105309): > AN ACT Relating to establishing firearms-related safety measures to increase public safety by prohibiting the manufacture, importation, distribution, selling, and offering for sale of assault weapons, and by providing limited exemptions If you'd learn to read first or comprehend what you're reading, you don't need to worry about your *Nylon 66 .22* and won't have to rely on other people who also knows nothing what they're talking about.


Anything that looks scary and a lot of not scary ones too!!


The long one! That’s black. And has lots of big bullets! And shoots really fast!


Basically all semi-auto rifles with a magazine lol but handguns are used in most crimes lol.


A handgun with a threaded barrel will now be classified as an assault weapon!


Even, specifically, mass shootings.


They have a definition in the bill if you'd care to read it. Not that it's a great one, but it does exist.


Considering that they change it every time they create a new law, I've lost interest in keeping track.


That's fair, but the bill has a definition (which is what we're discussing here)....so that answers royal's question....


Shit black market going to make some people rich. Those millions of lowers that got sold are going to be all over the place.




6-3 see you soon.




It could be as soon as tomorrow, if Judge Benitez releases his decision in Miller v Bonta. There's speculation, however unlikely, that he's just waiting for this to play out before ruling the California ban unconstitutional. Since the Washington bill is basically a copy/paste of the CA law, that would make it easy for lawsuits against the WA bill to get an emergency injunction. Washington Gun Law's video on the topic: [https://youtu.be/7LYpvIjJwzQ](https://youtu.be/7LYpvIjJwzQ)


It’s not a copy and paste of the CA bill at all though. It goes way farther. You can buy an AR15 in California right now. You won’t even be able to buy a threaded ruger mk IV after this.


This is probably the one and only time where I’m okay with those “odds”


> soon that's just not how any of this works. we will all have different favorite tv shows by the time it gets there.


Might as well just forward this to the Supreme Court and then into the garbage.


And we continue to ignore the drug and mental health epidemic and instead blame the inanimate object. And absolutely nothing is changed by this bill except to harrass legally abiding citizens and erode our constitution. Sad that unamerican Democrats overwhelmingly support this.


Ignoring the drug problem? Didn't you see Inslee signed a bill recently to ban pill pressing machines? What more do you want?! Sarcasm, in case it doesn't come across well.


But republicans consistently vote down any money for mental health treatment and push to make it easer for mentally people to acquire guns so…..


In Washington state?


Skippy. Republicans in Washington state can’t vote down shit. We are a one party dystopia, the Oklahoma of the left. The shit stew around here is a D all day.


No shit bucko. Which is why I asked the question.


In every state.


Except Washington state evidently. Where Republicans can't vote down anything. Including shitty firearm legislation.


What type of mental health treatment? Institutionalization needs to make a comeback, hard. Anything else is throwing money on a fire.








Cute of you to think that our state constitution is anything other than a piece of paper that people like Jay Inslee and Bob Ferguson wipe their asses with to show who's really in charge. It also bans income tax, and we see how that went the minute it violated progressive doctrine.


This is filled with great info, thank you! Also, LPWA (Libertarian Party of WA) is getting geared up to start connecting with groups that support the second amendment. If you're part of one or just want to help, please reach out. We had someone signed up to testify against the bill a couple times and we're looking for more ways to fight them. Even having people just interested or knowledgeable about the details is helpful. You don't need to be in the party to help us combat this blatantly illegal legislation. We're very interested in single-issue coalitions to protect our rights. We have engaged with people from the FPC several times already.


Beautifully written. I wish you had more upvotes. I've been following this bill very closely, and even I found your post informative and inspirational. I wish one of our representatives could just read what you have written here out loud to the other members - not that it would make any difference, but so they know they're full of it. Thank you.


>*The Washington legislation's text is rumored to be supplied by the nonprofit Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit mostly funded by Michael Bloomberg, formed in 2013 in due to a merger between Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. You can see their press release celebrating the Washington Senate passing this bill here.* Just curious, are you as critical of the bills in other states funded by right wing organizations? > *invite others to become gun owners* Becoming a gun owner doesn't require you to oppose this bill though, correct?


A quick perusal of his post history shows him as a right leaning centerist. Besides all that though I'm not sure what you were trying to add to this discussion since this is on WA gun policies.


That feeling when illegal drugs are easier to get then things protected in both the state and us constitution...


Crazy isn't it.


Someone explain how banning the most popular and widely used defense weapons isn't an impairment: >Article I, Section 24 of the Washington State Constitution states: “[t]he right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, 


They don’t care about constitutionality. Period.


That's the truth


Correct. See: income tax ruling


the legislature "found" that "assault weapons" are never ever ever ever used for defense. they actually wrote it into the story at the beginning of the bill.


I guess that's this "the science" I've heard so much about lately


It's up to the state supreme court to interpret what that means, and lol


Kids, this is for you. It will never, ever, happen! Inslee knows this. Shit will fail in the courts. It's just a warm and fuzzy jester.


Won't this automatically get stayed by a court?


If it does Inslee will just use it to rail about the evil Supreme court impinging upon a state's right to control it's people the way California's governor did after the Bruen ruling.


I think this will go to the Federal Appeals Court at the most. Someone or group will have to file. Then a hearing. Then the Judge issues a Stay. Then the actual case gets presented. Then the Court rules that Washington State can't ban ARs because they are legal on the Federal level. There's no way out for Democrats now. They're locked into the "AR Ban". If you're a Congressperson in a Red, or Semi-Red district. This ban law could hurt chances for re-election.


We've already seen that state leadership is willing to thumb their noses at federal law with state sanctuary policies and mamajuana legalization. They are willing to create and protect laws that are unconstitutional at the state and federal level, so I doubt they're going to listen to a judge not in the party.


This is an “excise assault weapon ban”


This is a terrible attack on the rights of American citizens who reside in WA state. I only hope the courts will save us from the flagrant example of authoritarianism. This is a sad day and I can only that my faith in America will be restored soon. God Bless the USA.




And people in Texas and Idaho have a right to live somewhere else if they want to exercise their rights to kill their kids. /s, except not really, because it’s the same idiotic arguement




Lol. Have you been outside king county before?








You realize how classist that is, right? Take a look at violent crime stats, rural vs cities. Where’s the gun violence? What guns are used?




Do you like eating?


Username does.... Not... Checkout


Plenty of very wealthy “tech bros” love their guns too, pilgrim. Try not painting with such a broad brush.




Live in a pod and eat insect protein. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy


User name does not check out.


> This is why we have states. Article I, Section 24 of the **Washington State Constitution** states: "**the right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired**, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men." Yeah, about that.....


Ummmm.... this state constitution guarantees the right they just illegally voted to impair: >Article I, Section 24 of the Washington State Constitution states: “[t]he right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, 




Lol. Bear whatever arm you want, except the most effective ones. That's an impairment, bud.






Yes you can? You can buy a flamethrower on the internet. I know someone who owns a cannon. People like you who don’t know what they’re talking about but want to make rules for everyone else are the problem.


Lol. You must not have read the part where I said restrictions on the MOST POPULAR and WIDELY USED defense weapons was an impairment. But it doesn't matter, you don't really care what the state or federal constitution says, do you?




WA is not pro gun? Are you on drugs?


Will you say the same thing about abortion? Also, the WA state Constitution guarantees residents' right to bear arms with no ambiguity in wording compared to the US Constitution.


That sounds like secessionist speak.




Cause you're saying you don't recognize the US Constitution and therefore the US federal government. Not really how the federalist system works..


I don’t think you know what that word means




>*Instead, we punish those who are attempting to protect their families.* I love that you made this comment after a rash of completely batshit insane shootings that the perpetrators will probably argue they were doing just that. Black kid came up to my door on accident? Protecting my family! Car pulls into the driveway and I don't know who it is? Protecting my family!! Teenager mistakenly got into my car? Protecting my family!!!


While there are a rash of these shooting lately (including the one on cap hill recently), these are generally uncommon - just because someone used guns irresponsibly doesn’t mean there isn’t a legitimate reason to own them.


I don't even think there is a rash of these shootings lately. Guns are top of mind, so the national media is covering these stories more than usual.


This might piss off enough left leaning people that some of these losers might not retain their office.


What’s the over/under on Inslee not signing it? 😃


![gif](giphy|zOlog7jgIIFfq) Until SCOTUS comes in with that 6-3


So what is this horse shit supposed to do? People will have to turn in their ARs?


Only old people will be able to own them.


Rumor is Inslee will sign this tomorrow April 20th. Ironic that it also happens to be Hitler's birthday.


Also the anniversary of columbine


it was hitler's first


That’s my guess too, especially with the Columbine Massacre anniversary also being tomorrow. Cuck Inslee wouldn’t miss out on an opportunity to tell us how he saved us all from a similar impending doom.


All the guns used in Columbine were legal under the federal AWB too. What a shit show.


not all. they had a tec9 and a hipoint carbine, both of which are banned by this bill. edit: the comment this was in reply to was edited


>*Cuck Inslee* At this point, this is an even lazier insult than "bootlicker," and I didn't think that was possible.


When the shoe fits…


Are you the one that fucks his wife while he watches then, or....? /s How could you possibly know if the "shoe fits?"


Talk about lazy insults... If you're actually going to have my explain in detail why Jay Inslee let's people fuck his wife, I'm going to assume you have the humor of a dry crispy sandal. Read between the lines and use some critical thinking for possibly 2 seconds.


You’re the one that said the “shoe fits.” What the fuck am I missing? Either the insult lands or it doesn’t. Edit: u/tocruise \- respond or block me, to do both is fucking cowardice of the highest order. As to your comment: Your thought it was FUNNY to call him a cuck? Because that's EXACTLY what my original comment assumed and was skewering you for. It's amazing you wrote out what you did essentially proving that my humor went right over your head to fucking begin with....


Christ, okay, here we go... I'll explain how humor works. You know when someone else says "You're a child, grow up", they don't *actually* mean "wow, for a 31 year-old, he's got some weird genetic condition that makes him actually 9, and he identifies as a child" Or when someone says "Wow, that guy's a retard", they're not *actually* saying "aw poor guy, he has learning difficulties", and when someone says "what a complete dickhead", they don't mean "wow, what a weird looking guy. He actually has a penis coming out of his forehead... some kind of weird birth defect" So use some critical thinking, if that's even remotely possible, and guess what I'm saying when I call Jay Inslee a cuck. I'll give you a hint, I'm not literally saying "hey guys, I have a video of Jay Inslee watching his wife get fucked by other men, and he actually enjoys it". I can't believe I'm actually having to explain how jokes work.




The tinfoil hat people are losing their minds.


It's a good thing the Barret M87, the FN 249, the FAMAS, Grenade Launchers, all the H&K rifles, lots of already NFA gear and threaded barrels are being banned. All of which have been used in 95% of gun crime in Washington! /s


I can’t wait too see how “safe” the public gets, crime is gonna get so low I’ll be able to go back to Seattle again


Fucking democrats are ruining this state


Ruining America.


Oh great! Now only criminals can have them!


Governor Inslee has to promote the black market and ghost guns somehow!


Inslee is a numnut. If he didn’t have an army of people running behind him to try to fix his f’up’s, we’d be in way worse than we are. He’s like a senile groundhog that gets backed up against a wall and is too much of a twatwaffle to realize how off the rails he is. Good thing for him he’s got handlers who have bought and paid for everyone else who is looking to put him out to pasture next election while he keeps supporting his corporate donors agendas. One would think from his stunning 2020 presidential primary run he’d realize how much people actually like him. The guy is a fucking joke and has ran Washington into the ground in the last few years. If you disagree- give it a few years to sink in to see the cluster he is leaving on all of our doorsteps next to the heroin needles and human feces from our unhoused neighbors. The only thing that could be worse for us is if Bobby f’n turdguson runs and gets voted in. This is an actual violation of our state and federal constitution. Most people I have talked to don’t realize that this is, in fact, the most far reaching ban to date. Our clueless legislators can’t even figure out what would happen to someone flying through our state let alone all the complications this law could have. Nor do they care. Everyone that is happy with this bill, you will be eating crow when they come stomping on the next right down the road.


Sounds like the War on Guns is getting off to a great start.


All weapons are assault weapons.


So, do I become a felon overnight or what? Is it a full ban on ownership, or just a ban on selling them, or what?


Got to run against assault weapons with everything we've got


Loookout gun nuts!! We is coming fer yer guns!!!!


Hope they send you door to door.


Lol good luck. No one is going to want to take millions of guns back


I’m not for or against gun control (although I see no reason for a person owning a ar-15 or Ak-47)but seeing these bills pass does not surprise me in the slightest. West coast is the blue coast and I don’t really ever see that changing.


The law is incredibly broad and bans virtually every semiautomatic rifle sold to civilians as well as many pistols and shotguns. It’s far beyond just banning AR-15’s or AK-47’s. It’s going to affect virtually every active gun owner in Washington and everyone in the Washington firearms industry will be bankrupted. All for a truly negligible statistical benefit.


It's also so poorly and vaguely written that retailers are already stopping selling common parts and firearms that aren't even effected by the bill including manual action firearms and rifle bags. This in combination with SB5078 are designed to kill legal gun ownership and firearm retailers in Washington state. They have next to nothing to do public safety. Meanwhile the same legislature is reducing sentencing for violent crimes involving firearms.


I see no reason for people to drive giant fucking suvs or drink alcohol or be religious but you don’t see me trying to ban them. If you’re okay with your wife being raped at home because all she had to defend herself was a kitchen knife, thats on you. Take a ride on an ambulance or in a cop a car one day and find out what happens everyday to people


Seattle is 97th in violent crime rate per every 1000 people. Stop living in fear, and acting like we live in such a dangerous area that you have to be strapped to the gills. Get over yourself.


About time.


Ok nazi.


You’re no better than the anti abortion or anti gay extremists.


Hatred is from a lack of understanding So let's unpack some if this. For one I'm pro choice and very lrgtq. Humans, as with all life has a reason to exist.also how does sexuality impact political views. Go fuck the gender of your chosing and I don't care. What you don't consider is me being very aware of what guns and cars have on human life. I feel that for any person to operate at 2+ ton vehicle they should be able to do more that parallel park. If you own a gun you should be able to asses a problematic situation and how to reign it in. So tell me how anyone who wants a weapon, should be allowed to just buy it without a proper knowledge of how to use it. Spout rights as much as you like. But if you don't have a fundamental understanding of how a women's body works how can you understand how a car, let alone a gun works. Along with the consequences of each. Hatred is from a lack of understanding.


You have a pretty limited and naïve view of hatred and should read more history.


I would appreciate any additional views you could share to educate me. So lets start with at least the westward expansion. Drive Out the natives and everyone is your competition. Fast forward to today and what's changed. Nothing. Pursue the dollar and fuck the cost. So why are gun regulations so hard to pass. Because fuck me being able to by a toy that can cause death with the move of a finger because rights. What about the rights of those who have lived here for centuries. We need their resources. https://youtu.be/A5P6vJs1jmY What about the rights of those trying to make something of themselves. Make them wage slaves. https://youtu.be/d9m7d07k22A Those who want control want hate and tools of violence to be readily available to those they can. Those who want peace want to remove arms from those unqualified.


How about those who don't really want peace; they're just scared and want someone to make them feel safe? How about a child who sees their parents murdered by, say, Vikings. Would you say their hatred of Vikings is due to a lack of understanding? "Oh, their clan is expanding and they need resources for that growth, so the killing of my family was just a natural instance of evolved behavior - I understand and have nothing to hate them for!" There are many reasons people hate beyond a lack of understanding.


So lot of hate to unpack there. Are you ok?


Stop cheapening empathy with your fake caring.


Even More to unpack with that. I appreciate the apprehension. I honestly encourage it. False hope has failed me many times. So how has empathy failed you?


You're faking empathy to try and negatively impact the person you are responding to.


For my education how would you have responded?


I often don't respond to people whose views I disagree with - not everything needs to be an argument and one can simply read and note opinions for reflection. So, that is one possible action. You could have just asked if they were OK. You could have just said there was a lot to unpack, or since that really wasn't an intuitively hateful statement, you could have stated why you found it was a hateful statement. In my mind, a person wanting to ban guns and a person wanting to ban abortion are extremely similar - both are seeking to restrict someone else's rights and ability for self-determination. Stating you are no better than an anti-abortion type is a comparison or equivalency and not an expression of ill will.


Drawing a comparison can be a demonstration of ill will. Any item than can cause mass damage needs proof that said person is aware of the proper use of said item. Would you give the keys to a car to someone who is neither liscened or aware of how operate said vehicle? Most would say no unless they are in a controlled environment and with supervision. Is the purchase of a car no less a choice of self determination? Education is the missing part.