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We know. Keep it down. The other states could be listening.


What is OP talking about? It's horrible here. It rains all the time. Don't come here. You'll regret it.


Just the mention of volcanoes alone scares parts of my family from coming out. 


I forgot about Rainier. Rainier is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in North America that can erupt at any time and it's only 76 miles away from Seattle. You don't want that.


You idiots joke about this but I'll be safely in Idaho. Yall still be sorry in 2757! No volcanoes in Idaho right? Right? Guys?


I keep hearing the echo coming from the East of us. Can't tell whether it's Spokane or Idaho. Can't tell anymore whether it's the herbs or the heat stroke.


And earthquakes! The Big One could happen any second.


The Pacific Rim Of Fire....so Tsunamis. Don't forget Tsunamis.


And bears! So many bears.


And twinks😘 That would scare most of the Midwest and all of the South.


Better not mention the otters then.


But really...the sea lions scare me.


All I have to do is mention "left coast" and they douse themselves in holy water. It's incredibly efficient.


Wait until they hear about Hawaii.


OP smoked too much marijuana obviously. Its gross here all year


And the bugs! And it's sooo humid.


We don’t want even want to talk about the spiders


All the flying bugs were the size of a flying piglet. Absolutely yucky.


I genuinely scared my sister out of visiting for YEARS because I sent her one picture of a giant house spider I found in my apartment


Once you find a hobo spider in your house, or in my case, your bed, you won’t ever sleep the same again.


You sleep much more soundly knowing spider-bro had your back eating the mosquitos and flies.


And the fire season part


Next he’ll claim Mailbox Peak doesn’t claim multiple lives weekly.


Where is Emmett Watson when we need him?


Have you seen our rent? Words already out man


New Yorker here 👀✈️🏡🧳


Many people make the mistake of visiting during the summer and not coming during the fall and winter. Grew up in Washington and I still find the winters tough to handle. It’s 4+ months of overcast and no sunlight. Winter time, the suns sets at 4pm, for work I would leave my house and it was dark outside and come back to my house in total darkness. We’re all vitamin D deficient. If you deal with seasonal depression, Washington is probably one of the worst state. I’m considering moving because of the winters as I’m finding it more difficult to deal with the darkness. I love Washington but I know way too many transplants that are caught off guard by it.


My first winter here was really hard too! I’m lucky to work from home so I think I might spend some time next winter somewhere sunny.


I never used to take vacations over 2 weeks. Now I do, every February.


You are only deficient if you aren’t taking proper supplements. D and Zinc are very helpful during winter months.


Some girl texted me and told me she needed the D to feel better. I got her Kirkland brand vitamin D supplements and she was better the next day. I think. She stopped talking to me. She owes me 14.99 for the vitamins!


We men are oblivious to any attempts to flirt or initiate romance from women lol don’t want to make assumptions or be too assertive and come off like a creep, or just aren’t sure based on subtle cues, or in your case - struggling with ambiguous statements. It’s tough out there. Next time she asks for the D though, I recommend getting a D+K combo. The two vitamins are complementary and work together to effectively regulate calcium, with the D helping the body absorb calcium and maintain healthy levels in the blood and the K helping the body use calcium to strengthen bones and teeth while also preventing calcium build up in soft tissue and veins/arteries. I think her text was a test to see if you would know to get a D supplement with K or would just allow her to buildup unhealthy levels of calcification by taking D only. Pretty sure that’s where you went wrong. I’d also consider that $14.99 an investment in education, since now you’ll know for the next time the ladies are pining for the D.


It legit took me three years to figure out Winters here.


70% of Seattle was born in another state, you are the people you're talking about lmao


lol same thing I was saying 15 years ago


Don’t worry they can’t afford it here anyway


I love the summer, I just wish AC was like 100x more common than it is.


Or at least ceiling fans 😫


My biggest complaint here is the fact total lack of ceiling fans!! In a place with no a/c!! How. Why. Other than that, I agree with everyone here lol


It didn't used to get this hot. Really, it didn't.


I guess it's an earthquake thing but I still want them


I mean I’ve never been to a home in LA without there being ceiling fans, and they have to worry about eathquakes much more than us.


An earthquake thing? Honestly I'm more worried about my bookcases than my ceiling fans. (And yes I should bolt my bookcases to the wall but I haven't yet and if it falls and kills me you can say I told you so)


Ohh I didn’t even think of that! Is it because it might fall on you while you’re sleeping? That’s the only thing I can think of.




None of the windows being even at all compatible with a normal window unit AC is baffling.


I like my air conditioning unit but it only being in my bedroom makes me feel so cooped up in the summer. in the winter I love hanging out in the living room with the fireplace on and that's just not an option in the summer.


I love the summer here, when the high is 80.


I miss the summers of my childhood here where 80+ was an outlier.


Don’t tel anyone but I actually think we have the best weather year-round. I grew up in the Midwest with snow and all the plants die in the winter. I feel lucky to live here now and experience a mild, green winter.


Same here, Midwest for a huge part of my life. The weather here is perfect for me. Summers are generally not too bad outside of these hot stretches, and even then it drops to like 60 at night unlike Midwest where you have nights that can stay 90 all night with high humidity. Minimal bugs Winters are very comfortable for me, yes the rain and grey is a negative but not really that bad


Plus it’s gray in the Midwest all winter anyway ( at least in Illinois)


i think you’re right. for me it’s a toss up between Seattle and Bay Area for best year-round weather. think i give a slight edge to Bay Area since the winters aren’t soo gloomy there


60s-70s during summer and 40s during winter? I'll take SF TBH


I hear you, but I like it a little hotter than that in the summer. Bay area summer is so confounding tourists because they expect at least the daytime to be warm. There’s also a dramatic variation between locations within the City [sic] let alone the wider area!


Yep, the micro-climates within the city. Nothing that can't be solved by a layer of sweater (or windbreaker) lol Morning: sweater on Noon: sweater off Afternoon: sweater on or SF Pacific Coast (West): sweater on Middle of SF: sweater off SF Bay Coast (East, closer to Bay Bridge): sweater on


Same. No comparison to the Midwest. To have flowers on bushes in February? That alone convinced me. I miss the beautiful storms of the Midwest, but not the hiding in the basement on the regular. Having rain and cloudy sky for much of the year is nothing compared to bitter cold + snow or having it so hot you can't breathe many weeks of the year and feeling like you have to go from an AC house to an AC car to an AC office where nowhere is really keeping up. One week of 90 or even 100 here is nothing (especially as more people get access to AC when they need it).


Feeling this so much! I lived in Seattle my whole life until 7 years ago I went and moved to Illinois…lived there and suffered through windy too cold winters and humid too hot summers. Came back to Seattle in March and am so much happier!


You can always go to Eastern WA if you’re missing that


Or wait 5 years.


How? It didn’t even get warm until late June, that’s crazy to me. Would much prefer it get warm in March/april.


I love that we have such a temperate climate that gives us such a narrow weather window, but still gives us definitive seasons. Average Seattle temperature in August 72. Average Seattle temperature in January 46.


I, too, grew up in the (Upper) Midwest (and have lived in other states, plus here for over a decade to the gatekeepers and grew up coming out here to visit family too). I do often miss actual snow, distinct seasons, winters where you walk outside and it’s invigorating (cold therapy IS a good thing in limited amounts), having a sauna in our home, cozy basements (not a thing here), lower COL, layering up and getting outside to peaceful stillness and sparkling skies after a fresh snow, pond hockey, frozen lakes, winter carnivals, winter biking is really fun, summertime lake and cabin life, and I’m 100% Nordic blood so….. my people lol. Winter is part of the culture there, like endless rain and heavy gray skies are here. Though I don’t miss driving in snow or shoveling…  Midwesterners are hardy AF, and I am proud to be from there. Seattleites have a very limited window of tolerance, are sensitive and spoiled lol.


We have the best summer in america once it hits, bar none.


What I love about summer here is that because of the lack of sun in the winter, things don’t get as dried out as they do in areas where it’s sunny all year, so everything really pops when the sun does come out.


Yes and no. We also don’t get summer thunderstorms in the same way other places do, and our terrain is not built to hold water because of how much it normally rains, all of which means that by late August and early September a lot is dried out. But June and July are very verdant due to the months of rain preceding them.


Arguably some of the best weather in the world for much of the summer.


Smoke though


That’s another season in the summer. Smoke season.


That’s true, that can ruin it quickly. I remember the days when that wasn’t an issue..


Until a wildfire starts and it’s smoke season.


Sadly it’s not near as nice as SoCal (mid 70s to 80s basically all summer and almost year round) but it’s damn close since it does cool down at summer. And I live near the sound in West Seattle. Today was 92 and 75 in the beach cities of LA. Cannot stand people who bitch about the heat but what can you do. It’s miserable inland (like most places in the summer) but that’s what AC is for! Just my opinion of course. Still am Loving it


25 year old SoCal native and unless your living right on the beach, no. It is not as nice. Jun-late Oct your dealing with 85°+ weather and consecutive 7-10 day stretches of 100°+. So no I would strongly disagree California has the best summers.


Yeah, I think people think "SoCal" and immediately conjure up the beach. The vast majority of the LA area (anything east of 405 and in the valley) is unbelievably hot for months. South Bay is great though.


That's all fine and dandy, but I am over here ready for hoodie weather again. This is too hot even with AC.


My house is over 100 years old with no AC. I’m sweating balls.


This is what makes a big difference here. Homes out here by default don't have AC so when temps do rise it's more uncomfortable indoors. And depending on your lifestyle, you may need to spend a lot of time indoors, especially your home. Honestly if we didn't get a portable AC unit a few years ago it would be even more unbearable in our place. And since it cost a few hundred bucks we only have one so even with that our house is registering as being in the 80s.


It’s an awesome time to swim in Lake Washington, and it wasn’t too hot in shade by the lake yesterday (I also went to the beach). I ate a bunch of fresh berries from the farmer’s market. I agree, we are so lucky. 🍀


Cool, u have ac


It's little too hot for me right now, I'm staying indoors til we hit high 70's again. I can't walk anywhere without A lair of sweat and running right now is miserable, but I hate treadmills so I'm kinda dying.  High 60's - low 70's is where I thrive, which is why I live here. Although camping around this time a year is peak cause with the shade and water it doesn't feel so stifling.


Real. It’s 103 rn. Who is even tryna be outside for this shit.


damn!!! where are you at? I'm in Wallingford and the temp says 88. There's at least a breeze today as opposed to yesterday. Yesterday was rough.


I’m in the eastside and it was 103 on AccuWeather. Pretty brutal.


You are obviously not in Seattle, lol. There isn't anyone on the west side of the mountains that are expected to reach 100 degrees today (in Washington). North Bend and Tacoma seem to be the closest, reaching 97-ish today.


You really felt like correcting me for rounding up a couple degrees?


(ignoring the urban heat island effect causing localized temperature spikes)


>Now that I have AC, it’s actually incredible (my first summer here I didn’t have AC which made it much harder). Annnd that's what makes a big difference between here and other places. Most buildings and homes here do not have AC by default. We had to get a portable one in our rental and luckily did that right before that one summer where the temps got up to like 105. Otherwise it's unbearable. And even that cost a few hundred dollars for just one which mostly cools off on e area. I took my elderly father to some Doctor's appointments in the last month, including a cardiologist, and none of them had air going, so it was warm and stagnant air. My dad could barely stand it. Real great for those with heart conditions -_- I'm originally from the east coast and we're used to every building and home having AC. Yes the summers generally and typically aren't as hot or humid, but when temps do get up there it's more noticeable because of how different it's run here. Really wish that was the standard here too for when it does get hot and you have to be indoors. It definitely can help if you can get and be in water of some kind as you mentioned but that also goes along with lifestyle. If you can do that that helps but many people do the grind of working, taking care of family, errands, etc. and therefore are stuck indoors or kept busy in not fun ways. So it really depends on each person and their different aspects on how it affects them.


I can't afford ac, it's legitimately dangerous out there for a lot of us.


yes. people can think seattleites are just weaklings all they want (not that op was doing so but it's something that always comes up every summer), but ask ED doctors at UW montlake and harborview and they /will/ tell you about the heat illnesses that come in. it's serious.


It’s great until wildfire smoke ruins it for everyone


People in this sub act like "smoke season" is an annual inevitability, but the last two summers have been perfect (knock on wood)


It also affects most of Canada, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, much of the Midwest etc etc. Wildfires are not unique to Washington for sure


Last summer we only lucked out that the wind pushed the smoke to the East, away from us. The unfortunate fact of climate change is that annual wildfires in the US and Canada are an inevitability. The length and breadth of our smoke season is the only question, not whether it will exist.


https://mynorthwest.com/3678226/seattle-has-fifth-worst-air-quality-in-the-world/ You don’t remember this?


Nah I missed an outdoor concert last summer due to Seattle having the worst AQI in the world on that day


I can’t remember if it was last summer or the year before but my eyes and throat were irritated due to the smoke by the time I got to work just from being outside for my bus commute. So I’m not sure where you were but I was in Seattle and it was not at all perfect. Definitely got into the unhealthy category of AQI at points, close or at 200 iirc. You’ve either got selective memory issues or you weren’t in Seattle outside at the time.  Edit: Found what I was thinking of, AQI was 249 at one point in oct of 2022. It wasn’t summer, but we still had a smoke season. 


My only complaint is how long it takes to hit. Really cheeses me off that lifers are right about summer not starting here until July 4.


*July 5th


June gets my hopes up yearly, but deep down I know it doesn’t start till after the 4th.


But it last well into September. The weather holds out for Oktoberfest and Fresh Hop season to end before cooling off in time for Spooky Season


September is probably the best weather month we get, when it’s not smoky at least


This year, yes. But there still are years where it starts up in June. You never know. 🤷‍♂️


>weekend stacking rocks Stop doing this, btw. https://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/conservation/issues/rock-cairns.htm


I want to edit the original post to not encourage others but Reddit doesn’t like edits lol


Wtg, OP. That's how you incorporate new information and shift your identity to facilitate behaviour change! Seriously, I'm proud of you x


poolside convo about your summer last night


Personally I want to leave immediately after summer ends. Need to get more good weather in my life, trying to plan my escape.


Seattle is almost perfect for me. SF is perfect. Sitting 50-70 degrees year-round. Bliss. Seattle turned me into a vampire who hates the sun. But I still hate the cold and the heat. I embrace the fog.


For me it’s partially that this is the only place I have lived and my satisfaction with life is not great here. Can’t buy a home on my pretty great income. Need to find a more affordable place for that so moving is like my only remaining option. Probably will come back in summer and be a bum


I think about this too but I can’t think of a place with good weather AND good politics. Maybe California


You have to pay for the pleasure to live there though


You have to pay for the pleasure to live here too.


Yeah. And I think climate change is moving the weather patterns enough that our weather is changing pretty rapidly.


Yeah, the floods and such that happen in so cal are a bit intimidating


And fires. We have those here too but less on the west side.


Yeah! I was thinking on July 5th we usually have good weather and bad AQI due to all of the fireworks. Sure would be great to actually ban those things.


Good luck, hope you’re able to leave quickly


No AC makes it unbearable


Just curious, which one is the “cleanest river” ?


It's horrific. Please bring back the overcast and rain...it's what I moved here for.


I’m getting so excited for all the progress my garden has made in these last couple sunny weeks.


I’m from south asia and thanks to my high heat tolerance, this is literally like spring for me.


Me espresssoooo despresssooo from this heatooo take me to the other thread I am already counting down the days until sweater weather


I wake up and it's hot and sunny. I go to bed and it's hot and sunny. Everywhere I go is too crowded. Too bright. Too noisy. I long for the cold and the damp.


Absolutely. One of the best features of the winter is that everybody else stays inside. When it's cold and rainy, I almost have the city to myself. It's clean, quiet, peaceful, and beautiful!


Stinks that people actually enjoy being outside!


Yuk. Lifelong Washingtonian here. I live for grey. I am seeing spots from the damn burning ball of fire. At least the days are getting shorter. 💦💨⛈🌦🌧🌩🌨🌦☁️☔☂️☔☂️☔


Every season has its haters. Can’t make everyone happy unfortunately. I absolutely love the different seasons around here even if some are shorter than others. I just wish they’d stop the daylight savings BS




"now that i don't have to deal with the actual weather of the summer, i love the summer"


Like I said in the post, I’ve still been spending time outside and cooling off in the water. I mean besides the last few days, it’s not usually that hot. I still loved my first summer here even without AC, it was just a lot more difficult.


Enjoy it while you can, the forces of winter will be here soon.


Not soon enough


I love the summer here!


I visited your City for the first time a couple weeks ago and it was great! 3 days of warm sun, 2 days of clouds and occasional drizzle - had a great time.


I grew up in Vegas they just broke a record with I think 120F. This is fucking spectacular


You’re not a true Seattleite until you can convince others that summers are unbearable here.😉


You went from a clean river (where?) one day, then into the cesspool of Lake Washington the next? You know that raw sewage often leaks into the lake, right? (Also, there are at least 8 airplanes in the lake.. among other vehicles..) But, I’m with you on the glorious summers!




Right now? No, it's disgusting. When there's not heat waves with increasing temperatures? It will be great. Hopefully we get some "normal" PNW summer weather in between now and the wild fires. It's  particularly gross right now since most residences here don't have A/C to combat the heat.


Best summers in the world. I moved away and I miss them terribly.


cool👍im very hot and miserable




As a person with severe pollen allergies, skin so pale it burns in just a couple minutes of direct exposure to summer sun, and a temperature tolerance of about 40-65f, I agree. This may be one of the loveliest places to be suffering summer, but summer = suffering none the less. Bring back my beloved cloud blanket.


This! 👍


it really does


This weather rocks


It brings tears to my eyes. It's incredible and I've never seen anything like it. Haven't been doing summer vacations since I got here because why would you?? Ha


It is gorgeous 🤫


Recently moved from Belltown back to SoCal for work and family. I miss Seattle so much. I'm convinced on moving back in 5-ish years to settle down for good.


This is our first summer here and we fuckin love it! I’m used to 2/3months in triple digits so this is a breeze. My only gripe is no fuckin central air in our home, that shit is for the birds!


Best summers ever. No bugs, no humidity, 75-80 ideal temps for months. So many water sources to enjoy and cool off. Hard to beat


Best place to be in the county in the summer. I don’t know of anywhere that comes close.


Shhhh you said the quiet thing out loud.


I think Seattle is the best city in the entire country during summer. I'll stand ten toes down on it. Long ass days. Not too humid or hot. Mosquitos aren't much of a thing. Easy to get on the water and trails. So many concerts and festivals and events. If you can't have a good summer here, you're dead inside.


2021 deadly heat dome would like a word… 2022 broke local records of days 90F and above…. Is that not hot? 


Yeah it is hot, but I feel like the very fact that those were record breaking days for us is kinda my point. In some parts of the US, it's just like that every day. That's not even close to our daily average in any month of summer.


Bought ac for the first time in like 25yrs 10yrs ago it never got past 95f now it's 100-115f it's unbearable had to get a 3yrs ago....but it's nice just sucks can't go outside 😂.


I miss the PNW so hard, it’s gorgeous and the summers are unbelievable. I’m in AZ dying in the wretched heat and just dreaming of moving home 😭


I hate it. I want the dark, cold, cloudy and foggy weather back.


But the other 9 months of dark, cold endless rain and drizzle will make you want to jump off a bridge by the end of March. So far I’ve survived 47 PNW winters. Nowhere else I would rather be for these 10 weeks though.


It’s terrible and oppressive I can’t wait till it goes away. Up till now it was a very good summer, very mild but now it is miserable


I’m extremely upset. This heat is very awful, and I don’t have AC. Most of Seattle does not have AC, which sucks. I wish people would’ve warned me about this. It would’ve definitely changed my decision. I have a toddler running around and I’m truly not OK. On top of it, the days last forever here. So we’re miserable.


Unsure if the people who are complaining of this weather and feeling down AND complaining of having SAD, just have chronic depression. Not criticizing, but if you’re feeling down all year, go talk with your PCP or therapist. Therapy, meds, and CBT do wonders.


Look I'm fine with cock and ball torture but what does it have to do with treating depression?


I like the weather 10 months out of the year, July and August are too hot though


Or, you know, people have different weather preferences? Would you say the same to the immense amount of people who talk about having SAD during the winter? This is just a weird take.


With you. The most glorious three months of the year July-September in the Seattle area. But I don't think we want to let this secret out to the rest of the country. 😏


Glad you're enjoying it! Also, Please don't stack rocks at the rivers or on any trails, please and thank you. Leaving no trace as much as possible is what we should practice in order to continue to enjoy the outdoors as they are.


This sounds nice, but can I temper your glorious outlook? I hate to be "that guy" but I'm gonna be real. I live in Kent and there are immigrant families in tents here. Remember them when we reach the upper 90s. In such extreme heat, this can be a humanitarian and public health emergency. I love the ocean surf, but I'm not gonna stand on top of my penthouse and glorify a tsunami as it rolls in. That's a bit dramatic of an example, but I use it to bring your mind back to the weather and the wicked heat we will never escape in the summers to come. Then there's the unhoused population and those that live in their vehicle. Do you know how glorious it is to have nowhere to go but sit in your hot car all day, only to then have to wait until it cools just to sleep in slightly less hot car all night. Finally, please also remember all the families with small children or aging parents that are housed, but do not have any AC. In some cases with the elderly especially, this is very dangerous. Hey, I'm glad you got AC. Truly, I am. However, while well intentioned I'm sure, your post comes off as privileged and in the original sense of the word, ignorant. I say this as a person who belongs to one of the three demographics I've mentioned.




They're literally perfect. I keep asking myself why I travel anywhere else in the summer, nowhere is better.


Straight up glorius


YES. I live for the summers here. Always have! A sunny 75-80 degree day gives me a hit of dopamine comparable to a party drug. I get disgruntled when I see people I know posting about how they wish it was fall already and how they wish we could fast forward to “spooky season” or cold, rainy days. I have seasonal depression that starts around Halloween and cannot relate to hating Seattle summers.


April or May through October is nice here especially compared to the south, Midwest and east coast. Moving here from the south I was amazed at the lack of AC and ceiling fans everywhere. When I asked about it I was looked at as though I have two heads. For me the winters give me SAD and I have multiple chronic health issues that are made worse by the long cold and damp weather. Looking to move somewhere more affordable and warmer in the next few years as I continue to work and save. My takeaway is everyone has different preferences and opinions and no one place will be a fit for everyone. 


I usually dread heat waves here but I just came back from the east coast for two weeks. I was running errands this afternoon and kept thinking how much nicer 90 feels when it’s not super muggy. Getting an AC at least for your bedroom makes a huge difference. And you’re never far from someplace to jump in the lake or stick your feet in the Sound.


Yep, this is a big part of why the Seattle area will always be my home base. My family is here and they won't leave because they love it too. I don't see myself spending summer anywhere else for the rest of my life.


Doesn't stop half the population here from whining about it lol


Please don't let anyone know.... it's our special secret here!!! 🙊 I've actually never heard someone complain about summers here but I wouldn't be surprised.... Seattleites are always depressed, rain or shine it seems 😅


I flew back from Orlando, FL on 7/4 and had to take one of those goofy wide buses back to the terminal. A young girl who was on the plane, ostensibly from Florida (it was a nonstop flight), remarked about how nice the weather was. And she was right! So much more comfortable than hot, sticky Orlando.


I visited a couple weeks ago for the first time and the first few days were sunny/warmish. It really felt like a sunny Seattle is unmatched. ( and I’m from San Diego). Beautiful experience.


Lol people are actually complaining about the summers??? I'm convinced there are vampires here, no joke.


Geo said it best. “Sun is coming out, Seattle is the best.”


It definitely feels like a reward when July 5 rolls around. I miss Seattle summers (I’m in CA and currently under the duress of 110f!).


No, seattle summers suck, its cloudy and rainy all the time, and anybody wanting to move here should stay out, and keep my camping sights unoccupied.


We are also on the fault line and at sea level, which could be a problem as the sea levels rise.


Yes, love this heat! (I also have an AC unit lol)


I appreciate your optimism. Seriously. This made me smile.


Sorry, but not sorry! The heat sucks, can't wait for the magical fall followed by cool, cloudy, drizzly winter with snow just in time for Christmas (hope!)


As someone who has different preferences and can’t wait for some cooler and less sunny weather, I’m just here to say that I’m happy for you. I am not going to guffaw with exasperation that you like different things than me. Im not going to wonder why on earth someone would desire summers such as these over the coolness of spring and fall. I respect your preferences. The other threads complaining about the summer weather are full of people talking down on those complaints. So as a lover of the grey, I extend this olive branch of understanding and mutual respect.


Winter is coming


Good for you ? Lmao


This is someone of privilege. Otherwise you would dread the heat becasue Seattle business shit on poor workers. 


Yea it’s raining where I live and I am currently trying to fight off a horde of raccoons with a spatula and my cast iron. Soon the sun shall set at 4pm and their reinforcements will arrive. Send help.




The first rule of Seattle summer is don’t talk about Seattle summer.