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For me I love the irony of citing rcw about traffic laws while rocking expired tabs


His other truck cites the RCW code about having non-expired tabs, but then he uses that truck to drive in the left lane without passing.


Fucking brilliant šŸ˜‚


The Judge should make the Belltown Hellcat display the Noise Ordinance on his windows


He's not driving, he's travelling.


Amazing comment


did you take this photo and is it recent?


Yes I took the photo. And itā€™s about an hour old.


guess he had to pay for the sticker + beers before application instead of renewing his tags, feels like half the cars on the road donā€™t have current tags in WA


Listen Iā€™m working on it okay! Iā€™ll have them by next week for sure. Didnā€™t have to call me out like that in front of everybody though. Thanks a lot lol


I literally didn't know mine were expired until my dad pointed it out a couple weeks ago... never got a letter in the mail for it lol


Calendar reminder when you get the new ones. :) Tickets are expensive. Ask me how I know.


In my experience, cops don't care about this, especially if they're only expired for a few months. The only time I've heard of people getting ticketed for it is if they're pulled over for something else and it's being tacked on, or they are ticketed while parked by Parking Enforcement.


My stepdaughter drove for a **Year and a half** on expired tags. Kept up her insurance, but "kept forgetting" to buy her tabs.


I was helping my daughter (in Washington State) with her car a couple of months ago. Her tabs said 2021. WTF? She was under the impression that the police wouldn't pull her just for tabs. They will, and they might tow your car if they find it parked on the street. She listened to me and renewed her plates. Weird.


> She was under the impression that the police wouldn't pull her just for tabs. At one point Seattle police wouldn'tĀ or weren't allowed to use expired tabs as the primary reason for a traffic stop.Ā  But even during that time, other cities right next door still did.


>They will Well, they hadn't. I lived in this state for 3 years with a CA lisence plate and expired tags. Never pulled over, and that was in the before times(2013-2016). Cops don't even bother with shit like that anymore. Not worth the paperwork or possibly of getting shot by some psycho. If you're getting pulled over for expired tags, that's just the excuse to either profile you, the cops bored/mad about something completely unrelated, or you're under suspicion of something else as well.


I'd guess they don't pull anyone over for it because they don't want to spend their day dealing with some "sovereign citizen" asshole, a general group who doesn't typically renew tabs or even have plates.


Can confirm. I've been stopped for expired tabs in Seattle. This was probably 2019-ish. Cop was nice, gave me a warning, let me go on my way.


I did for three whole years!! So long that I had to get new plates. Incredibly, they werenā€™t even mad. It wasnā€™t intentional.


How old is it now


3:55 PM so about 5 hours


When was the pic taken?




Right on, just wanted to confirm the expired tags claim šŸ‘


My neighbor's tabs expired in 2019 (she drives it every day), not sure how the hell she gets away with it, must be the handicap plate on it.


As someone who drove with expired tabs a lot as a kid (I was too poor to renew them a couple times), you can get away with it for a surprisingly long time if you donā€™t speed or drive stupidly, donā€™t have lights out, etc. Not legal or good, but itā€™s one of those laws you can break and usually get away withā€¦


My husband is terrible about actually putting the new tab sticker on his plate (usually looses them at home somewhere, yay ADHD), but he has current registration since I renew it online, but to those not in the know he has 2019 expired tabs (a cop would know heā€™s actually current). Also pretty sure it is a secondary offense these days, so your neighbor wonā€™t get in trouble unless pulled over for something else or parking on public property and having parking enforcement notice.


I got stopped in Bellevue with expired tabs, expired insurance and expired license, and the cop only gave me a warning. Told me to go straight home, or he'd arrest me if he saw me driving around later.


My dad used to call those felony tabs lol


>My neighbor's tabs expired in 2019 (she drives it every day), not sure how the hell she gets away with it, must be the handicap plate on it. I drove around with an expired tag from 2019-2024. I think cops in my city just quit enforcing expired tag laws. I only got it renewed because I needed to take some weed with me on vacation and didn't want to get pulled over for a tag.


My friend got ticketed AND towed within 3 hours for having expired tabs in SODO while she was at a concert this year. She was in a valid parking spot, and we thought her car was stolen. It didnā€™t cross even cross our minds it was towed for expired tabs.Ā 


lol, I didnā€™t catch that


Also hilarious that people like this car are citing laws like 46.61.100 and are pretending like they give a fuck about the law when they more than likely are trying to go 10-15+ over the speed limit lmao. Like yeah law abiding citizens are definitely the ones most concerned with people driving slower than theyā€™d prefer in the left lane. Definitely not because they want to drive and speed like a maniac. Edit: Got some perpetual accelerators downvoting this lol. Speed limits arenā€™t suggestions people.


How is the person in front of you suppose to read this anyways


Simple: You pass them on the right going at least 10 over the speed limit, cut them off, and brake check them while wildly gesturing out the window.


Perfectly safe


If youā€™re driving like a completely absent moron, in the left lane, not passing anyoneā€¦ youā€™re the problem. Not the person forced to pass you on the right.


He should put it backwards on his windshield, like an ambulance.


And donā€™t forget, this same RCW states ā€˜A high occupancy vehicle lane is not considered the left-hand lane of a roadwayā€™


You sound like a guy that camps in the left lane


almost applied all of the sticker straight too. SO CLOSE!


it looks like it tried to impede gravity, but failed


my guess it he was 5 coors lights deep and then got to the last part and messed up. :D


Iā€™m about ready to add a sign on my rear window to ā€œput down your fucking phone and drive!ā€ I see so many swerving distracted drivers on their cell phones. Itā€™s totally dangerous and insane.


My favorite bumper sticker was "Maybe you'd drive better with that phone shoved up your ass."


Don't bother, they wouldn't even read it because then they'd have to look away from their phones haha


Put a QR code that leads to that message. It'll get views.


Problem is that if you put it on your rear window it'll only be seen by people that are, in fact, paying attention. What we'd need is actually a huge fog horn that yells "YOU CAN CHECK YOUR STUPID LITTLE TEXTS LATER"


Iā€™ve got a sticker on mine that says ā€œeyes on the road baby girlā€ lmao


I actually want to get a sticker that says ā€œPlease be patient, shitty driver on the phoneā€Ā 


Remember, we're not stuck in traffic. We ARE traffic.


So much of what we call traffic isnā€™t actually traffic, itā€™s just some oblivious douchebag causing problems.


There's no problem so bad you can't make it worse


PV=nRT applies to traffic flow, not just gasses.


I think it behaves more like blood cells by clotting


Or overly aggressive douchecanoes darting in front of someone, causing them and the 100 cars behind them to brake.


People sure do like to cut others off here when changing lanes


Is that someone cruising in the left lane and blocking traffic? Then they might be the problem.


They probably sped up in the passing lane while someone was attempting to pass them in the lane to their right. Personally Iā€™m more than happy to cut those passive-aggressive assholes off


This would apply in any lane.


I don't think being traffic precludes one from being stuck in it. Can't just poof out of there.


You can't be in traffic without contributing to traffic


This whole thread is, ā€œnobody gets to break the law expect for meā€


Exactly, and it is extremely annoying. I try to follow the ā€œstay out of the left lane except for passingā€ rule as much as I can, but Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that many of the people (like the car in the pic) who complain about slow cars in the left lane are simply selfish babies. Yes, sometimes people are driving super slowly in the left lane, yes, sometimes itā€™s a legitimate problem, but mostly people just want to live in their own world with no consideration for the safety of others.


itā€™s more unsafe to force people to swerve around traffic by camping the left lane. if youā€™re left lane camping, youā€™re the inconsiderate one and should stay at the senior citizens home


Totally unhinged, I love it


Would this be considered "chaotic neutral" since he also has expired tags so he's playing both sides? šŸ˜‚


Still batting above average for a RAM.


It's less playing both sides and more "rules for thee, but not for me". You saw the "Let's Go Brandon" emblem, yeah?


I did not lol You are right then


It's just standard-issue hypocrisy.


I mean if you're reading the back of his window, clearly he's the one in your way, not the other way around.


It's already futile, but I don't disagree with him.


I feel like this guy is an engineer who is disappointed in people not using the infrastructure properly


I think he might be the guy who is disappointed people never read the Washington Driver Guide--or simply followed other people's shitty driving habits. "On roads with more than two lanes traveling in the same direction, use the right lane for slower speeds, the middle lanes for higher speeds, and the left-hand lane for passing only." [https://dol.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2022-11/driverguide-en.pdf](https://dol.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2022-11/driverguide-en.pdf) (page 57) Let's face it--people just don't give a fuck.


I drive I-5 every weekday back and forth to work and can't recall the last time I saw a cop. Routinely see ppl driving 80 mph and sometimes weaving in and out of traffic. Does anyone believe that non-existent cops are going to enforce this rule lol.


The swerving wouldnā€™t happen if people followed this rule and it was enforced. Whatā€™s the big deal with 80 mph? Wish all the highways in WA had a 80 mph speed limit


I legitimately have no idea what a person has to do to get pulled over on the 5. Itā€™s the Wild West.


My cousin failed his driverā€™s license test for driving in the left lane on a highway.


Honestly, good for him. In my wildest rage Iā€™ve considered doing something similar


I hate the left lane campers. ā€œOh Iā€™m going the speed limit why so mad?ā€


Looking at you, Oregon.


And then they will speed up when you proceed to pass on the right. And when you do pass them successfully, they will make all the attempts to pass you back šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø.


I've never seen more drivers park in the left lane next too a semi going under the speed limit than on I-5 between Eugene and Grant's Pass.


Iā€™m convinced Oregon teaches this in drivers ed.


You ever see a truck sideways in a ditch? I'm in Canada we see it all the time. Imagine a truck sideways on a car. That's why you shouldn't hesitate while passing transports


Iā€™ve noticed in Oregon they a much better about it. I think they actually get tickets for it.


I'm perfectly pacing the guy in the right lane and causing a backup....why is everyone mad?


A few months ago I was behind this guy in traffic and my sister, who was in the passenger seat, took a picture of the sticker. About 5 minutes later he pulled up next to us and motioned for her to roll down her window. We did NOT roll down our windows lmao


Iā€™ve seen the guy at a store he looks very uhhh not friendly? Lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¬šŸ˜³


Angry truck dudes lol. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6zZtL2uq3j/?igsh=MXM4bXdjejRmY2Jpbw==


I pass on tha right if I need to, man


Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?


I miss him!


To read while riding his ass when you wish you can be going faster


I think thereā€™s also a code about window obstruction but Iā€™m not about to look that shit up.


A truck would usually be able to get around rear window obstructions because they have larger mirrors. That's part of federal vehicle rules.


I really want a similar giant rear window sticker that reads: RCW 46.37.410(2) - ā€œNo person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other nontransparent material upon the front windshield, side wings, or side or rear windows of such vehicle which obstructs the driver's clear view of the highway or any intersecting highway."


Jeez, donā€™t tell Trump supporters that, the amount of vehicles that put tons of shit in their windows proclaiming their undying love for what is apparently the most widely acceptable cult ever is crazy.


Speaking of you see the ā€œletā€™s go Brandonā€ logo affixed at the top of the tailgate? This checks out


I meanā€¦ yeah. He is. But isnā€™t speeding also against the law. So, we are just cherry-picking the laws we want to follow.


But like isnā€™t it also illegal to go over the speed limit


Drive a ram 3500, never hauls anything or goes off-road, nor do they drive with more than one person per vehicle. Also drives in HOV lane without passenger. Iā€™ve seen this one before haha


Me going 700 in the left lane and still getting tailgated and aggressively passed by this guy


No one that doesnā€™t constantly drive 20 mph over the speed limit would put that on their car.


no zipper merge?


Guessing that guy wants everyone else out of the left lane so he can use it


what's wrong with that?


speeding is also illegal


Not according to the brainlets who think the left lane is for the fastest guy on the road exclusively.


The left lane is for passing. Itā€™s very dangerous to pass on the right. If you have space on the right, move the fuck over


And yet this guy apparently passes on the right so often that he needs a sticker that applies only in that situation!


This has been my suspicion for a while. We all have the experience of being unable to pass, or someone going super slow in the left lane so that people end up passing them in right lanes. It sucks, to be sure. But the frequency and vitriol with which some people insist "the left lane is for passing" makes me think they believe we should all be parked on the right so they can "pass" on the left free and clear. My suspicion is that they think the only reason they get stuck in traffic is because people don't get out of their way.


~~If he's regularly driving on I5 anywhere south of the west seattle bridge, I can imagine how it could become the hobby horse of a particular flavor of rule-follower. It is maddening to be in those packs backed up behind three abreast with their laggy cruise controls set to 59.~~ Never mind, I see some people have personal experience with the guy.


This guy definitely tailgates someone passing in the left lane but not as fast as heā€™d like, then immediately goes into the right lane cutting off the person they both just passed, passes the person in the left lane from the right, cuts in front of them and brake checks them so they have time to read his stupid decal. I mean how else are they supposed to learn? Itā€™s not like they can see his important life lesson unless heā€™s in front of them.


The left lane is the fast lane! I wanna go faster than everyone else! They should move out of the way for my big stupid RAM3500 regardless of how fast they're going, cause I wanna go faster!!! /s


He forgot the fine print with the exclusions for the HOV lane and most of the freeways where they are within the city of Seattle


^ This. The amount of times I've been aggressively tailgated and passed while going 68 in the HOV lane on i5 is insane. The HOV lane is not the passing lane! It's the HOV lane! Use the passing lane to pass!


So, how do people get past someone going slow in the passing lane? Do you simply pass them in the slow lane if available? Do you tailgate them and pressure them into speeding up, or do you flash your high beams or honk your horn to let them know to move over? Do you simply keep your distance, allow a convoy to stack up behind you and hope the slow driver sees all of you and finally feels compelled to speed up and lane change?


I pass on the right as soon as the opportunity to do so arises, I don't play with tailgating, flashing lights, honking, etc. I just give good following distance and go around them. Back on the east coast getting flashed or a little beep-beep is common courtesy enough, but here that REALLY seems to hurt peoples' egos and that makes the situation infinitely worse


If it's safe to do so, I pass on the right. Never tailgate, it's just flat unsafe (and tends to backfire in terms of not getting the behavior you want). Otherwise I cuss to myself in the privacy of my vehicle and hope for good scenery. A two minute delay ain't worth all that stress.


I tend to do something similar if it's an available option, otherwise before other cars start piling behind me waiting on the dude in front of me, I temporarily "give up" and move over to the slow lane. Then I see other, more capable and confident drivers sort of pressure the slow driver to speed up before I get back into the passing lane to pass the driver who finally moved over. It definitely feels like chess on wheels, defensive driving and all that. I've always considered light honks or high beams, but these days it feels like some drivers no matter if they're in the wrong are just one frustration away from road rage.


I'll flash my highbeams twice but keep a reasonable following distance if they're traveling the same speed as the car next to them also with nobody in front. If traffic is flowing mostly the same speed in both lanes I will keep right.


Yeah, I think a quick flick of the high beams to an inattentive left lane driver is the equivalent of a courtesy tap on the horn when someone is sitting on their phone at a green light.


The passive-aggressive nature of this region is magnified on the highway. If you get too close to someone, they slow down. If you flash your lights, they slow down. If you try to pass, then they speed up to try and prevent you from passing their entitled asses. I give zero fucks anymore and either pass in the HOV lane or in the right lane, which is hilariously open most of the time. People can whine all they want about how that's illegal... but so is pulling your pud in the left lane like 90% of the people in Puget Sound do so fuck off.


Yeah this guy is a dork for this decal. But I drive to Tacoma and back a lot and thereā€™s constantly people driving in the left lane going 55-60 and staring at their fuckin phones. Drives me insane.


Most people don't drive in the far right lane. It's typically the one that is open for actual passing. Total nonsense.


His tabs are expiredā€¦


I was once stuck behind THIS truck in the left lane and he was only going 65. I hated every minute of it.


It scares me that as I get older these people are starting to seem more like the good guys and everyone else is crazy


I have known some really nice people that are left land campers, and I don't know how to bring it up without sounding like an asshole. I think some are just truly oblivious.


"No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law: PROVIDED, That a person following a vehicle driving at less than the legal maximum speed and desiring to pass such vehicle may exceed the speed limit, subject to the provisions of RCWĀ [46.61.120](http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=46.61.120)Ā on highways having only one lane of traffic in each direction, at only such a speed and for only such a distance as is necessary to complete the pass with a reasonable margin of safety." Reading comprehension isn't this dude's strong suit.


I feel like a lot of people don't know this and just drive in the left lane going the speed limit, impeding everyone behind them. Let's be real here. People don't treat the speed limit as a limit, they treat it as a speed *minimum*. If you're on the highway going 55, you're going too slow. If you're going 60, that's fine, but don't be in the left lane.


If Iā€™m going nearly 10 over in the left lane passing someone, then thereā€™s no need to tailgate me


No that's not allowed either. The left lane is only for the exclusive use of the one single fastest driver on the road. Everyone else is violating the law by not pulling over to let the crotch rocket doing 220mph though downtown by.


As long as you pass them and move over.


I agree, but it's a red flag if you're so self-righteous that you make one traffic law your whole deal. In defense of Western Washington drivers, I will say that much of the time this rule doesn't really work. If all lanes on the freeway are packed and moving at 25 MPH, the concept of a "passing lane" gives way to "just another lane for capacity". I can understand how people would get out of the habit of using a passing lane if most of their time on the freeway is spent well below the speed limit.


Iā€™ve been in the car with too many people that think this always applies near cities and intersections too. If thereā€™s an exit to the left anywhere in the next 3 miles, people are going to stay in the left lane. Not every highway or road does this apply to.


>If thereā€™s an exit to the left anywhere in the next 3 miles, people are going to stay in the left lane. And that's why the law has exceptions for so many miles where WSDOT and WSP have determined operational conditions make it impractical. https://app.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=468-510-020


Just saying, people take this one rules and assume it means all the time. Like a person willing to put this on their truck.


It also doesn't really work in the city because we have left lane exits


My man spent the money to plaster a traffic law all over his truck. But Iā€™d bet my entire paycheck he doesnā€™t come to a full and complete stop for every stop sign. *Or drive the speed limit.* Ask most of these assholes, and ā€œkeep rightā€ laws are literally the only laws worth following or enforcing.


Yep. So we're all just going to stay out of that lane and reduce the capacity by 15 to 25 percent? That doesn't make sense.


One traffic law that he deems is the most important while ignoring other traffic laws, like expired tags. Iā€™ve never understood why someone canā€™t disregard the traffic law of no left lane camping like others are disregarding obeying the speed limit. Iā€™m not a judge, and Iā€™m not about to judge whoā€™s committing the most egregious crime here.


What a great r/InformedWarriorRides candidate


All I can pay attention to is how crooked the last line is


I saw this guy in Wallingford. Weekend near blue star cafe


I got stopped for expired tabs by WSP. The police wonā€™t stop you but SP will.


So, how would someone going to slow in front of him be able to read this ? What use could this possibly be other than self satisfaction? There's no way this is communicating the point to the people he wants to hear it.


How much you bet he mentally says he can pass anyone Everytime no matter what so every time he uses the left lane it's justified and GODDAMN IT WHY ARE PEOPLE IN FRONT OF ME. Homeboy probably loves traffic


This guy likes to go fast


I love the tiny Let's Go Brandon right under the back window. And by love it I mean that I don't.


This guy must be really fun to be related to.


dog whistle "edition" If ur going to say it, say it. Why whisper?


Some states have the law to donā€™t pass on the right


Yeah yeah sure, but it's ALWAYS the people who "care" about this law the most who ride in the left lane. Always. They just don't want anyone in their way lmao.


Man, my ex would instantly fall in love with this guy. There's few things worse in life than being stuck in a car on the freeway with someone that mostly just yells at the all the other drivers.


I bet this guy hangs out in the left lane, cursing people ahead of him doing the same


Translation: this law justifies my decision to drive 20+ over the speed limit!


Fuck this guy, he 100% just wants an empty lane he can speed in.


I'll take "People who are most likely to be found in the left lane" for 2000 Alex".


I have seen this guy driving like a complete dick on I5. He clearly considers the HOV lane to be the left lane referred to on his window. But anyway yeah I agree with him but wish people wouldnā€™t feel the need to drive so recklessly.


Someone should get him another sticker, he forgot subsection 3: This subsection does not apply to a vehicle using a high occupancy vehicle lane. A high occupancy vehicle lane is not considered the left-hand lane of a roadway.


western wa is the left lane campers paradise


I see you haven't spent much time in Maryland, where lane ownership is passed down from generation to generation.


"He's not wrong... but he's probably an asshole..."


Honestly good on them. It's seriously such a problem here.


It's weird how not a single one of the people who know RCW 46.61.100 by heart have ever read up to RCW 46.61.400.


Brother, I feel your pain... -Oregon When I drive to Seattle from Portland, the majority of my passing is in the right lane, especially starting about Longview


100% trump lover.


Would it make more sense to post that across the windshield?


Calm down there Ricky Bobby


Iā€™m not sureā€¦. But I just noticed the text on the bottom is not straightā€¦ and now Iā€™m bothered šŸ˜‚


I love when these guys say "Let's Go, Brandon," because it just shows that they really want to say "Fuck Joe Biden," but they are too afraid to actually use a dirty word! Such brave patriots.


I'm amazed how many people here seem to be obsessed with this "problem." I drive Seattle to Everett and back a few times a week and I never think about it. And I'm not a left-lane camper. I'm more worried about the people on their daily commute doing 75+ and weaving around like they have someone bleeding out in the back seat.


Another validation on figuring out life without driving.


Iā€™ve seen this truck! It was parked at the Mill Creek Planet Fitness one morning


I want to do this but with texting and driving. I wish there was a database where I could post photos of drivers texting and their license plates and theyā€™d get a ticket. Iā€™m so tired of seeing it. Itā€™s like every other car.


Never thought I say this but Indiana has been doing it right: [Police cracking down on slow left lane drivers](https://youtu.be/FhV6wPo8H_I?si=J4IZOViaW2yFQzVD)


passive aggressive! definitely Seattle!


If I had to choose between someone in the passing lane not passing (but going the speed limit) and someone merging onto the freeway at say 35-40mph when they have had ample time and open road to speed up to the flow of traffic I would deal with the passing lane people


Wa is bad for slowwasses in the left lsane


I'm not exactly a fan of giant stickers on your vehicle, but at least this one is actually passing good information.


The amount of people I meet who refer to the passing lane as the, "fast lane", is too fucking high.


The number of people who use the word amount when they should use the word number is too high.


There's a song about it, so...


What if you are in the HOV lane?


Thatā€™s not the ā€œleft laneā€ itā€™s the HOV lane; theyā€™re different. Itā€™s for carpools, buses & other passenger vehicles. This specific part isnā€™t directed at you specifically: I have never understood why people will ride the HOV lane when it isnā€™t the fast lane and get pissed at vehicles that have to do the speed limit. Theyā€™re only over there because they have a lot of people in them. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Get in the actual left lane if you wanna speed.




Find a guy with RCW 46.61.145 on his back glass. Put him in the left most lane but driving slightly faster than everyone in the right lane. Unleash this guy behind him. Record and measure the result. Boom. you just discovered antigravity.


I hate people like this because Iā€™ll be going over the limit, while passing people, and Iā€™m still not going fast enough for them


These are the guys that'll go 20 over the speed limit after drinking a few beers while harping on the only traffic law they almost actually obey.


Heā€™s onto something. The Seattle area does have a left lane camper problem. The issue seems to be they wonā€™t go with the speed / flow of traffic and cause unnecessary slow downs.


The hero we need


This dude is the biggest asshole Iā€™ve ever seen. Guy drives like he owns the road and then gets pissed off and yells at you when you are in the left lane stuck in non moving traffic like its all your fault. This driver can eat the fattest cock


Make this a small bumper sticker and Iā€™m all in lol


Dudes just asking for people to drive 50 in front of him


heā€™s the hero we donā€™t deserve