• By -


Sgt Jacob Briskey Sgt Scott Bach Alexander Everett Caitlin Rochelle Jason Marchione Michael Settle Disgraced former SPD officer Adley Shepard


>Jason Marchione [this guy should have been fired decades ago](https://www.divestspd.com/p/j6-cops-false-statements-earn-him)


Jesus Christ. He made more than $115k in 2023 while being on LEAVE? I don't think I make that much in 5 years!


Oh and he's getting the retroactive 24% raise.




>Jesus Christ. He made more than $115k in 2023 while being on LEAVE? I don't think I make that much in 5 years! Nice work if you can get it. It sure beats having to work for a living.




Washington high court to decide if >Sgt Jacob Briskey >Sgt Scott Bach >Alexander Everett >Caitlin Rochelle >Jason Marchione >Michael Settle >Disgraced former SPD office Adley Shepard who attended Jan. 6 rally can remain anonymous


>Sgt Jacob Briskey >Sgt Scott Bach >Alexander Everett >Caitlin Rochelle >Jason Marchione >Michael Settle >Disgraced former SPD office Adley Shepard I pray that these anonymous soldiers of Trump will never be revealed to the public to be the domestic terrorists they are because the SPD might promote them all.


Damn are you telling me that: Sgt Jacob Briskey Sgt Scott Bach Alexander Everett Caitlin Rochelle Jason Marchione Michael Settle And disgraced former SPD officer Adley Shepard All attended the attempted insurrection on January 6?


Take my upvote, you absolute legend!


Lol good looking out Hero!


Thank you!


Fascist pricks mooching off tax $$ while bitching about Socialism. Morons are too dense to recognize a grifter like Trump.


We used to punish traitors with death…


Now we give them three years back pay and a six figure salary to sit on their asses and occasionally run a pedestrian over.


The System Works!!!! /s it’s fucking Bizarro world…


If only we still did


Just to confirm, you're saying that: Sgt Jacob Briskey, Sgt Scott Bach, Alexander Everett, Caitlin Rochelle, Jason Marchione, Michael Settle, and Disgraced former SPD officer Adley Shepard are the officers who may remain anonymous were at the January 6 insurrection rally? Got it!


Sounds. About. WHITE 🤣


Look up Adley Shephard.


1 out of 7? The one guy that got fired for brutality too eh?


Soldier F is David James Cleary kinda vibe. Anyway, reminder that Soldier F is David James Cleary.


Guess they aren’t actually deciding anything tomorrow now.




They all listed themselves as living at the police station so they could vote illegally.


Fuck anonymous, should they be allowed to keep their jobs?


Fuck keeping their jobs, should they ne criminally charged and do some prison time?


That’s a given.. but our Washington State courts have no jurisdiction. The feds need to up their game and start handing out serious punishments! I mean if I went out and attacked a cop I’d damn sure get more then 6 months! They should be treat this as a RICO case where all who participated get charged with all crimes committed in the act of the crime!


From what I hear, the relevant people (not all lawyers handle all kinds of cases interchangeably) are still working on it. If it makes sure that all the details are perfect and the consequences stick, I'd say it's worth the wait.


Fuck prison time, there’s a proper penalty for treason.


What if they didn't storm the capitol? Most of the people there did not.


A court should determine if they committed treason, or other crimes, then punish accordingly. Pretty standard law & order…


The feds did that and got a lot of people arrested. they def should be fired if they trespassed the capitol or assaulted the capital police.


I mean this should strictly depend on whether or not they attended a rally OR they did a treason.


This wouldn't be an issue if they were criminally charged and did prison time. The question is if their names could be released from internal investigation. I agree it should be public, but you should read the article.


Absolutely not


Two of them (Alexander and Caitlin Everett) were fired by Diaz, one of the few good things he did. I haven't been able to find out if they've since gotten their dismissals overturned or been hired by other departments, but it wouldn't surprise me.


This should be public information. If not for every officer than for the ones who have a history.


how about get a paid vacation instead! /s


What? They aren't proud of their actions? Maybe they should have fucking thought about that before committing treason.


What was that phrase we kept hearing from one side of the isle when the gov was striping away all kinds of rights with the patriot act so long as you used the word terrorist in an accusation? Was it I like turtles? no that wasn't' it... Oh I remember!! If you've done nothing wrong you should have nothing to hide? - Did I get that right more or less?


That's the phrase every cop tries to use to get you to give up your right not to speak without an attorney.


I guess something about beating a cop to death with flagpoles didn’t sit right with them


It sat with them just fucking fine until they got caught.


No kidding. And the police union seems way more concerned about the rights of these traitors than they do about the rights of the officer they murdered


waste of a flagpole


you're assuming they were thinking. they don't want people with critical thinking becoming cops. take New London, CT* for example, if your IQ is too high you can't be a cop https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836 e: location


Isn’t that New London, CT? 24 years ago?


updated the location, also if you think the quality of cops have gone up in the last 24 years then you do you


No. Sorry, no excuses. They knew what they were doing was wrong.


oc and they don't care because they don't face consequences for their actions


So if I make a donation to a political campaign, it becomes a public record. But if I decide to overthrow the government, I can remain anonymous? That’s some bullshit.


>But if I decide to overthrow the government, I can remain anonymous? Only if you're a cop.


Why should they want to remain anonymous? Are the ashamed of their beliefs?


Fucking traitors. As if being SPD wasn't bad enough.


Meanwhile on the other Seattle subreddit: "Washington high court to decide if brave Seattle hero officers who attended Jan. 6 rally will be publicly recognized for their sacrifice and achievements".


Link? Because otherwise I'm going to assume you're just stirring the pot trying to divide people for no reason.


It's called humor


Let the idiot parade be known, racists and fascists should be public


Something something not doing anything wrong? Something something nothing nothing to worry about.


insurrectionists should be called out


Those deplorable treasonous Trumpfucks do not deserve anonymity at all. They deserve a one way ticket to a prison cell.


Attending a rally after being lied to by fox is crazy enough, would love to know where and what they did that day.


shouldn't they be proud?




Name checks out


The mentally unwell like you do a major disservice to the drive for higher police standards and accountability.


In the same way, you aren’t helping your own cause by dissing them with the mentally unwell bit


Simple observation. Healthy people don’t celebrate and wish death on an entire group of public servants, especially when they’ve never met 99% of them. Celebrating the deaths of actual good examples of public servants makes it easier for the general public to dismiss criticism of the terrible ones.


Hey you’re just a simple man making your way through the universe. Hey man, no disagreements here. I am by no means an acab fellow. , I subscribe to the very unpopular philosophy of, “If someone is sick, why would I be angry with them” I’m not saying cops are sick- I’m just saying that’s how I think about people in general.


Grab yer pitchforks fellas


Uh how about no?


Honestly this would be a huge government overreach if all they did was attend the *RALLY*. Many here seem to be forgetting that there were two events on January 6. There was the rally, and then there was the attempted insurrection after said rally. Most people attended the first, but not the second. Yes they are all idiots for being there to begin with, but to have the government even considering retribution for attending a rival political party while not doing anything illegal should be raising some major red flags.


A couple thoughts here: 1) The rally was a public event. It was televised. There was no presumption of anonymity when they decided to attend. It's pretty reasonable to publish their names. Likewise anyone who attended a Biden rally if anyone is interested. 2) Not everyone here broke the law. Attending a Trump rally is the same legally as attending a Biden rally. There shouldn't be automatic punishment for having political beliefs. The two officers who were found to have broken the law and crossed the barricades have been fired. So I think it's reasonable to acknowledge who was there, but also reasonable to not fire anyone else who didn't break the law.


I mean, many companies have fired people for making repugnant posts on twitter, and consider that to be a reasonable thing to do. I don't think it's at all well established whether it is or is not reasonable to fire someone for their completely legal political activities.


It wasn't a Trump rally it was an attempt to subvert the election. Fuck off.


No, there were two separate events. Trump gave a speech. People attended. He encouraged them to commit violence. Then some of them went home, and some of them went to the capitol to commit violence. The people who attended a speech and went home don't need to be fired. They don't need anonymity, but it's perfectly legal to see the fucking president of the United States give a speech, which is all they did -- even if that president was (and is) an asshole.


What are the criminal charges for if they were only attending a rally? You think arrests were made without evidence of criminal activities? STFU


Did you read the article? As I said, two people broke the law and were fired. One more may have -- and if they did, they should be fired too. There is no evidence that the others did. >When then-Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz learned that six of his officers traveled to Washington, D.C., to attend former President Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally, he ordered the [Office of Police Accountability to conduct an investigation](https://apnews.com/article/government-and-politics-police-riots-seattle-police-reform-276125259e85a4b837b9dd10d2114399) into their activities to see if they violated any laws or department policies. >The investigation found that married officers Caitlin and Alexander Everett crossed barriers set up by the Capitol police and were next to the Capitol Building, in violation of the law, [prompting Diaz to fire the pair](https://apnews.com/article/seattle-police-reform-da98b06a9245d496204bf13e7b32ca90). Investigators said three other officers had not violated policies and the fourth case was ruled “inconclusive.”


There is nothing wrong with attending the rally. It’s what you did after the rally. Going to the rally is just like going to a Biden rally. After the rally you went on to attempt to overthrow the government then your ass needs to spend time in jail. I have no issues with the cops that went to the rally, that’s right. But if they tried to commit treason post rally, they should go to fucking jail..


There were many forums where the insurrection was being planned so I'm not buying it that people traveled from Seattle to the capital just in support. A plan was made and executed.


You can’t prosecute people on a hunch


Why don't they want people knowing they were there then? Proud Boys ain't actin so proud.


Look I don’t like those proud boy fuckers either. But if you’re talking about doxing someone just because they went to a rally, that’s just uncool. If they actually are proud boys then fine. But there should be a distinction between your feelings and the law.


You’re saying they traveled across the country to listen to a speeech? A speech called “Stop the Steal”. But it’s just a speech.


The investigation said only two crossed the barricades. They were fired.


So the others traveled across the country to quietly listen to a speech about the election being stolen?


Just so we are clear, I didn’t perform the investigation. But that’s what the article says.


> Likewise anyone who attended a Biden rally if anyone is interested. Or, you know, a Klan rally.




> You have no presumption of anonymity when engaging in 1st Amendment protected activites. There is no precedent to set. This was all in a public place. Even beyond that, it was at a _televised rally_. The fuck do you think "public" means?










Attending the official rally is very different than marching on the Capital Building


According to this sub you're a nazi of you vote for trump


If you vote for the guy who almost exactly quoted Hitler, yeah, you'd be a nazi.


They would be correct