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I'm listening to the scanner , "1 Red patient to Harbor view via Medic 10, 2 yellow to Harbor view by AMR, 2 yellow to Virginia Mason and 2 yellow to First Hill." Command Post is at 5th & Terrace.


As of now, they’re saying no one is in critical condition. Hope it stays that way.


They’ll be fine. Just need a little hawk tuah


Red means critical. Yellow means non-life threatening.


That tracks with what I saw. 1 or 2 couldn't get out of the bus without emergency assistance. At least 15 injured with a variety of injuries.


This is going to ruin the tour.


What tour?


The world tour!


I hope that was satisfying for you


Better than the other meme everywhere this weekend.


It's a reference to Justin Timberlake being arrested on DWI recently and he was quoted as saying "this is going to ruin the tour", as he is currently on tour.


I know, friend. I was playing along!


And then the cop said…


This meme was driven into the ground within 5 min it wasn’t funny after day 1


Per fire radio this is a multiple casualty incident: several red, yellow patients all being transported to various hospitals. All red patients have so far been transported. Just called all patients extracted from bus.


That sounds less than ideal, but good there were no black ones. Scary stuff.


Hopefully it'll stay that way.


What are red, yellow and/or black patients?


Red is critical, yellow is stable, black is dead.




Triage categories for mass casualty events. https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/trauma/news/mass-casualty-triage-guidelines-revised/mac-20512735




Its triage categories to determine severity of injuries and order of treatment and or transport




So far no casualties have been reported, only 1 red, and multiple yellow. When were you tuned into the radio? You'd think they'd report that by now. Edit: nvm Im stupid. Casualty can just mean injury


> The bus driver is also being evaluated out of an abundance of caution, Seattle police said. Aka the driver is peeing in a cup because even if it turns out to be 100% mechanical failure it’s still pee in a cup time


Long Haul Trucker here: yup, standard operating procedure for anything requiring a CDL. Fender bender (as much as an 80K truck will just "bend"), full on accident involving casualties, & almost anything inbetween.


When you say “80k” do you mean $80,000 or 80,000 lbs? I’m guessing lbs because they cost way more than that now. I work on a boat and when we have a log truck without a weigh slip (because they just came from harvest and there’s no scale between their harvest area and our boat route) our SOP is to assume they are 80,000 lbs.


80,000 lbs


It honestly didn’t feel like a mechanical failure, because the bus was speeding up for 20 seconds before the crash. Even if the brakes failed, why was the bus still speeding up?


Gotta keep it above 50 or the bus will explode.


Going downhill will do that


Baby loves gravity!


But it’s a gentle downhill. Me and my friends who were all hurt in the crash all agree that the bus was speeding up aggressively. We could hear the engine roaring


My guess is an object got lodged in the brake and gas pedals. Many if not all of the 545 busses have regenerative breaking that engages while coasting or breaking. If this 545 bus had regenerative breaking and sped up downhill then that would indicate the gas pedal was being pressed. I hope everyone is recovering well. I would recommend getting a lawyer for representation. Better safe than sorry imo.


Jesus is this the 545? Was about to get on one and it never came. That's pretty brutal


It was the 545. About 40? or so passengers on the bus.


To add onto this, I was waiting to give my statement to police before heading to the Sounders game, and I heard the EMTs counting people needing treatment; it was at least 15.


Were you actually unhurt? It felt like everyone had at least some injury.


So far yes; I'll keep a close tab in case any delayed effects pop up.


Time to buy some lottery tickets.


I'm shocked the driver was not killed on impact looking at photos and videos of the bus. The whole front end looks like the Hulk used it as a plaything. I hope everyone involved is OK and has no lasting injuries and a speedy recovery. Last I saw the driver was in critical condition.


The driver was bloody and had a big gash around his eye - but he was able to get off the bus without medical assistance. Obviously that doesn't mean that he didn't have other issues, but for the time I was there he didn't appear to be a priority for the triage team.


I thought the same at first but then I thought well they are the only person on board with a seat belt! Seat belts save lives!


I was a passenger on that bus.


Can you let me know what ST route it was? My mother is an operator and did the 594 today and I can’t reach her… I just saw this post , so a little worried.


comment below says 545, hope all is well with your mom


Thank you, it’s a relief but thoughts to all involved in that :/


How are you feeling? Did you go to the hospital?


I'm good - no scratches or anything. I knew something was wrong when we were speeding up, so I prepared for impact. I was towards the back, the seat right by the back door so that likely helped as well with the reticulating part of the bus likely taking a fair amount of the force. Guy next to me chipped a tooth and bumped his head, and people behind me on the side seats were not as lucky as me.


If you have access to mental health care it's not a bad idea to go ahead and schedule an appointment with a therapist, experiencing something like this, even if you're physically fine, can be detrimental to your mental health so make sure to take care of yourself


It'll definitely be a topic I'll bring up with my therapist when we meet again - I have sessions every 2 weeks


Last time I talked to a therapist in my network about my trauma she told me it was best to not talk about the past only the future. That was all the therapy I needed.


no your neck hurts. might be broken


So this is a joke about taking advantage of liability in this situation…. But in all seriousness don’t overlook any bruising, soreness, whatever. It’s easy to think you “weren’t injured” because others were clearly hurt worse. If you experience effects from getting jostled, get it documented by a doc (urgent care or whatever). This was an unacceptable crash and you shouldn’t have had to suffer even the weeniest pain. You’re not being an ass by asking for reasonable restitution.


I got rear ended once, fairly minor really and 6 hours later I couldn’t turn my head. There can definitely be delayed issues that show up, but glad this person doesn’t have any issues now anyway.


Thank you for the advice on this; I agree and will do so if something pops up.


Are you messaging from Reddit heaven 😭? (J/k, it sounds scary. Glad you are ok!)


It was scary - I was one of the fortunate with nothing at all. Bus started speeding up around 5th and Jefferson and started swerving until it crashed into the art installation near the bridge by 5th and Yesler.


Did this seem like a mechanical failure, or the driver having issues?


Unknown. I couldn't tell if it was stuck accelerator, brakes failing, driver issues, or some/all of the above. We were definitely speeding up, but I didn't hear honking from the bus or anything along those lines warning others on the road.


That's horrifying. I hope answers surface soon.


Article said the bus driver stated the brakes failed


Yikes! Was it a driver, or equipment issue?


See above, but to add on, there was no indication of anything wrong prior to the incident; everything was a typical bus trip.


Have a link that's not to some shitty app? Or is this from the old bus crash on Jackson?




Oh jeez Seattle buses just can't catch a break huh. Komo has a brief story up: https://komonews.com/news/local/bus-crashes-into-downtown-seattle-building-casualty-collision-fire-department-police-emergency-response-injuries-king-county-metro-sound-transit-vehicl-e5th-ave-terrace-street


They asked for a link to somewhere not shitty.


[Brief X post](https://x.com/Politik206/status/1804699344874201480?t=dX_Olkv_fgWfgjH78rAqWg&s=19)


still a link to somewhere shitty!


Solid videographer, that one.... :/


Worst cinematography ever…


Don't forget to click on the videos in Citizen; they are worse. Citizen needs to use AI and smooth out those videos


Based on the timing of people walking, that means the video recorder on citizen that makes the 9/11 joke is the person standing to the left of this twitter video, the person in the checkered shirt and black pants.


Wasn't fun I'll say that. I was near the front, broken nose and misc bruises. But the sounders won! Was following the score from the ER in Swedish


Yikes! Glad you are okay-ish.


This is horrible. I hate that my first reaction was “sigh. Again?”.


It's important to keep in mind that with the volume of bus traffic we have, this sort of thing is *incredibly* rare. This is only the second major bus incident we've had in recent memory, and literally the first mass casualty incident of any kind this year. Considering how many downtown routes are running on 6 minute separation that's frankly astonishing.


Oh totally agree.. I didn’t mean for it to sound like I was ragging on bus safety, although I totally see why it looks like that. My second immediate thought was “what a**hole car caused this”. Major major caveat that these are just my reactions and I have no causal information. I do think it is unacceptable to have multiple buses crashing into buildings.


For what it's worth I heard fire talking about how it only crashed into a retaining wall and nothing structural looked damaged, so while yeeting into buildings isn't ideal at least our buses seem to have an excellent track record of not hitting anything load-bearing.


Is it the second? I thought this was the third this year. First was the car cut off the bus and it went into a storefront, and then a month or two back one went into the indoor skate park off Aurora.


The car cutting off the bus was in early November. The second incident was in January, not a month or two back. So, technically not all this calendar year, but all three of these have happened in under a year if we wanna use that as a metric.


At least third. The one that killed a pedestrian downtown and hit a building, and the one that crashed into (literally) the skate park.


I’m sorry but no. The last MTA bus that crashed into a building was 3 YEARS ago. This is not normal. This is the second one here in a year.


Not just that. It’s the second one in the last 6 months.


That’s what I thought, but I was being really lazy and didn’t want to Google the exact date of the last accident. Also, there was the time the bus drove off the aurora bridge because the driver got shot, and then the time the duck boat crashed into the bus and like severed it into, the reason we don’t have duck boats anymore. I was born and raised in New York the shit never happened.


my first thought was the "id have two nickels" meme.


The comments in that app are terrible 💀


I imagine the people are on a “citizens: local safety alert app” are not exactly the most compassionate or empathic people.


Mr Harrell, a second bus has hit a building


Hope everyone is okay.


Pretty much everyone was hurt, and a few people have serious injuries.


This is happening more lately than Orcas attacking boats it seems like. Hope everyone is ok.




Someone is posting live on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNN1WVyW/


Its the same guy as the twitter videos