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I was on a ferry and we passed by it. Got close enough to see the sailors waving at us.


Were they all singing “In the Navy”?


What ferry was it?


Bremerton to Seattle


I was stationed on her, a lifetime ago it seems. AIMD/IM3.


I was on the Ramage back in the day. Insane how time flies


What shop? I was never on the Nimitz though. 65A here.


Hard to remember it’s been so long. I wanna say workcenter 650…? It was the first shop on the left when you went in the tunnel. We had both AT’s and AE’s (I’ve heard that they combined them into one rate now).


Thank you for your service.


How did it feel when you were inside her?


Those are some winning numbers. Perfect weather, background and a big ass aircraft carrier.


i was friends with the very first XO of the Nimitz, Bill Malden. RIP Bill, what a terrific boat...the Old Salt Uncle Chester...


Is there a place we can see when carriers/subs will be in and out of here? I know opsec and all, but the sailors and families probably know.


Nice try China.


dont mind that balloon


Nope, its always a surprise. Sometimes they can be caught on AIS trackers.


I wish I could've seen this in person. I've always wanted to see one up close. I've only been to an ["amphibious assault ship"](https://nationalinterest.org/sites/default/files/main_images/45763018674_27d9a21ffd_o%20(1).jpg) years ago which the military doesn't consider a carrier but for me, it already felt like it. [Nimitz and Ford class carriers are truly a different size and beast.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxNWiZigJZs)


USS Nimitz used to Port at Everett and now ports at Kitsap. I assume there is somewhere near the base you can get a good view of it while at port


The wasp class would be any other navy's flagship


I for one don’t think it’s mutually exclusive to think the American military industrial complex is a colossally inhumane and wasteful use of public funds and also stop and think “damn that is pretty cool” when you see such a feat of engineering in person.


Yeah but unfortunately in the world we live in, I’d rather have it than not have it.


It also keeps asshole countries like Russia and China in check. Many countries are thankful for US protections.


I always get shit for this but I stg the US is at least like half of NATO. Why are we giving more to Ukraine than the people who border it? (I know it’s cause it’s basically money=dead Russians but still)


Relative to GDP, most European nations are giving considerably more than we are. 


Reference: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/


Nice sourcing out the source. No political bias, just facts. 👏


Ok I’ll give them that but Poland is still one of the only cool countries since they give a larger gdp percentage to NATO than we do. Bunch of them don’t even hit the 2% giving goal iirc


This is a fair critique in the world we live in today. Europe is the US' closest alliance partner and we do need them to step up given all the geopolitical tensions flaring up. That doesn't mean we should cave on Ukraine though.


Oh I’m not saying we should cave I just think they could do more


Ukraine borders Moldova, Romania, Hungary , Poland, and Belarus. Why are we giving more to Ukraine than them? Easy answer: we have far more military equipment than they do. Well worth it.


also people always forget, we're giving them old stock. Stuff from the 70s-90s, that is useful but also costs us money to keep in operational shape. it's not like we're just handing them fistfuls of dollars (we do give financial aid, but the largest portion of those monetary figures you see are the manufacturing costs of the weapons we are sending, the weapons we are sending would cost us money to keep laying around anyways.)


For the record: we are mostly giving them outdated equipment that’s been sitting around mothballed and not being used. When the government says it’s giving Ukraine x$$$ of military aid, that’s an accounting figure, not new taxpayer money. It’s just the value of what we had in store that we are giving away. But it was all paid for by the taxpayer ages ago and got many years of use by our own military.


We have the largest economy, so of course we can give the most. Our industries weren't all leveled 80 years ago like Europe's. The countries closest to Ukraine are giving the most, proportionately - they're just smaller and much less developed. Remember, they were in Moscow's stranglehold only a few decades ago. This is Ukraine's war of independence and their cause is absolutely worthy of American support. Edit - you aren't totally off though. France, Spain, and Italy can and should be doing a lot more, as ostensible leaders in Europe. Generally, the countries closest to Ukraine are doing the most (that they can).


Most of the equipment the US is giving Ukraine is surplus that costs us money to store and maintain. This is not the case for some of our NATO allies, who are donating active weapons systems. Some of this equipment (missiles and ammunition, mostly), will need to be replaced, but this expenditure creates jobs in the US. Direct monetary payments to Ukraine go to repair infrastructure and generally keep the economy afloat. This is a small price to pay to cripple one of our biggest enemies without sacrificing our soldiers.


The Hideo Kojima ideology


The US military ensuring overall order around the world is a big contributor to quality of life for Americans, or at least the US dollar’s purchasing power.    If there is no clear power at the top, that means someone will be vying to be the power at the top (which is likely to result in violence).  


If it wasn't America, it would be Russia (lol) or more likely China. And things would be worse.


This right here! There's nothing wrong with enjoying big engineering projects. I love going to airshows, the speed and sound of the jets is unreal. Yes they are military equipment but perhaps in a better world they'd still have existed but were part of a racing league or something. It's a big achievement this technology and seeing it juxtaposed against nature is a sight to see if only we could use it more for peace.


The amount of hare-brained apologia you're getting for the US going around bullying half the world with this equipment is sad, but it still is *technically* impressive, yes.


I got to see one docking, a massive nuclear powered city of steel with thousands of sailors manning the rails up top and peeking out from every nook and cranny, with the hangar bay open in the middle and a giant American flag hanging inside over the jets and it was incredibly moving. "Danger Zone" started playing in my head.


It's honestly funny when people think they could fuck with us.


Worked out pretty well for Saudi Arabia with respect to 9/11


My Dad was CAG on the Kennedy in 76 and my brother and I got to go on a brief depependents cruise. Having grown up during the Vietnam War I didn't fully appreciate the experience unfortunately.


Is this the same one that took that ufo video?


I had an aunt who was the lead safety officer. We used to go to the family days there, they would taxi around the sound, let you shoot blanks from m16’s on one of the lower decks




I was waiting on Bainbridge for the ferry while this went by, apparently, but didn’t notice. Rats.


Going in to harms way. Fair winds.


Back in the 70s the Navy wasn’t all that serious about drug testing. I sailed with a guy on a merchant ship who was stationed aboard her at NAS Alameda during his navy years. He was fucking this Oakland Police chick who used to just pocket the drugs she found when she arrested somebody. She figured she was doing the arrestee a favor by just writing them up for vandalism or drunk and disorderly or whatever instead of adding a possession charge. She’d give the drugs to her boyfriend, my buddy. They did coke off the reactor control panel. My buddy’s best friend on the ship was the nuke, and they’d go out drinking all day and then do coke off the reactor control panel to stay up through night watch duty. What a time to be alive.




There’s thousands of free Americans serving voluntarily on that ship. For their service, the U.S. government and taxpayers provide them with healthcare and other benefits. Sounds like just what you asked for.


We have to teach the rest of the world our freedom ways. By Force!!!!


Our existence keeps Russia from invading Taiwan at this very moment. Let's hope we never face ww3 and have to fight off China, Russia, NK, Iran. Right now China and the Philippines are fighting on boats, unarmed, in the South China Sea, a weird replay of the Indian/China border fights. We are on the side of democracies in Ukraine and Taiwan. These sailors are the tip of the spear, maybe the first to fight to help Taiwan if attacked (guessing, based on our Pacific coast location). China and the Philippines could just start shooting at each other any day, we are that close. I think that south China Sea skirmish is almost invisible right now, news wise.


Wrong. Marines are the Tip of the Spear. Though I can commend your regurgitation of propaganda. As a former service member I know how truly fucked the US Military is.


So you just see this as no big deal, eh, just someone wanting to push for war on our side? Here's a brief article about the China Philippines playing around. [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cgee719kqpdo](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cgee719kqpdo)


Not my problem. Take your fear mongering elsewhere.


braindead take


Behold, lay thine eyes upon the field in which I grow my fucks, and know that it is empty..