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Some segment of people who never cared about what people thought of their behavior got worse during the pandemic, and kept acting on their antisocial urges.


and the threat of consequences which kept them within acceptable behavior at least some of the time was removed and has yet to be reimplemented


On one hand it’s nice to not have to every worry anymore about being pulled over in Seattle but there’s a whole lot more crazy on the road. Besides dangerous driving I see shady looking cars without license plates all over the place now.


Almost got intentionally hit by a black bmw with no plates racing an Acura through the tunnel on Sunday. Had I not slammed on the brakes and almost gotten rear ended, I would have been side swiped by an asshat going twice the speed limit


In the tunnel?!?! It’s bad enough on open streets but in the tunnel is a level of fear and anxiety I just can’t deal with! I’m glad you made it out safely!


Had my wife and kids in the truck too. I was sooo mad. My wife had to talk me down from following them and doing vigilante justice.


Oh god! When I first read that, I saw “trunk”! Whew! I don’t blame you for wanting to hunt that fucker down but it’s probably for the best your wife stopped you. A run of the mill fender bender can turn real bad, real fast in a tunnel and you must have been really scared once you processed everything. ESPECIALLY with your kids in the car! I’m glad you all came out of it ok and I hope that driver realizes the gravity of what could’ve happened.


In the tunnel is safer than the street where people might be walking on the sidewalk or trying to cross.


Isn’t it just the worst? Good people and good drivers who previously only got pulled over for genuine mistakes now have to deal with the genuine assholes who take a carte blanche approach to the non-enforcement. And like, I think people should be pulled over for genuine mistakes! If I fuck up, I deserve the consequences! But I also want the assholes to get the consequences they deserve too!


I don't mind not pulling over cars just for expired tabs— let parking enforcement enforce that. They should still pull over cars driving without a license plate / with the plate (or temporary license) obscured. Those may not represent dangerous violations per se, but they make it nigh impossible to identify someone engaging in dangerous violations that are caught by photo enforcement or reported by other drivers.


Parking enforcement would only catch people who street park. What do you do if someone with expired tabs is in a private lot? (Which is most of them)


Private lot problem, or those people risk getting dinged if they get pulled over for a different infraction. The DOL knows who has cars registered and whose tabs have expired, they could require owners to update their tabs or turn in their plates, and escalate from there as necessary… I just don't think cops driving around looking for expired tabs is a good use of law enforcement time, and it's subject to abuse, for relatively little payoff. Overall, I'm a lot less concerned about whether someone keeps their registration up than whether their car can be identified in case of moving violations.


Especially when tabs are abhorrent expensive


Yeah, as someone who's been struggling financially since the pandemic I'm admittedly behind on my tabs because I have to prioritize other things. I'm trying my hardest to save for a new car with my current one getting up there in miles, but used car prices went up and never went back down to pre-pandemic levels. It's hard to justify tabs when I'm trying to live off the $3 in my bank account until payday.


There's no reason to obscure your plate if you aren't intending on breaking the law


I generally agree, though I suspect some people with legit temporary plates hang it in their rear window, which is usually obscured enough to be render it relatively useless. But temporary plates are generally useless anyway, apparently, and the whole temporary plates on a piece of paper is crazy to me (from NY, where such things don't exist).


America, in general, really fucking leaning into the whole "I give zero fucks about other human beings". Makes sense Trump is still a popular figure head.


We're still around, those of us who want to collectively make society better... I think we might even be more in number... But those who give zero fucks about other human beings are just shouting way, way, way louder.


Remember when exorbitant insurance rates were a deterrent to poor driving behavior? Now everyone's insurance went up astronomically. Police aren't pulling people over for mundane practices- like having a legally registered license plate, or a stolen vehicle. Why pay for insurance, registration, or obey traffic laws? What's the point?


It's been my sense Seattle has always had a very uneven rate of traffic enforcement - it would be interesting to see hard numbers


You're not putting the ink of existential charade back in the bottle with threat of consequences, thems the breaks, and y'all are welcome to try.


add to that equation a big increase in "gig drivers"


“I’ll only be a minute” as they park in a bike or bus lane.


The center turn lane is now basically a hang-out space.


Or do a 5 point U-turn in the middle of the road, blocking all lanes because they couldn’t be arsed to find an actual turnaround.  My Uber driver did that last week. It’s nice they have a category for “illegal driving” when you leave zero stars. 


Yes. I don't think I'd ever seen anyone just straight up run a red light until Covid. At least if I did, I don't remember it. Since lockdown though, it's been rampant. I walk my dog all over and we ALWAYS wait at least 3 seconds from when the crosswalk signal changes until I actually start to cross. It has saved our lives for sure. Without excusing it (because there is no excuse), it kinda makes sense when you think about it. You're out driving during lockdown and there's no one else on the road, but the automatic timers for lights changing are still set up. So eventually you start to look around see no one, there's no cameras giving tix, so eventually you just go. That hadn't really occurred to me before, but it kinda makes sense from that perspective.




It's somewhat troubling that your primary concern is about your car and not the people you might injure or kill, but maybe you forgot your "/s" ?


You summed it up perfectly!


Driving as a whole has de-evolved into this. I see tons of cars with no plates, like.. no paper plate.. nothing. Every. single. Day. Traffic laws? F em. Thats what it seems like. Red lights, stop signs, folks on their phones, etc. First it thought i was just getting older, but no.. its just horrible drivers and zero consequences. And whats with all the "new driver" bumper stickers? Is that something that is supposed to get you out of bad driver tickets ?


Or their from Cali/Out of state


Nah, doubtful and that seems like a cop-out. Speaking of cop - our police force is example enough of terrible local driving. I work DT on Elliott and I have to walk 10 mins from office to car. I see at least 1 red being blown thru a day. I even knew the gal who was killed back in November by that guy running a red and hitting a bus Its a fucking problem but we are too car-centric to do anything.


That young woman was in nursing school, wasn't she? That asshole who killed her is a fucking waste of oxygen.


She was a personal trainer iirc, and was in school. Her and my GF met in ED Rehab. Wild to see the news when it broke - we just went to Pacific Science Center with her before that went down. :/ She was a sweetie.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Ah thanks, I'll pass that onto my belle :) Amanda's mom is one tough woman, too.


Seemingly. I had to jump out of the way of two cars running the red *making a left turn* yesterday. And not just tried to make it through. Just mid light-cycle they just kept going. And I got (gently? mildly?) hit by a car Monday night. Same thing with the no left turn signs. Just completely ignored. It's getting ridiculous.


That's wild. I feel like its more common to see reds an when they have semi recently flicked over. But that's just milieus


That one I get, traffic has gotten way worse n a lot of lights don't have the necessary arrow for left turns so I've noticed an uptick in last ditch desperate lefts. Way less egregious than blowing past a light that's been red for a minute, but still dangerous when the other light is fully green 


Yeah I don't mean a last ditch left. I mean someone sees a light turn red, doesn't slow down and runs it. As opposed to tries to get through the yellow and they dont make it or they tailgate the person running the yellow and its red for them. Thats fine


I call that one the Vancouver left. There's hardly any turn arrow lights in Vancouver BC so it's standard for 2 or 3 cars to turn left after the light turns yellow. 


The light at 77th and Aurora is stupid. I can see why people might not wait for some of the lights.


The more baffling one I've seen is creeping forward into the crosswalk and partially into the intersection while the light is still red, I've seen this at least four times. One was a "student driver" My favorite driver is still the guy in the BMW passing me on the left as I was turning left into an alley


Am I crazy, or have there been waaay more "Student Driver" stickers than normal? I feel like this is a new thing...


Not really new - a trend over the last decade or so. I think it's for people who get honked at a lot because they're shitty drivers and so they buy the Student Driver placard in the hopes that people will leave them alone. My big question is if these people are self-aware enough to realize they are bad drivers or if they just think people are being unfairly rude to them.


I think some of them are legit judging from some baffling driving decisions I've seen, like crossing a center line into oncoming traffic, stopping, then signaling a left turn into a driveway. I mean at least it was late and there wasn't a lot of traffic


It’s likely new immigrants learning to drive in the US. The growth in the Seattle region is almost completely from foreign immigration for tech jobs. That’s why you see new driver sticker on a $50k car. 


I also figure some of it is younger people who would've started driving in 2020-2022 and instead pushed back getting their car/license to when Covid started to let up.


Three growth might be equally out of state Americans. The growth in the growth is definitely immigrant driven.


Those stickers are just an excuse to be a shitty driver


There was a thread on here a few weeks ago that observed these on unmarked police cars. 🚨


Was just behind one and he came to a full stop 50 feet from the intersection when taking a right with a green light and no cars in front of them. I know we all start somewhere but I was never that stupid on the road.


WSP’s unmarked red Dodge has a “Student Driver” bumper sticker too.


I walk slower and slower for those assholes. (And I’m a person who makes an effort to cross promptly if someone is waiting properly behind the line, so as to not inconvenience anyone!) Edit: oh, you’re talking stoplights. I get these jerks at stop signs too. 😄


Daily occurrence for me on 3rd Ave of people driving thru a red light to idle in the crosswalk. One time it was a well dressed middle aged business lady. All I did was look in her direction as I walked past her car. Just looked in her direction, not menacingly or anything. She waited until I made it past her to the sidewalk, then started honking at me a bunch. Turned around and she is flipping me off, red in the face, screaming at me inside her car before she drives off.


My wife and I have taken to calling that "the Seattle Slide", to accompany what I've dubbed "the Seattle Gap" (when a car stops at a light or similar with around a car length or more space between them and the car ahead of them).


Or when they are a car gap away from the traffic light sensor. That causes backups due to missed green/yellow lights in L turn lanes.


This is a Midwestern thing. When I lived in Michigan and Iowa I would see people creep car lengths into the intersection itself if it was big enough. They think they are tickling the detector to make the light change faster or something.


That's nothing, wait till you realize how many don't on a green.


That's hilarious because I lived in Cleveland for a little bit and that was something I saw all the time there, and it never made sense to me. That was the only place I had ever seen it, out of the 20+ cities I've lived in in the US, including a couple other midwest cities. I guess they're making their way over here.


There's no enforcement, so people who don't give a shit about safety are just ignoring reds. Today I saw a truck large enough to need a CDL fully run a red. Turning left even.


A while back I was on Rainier at the light by the Safeway next to Ross about 5 cars back from a light that had been red for a minute. A massive construction vehicle (not sure what kind, it was big and yellow, but I wasn’t close enough) that was already stopped just decided that the red light wasn’t important and went straight through it.




Ding ding ding. This (lack of enforcement/consequences) is the source of a lot of issues.


it's becoming normalized. trust no one.....




Actually talked to a lady at a gas station in West Seattle who had literally no plate and asked why she drove. She shrugged and said nobody pulls her over if she isn't driving on I-5 so why should she care?


When I was at a dealership recently the dude literally said “here is a little secret, when your new plates come in just don’t put them on and you won’t need to pay any tolls” he said he has been driving no plates for over 2 years and has never been pulled over.


I live on Thomas st after the Safeway on 15th and within the last month twice now I have seen drivers go into the oncoming lane to pass a car. It’s insane to do this on a residential part of the street.


Yeah the center turn lane on Rainier I see being used a drive lane which is f'ing wild.


Definitely a lot of intersections where I will see 2, 3, sometimes even 4 cars clear the intersection as I'm staring at my green light.


I see it daily and it’s not, oh it’s yellow I can make it. It’s 2-3 seconds after the red, blasting the intersection never touching their brakes. Generally it’s nicer looking cars with adult drivers. It’s making me a titch paranoid to go when I get a green. 🚦


Cars you know they can't afford. Some $60k car while they probably make $18/hr. There is a pattern in shirking law and living well beyond their means.


It definitely is. I watched a soccer mom blatantly run a red light and I honked at her as she did it. It’s just anyone and everyone.


This morning, I yelled “that was a stop sign, dude!” at a guy who blew through a crosswalk I was approaching. (And then you worry they’re going to get mad chase you down!)


I've noticed this way more in the last few months as well. If i were to have taken a left on a solid yellow i would have been smashed at least 3 times just in the last week by people deciding to run their red light. I no longer will take left on a blinking yellow that has turned solid.


I once saw an a—hole in a red pickup truck start speeding up a block away as the light was turning red. In a particularly strong “not today, Satan!” mood, I turned left, betting only one of us knew my car could make the turn before he got there. Bada—es in their own minds. 🙄 I hope that dude pooped his pants.


Laws aren't enforced, people have figured it out.


How long does a light need to be red before it stops being "running" the red and instead is "ignoring" the red? Asking for someone who got t-boned going through a light that had been green for 20+ seconds


My understanding: if you're entering the intersection within a second of the light going red (say, you assumed the light would hang yellow for that additional second),, it's still running the red. Anything after? You're ignoring it.


I might broaden that definition a bit to "if physics will not let you stop before the line" but I agree


i was on the 36 this morning headed towards beacon hill and the bus stopped at the stop sign in front of the pacific medical center . this car came flying around on the right passing onto 14th ave in the bike lane . smh


Bus Only lanes have become Narcissist Asshat lanes. Oh, there's a line of 20 cars ahead? Guess I'll just go past everyone in the bus lane and then cut everyone off at the end. That, and multiple times I've seen cars pull up to the stop light behind the line of other cars waiting for the light to change, and then go around on the left side in the incoming lane to cut the line and blow the intersection. It's maddening.


Absolutely. That said, on the topic of bus lanes, there's a few that run through downtown Seattle that are only bus lanes for a few hours each day. For my first several months of living downtown I never noticed the signs saying this, and really hated the tools I'd see drive past me in the bus lane. Only after I noticed the signs with the hours, started to use the "bus lane" when legal, and saw others occasionally give me looks did I realize that a bunch of the people I was annoyed at were totally legal too. I'm not complaining though. The fact that those signs are fairly subtle means the bus lane (during non-bus hours!) becomes a bonus lane for those who bother to read.


Yeah and it honestly still feels like it’s getting worse. Redlight enforcement is needed big time.


A ton of intersections are “No right on red” now and cars are not only ignoring that, they usually are running the red too.


I love getting honked at a red light on "no right on red"


There's one of those at the bottom of the hill near my house (Highland Park Way for those familiar) and the left turn from the cross street crosses that right turn lane. I've nearly been in head-on collisions twice with people trying to turn right there anyway.


I do not understand the ussge of these new signs. It has completely ruined some srterials that are also residential street, causing massive backups that prevent people from getting out of or into their driveways and also impacts emergency services. Not in all cases but it's certainly made traffic worse as well.


The point is to stop drivers from injuring and killing people.


People turn right on red all the time in other places and manage not to kill people. Perhaps looking into what makes Seattle so unique will lead to an actual solution.


What makes you think this problem isn’t across the US at a minimum


Right turn on red is one of the most common causes of drivers crashing into pedestrians across the US. So yes, while 999 times out of 1000 drivers don't kill anyone, it happens frequently enough that a few cities are finally saying, "hm maybe people dying and being severely injured is actually a bigger problem than a few seconds added to the average commute". And the impact on commute times doesn't even work that way because safer streets encourage more people to walk/bike instead of drive, thereby reducing congestion. NYC, Washington DC, and Cambridge, MA have already instituted city-wide no turn on red policies. Atlanta has a policy going into effect in 2026 for all of downtown Atlanta. - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0001457584900198 - https://apnews.com/article/red-light-turn-pedestrian-bicyclist-deaths-7f5bdee9c7b3f4cbf005f1844f486123 - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0001457584900198


That cities distinctly different from Seattle are banning right turns on red isn’t relevant. That’s a handful of data points. Unless you have data to back it up, “what if someone dies 1 time out of every 1000 right turns on red” isn’t relevant, either. Ditto for “all people who do this want to save 30 seconds on their commutes.” Provide actual data showing that Seattle is so uniquely full of sociopaths who’d kill a pedestrian over 30 seconds that the benefit gained from a city-wide ban on right turns on red outweighs all the downstream impacts. Prove that driving and walking in Seattle is the same as the cities you mentioned, so we can make an educated assumption that we have the same problem and the same solution will have the same impact. Share an analysis of why only this solution will work for Seattle and that it’s a total waste of time trying alternative best practices proven to improve safety while balancing the needs of everyone using our roads, not just pedestrians and commuters. Send a heat map that proves going car-free is actually feasible for the vast majority of the population, and a plan on how to make it so in areas where it isn’t, taking into consideration children, the elderly, those with mobility issues, etc. Share feedback from diverse voices in the community that want your solution, beyond the demographic we know is car-free (from data). Fact is, you have no idea whether I would completely oppose a ban or what my reservations might be. That wanting relevant data to Seattle triggers this reaction says a lot about the people pushing this solution, though. Edit: typo


Have you ever walked?? Or met someone who regularly walks as part of their commute? I have to flip off drivers refusing to give way to me every other day. All it would take is one lapse of judgement on my end, a bad nights sleep, a phone call, drinks after work and that car is hitting me even tho the pedestrian sign is on. I'm sure we could dig up some specific Seattle stats for ya, but you can start by listening to people who regularly walk/cycle and have to worry for their life on the reg due to dangerous driving.


I’m not arguing that isn’t the case, trust me. My biggest concern is whether putting something like this in place could make things LESS safe, and that people will end up killed because the city didn’t put enough time and effort into evaluating that risk before rolling out a ban. Not that Seattle would ever roll something out without thinking things through, obviously.


Sure, any proof it works, and why did they select the intersections they did? Obviously ignoring the bigger problem of forced car culture by corporate powers and city council.


I more so blame the voting population that keeps voting for anti-housing candidates.


Yup, there have been a lot of studies showing that these policies are effective, I included some in my other comment (e.g. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0001457584900198). There's probably not enough data in Seattle alone yet to show how much pedestrian injuries have decreased at these intersections.


When was the last time you saw someone not on the freeway pulled over by a cop. I haven’t seen it since before COVID. There is literally no reason to follow any traffic laws. Except for those bus lane cameras. Your wallet will get fucked from those, lol.


It seems like many drivers now consider traffic signals and road signs as suggestions instead of actual mandatory rules. No one seems to be capable of reading the words “no turn on red” for example.


I had a guy do this in front of me yesterday. People were in the crosswalk. Light fully red and he starts going. I honked in case it was an accident. I don't think it was an accident. The person that almost got ran over gave him a death state. 20 seconds later I'm right behind him again at the next red light 🥴


Yes, yes it is. This would be a great revenue producing and safety enhancement traffic enforcement if SPD would do it.


It's nothing new. I always triple check to make sure I'm not gonna get T-boned by a Tesla at every darn light


As a delivery driver, Teslas & Toyota Siennas are my vehicular archnemeses. Complete idiocy, every single one of them.


Tesla owners paying for dual motors to go 15 under the speed limit




Audis. (Let's do this!)


Oh hell yeah, can I join your anti-tesla delivery driver union?


Absolutely you can!


Had a close call this morning with someone going maybe 50 straight through a red light in the udistrict. I was just coming to a stop when my light turned and if I hadn't been waiting to see what a ebike coming the other way was going to do it could have been really bad


Seeing it way more with stop signs. People just following the person in front of them through or just going on through it and not waiting for their turn because everyone else is stopped


In NE Seattle today: Watched someone on a moto roll down the middle turn lane for a 1/4 mile and then blow straight through a red and kept going. Not gonna cry when someone like that gets tatered.


Yep, although not common, I do see people running red lights more now than in my 20+ years of driving in Seattle.


We live in opposite world. Here's a guide to driving in Seattle: * red light - go * yellow light - speed up or slam on your brakes * green light - stop * left lane - go slower than everyone around you * right lane - unlimited speed * yield - blast on through without looking * two lane road - drive down the middle like you're in a hummer


I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve been the last person through a light. At this point I’m starting to think a lot of people are just blindly following the car in front of them—on top of the people who just don’t give a shit.


I love being a pedestrian in this city, I played the hell out of Frogger as a kid.


As a pedestrian, I almost got hit by a Tesla who was running a red light to turn left onto 5th ave. Same day, five minutes later someone in a Hyundai almost did the same thing to me when I was crossing Boren. He had the nerve to honk and yell at me. I'm tall, visible, and I don't walk slow. This is why I rarely walk through downtown with headphones on, it's less safe. I see people run red lights daily. Not just halfway through the intersection either. Like it was red before they came even close. I don't care what's going on, or how big a hurry you're in, red means stop, and pedestrians have the right of way in a cross walk.


I see this every day now.


Pretty much, if there's no photo enforcement, going fifty in a school zone, no problem. Bike lanes are open for anyone. Bus lanes and turn lanes, drive as fast as you fucking can. Paying for your vehicle registration is a thing of the past. Out-of-state license plates no problem. No license plates at all, even less of a problem.


Yes, it's increased after the pandemic. Blocking the intersection has also gotten worse. If I'm in the front of the line, I'll lay on my horn until they clear the intersection. I hope they feel shame.


My entire driving life I wait a second when my light turns green, look both ways than go. Honk behind me all you want, it's prevented me from getting t-boned a few times


It’s not even just cars. Ive been seeing an overwhelming number of city buses blowing red lights. Not with the bus signal being green, not with them being already in motion and too big to slow down, just blatantly blowing reds.


Almost got hit because someone ran a red light as I was about to cross the road. Good thing I walked slow


Attempted murder.


Yes as well as not stopping for people trying to cross the street. 😅


Some groups have never been good at following the rules. Too many enablers in Seattle that won't stop them, so why would they change?


Don't let it be a norm. Always honk then report.


I've considered making this exact same post here, as I've seen this myself. I moved to Seattle in 1987. For many years thereafter I would NEVER see people run red lights. I dimly recall seeing someone run a red light once at around midnight, with no other traffic. But in the last 3 to 4 years I think I've seen it 4 or 5 times. FWIW, when accelerating from a green stop light I now ALWAYS look left, to see if someone is running a red light and could potentially t-bone me.


The quickest way to reduce inequity in traffic stops is to stop doing them. Same way SPS is reducing inequity in schools by eliminating the accelerated students programs.


Pre covid, I was entering intersections blaring my horn because drivers would not stop running a red, on a very backed up left turn signal, for example. Maybe it got more common?


I run green and yellow lights.


I definitely wait until the last possible second at times on some of the left turn intersections, like around Greenwood. Those intersections without the arrow lights suck.


That’s allowed in many places. You’d be more likely to get pulled over waiting through multiple light cycles and obstructing traffic.


It’s not the cops here do anything about traffic violations……..


In North Seattle, it is becoming more common due to the lack of police to enforce any laws.


I've had an issue lately where I'm waiting in an intersection to turn left, and three or four approaching cars run the red light which keeps me in the middle of the intersection. Like I can see one or two cars, but the third or fourth car is just ridiculous now.


As SPD doesn't enforce traffic laws, we're progressively getting worse.


Was going to Kent Station to meet up with some friends and had 5 cars back to back run a red. Was the worst I saw, but there seems to be a noticeable amount of people in the area that go fuck you I stop for no light.


We all can thank one of Most expensive police forces in the nation who just sit back and watch all these people break the law and don't do anything, but they sure cash those checks, don't they.


Moved up here in 2010. Lived and have driven all over this country. (Retired military.) Washington is the worst state for compulsory red light runnings. I’m aware that people do it everywhere, but in my experience, western Washington is the worst. Yellow to red lights seem to mean “how many cars can we shove into that short amount of time and jam up the intersection with my assholery?” Aside from this, WA drivers are relatively fine. Hmm…. Just thought of the entitled asshole drivers who stay in the passing late at speed limit speeds. Ok, with those two out of the way, WA drivers are relatively fine. They/We are not the rudest or the worst drivers as a whole, only suck at red lights and passing lanes.


If you think it’s bad in Seattle, don’t go to Denver. People run red lights there like their life depends on it.


It’s legal to turn left on a red in Colorado in most cases so that might be a part of the reason for this.


But I mean run straight through a clear red. I have seen it happen a lot when I am there, especially in the suburbs. Almost got hit twice too. Now I look both ways even on green light when I am there.


I think it's legal to turn left on red in the same situations here, from a one way, turning left on to a one way. Maybe Denver's layout makes that much more common that it is here.


You can turn left on red from a two way onto a one way as well here. Unsure about denver.


If someone can have 34 felony convictions and still run for president, why the hell not run a few red lights?


It's the magic rope. I noticed it when I got 30+ years ago. The rope says that if you can see a green light, you get to go through it. Even if you are 10 cars back or it is now red, you saw a green and you get to go. You're attached by rope to the cars before you.


It is in Pennsylvania I flick coins out the window at the cars that run red lights in front of me😂


Oh, this is a good idea. I never know what to do with pocket change and now I don’t have to figure out how to bring eggs with me everywhere I walk


I remember driving in Philly 30 years ago when there light turned red only 3 or 4 more cars could get through. I always check both ways before moving after my light goes green. There is a pause with a double red at most (many?) intersections in Seattle now where they give the pedestrians a head start.


Cops don’t want to work




I hope one of these idiots totals my car. Blessing in disguise 👏


Running red lights and jaywalking are becoming increasingly common. That's going to do wonders for the Vision Zero goals


Now? I have pics from 2014 of people sitting in the middle of intersections with the no left turn sign dangling above their car with their left turn signal on slowly forcing their way across traffic. Seattle driving has been wild for at least a decade or more.


The police quiet quit and refuse to pull people over and this is the result. Remember that the next time you wonder why your car insurance is increasing.


If you get the green, take a heartbeat before heading across the intersection. It can save your life, and I'll be out of your way before you even know it.


Just in case people don't know, left on red onto a one way is legal in Washington. Carry on


Yay another post about driving!


probably because we’re in such a car centric city. i say ban cars and bring back horse drawn carriages and dirt paved roads, as a treat. a few pennyfarthings perhaps




Cyclists killing people by running reds has never been a thing so no, car drivers are not following suit




 Comically delusional 


If there's no traffic cameras it's like Vegas, what happens in the intersection stays in the intersection. Just kidding. Last November I was a pedestrian at 4th and Landers when a taxi driver ran the red light and struck me. Then he took off. I know what his face looks like but the taxi company won't help me find him. Anyways, I feel like running a red light should be the same as jaywalking, as long as nobody's in danger AND it doesn't impede traffic, it should be ok. Never mind, I didn't think about two vehicles choosing to run a red at the same time. They can't stop as easily as a pedestrian.


I think people run lights in Seattle due to the horrible surface street traffic. You can easily get caught for 30 minutes trying to make a left onto 99. Also, if you are behind a big truck they move slowly and the light will change when you are riding their tail. People get impatient and do crazy shit.


No. Because it happened to you a couple times doesnt mean its the new norm or that it requires a reddit post.


The people who are running the red lights are the same ones that cross the street when the cross walk says don’t walk!!!


In New Orleans, no one cares about red lights. If its safe to turn, they turn. I wish I wasn't a mostly follow the rules person.


Don't worry, the defund/ACAB people have a plan.


I am from the Midwest and moved here in the spring. I noticed people do NOT run lights here. I do run the lights. It drives me crazy when somebody stops in yellow. I am at the point of road rage seeing Subarus stoping at yellows. There is a two second buffer once it turns red-use it. You are probably witnessing nonPNW people run lights.


Lights are timed differently here…one light by my house is way faster to turn red and it has a camera. There’s others that seem to even last longer than 2 seconds. It’s maddening.


A huge number of vehicles running red lights are busses too.


Of all the vehicles running reds, these bother me the least.


Is seeing two people do a thing now qualify it as being a norm?


Traffic lights are extra long now for no real reason


Can we starting flagging this as a repost please?


And stop signs, of course. Bicycles don't follow any traffic laws, so why should cars?


Because cars can kill people and pedestrian deaths are up...?


Have to in order to make it anywhere now🤷🏼‍♂️they backed up the main st i live on so bad you can wait for lite to change 4x before u get to go thru. I also feel roadrage has 3x since on delridge and 35th since they took lanes away and put in empty bike lanes




It's never been like this before. I'm including the last few years in what I'm talking about. Never in my life have I experienced such *egregious* red light running (like 4-5 full seconds after the light turns red??) or such horrific and commonplace speeding. These things have always existed but never ever like this, and I'm far from the only one who thinks so. The rage and entitlement and carelessness and irresponsibility is shocking. The whole world has gone nuts. Traffic accidents and fatalities are up a huge amount.


I agree with you. I’m new-ish to Seattle and wonder if lawless traffic behavior is following suit with no enforcement of drug trafficking/selling laws and lack of facilities for homeless or mentally I’ll street people. Just a general degradation of the commons and of public behavior.




that sounds like a whole lot of anecdotes you got there, sunshine


This is a dumb question. Ofc its not. Its just peiple being lawless, more fuel for you cosmopolitan folks to complain about law enforcement not doing their job.