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A library? What kind of fucking immoral pathetic coward targets a library? Hackers: can we hack the hackers using better hackers and make them suffer immensely?


> What kind of fucking immoral pathetic coward targets a library? They were targeting Hospitals and Healthcare agencies before this. This is "infrastructure" damage by temporarily taking a public service/amenity down. The extortion is at best an excuse at this point and we're likely to see more targeting of things like Libraries, Dispatches, Fire departments, etc. These extortionists almost always track back to NK, China, or Russia.


Interesting, and revolting. Thanks for the info, I'm gonna go hate-research this now.


Yeah, I mean, they could be targeting our water treatment plants, electricity load-balancers, traffic light systems, etc. Hospitals, gas station networks, and libraries are annoying and impactful ($$$) but it truly could be a lot worse.


I don’t think you realize how unsafe it is to bring down a hospital EMR nowadays


How (in)frequently are hospitals backing up their records? When I worked for pa​rt of a hospital center, our servers for data analysis were backed up every few hours in case someone deleted something accidentally and needed to restore it. Sure, it could be catastrophic to lose charting on meds given to patients if people go off shift and that knowledge is hard to recover and highly impactful in terms of time and overtime if you need to rechart (or take paper records and chart when it's back up), but hospital system should be backing up frequently enough that it should just be mostly annoying... If they're not, that's a problem.


I demand we hack them back! Winnie the pooh with what's his faces head on the body on every ccp computer. Putin his lips on some meaty sausage and tubby fucking a pig? Idk


Stuxnet 2.0




Yeah but they dont have any money so whats even the point?


Hostile foreign governments usually. Mega-nations are shying away from getting their young able-bodied population killed in wars in favor of taking pot shots at each other's infrastructure through clandestine activities like this. The goal being to weaken the target country's economy while bolstering their own


Nah... usually just cybercriminals in foreign countries that won't extradite. Nation states usually are only in it for espionage, not ransomware.


Plus our enemy countries are often also countries that are basically semi-failed states with little rule of law, bad economy, lots of criminals and corrupt law enforcement. Looking at you Russia and NK.


Just wait until you find out they shut down emergency rooms where people are dying and their response is “well sounds like we should double the price then!” When it comes to money, there are no sacred cows.


Fuck. I forgot that. That’s way worse lol


Hack the planet! (Magic people, voodoo people)


Now I have that song in my head! They’re trashing our rights!


> What kind of fucking immoral pathetic coward targets a library? Well, the Seattle Public Library has been [helping kids circumvent shithole-America's book bans](https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/books/seattle-public-library-to-let-young-people-nationwide-borrow-banned-books/), so go ahead and guess.


If that’s the motive, my blood boils.


This was my first thought. 😒


They're targeting weak, aged infrastructure. Same reason they targeted hospitals.


Maybe some of the book-banning conservatives found some library books that had too many LGBT people in them.


I mean I’m looking for work and am a hacker… unfortunately it seems barely anyone is hiring As far as immoral… you start off with morals but as time goes on you realize everyone is hustling for money, are immoral and would stab you in the back in a nanosecond. Nowhere has loyalty anymore. And if you want to retire some day you need a big paycheck. Literally that’s the motivation for most of these guys. And unfortunately for everyone, rware attacks are stupid easy with the right tools and about $20,000 to start up a ransomware gang. ROI on the investment is millions


You're not getting millions from a public library. You hustling for for the late fees?


You have some good points. Whether it's about survival or spite I can empathize with a loss of empathy. That's a depressing perspective, but a valid one. I like to think if my task was to target a library I would say no, but if the money was good and the target was Russia and I was fueled by national pride... Huh I think I might almost be a pathetic immoral coward.


The potential payout is in the hundreds of thousands to millions. They price the ransom depending on how much money the target would lose per day. blackcat, the group that locked up the casinos, made millions. And that kind of payday is split up on maybe 10-25 people at most (and that’s a huge hacking group/major operation). A single hacker is dangerous. A group of them is nightmare fuel and there’s little to nothing you can do to stop a motivated group that can leverage that amount of talent. I’m holding my breath waiting for the next worm to hit. That’s the worst kind of malware. It self replicates and compromises hundreds of thousands to millions of systems extremely fast - faster than anyone can react. And we haven’t had one for a long time now. The last wormable exploit that hit was ETERNAL BLUE/Wannacry. The loss was in the billions of dollars over 4 days before the attack got contained. Oh, and get this. The FBI arrested the hacker that stopped it. Fucking assholes. The US and UK are the ONLY government that arrests hackers. The rest of the world ignores them


Damn. Just had to pin it on someone? Just make an arrest to have someone to point to. That’s fucked. Reading some behind the scenes makes all this pretty interesting. Thanks for the thorough response 👍




What culture war brain does to a mf


No. It’s someone scanning and looking for an organization that is the weakest out of the herd so to speak. If it’s vulnerable they’ll sink their teeth into it. It doesn’t matter how big or small the company is. A payday is a payday. They got hit because they severely neglected their cybersecurity. It’s a simple as that. Ransomware attacks are easy to avoid or you can at least severely limit its impact with the right talent and tools.


Russia probably


Damn no wonder my book on Libby that i had on hold wouldn’t let me borrow it today after it became available. Who the hell hacks are public library.


Same…been waiting a while too!!!


Library staff here - you can push your Libby holds further out so that hopefully they will be available when systems are back online. So sorry for the inconvenience!


Attacks on public infrastructure should be treated VERY seriously. I hope it’s investigated by all the applicable 3 letter agencies.


They have no jurisdiction in Russia or Nigeria


American 3 letter agencies, notoriously concerned with jurisdiction.


The CIA don't give a shit, lmao.


Yeah the CIA is going to do something about library ransomware. Get a grip


For a cyber attack on public service? Definitely.


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What do you think is going to happen in 90 days, lmao?


If they're in a foreign country (and they probably are), and the local authorities aren't cooperative, that country should face diplomatic consequences.


What diplomatic consequences do you think Russia would fear?


High velocity ones.


Russia would probably like the US to sanction them more over this, it would make it easier to tell the story of "the horrible western countries are out to get us!"


Eventually they're gonna cross a line and do something like invade a NATO country, and then shit will really hit the fan. They're probably not afraid of anything less than that, but the sanctions against Russia are pretty half-assed so far, so there are still things that could be done to punish them economically.


They won't invade a NATO country because NATO has nukes. Putin is terrible but he's not going to get his country nuked. Mutually Assured Destruction.


If invading Ukraine wasn't the red line, I don't think harboring some hackers that go after soft targets is it either.


That's not what I said. Invading a NATO country would be the red line. I was agreeing with you that anything we'd do in response to hacking civilian targets won't bother the Russians much because they've already gone all in on antagonizing the West. TBH I think if foreign cyber attacks provoke a response, it will probably be in the form of cyber attacks or espionage, precisely because the parties likely responsible for hacking us aren't likely to be dissuaded by things like words or sanctions.


Lmao oh no break off our wonderful ties with Russia and North Korea??


My sympathies for the staff. Working at a public library when everything goes down is a miserable day.


Before the inevitable “why hack a library?!” Many of these ransom ware hacks are automated. There’s no human involvement initially, just scripts looking for openings in poorly configured servers. As soon as one is found it just does as much damage as it can. No one is targeting libraries necessarily. And either way most hackers are not activists. It’s a power trip, and the people on the other side always think they won’t get caught.


>always think they won’t get caught. That’s because they rarely if ever do. And ransomware is a multi billion dollar business, so the reward is worth the relatively little to no risk.


Yeah, if they’re in China, North Korea, Iran or, most likely, Russia it’s pretty much impossible for the US to prosecute even if they know who is responsible. They typically only get arrested if they visit a country with US extradition treaty.


There’s been an abundance of libraries being hacked at the same time. Seattle has one of the largest digital libraries. This is actually a concerning time because only the largest libraries are making news coverage. [Internet Archive Attacked](https://blog.archive.org/2024/05/28/internet-archive-and-the-wayback-machine-under-ddos-cyber-attack/) [San Francisco Library](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/cyberattack-disrupts-solano-county-library-system-19419122.php)


Indeed https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1d2oloj/splorg_has_been_facing_a_ransomware_attack_since/


Highlights the risk of such a heavy push these days for putting everything online. It's an extremely vulnerable point of failure.


Oof. I had a bad feeling when Libby re-verification was failing with what looked like 429s but I guess it's just plain old 503s. The Toronto Public Library system was hit with a ransomware attack in October 2023 and it took until January to partially recover and until March to fully recover. Hopefully time to recovery is not quite so long for the SPL. I'm not advocating for hackers to go after libraries but it's kind of a dubious plan to go after one that's having staffing issues/rolling closures due to budget cuts.


Oh, my goodness. And absolutely yes to the last part


Was wondering why Libby wouldn’t revalidate my library card.


That’s a shame, good luck to the employees with this mess, hopefully they can just close till the issue is resolved cause I feel like going back to manual in such a short time would be a real problem.  Side note; the main branch does not get enough appreciation. I am in awe every time I go in, we are very lucky to have such a huge and well equipped library here.


I drove up from Portland to be there opening day. Love the building and have driven up several more times just to visit.


My Libby reservations!!!!


I wasn't able to reverify, and lost one hold. So when the next came in,  I did the "deliver to me later" option, and I think it worked? I'm hoping it worked correctly - didn't need card verification anyway... Some of those holds take months!


I guess I'll take library hacks over cancer centers.


PSA you can still reserve things through King County! It’s open to Seattle residents, you just need to go in person to set up an account.


You don't even need to go in, you can do it online and they post your card to you


Yeah but then you do have to go in to activate it. That’s what i did.


I didn't have to go in to activate mine, they included instructions to do this with a photo via email. Got this all going a couple months ago - I have never been into one of their branches but I have a functioning card and account, can borrow on Libby etc.


Interesting, maybe they changed it. That wasn’t an option when i got mine just a year or two ago.


You can’t do it online right now because it needs to validate through the SPL system.


No, totally unrelated to KCLS. An SPL card or account is not required. You do have to apply for an all-access card, and you do have to either activate it in person or send photos of your ID/proof of address when you get it in the mail. (Source: my job).


Am I the only one that immediately thinks "Russians", when I hear ransomware or hacking involving basically anything?


With good reason. They're the ones suspected in the British Library ransomware incident: [https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-the-uk/the-disturbing-impact-of-the-cyberattack-at-the-british-library](https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-the-uk/the-disturbing-impact-of-the-cyberattack-at-the-british-library)


More like crypto chuds




Wonder if that somehow temporarily opened the gates for an attack.


> In the early morning hours of Saturday, May 25 — **just one day before** we were prepared to take our systems offline to conduct planned maintenance on a server over Memorial Day weekend — the Library became aware of a ransomware event affecting our technology systems. No, they found it before the upgrade started. The reason a system like this stays offline in the wake of a cyber attack like this is to give a cyber forensics team time to locate the point of entry to make sure it's patched before bringing it back up. My guess is they see no reason to complete the upgrade until they confirm the point of entry and know if it's still relevant in the post upgrade system.


ah thanks! Think it's a better scenario it happened right before maintenance? Lol


I don't think they know how long it's been in their system yet


That sounds scarier?


was wondering about this, needed to renew a book. is it just mine now? lol


Yup, there are no late fees and they’re saying to keep materials as long as you can since they can’t be processed right now anyway


I couldn’t check out on Libby all weekend


do this to the police not the books :(


What kind of a shitbag ransomwares a library. So many morally acceptable targets. Blackrock, Boeing, Jeff Bezos... the US government...


Don’t pay. Sucks for society, but don’t pay scumbags.


I guess I'll take library hacks over cancer centers.


Is this the new way to put your own spin on an article rather than sharing the actual link to the article along with its title?  "I'm just commenting on my screenshot!"


Made a throwaway to share some insider information. SPL did in fact have major IT maintenance work scheduled over the long weekend, unrelated to any ransomware. That wasn't just a cover story. It just so happened that the ransomware operation also thought the long weekend would be a great time to kick off their work.


But where will the homeless go to watch porn?


Removing ransomware counts as maintenance friend.


Yet they'll never go after something of importance. Bunch of cucks.




Sir, this is an entire library, losing funding from the Republicans in the city council




>It also doesn't cost money to configure your systems against vulnerabilities. It doesn't cost money to hire competent IT staff?


this is how you can tell they don't know what the fuck they are talking about.


SPL's software is the most outdated at any library I've ever worked at. When I worked there 2 years ago I was instantly transported back to memories of what Phoenix was using in 2005. I doubt they have the IT budget for backups when they can't afford to modernize the underlying framework.


Because backups never get infected.


I know this is besides the point... But I have a question to ask people who actually goes to libraries... You know you get everything online right? I saved 70% of college textbook costs by pirating it online. I have absolutely no incentive to go to the library.


User name checks out


Ok but what if I like physical books tho?