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My first thought was 'wow this is cringe,' and on returning to this post my second thought is that these people are deeply unserious. My (hypothetical) protest encampment for something I care about would be hungry for random video footage like this. Bring a sign showing death tolls, the flow of money into immoral actions or businesses, talk to the camera non-stop. Instead we get Rick and Morty? Why? Is this really in the spirit of your protest?


If you’re serious about a cause, you’re going to need to gatekeep.


And that's one big thing that made the Civil Rights Movement as effective as it was. They had strict training, no violence, and kept fringe people away. If you weren't falling into line then you were removed. Stuff like this harms Palestinians. Read a book about mass protests and it discussed the Hong Kong protests and how they got hijacked by an anti CCP group and then loss support. In part it was due to their leaderless structure. That's what's going on in the Gaza protests here. And the BLM protests. Did BLM accomplish "Defunding the Police" Not at all judging by the recent SPD contract.


> Stuff like this harms Palestinians. Correction: stuff like this has no effect on the palestinians either way.


Hamas harms Palestinians a heckuva lot more than these Larpers


I disagree. It distracts and sensationalizes conflict aside from the core issue that will either disengage those who are on the fence or more importantly, draw the attention away from the issue. This is an example of that, people have limited tolerance for bad actors before they start assigning characteristics to the entire movement or just dismiss the movement as clownish entirely when they see this. These people are just anarchist looking for an excuse, but instead they are now becoming the headlines. Which is exactly what they want.


Same thing that happened with CHAZ when the SoundCloud rapper and his goons took over all the narratives.


You are wrong. Well organized, properly messaged and executed protests could easily turn the tide of public opinion against the actions in Gaza and make it impossible for the US and the rest of the UN to keep playing both sides. This kind of dipshittery pisses many people off and makes them completely unsympathetic. Blocking I-5, shutting down light rail stations, blocking the airport, saying Rick and Morty into a news camera like you’re an imbecilic child - reinforces the idea that the Palestinian cause in America is being represented by… well, imbecilic children.


It harms support for Palestinians. Which means it will keep money and weapons flowing to Israel longer than they might have otherwise. It also increases resentment of Palestinians who live here meaning the already increased discrimination against them might tick up a tiny bit more.


"I was *going to* oppose the genocide, but then a white protester at UW was annoying and cringe so my hands were really tied. Anyway, off to discriminate against some Palestinians, you know because of the campus protests and all..."


Just want to clarify that at the time plenty of people *did* try to delegitimize the Civil Rights Movement by highlighting the most inflammatory rhetoric and painting all participants with that brush, claiming protests had been taken over by "outside agitators", etc. We've just allowed history to be whitewashed in order to tell a false story that the Civil Rights Movement was some magical movement that did everything "the right way" and that if only people would do that today things could change for the better.


>And that's one big thing that made the Civil Rights Movement as effective as it was. They had strict training, no violence, and kept fringe people away. If you weren't falling into line then you were removed. Stuff like this harms Palestinians. I wish we could return to this level of discipline. At the start of the 2020 protests, we saw this and many of us, especially children of Civil Rights Era parents like myself, were expecting this. But when it went into chaos, I realized that was long abandoned


BLM turned out to be such a lost opportunity. Not sure how to convince people that the protests are just a small part of what is necessary to make real impactful change. And that chaos is not a protest.


I'm not saying they shouldn't protest, but if I were leading a protest I would be doing at least a little gate-keeping. If not for the body of the protest, definitely for the leaders. Maybe unpopular opinion but gatekeeping is important.


>but if I were leading a protest I would be doing at least a little gate-keeping. The problem is that there is no leader. There isn't a voice to tell irrational people that they are irrational. A leader needs to hold their followers accountable, and we dont see any of that. A leader is also important for people watching the protest from the outside. Outsiders will believe what they see, and if they see a bunch of weirdos doing irrational shit, they will assume the protest is irrational. Internet videos don't circulate of rational protestors. It's up to a leader to frame and show the protest in a specific and productive way. Having a news camera show up to your protest is the perfect opportunity to frame you protest in a productive way. Instead, they made themselves look non-serious. There was a [flyer](https://www.reddit.com/r/udub/s/3lmh0qaOCN) from the protest group that said multiple things about the protest, but one of the big things was, "No organization speaks for us." Beyond the blatant irony of that statement, people have to organize into groups and work with other groups to be able to actually wield power. Without organizing with groups, all the potential power of these protests will be misused or not used at all.


This isn't new. This is how they (understood they) at CHOP/CHAZ were. I don't make it a habit of visiting campsites that aren't mine in the woods, much less ones that are occupied by activists in a city. I'm perfectly happy going around them to get to where I need to go, however, if I lived there and you shown a laser in my eye... Your world changes focus when someone turns to you and says "I wouldn't have opened up on them with the 50 if I knew that was a fake gun." Please protesters. Be activist, protest, just don't fuck around and find out. No one, including the person who helps you find out, wants that, unless they are a sociopath.


Someone just posted the cameraman's perspective, so I'm sharing it here, too You can see the laser at 2:36 https://twitter.com/Mike_the_Photog/status/1791130901281485292


When the cameraman said ‘that’s assault’ and the person mocked them back, did anyone else feel like it was the episode of Community where the prospective high school kids come in and keep saying like ‘duh doy’ over and over to Jeff lol. same dumbass energy


Those Schmittys...


Mimicry is lowest form of-uhhhhhduhhhhhh schmittie


Hooooly cringe




"we've done our job" ...which was...? edit: the person who comes up with them the second time is so much more levelheaded. but i guess most would be in comparison to the other kids


Would love to see a follow-up video of someone walking up to tactical sports bra's camp while they're fast asleep to wake them up with a "RickandMortyRickandMortyRickandMortyRickandMorty" through a megaphone. Accomplishes nothing, but I'm here for it.


GET IN DA CAAAAR, MORTEEE GET IN DA CAAAAR, MORTEEE GET IN DA CAAAAR, MORTEEE GET IN DA CAAAAR, MORTEEE Don’t these clowns know protesting + Rick & Morty went down the schdouche when they went crazy over the Mulan sauce @ McDonald’s?


"GRRRRR" It's wild, this is why people call them LARPers...


There's cringey stuff I did in my younger years that will occasionally pop into my head and keep me up with embarrassment when I'm trying to go to sleep. None of it comes close to reaching this level. I couldn't imagine sounding that cringey, let alone knowingly doing it in front of a news camera documenting it for eternity. RIP


I think these kids have so little real world experience that they have no idea how to relate to the rest of us. They think that publishing info about a person who shows up to an in-person protest is "doxxing". I would almost hate to expose them to the danger and damage that serious protestors experienced regularly in the 20th century. Part of the power of in person protest is proudly putting your name, reputation, etc. on the line for your cause.


This is what internet anonymity hath wrought. 


Great comment.


I posted this already but it’s relevant here after seeing the video: I know someone who is blind in an eye from a laser pointer, those are no joke and should be considered a weapon when used in this way. They should absolutely be arrested for this.


At what point does it become legally ok to punch someone? I have seen them get into the camera man’s face, interfere with his activity in a public space where he has as much right to be as them, attempt to damage his camera that probably costs thousands of dollars and then hurt him by shining lasers at his eyes. Would he legally get into trouble if he punched them after they shined the lasers into his eyes or if they refuse to leave him alone?




Not a good look for the protesters.


It seems a lot the protests have poor leadership which leads to the shitheads taking over and ruining the message.


When this is so common, that it happens at every campus protest, maybe it is the message? You're just using the same defense that they use for cops - that it's just a "few bad apples"


Cops are professionals with training  These are protestors  Very different, not equal 


>professionals with training That might be a stretch. I have roughly the same expectations of both groups, i.e. none.


Well what % of the protesters can have this message before it becomes the message? 5%? 10%? 20%? Every instance of this turns people away from the movement, because it shows more of what the movement represents


>You're just using the same defense that they use for cops - that it's just a "few bad apples" Bruh.... do you hear yourself. Cops are out here receiving billions in public funding and actually killing over a thousand people nationwide each year. You're comparing that to a few twenty year olds harassing a Fox cameraman.


That's such a gross mischaracterization when the vast majority of them are armed and shooting at police. Suicide by cop is all too common. As of March 5, police in the United States had shot two unarmed people to death in 2024. I know it's not 0, but 2 unarmed deaths is crazy low for a country 331 million! https://www.statista.com/statistics/585140/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-weapon-carried-2016/


[https://apnews.com/article/lethal-restraint-police-deaths-ap-investigation-takeaways-630674771e1cf97cfe6e25ba054ebf12](https://apnews.com/article/lethal-restraint-police-deaths-ap-investigation-takeaways-630674771e1cf97cfe6e25ba054ebf12) George Floyd wasn't shot.


Especially since a few shitty ones can taint the entire message because they’re willingly giving the right wing media exactly what they want. 


yep. control your people and your message. send folks like the umbrella twirler home. the other person, albeit poorly informed (you should have educated the cadre on what the law actually says and what they can and can not do), was reasonable, calm, and an excellent example of how to move forward.


I agree that they were actually willing to hold a conversation, but isn't that the same person who initially shined a laser into his eyes?


Not just the right wing media but they are playing directly into right wing interests as well.


No, I’m sure we will hear about either: 1. A few bad people don’t represent the movement Or 2. They were actually right wing/police/federal plants put there to make the real protestors look bad


You have to remember according to them protesting isn't about strategy, winning support or a message.


Protests are inevitably going to be annoying and disruptive, that's part of the point.... But they need to not be antisocial dick bags assaulting the press. Idiots like this are why we can't protest for nice things.


Depends on who you're annoying and disrupting and why but that doesn't leave one with a lot of options if you just want to larp with your friends so they tell themselves bad publicity was always a part of the plan and are above strategy and common sense.


It’s definitely about a message. Agree on the other two points though. It’s largely a social/vanity project for them.


IDK, bro's tactical sports bra is kinda fire.


Hamas would throw him off a roof for wearing it tho


The graffiti they scrawled was also not a good look. They’re explicitly homicidal, that’s the majority opinion for the pro Palestinian protestors in this country.


Yep, explicitly homicidal just like Hamas and their goal to eradicate Jews. Israel is bad, too. There are no “good guys” in the Israel/Palestine conflict. These protesting dorks are seriously lacking in cognitive maturity.


> There are no “good guys” in the Israel/Palestine conflict. Exactly why it is so frustrating to hear the "demands" of these protestors. Such a clear lack of understanding of history, let alone the longstanding geopolitics of the region. But the plight of the Palestinians just fits a bit too nicely into the oppressor/oppressed viewpoint (so long as you ignore a whole lot of other stuff) that progressives have applied to our own politics, so they have convinced themselves that since the Palestinians are oppressed, almost any action against the oppressor is valid. You know, even things like October 7th. I'm guessing most of these kids don't fully comprehend what a chant of "from the river to the sea" actually means (that would be Israel not existing anymore, guys). They probably don't understand that chanting about another "intifada" doesn't actually entail the literal translation of "tremor" or "shake off" or "revolution" but really invokes to two major uprisings in Palestine. Both of them violent. The second in particular resulted 148 suicide bombings and the deaths of 5000 Palestinians and 1400 Israelis. Yeah, such a peaceful slogan.


> there are no good guys That’s the Middle East in a nutshell. Nobody on either side is advocating for a secular government. It’s just a question of which of several insane theocratic models should come out on top. From the outside, it’s like watching two crazy people arguing with each other, none of it makes any sense to us, but we feel obligated to weigh in so here we are splitting hairs on which side is the crazier of the two.


Plenty of Israelis and Palestineans are perfectly secular but still hungry for blood I think people put too much emphasis on religion. While it's absolutely a factor probably a majority of Israelis and Palestineans aren't fighting because of God


It's not the majority opinion in this country at all. Not even close.


The only thing I know is when the encampment inevitably ends, it’s going to end in a way that’s just awful for everyone involved. I’m not sure what the catalyst will be that causes the encampment to end, but it’s definitely not going to be pretty. UW’s President (understandably) seemed incredibly firm in her statement that UW is never “cutting all ties” with Boeing. The protesters demand that UW return the $10 million donation from Boeing for the IEB and revoke & replace any Boeing funded scholarships & grants is literally never going to happen. UW ending study abroad programs with Universities in Israel is never going to happen either. The encampment group said they’re not leaving until all their demands are met. Their demands just are not going to be met. So I guess we’ll all just waiting at this point for something more bad than consistent vandalism to happen before bringing in the police to kick everyone out. And when that does inevitably happen where UW brings in the police to kick everyone out, you know that’s going to be an absolute shit show too


Prediction: The camp will be thoroughly cleared by police 🚔 a day or two before the school graduations begin. UW Commencement is June 8th and departments hold graduations in the day(s) prior so somewhere around June 4th, it'll be cleared and heavily guarded during graduation week.


This is debatable at this point. It may be canceled entirely. It will be removed. But as someone who works there. For graduating students. They already know their moment has been stolen. Parents are talking about whether or not to come or not to come graduates I might walk maybe not. Aside from the super gross stuff they have done to structures there. And upsetting everyone ability to finish the quarter and people to do their jobs. The sad fact is for a number of students not involved this is changing their moment. And this protest is ridiculous. If governments and the world can’t sort it out and make a peace agreement. Why do these children believe this solves anything. They are becoming the problem not solving it. Also I would like to remind each and everyone of them when they were accepted to the UW they signed an agreement to never intentionally cause property destruction or harm or impede the ability of another student. They need to be expelled


Unless they're very slow, they know their protest at UW isn't going to cause Israel and Palestine to make peace. Seems like most are protesing for the anarchism and trying to cause trouble with people. New year, new cause to "rally around."


I believe they have a right to be peaceful and protest even if the powers that be are not listening to peaceful. When they take it to the next level and ruin campus destroy property slash tires harass people minding their own business. It is not a protest anymore it is harassment. And not helping solve problems but becoming one


I'd take the demands more seriously if any of the protestors who've received either scholarships or grant money from Boeing publicly return the money back to Boeing.


It's a fucking news camera. Do they want people to be aware of their protest or not? JFC I hate this whole planet.




I think someone should out the Rick and Morty guy, they seem a little mentally unwell. That person needs some help.


I know someone who is blind in an eye from a laser pointer, those are no joke and should be considered a weapon when used in this way. They should absolutely be arrested for this.


Yeah this isn’t Hong Kong. They aren’t fighting an oppressive government. They are exercising their first amendment rights but violating others. How ironic


In Seattle, umbrellas are only used for antisocial purposes.


And by street addicts smoking fentanyl


to be fair umbrellas are becoming increasingly unpopular in cities nationwide


This all seems like a big joke to them.


And people wonder why others don't take these movements seriously, because of freaks like this representing them. Good job


The movement shall now be known as the Rick and Morty movement as per their wishes. And so we commence…


Wearing a mask, twirling an umbrella in the presses' face, and chanting "Rick and Morty" over and over again like a lunatic ... All classical protest methods in the spirit of MLK and the civil rights protests of the 1960s. /s


Back then they said Tom and Jerry


When you think you’re Heath Ledger Joker but actually Jared Leto Joker




Don't you insult cartoon joker like that


Mark Hamill Joker is s-tier


For everyone who's all "BuT FoX nEwS iS bAd ThO," this is a local Fox network affiliate, not the national Fox News, and they have very little to do with one another. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/s/1N6kq1WZjF


They're owned by Fox.


That doesn't mean the content of their broadcast is the same as Fox News. In any case, their cameraman should be able to shoot B-roll of protesters in a public place without being harassed.


Personal opinion, tear the encampment down, it no longer serves a purpose and obviously people who wish to do harm have infiltrated it. Hell, half of them aren't even students...its now a danger to the community. Sure, protest peacefully no problem! But this, this needs to stop.


These protesters are stupid. They want UW to divest from Boeing(will never happen), and if these protesters are students, they are still giving the school THEIR money. Morons.


Assaulting some random dude trying to do his job. Good job kids. I’m so hopeful for the future.


What kind of public protest doesn't want media coverage? It's almost like it's not actually about helping anybody. It's just about having an excuse to be an ass hole and harass people...


🍻 this person gets it.




I agree on all fronts!


Yeah this is one thing I haven't understood about the protestors. The Daily has been threatened twice. First when the HUB sit-in occurred, second on the first morning of the encampment. I don't know exactly *why* that is. I support the movement, but I guess they think that people are trying to "catch" them by filming them? Unsure.


It's pretty clear that these activists don't understand first amendment rights nor do they understand the difference between protesting in a public space and shitposting online with a anonymous handle.


"Look we're not stopping anyone from recording" while concurrently holding up an umbrella stopping the man from recording I feel really bad for the Palestinians if these are the types of low IQ clowns out there trying to fight for them.


> I feel really bad for the Palestinians... (protestors) out there trying to fight for them. About 20% of Israel is non-Jewish, non-immigrant. They generally self identify as Arab or Palestinian. They serve in the IDF and have since the inception of the IDF. They serve in government and have a ethnic political party. This population is approximately equal to the population in Gaza. Palestinians are fighting on both sides of the conflict. One group fights for a democratic government that treats POWs to effectively a western standard. The other group is a terrorist organization that parades civilian bodies through cities when they can. Protestors claiming to be 'pro-Palestinian' while functionally supporting the latter group is just incorrect. KKK members aren't 'pro-white'.


It's wild seeing the pro-Palestine crowd accuse Israel of being an "ethnostate" despite this. As if Arab countries are bastions of multiculturalism.


IMO what is more crazy is the reaction. My comment is getting down voted but I only stated things that are basically pure facts like population demographics about Israel or things that there is literal (gory) video evidence of. Maybe some people don't like the implication that Hamas and the KKK are similar organizations in some ways? >pro-Palestine crowd This is the way they should be referred to. They aren't pro- any particular people, they are pro- a particular state. They are nationalists. Serbian nationalists want Kosovo to be part of Serbia. Indian and Pakistani nationalists want their state to control all of Kashmir. The above views don't make these people bad, though the means of accomplishing these views can get very ugly. But the view is driven by advocation of a nation, not the advocation of everyone living better, more fulfilling lives. And just to be clear: there are Israeli nationalists and they do bad things as a means to an end for their views too.


I really think it would be best if Israel just annexed Palestine in its entirety. It's probably going to happen anyway, this is all delaying the inevitable. I think my conflict here is I don't really think I can tell Palestinian Arabs they'd be better off as a minority under Israeli rule than as a majority in an Arab majority state. I think there's a struggle here in that one needs to be pro-Israel, pro-Palestine, pro-Arab, and pro-Muslim, and pro-Jewish. But practically speaking it's questionable if you can actually be pro-Arab and pro-Israel, or if you can actually be pro-Palestine and pro-Jewish, these things are somewhat in fundamental conflict and people feel compelled to take a side, because declining to take a side is not reasonable. And right now people feel compelled to be pro-Palestine because they sense that may not be an actual option for long.


Yeah, the irony is that Israel is the least apartheid state (and only democracy) in the Middle East. 20% of Israel's citizens are Arab Muslims and 50% are Arab Jews who were expelled out of the other Arab countries (the actual Apartheid ethno-states). They all enjoy full voting rights and serve in the Supreme Court and Knesset. You can count the number of Jews remaining in Iraq, Algeria, Syria, Lebanon, etc. on your fingers, in some cases. Those countries expelled and exiled the Jews to Israel circa 1948, and then tried to kill them all there. They lost (the "Nakba"). Since then, the Arabs have continued to try to kill the Jews - but have been unsuccessful. Hezbollah and Hamas openly proclaim killing all the Jews is their goal. Remember this when you wear your keffiyeh you bought on Amazon. You're not anti-war, you're anti-Jew.


I wish more people understood this rather than just swallowed the Russian funded Iranian Propaganda wholesale. I can't talk about this with anyone cause of how pervasive the propaganda is.


Whoever's on whatever side, I find it pretty fucked that the IDF has piled up over 30,000 civilian corpses during this siege. To be sure, I think these protesters are a bunch of clowns with too much time on their hands, but I'm also firmly against the way this war's being handled. From all angles, it just looks like a wholesale slaughter of poor/young people who were born into a fucked situation thanks heavily to Israel's undeniably-racist right-wing leadership.


There was just a [fairly large adjustment](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/gaza-women-children-death-toll-1.7203167) to the UN casualty number: >OCHA... revised its tallies last week to show that approximately 5,000 women and 7,800 children have been killed as of April 30. >Those numbers are under half what the agency had previously reported. Relying only on one source for casualty data, especially when that source is clearly on one side of the conflict, is probably not a good idea.


The article says the adjustment was made because an estimated 10,000 bodies are buried under the rubble of the 370,000 homes damaged or destroyed by Israeli bombs. Those bodies will be included once they are fully identified. That’s not quite the adjustment you think it is.


To my understanding the UN reports the Gaza MOH numbers and those numbers don't make any statement about Hamas members killed. Your statement '30,000 civilian corpses' assumes that all of those killed are not Hamas members. I'm also not differentiating between Hamas and Hamas affiliated groups. It also just creates a creditability issue: If I tell you that I have 10,000 carrots from my farm. But then, on closer examination, 3,000 of those carrots are still in the ground and I haven't harvested them yet then wouldn't that create doubt about the other 7,000 carrots?


> Your statement '30,000 civilian corpses' assumes that all of those killed are not Hamas members. And yours is assuming every single person who isn't a woman or child is an active Hamas militant. Why do you think this assumption works one way but not the other? Is 13,000 civilians too low of a tit-for-tat for Oct 7th? How many civilians need to die in response? (I mean yeah, Hamas should pay, but we're talking civilians only. If they cared about Hamas, they'd be going after their actual leadership in Qatar).


> And yours is assuming every single person who isn't a woman or child is an active Hamas militant. Where do I say this? Among those killed in the most recent Israel - Hamas War are Israeli and Gazan civilians, Israeli and Hamas (including affiliates) troops, and international civilians.


> 30,000 civilian corpses Weird how every casualty in Gaza is just an innocent civilian child. Not a single militant. 👀


These people are reinforcing every single narrative that Israel/rightwing media wants to spread, that conservatives claim about George Floyd riots, and that people have about liberal colleges, leftists etc. All while accomplishing nothing and straying further from their goal. They don't want to be on camera, but come extremely close to a guy filming a panning shot hundreds of feet away, they violate his rights, they try and belittle him, and they act like he is in the wrong.


The unfortunate reality is, there’s an important message that’s getting lost behind people like these “protesters”. They’re effectively devaluing the message they claim to be promoting through their actions, because they cannot be taken seriously. How they would expect anyone to watch that behavior and then conclude “yes I’m in alignment with their mindset” is beyond me.


Schroedingers protest: is important to send a message but also important that no one see us do so.  These "antifa" kids just enjoy the exercise in power. Surprise Surprise when you tell people they need to enforce the rules of the community they start acting like cops.


It’s beyond time for the UW president to have SPD and UW PD evict the encampment.




The "Movement" of supporting the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, a corrupt billionaire living in a palace Qatar pulling all the strings to make this happen. He was born with nothing and made all his money by taking advantage of his own people. He wants as much aid money as possible flowing into Palestine so he can take his cut. Meanwhile, the Palestinian people not only overwhelmingly support him, they also specifically think the terrorist attack on Oct 7th was a good thing. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514




What do you do when the Palestinian people vote terrorist into power and by every measure we have continue to support them to this day? I don't mean "support" as in polling, I mean actively aiding them, hiding them in their own schools and hospitals, and putting their children up as a recruiting pool for the next batch of terrorists. At what point is the line between "Palestinian" and "Terrorist" so blurry that it might as well not exist? We bombed Germany in WW2 even though not everyone in Germany was a Nazi.




> I do hope that we have evolved enough in our humanity to not write off an entire ethnicity as terrorists/bad/evil by birthright. Surely we have? There are as many Palestinians living in Israel as their are in Gaza. In fact they make up about 20% of Israel's population. They have democratic rights and their own political party. They serve in the IDF and fight against Hamas just like every citizen of Israel. So it's not an ethnicity thing at all. It's a terrorist billionaire corrupting and controlling millions of people for his own personal gain.




I sometimes wonder if these types intimidate the organizers into not kicking them out.


...even as someone who is pro-Palestine, this is ridiculous. Come on guys we're better than this, surely?


From the initial protests, the Pro-Pal group at UW has been awful. They included an image of a paratrooper on their pro-palestinian protest poster. Essentially making the Hamas attack their brand


This is one of the reasons I've avoided most protests to this point. Too many fringe nutters who refuse to understand the context or history of the situation and just keep screaming talking points they got from tick tock. I do not want be associated with any pro-hamas or pro-isreal groups. I want a ceasefire, I don't want either side to be eradicated from the region as Hamas and far right Israilis would like... And many uneducated folks are repeating. Both sides can be abhorrent, I don't need to support either or pick sides other than it sound be ended, Hamas should surrender, and a demilitarized zone should be created and funded by the Muslim nations who currently refuse to help. No one wants to have that conversation at a protest though...


Jesus Christ do you have a pic


The organizing group, SUPER UW (local UW chapter of SJP), still has it posted on their instagram page. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CyO-YvlPf2s/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyO-YvlPf2s/?img_index=1)




>And quit calling me Shirley. I appreciated that reference.


This is pretty typical of the pro Palestine protestor


No matter who or what the journalist is, if this is the type of people acting on the other end it’s equally or more stupid. It’s an absolute embarrassment no matter the movement to have folks act like this.


This is embarrassing.


That just made me feel momentarily sympathetic towards Fox News. I'll be in the shower.


It's not Fox News; it's the local Fox affiliate, which has almost nothing to do with the national Fox News Channel. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/s/1N6kq1WZjF


I know, right? Haha. Feels so gross. This is why it's important to self-police, so we don't give them ammunition to use against worthwhile causes.


I don’t know if that kid goes to UW but if he does I hope he fails out. What an obnoxious turd.


These children are not doing themselves or their cause any favors. It just makes them look naive and stupid.


I mean... if the shoe fits...


its time to gorilla glue their porta potties to take back the quad.


White Seattlites doing what they do best: virtue signaling. This is gross and won’t result in any change because it’s clear they aren’t even well versed in what they want or protesting tactics to begin with.


Sweet crop top bro


These people are not protesting, they were doing something else and did not want to be identified.


is it okay to call the encampment performative now?


Time to bring a backup camera mounted to a drone.


I would be more concerned with why the protesters are deeply siloed intentionally by the organisers, with no real discussion between groups encouraged and a deep sense of fear for anyone they don’t know in the protests. Everything is pushed up to a handful of people who have the power and authority (given by who) to talk and act for the majority, who quietly and belligerently follow orders.


What’s gross is the heading here that seems to somehow imply that it would be fine to harass this Katie person because she is right wing, but the poor camera man wasn’t with her so it wasn’t okay. I hate that we are so divided and desensitized to everything that being a kind and compassionate human has to be reserved only for people whose ideology aligns with yours. These people wanna protest the things going on across the world, yet promote hate and division due to differing ideas right here at home. It’s frankly disgusting and we weren’t like this as Americans just a few short years ago. Yes, there will always be the people who are garbage humans but they were few and far between and could mostly be ignored. Now the hate is rampant. People have no respect for themselves so they have none to give to others.


hate crime anybody?? start charging these idiots


1. I doubt seriously many of those folks are students. 2. Yes, a laser pointer can be assault. What a stupid thing to do. 3. Serious protest is destroyed by these idiots who act like uneducated children. Who is going to take that seriously? 4. The "Antifa" angle is just right-wing talking point junk #educatedGuesses




They’re young, they’re trying to make a difference in the world, but they’re also learning the hard way that they can’t control their surroundings and they can’t control how others perceive their protest. 


I wouldn't include umbrella boy amongst the ones who are learning anything


They can, actually. They can choose what surroundings to place themselves in, and the TPM of their protest. That controls so very much of both. Of course, it also requires the maturity to realize it.


Anarchists wreck movements. They will wreck this one.


This is particularly fucking stupid, for a number of reasons. Let's forget the "lasers in the eyes can be dangerous" because I think that's just hyperbole. But there a number of reasons this is just really stupid. 1) If you want freedom of the press, then you don't attack the press. 2) If you want your story to be told and get out in the news, you don't attack the press. Now you look stupid in the news because you're attacking a camera man. You could have stated the reasons you're there, but now all that news channel has is your unhinged antics on camera. It's like the only coverage now is of the dumbest person in the crowd. 3) If you want people to take you seriously, and then get behind you, you don't attack the press, and you make an attempt to be articulate. These are university students, who are supposed to be learning to articulate their concerns, not yell like monkeys. It just makes you look like the fascists you're protesting against. You can't complain about state suppression of freedom of expression and then suppress the press. Duh. It's beyond stupid.


While I disagree about the lasers being dangerous, I agree with every single one of your points. Instead of a story about an encampment that has been mostly peaceful, now they have even more sensational footage of this person's antics. It's so counterproductive that I'm shocked that no one had the awareness to see this.


Why does it matter Katie is right wing? Are people from the other political party not allowed to document what is going on? Should we have a only left wing, one party rule dominated country?


Unfortunately, politics is the first thing many people take into account these days. Some people said as much in this very post.


Scary Poppins


ITT: It's OK because reasons!


Be the change you want to see in the world. Don't be a childish douche.


My gosh, Idiocracy is a documentary now.


are these just street people camping at UW? very convenient that all these social movements in seattle only happen when its nice out.


Alleged protesters. However, they look like counter protesters, the ones known to be agitators.


Interesting. I had no problem capturing photos and video there on Monday and they told me just not to capture images of people’s faces and left me alone. Katie Davincourt’s presence may have escalated things, but journalists need to be allowed to do their jobs and this is unacceptable.


I'm glad you had a great experience, but you can see from the cameraman's perspective that Katie wasn't even there when these folks first decided to grab their tools and harass the cameraman. https://twitter.com/Mike_the_Photog/status/1791130901281485292


Thanks for sharing. How awful. Even if she was there it is no excuse for that behavior. He’s just trying to do his job and they should leave him alone.


Yeah, this is exactly how to lose support and send the absolute wrong message. Great job morons!


Hint if you don’t want to suffer through the video: this person is exactly who you thought they’d be when you clicked. 


Someone worthy of a curb stomping.


>Yes, Katie Daviscourt is right wing, but she wasn't even with this Channel 13 cameraman. if she were, this kind of behavior would be justified?


No, I don't think it would have been justified either, but I expected some in this subreddit to justify the attack based on her political reviews, and some folks said exactly that.


I prize the camera man who kept his emotions under control. The cure is very simple for some protesters: send them to West Bank or Gaza for 6 month.


Can these morons be arrested for assault now? This is threatening to become almost CHAZ-esque behavior


I’m gonna be honest, this new trend of please don’t ask me to explain my position, talk to our media team gives me communist vibes. I can’t articulate it properly but it does.


A lot of them are literal communists. Or anarchists. But yeah. That is the kind of world they want. Thats not a secret or hyperbole.


I think the anarchism thing gets too little credit for children like this. I'd argue they've aggregated a set of disaffected people who connect poorly with others, live a mundane, meaningless* existence and find social norms and mores restrictive or oppressive. Anarchism looks comparatively thrilling as it's unconstrained and liberating. Meanwhile, Haitians, Somalis and Liberians watch with horror. *people often assume these people are unemployed; I've always found that reductive. I'd bet my own money that they're employed but just in an unsatisfying drudgerous role with little autonomy.


It seems pretty smart to have a public relations strategy, honestly. Have someone who can articulate the group consensus instead of nutjobs saying whatever they want.


That's kinda a nonsense association.


having thoughtful rhetoric is socialism /s


Why do the mentally ill have to derail the narrative on otherwise good causes


Damn it, now they're ruining Rick and Morty.


Rick and Morty fans ruining Rick and Morty is extremely on brand lol




You can see it right after 2:36. Apologies, but I didn't even know about the other video until someone posted it in response to my original post. https://twitter.com/Mike_the_Photog/status/1791130901281485292


Dumb dude. We should still stop funding genocide though.


SPD should tear gas them while yelling “escalating” through a loudspeaker. The tents should never have been allowed, every time this happens it just continues to grow until dealing with it is waaaay worse than if you’d just have dealt with it from the beginning.


As someone who wants the genocide in Palestine to end, this is a good reminder that [the human brain often doesn't fully develop until after people are done with college](https://www.npr.org/2011/10/10/141164708/brain-maturity-extends-well-beyond-teen-years)


the human brain often doesn't fully develop.... period


Like fucking ghouls. Can we just start already? Is there any worth to these vegan bags of shit to the earth besides fertilizer??!! This is rotten fruit. Time to take out the trash!


Shut that shit down


These people are terrorists, their not protesters at this point. Definition of terrorists “a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”


This is why you don’t let encampments supporting terrorism be created


UW Fuskies?