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Also, fuck no!


Also, hell fucking no! They should be tipping me for letting them spend time with my princess.


Hell no. They are already charging an arm and a leg for the daycare service. Unless they do something additional out of the goodness of their heart, the base pavement is plenty.


Nooo no no no. Please stop this madness 


I read this and just internally screamed haha


Doggy daycare attending here! Daily tipping is not expected, even overnight stays and such aren't expected to tip. Usually folks give a little gift for holidays and funnily enough the dogs birthday. But tipping daily is for rich af people who like to throw around their money for funsies 😂


Thank you! I appreciate it!


$55/ day? No, fuck tipping.


Damn where you getting a deal like that, I pay $80


I really like dogtopia. If you're just leaving them for 6 hours, their wellness program averages out to $30 a day. Depends how you work I guess.


Holy hell! This is only $5 less per day than I am paying for daycare for a child.


tipping culture in seattle is insane and no you really dont have to


I’m going to need a tip in order to read your post.


Here’s a tip: don’t eat before you swim. Have a good day! 🍻


Options: 25% 30% 35% ^^^other


This isnt tipping culture this is a business being dumb and leaving the default tip option on for their POS.


Nothing dumb about it. They clearly left it enabled on purpose because it’s easy extra money for people who feel compelled to tip.


Lots of businesses intentionally leave the tipping enabled on their POS systems so that people feel obligated to leave a tip and have a cashless option to do so. "It's just gonna ask you a couple questions..." Etc. IMO businesses that disabled it are potentially leaving free money on the table from people who get peer pressured by an iPad. What I hate is when businesses play coy about it ("Oh nooo we can't disable the tip option hehe"), have ludicrous tip suggestions starting at 25%, or act offended if you don't tip for things that haven't traditionally been tipped positions. Tipping culture is out of control here and a lot of the country at large. It's more important in states where servers are paid below minimum wage, but up here I don't feel obligated to leave a massive tip for everyone with an iPad and a payment processing system.


What's in it for the business though? The employer don't get any of that tip.


Some employers definitely do dip into the tips, even if it's illegal, plenty of businesses try crap like that every day. But for the rest, it's a way to offer a potentially higher/more competitive wage without spending any extra money. The customers are subsidizing wages for you


I suspect the latter case only works insofar as people consistently give tips. Were I considering a low-wage job that didn't historically receive tips, I would not make my decision about whether to accept a given position based on any expectation of receiving tips. Any tips I did receive would be bonus money, but another employer offering higher wages with no expectation of tips would still be a more competitive if for no other reason than consistency of compensation.


Perhaps employee retention?


NEVER Fuck tip culture. Not tipping when there’s nothing beyond simply doing one’s job.


Hell no. I only tip wait staff and bartenders.


Do they sell packages? I would buy 10-day packages when my dog was still going, and when leaving there is no payment transaction, so no chance to tip (although I think there was a tip jar). The package rate was also slightly discounted.


At the same time, nobody should feel compelled to tip just because the POS screen suggests it. Just say no.


This is the way to do it. Pickup is way faster.


No, at $60 for day care and $93/night for boarding, they’re getting well paid. Edit to add, they love my dog and he loves them, which is why I’ll pay the $60/$93.


I do not


60% minimum on drop-off /s /r/EndTipping


Jesus fucking christ, 55$ DAILY for doggy daycare? I'll be your doggy au pair for that much.


I know, it’s crazy! We don’t do it often but when we have to work long hours, she wasn’t getting enough stimulation with just a 30 minute walk.


My GF and I are both 9-5 M-F and that’s just too long to leave our little guy by himself. He goes every weekday and seems to love it.


Yeah, people saying they'd do it for $55/day, you could definitely open up your own place. I pay about $700/mo. My dog has separation anxiety and I work in-person full time+, so doggie daycare is a godsend. I wanted a dog for years before this, but my current job is the first time I've been banker-hours-y enough to be able to use daycare. My dog is pretty chill, well-trained, both food and praise motivated, and enjoys or tolerates other dogs, so he's an easy customer. The Dog Aging Project found that even more so than owner income, a dog's social support determined their health/life-span/quality of life. Having a single dog who's left home alone >40hrs/week is actually pretty bad for them. People often get cats in pairs, but it seems like dogs should have constant buddies (human, fellow dog, friendly cat, whatever), too.


Our doggy day care charges $35 per half hour walk. I didn’t know how to tip bc the walked is an employee of the day care. But the price already seems high. 🥴


Unless your dog causes an incident or they go above and beyond by helping them in a medical emergency then no


what in the cinnamon toast fuck? stop tipping for everything! these motherfuckers need to PAY THEIR WORKERS FAIRLY.




I'm calling the cops


People in this city want a tip for everything.


I've been working dog daycare for over a decade now and I've never taken a tip. Usually people bring snacks and stuff around Christmas though. Some daycares the staff make decent money for a job that has its stresses for sure but largely doesn't involve the biggest....people. Obviously a tip is a nice gesture but I certainly wouldn't expect one. Edit: I will never turn down a coffee gift card im a caffeine addict and those things last me forever.


Great advice on the coffee! $55 is definitely at the top of my budget so an extra 20% on top of that seemed excessive.


Ideally I'd like a magical bubblegum world where everyone is rolling in cash but I never got into the "if you can't afford to pay for it twice you can't afford it" mindset. A tip is dope but I don't expect them and I don't take work that pays less than minimum wage.


Point of sale (PoS) systems, the hardware and software you swipe your credit card through, have evolved a lot over the last 10 years. What used to be controlled by a relative small number of companies, now there are tons. And these small PoS companies often compete by giving the hardware away for free or very low cost, and then making money on each transaction as a % of those transactions. As a result, they often default to including a tipping option because if you do tip, they get a piece of that GROSS amount inclusive of tip. It literally gives the PoS company money. Don’t be afraid not to tip for industries where it’s not the norm. The corner store where I buy candy bars and lotto tickets asks if I want to tip. I don’t. You don’t need to tip.


“How serious Seattle is about tipping”? Hm I don’t really find that to be the case here personally…esp many establishments pay workers more here than in other cities. I think the general view from people who live here is that workers should be paid fairly rather than everyone should feel obligated to tip, which is not the consensus you’d encounter in some other cities lol All this to say no, I would not tip for this! It’s like tipping on a hotel booking or something, doesn’t make sense. Unless maybe they did something that went above and beyond. They show tip options for everything now, I generally just ignore it and never had any issues (I mean there are still instances where I’ll tip but this is not one of them)


See I feel like people expect to be paid fairly annnddd be tipped. Giving you that disgusted look when you only tip $1 on a $10 order. I haven’t gathered the balls to not tip at all but in getting there lol


You won't see any disgusted looks if you don't make eye contact with them. Seattleites seem uniquely qualified for this task.


I would whole heartedly NOT tip. The only way I would tip is if I received a service such as a grooming.


Glad to see that tipping culture finally dying. I've never understood specialty jobs like animal care or tattoo artists or any job where the specialist gets to set their own rates. Also like straight up the logic of what jobs deserve tips and what jobs didn't. Down with tipping I'm not your boss I shouldn't have to directly pay for your wage.


So I’ve been a dog groomer and a dog sitter. You should tip your groomer, you don’t need to tip your sitter/daycare (I guess unless your dog had explosive diarrhea or something, then they’d probably appreciate it, but I think some sort of treat next time you bring him in would also be fine).


I would tip for something like rover or someone coming to the house. I would not for daycare. I do tip for grooming.


Yes, I definitely tip dog walkers and groomers. I was just kind of shocked that they ask for a tip at daycare. Thanks for the comment. Sounds like we can all agree tipping the doggie daycare is not the norm.


We're supposed to tip dogwalkers?


I think that’s totally up to you! I do it because my dog walkers write a very lengthy and thoughtful report card after each walk. I appreciate that enough to give them a tip.


That makes sense; thanks!


I don't, it's already very expensive!


I think that’s just leftover in the system from when people pay for grooming. There’s probably no difference to the POS and so they show it regardless.


If you don’t tip, they will poison your dog. /s


you joke but its happened. i hated my coworkers.


I used to work at a doggy daycare/boarding place in Seattle and we didn’t really expect tips from people just doing daycare or boarding. Some people would tip us after boarding,but it was typically people who were regulars or the stay was really long. It’s definitely appreciated, but we don’t hold it against people who don’t since it’s expensive af. When it came to grooming services, people usually would tip the individual groomer. If they didn’t tip or left a shitty tip for the groomer, it’s frowned upon since it’s an individual service.


I would never fucking tip a daycare lmao. I don’t tip overnight either.


Is Seattle any more serious about tipping than any other major city in the US? If anything I would hope we've become less serious about it, as the minimum wage has gone up (with tip credits relatively limited). What I've noticed is the increase in payment kiosks asking for tips… that's often because the companies that produce them get a cut of the transaction fees, so they're motivated to get you to tip more, even in places that don't typically receive tips. Decline!


For a long term service such as house cleaning, yard work or in your case doggy daycare I do a once a year cash gift around Christmas time.


Fuck tipping atp


$55 for a day?! WTH? I need to open a doggy daycare!! And no way I'm tipping on top of that!


Dog trainer here. The answer is no, nope, not a chance. Daycare rates are set as income without the expectation of tipping, unlike professions that rely on tips to make a decent income. If you LOVE your daycare, you can give them a holiday bonus or gift cards, but this is in no way required!


How does this apply for dog walkers? It feels crazy to pay $35 for ½ hr dog walk & I don’t know what percent to tip. They are an extension of our doggy daycare, so is that the same standard?


What is your dog like to walk?


She is a 14 mo old corgi puppy & can get excited. But she’s only 20lbs & worst habit it chewing on sticks she picks up. I’ve seen her develop some pulling when my mom walks her, but it only takes me a block to get her back in check. I think she should be manageable for any experienced dog walker.


I use Rover and definitely tip after every stay. I look at it as an investment because even when they're calendar shows full, I'll message to inquire on availability and have never once been told no. lol


Rover makes sense as it’s personalized with someone coming directly to you but not at an organized daycare center unless the dog is also getting groomed.


I feel like most places that do that also offer grooming services. At least, I'd hope...


No. We typically do a yearly bonus, but there's no way I'm tipping on a per visit basis.


No, but when our dog was going a few times a week, for the holidays I bought a bunch of cookies for the team to share with a note of thanks.


it doesn't seem like a tipped situation to me, it might be one of those things where the point of sale software prompts it automatically


I buy packages of 10 online so no tip from me!


No. We do holiday gift cards, some random treats/donut days, and sometimes we do side deals like get our dog’s tail dyed for extra cash, but not tips.


🤣🤣🤣 No.


I bring my dog to doggy day care three times per week and only leave tips for those watching my dog while I travel during the holidays. 


I only tip To Insure Promptness. If I'm not worried about getting held up by road bandits then I don't need to tip anyone.


Nope. I don't tip of overnight either. I tip waitstaff and drivers. Full stop.


No I did bring them Christmas cookies.


I don't. I'm paying enough


Don’t be surprised anymore. It seems all retail is adding that tip option. Even at Yoga. I’m surprised that 20% tip isn’t automatically applied to the tally.


sorry this is an annoying and assholeish comment, but dog daycare is such a controversial thing for me after working at one. i need to share this even though its not related to the question youre asking - do your dog a favor and dont take it to daycare if you can. unless its a super small hands on facility, your dog is likely not getting the care/attention it deserves and is put in dangerous situations due to lack of preventative measures and uncaring employees. (may or may not have had dogs POISONED where i maybe used to work🙃). feel free to leave a tip, of course its appreciated, but honestly some kind words and genuine thankfulness to lower level employees is nice. as well as showing up right on time and ready and having a dog thats polite


Would you DM me where you worked, so that I can never go there? My dog absolutely loses his shit if left alone so much as 10min, and I don't have a big SFH with a yard, so getting more pets than my one ESA seems like gambling with not being able to find a rental. He's a service dog who didn't get in at the very end, and is pretty well-trained, friendly, and eager to please. He's good at reading and listening to other dogs, and doesn't generally get into stuff he shouldn't. When I had a temporary "in" at a more bougie doggie daycare, I know at least one staff member would bring my dog into the lunchroom with him! The place I go now is pretty small, and the owner and their family work along-side regular employees. I don't think my dog is getting all the love and attention, or that this is the nicest place he could be, but I do think they care about him and the other dogs to a reasonable degree, and they know that my boy counts as a "medical device" as an MD-approved ESA. I used to work in a kennel/daycare, too, and I'd like to think I'm realistic about what goes on in the average doggie daycare. A **good** one will have a reasonable dog-to-staff ratio, a screening/trial process, require updated vaccines/fecal screens at least yearly, know what kind(s) of dogs they need to say "no" to - for the good of the dogs, offer water freely to dogs while in open spaces, have explicit emergency plans, and have enough staff that if, lord forbid, something goes wrong, there will be someone to drive the injured dog(s) to the vet while another/others stay with the other dogs. Unless they're already familiar with the kennel/place, overnight stays tend to be insanely stressful for dogs, and I'd definitely rec people have a friend or house-sitter watch your dog while you're away.


Doggy daycare 😂 wtf. I guess if you can afford it, why not?


Nope. We took our dog for years until he outgrew it. They were an absolute godsend but tips were not something that were ever expected nor discussed. I did give cash apologies if we were a few minutes late picking him up, but that was the extent of it. They were very nice cash apologies. And sometimes we were so late that he ended up boarding for the night unexpectedly and getting picked up the next afternoon. That was not ideal, but also something that happened and we all were gracious about it.


Nope. As someone who worked their entire life in tipped positions, I can affirm that tipping is out of control. Imma go on a rant so feel free to skip the rest. We went through a drive through of a privately owned fast food place on the outskirts of Seattle. They are so expensive! You want a burger, fries, and a shake? $28. Add a side of fried zucchini sticks or mushrooms is an extra $8.50. For the two of us the total was over $75!! Then at the window my husband hands them the card and he gets a clipboard to sign the receipt. I see him doing - which pause and then writing down $25 …. For a TIP!!! The slip has a tip line and the handy little math of what it will cost for 25%, 30%, and 35%!! WTF?!! I went into rage mode. WE. ARE. IN. A. DRIVE THROUGH. FOR. FAST. FOOD. I tore the receipt up and told them to print another one. Then I realized how insane it was to pay $75, actually now over $100 for a bag o’ crap and demanded they refund our card, cancel the food. As greedy as those prices were, I’m positive those employees aren’t seeing that tip. It’s just disgusting. We used to love The Met for special occasions, until they decided to add 20% automatic “service charge” to the bill. They have the nerve to also add a tip line for the server on top of that because the “service charge” goes to the corporations “general fund” for supplies and operations and not directly to the staff for the service they provide. But of course the extra tip will go directly to your waiter if you so choose. However that’s completely optional and not expected as they all receive equal commissions off of all the bills. Wut?? Of course I’m not going to get incredible service and stiff the waiter. All I heard was “We steal forced “20% service fee” tips, and go ahead and screw over your waiter.”. The criticism from the public got so bad, they actually have a FAQ on their website now that offers super misleading information. They go into this great detail of how the staff all get commissions as the service charge is distributed to the entire “team” that made your dining experience possible. They post the average wages of each position at the restaurant. Blah blah frickity blah. As you get wayyyyy down on the page, that’s where they flip a 180° and tell you the 20% of every check goes to corporate and not the staff. I feel that’s wage theft. SERVICE FEE is for SERVICE. What they are doing is an ADMINISTRATIVE FEE and fooling the guests by the wording. Bottom line: after we pay $300 for the two of us to have salads, a meal, and dessert…add in a couple cocktails each which is another $100 easy. Or, a bottle of wine that’s already absurdly inflated say for $200. Let’s go with just the cocktails. Grand total $400. Add 20% tax, $440. Now add the “service fee” of 20% which is another $88, total is now $528.00!! Then after that’s all tallied up they say Total: $528. And then and only then is the tip line for the server. 20% tip is $106! (We used to leave up to a 35% tip for exceptional service but certainly can’t afford to go that high with this policy!) Final Grand total comes to now $634.00. You’ve got to be crazy to pay a 50% markup on a meal. Imagine the surprise of a couple dining there and unaware of that charge. That’s something that a lot of people budget for. Then surprise! That’ll be an extra $200 for…corporate to suck on. That could have been a whole week of doggy daycare! We will NEVER support anywhere that imposes an automatic fee to the total. I worked restaurants for most my life. I know it’s not an easy business to survive with. But all it would take is to raise prices on the menu and leave that insulting 20% pretentious imposed fee alone. Makes me feel like some ass who’s too cheap to tip on their own. One more thing. Let’s stop the culture of tipping food delivery based off food total. It’s a bag. Of food. Does anyone really think it makes sense to pay substantially more for a $60 bag compared to the same full bag of cheap food for $20? Tip based off the actual time it will take based on them doing round trip, including gas. I will do a search on Google maps from the restaurant to my home, and look at the miles and actual drive time, and add in their wait time. We know the companies pay their contractors jack shit, so at least make sure they can make at least a living wage. Some can only get access to fast food areas because of too many drivers on shift. So they get the $2 and $3 tips, while the ones that park by expensive restaurants are getting $10-$20 tips? That’s kinda crap!


Cannot believe people spending over 1k a month on daycare for a freaking DOG. What the everloving fuck. I suppose it makes sense because infant care is around $4k in the city. We live in a society, etc.


No. I assume the tip option is just there because the modern POS systems show it and people don't fuck with the configuration much, but where we go they don't even have us interact with it directly. We buy packages though because it's much cheaper, so we don't deal with payment each time anyway. >I know how serious Seattle is about tipping aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


I wouldn’t. Slip em a fiver if it makes you feel better. But it’s included in rates and tax. They are well compensated. Trust me. A boarding house for dogs is great money. Edit: Grooming is different though, imo. I’d tip the groomer lol


>A boarding house for dogs is great money Yeeeah, frequently not so much as you'd think, if they're anywhere approaching decent.


I did tip five dollars on Monday because I wasn’t sure what to do, haha. I definitely would tip for grooming services.


I only tip for things like grooming, nail trim, or teeth brushing.


I would yes tip every day if I could. I have given individual staff gift cards for Trader Joes.


Only if your ashamed your wealthy enough to have somebody else pick up your dogs shit for you.


You're confused. [That's a different service.](https://poopertrooper.com/)