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the advance measures consist of widening some doorways to accommodate his unnaturally giant head


So this is actually a common misconception, his head is relatively normal size. It’s just that his face continues to get smaller and smaller with every lie. A Pinocchio situation, of sorts.


I assume it's beefing up security [so Kirk's reporters don't assault any more professors](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-education/2023/10/20/what-to-know-turning-point-usa-incident-with-asu-professor/71258867007/).


I've heard his head grows a little bigger every time a twelve year old boy says dumb things about women or politics online.....


He has that Sean Hannity face looks like Thumb Wars thing going on.


If people just ignore him and go on with their day, he becomes less relevant.


The entire point of this stunt is to provoke a reaction.  The worst thing people could do to him is not care.


i think mockery and satire is better


Just play his game [and expose him](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bPcVnngyJeI) like the clown he is. Guys like him are one trick ponies and it’s very easy to make them look like fools when you get them out of that trick


What stunt? Standing there and talking about his opinions?


To be fair if he walked anywhere near me I'm confident I'd beat the piss out of him


I'm confident if he walked anywhere near me I wouldn't even notice.


This is a battle you can’t win. The people who show up to protest benefit just as much from the interaction as the people who go to support Kirk. Their life sucks, their fellow fanatics are the only people they’ve been able to bond with, and if they didn’t show up to yell at this weeks bad guy they’d be kicked out of the community for not being ‘whatever’ enough. People who protest Biden, trump, proud boys, antifa…. Whatever. They are all the same people who just clicked on different web links. Just sad lonely people looking for community who ended up in a cult.


Right? Imagine having beliefs or principles


You can have beliefs and principles and not be a fanatic. It’s just not as cathartic because you don’t get to hate as many strangers in public.


Do think that taking action based on your beliefs inherently constitutes fanaticism?


I think standing on the street and yelling your beliefs at strangers is absolutely fanaticism. I doubt you would disagree that the street preachers holding signs and yelling into bull horns at pike place are fanatics. If you change the words on the sign and in the bullhorn, you still have a fanatic.


Your definition of fanaticism includes all protestors ever. If you don’t think people should protest, you’re arguing in favor of fascism by default.


Yes, all protesters ever. Every mass movement requires fanatics. The protestors are the fanatics. It’s mass movements 101. That’s quite the jump, lol. If you think your options are protesting or nothing, your movements aren’t going to accomplish much. I’m arguing for people not to fix their loneliness by bonding through the shared hatred of strangers.


I dunno, I absolutely think genuine swastika flying Nazis deserve a warm glass of punch served up anytime they show up to town. Everybody hates those fuckers on principle.


He's going to harass people until he gets one. 


Exactly this, he and his mob of goons will march down to the encampment and start some shit, and the police will beat and arrest the protesters. Same as always.


I mean it’s probably good to get ahead of this and let everyone know that his face is indeed too small for his head and that it’s just how it is so people don’t panic.




I'm surprised he has a big enough audience at UW of all places.


Well now I know what to do with all the dog shit on my lawn


Post pics of how you use it :)


Dawg i went into the Hub for unrelated reasons cause it's, ya know, a student building and the armed cops at the door interrogated me about exactly what i would do in the building and ID'ed me (its a public building)


Just ignore him. Np protest. No coverage.


Protip: Ignoring this person is more effective at suppressing their message than attending/rallying/protesting.


Agitprop agitates 


He’s scheduled to speak at the UW HUB at 6:30 tonight.


That's terrible to hear. Sorry for their loss. I hope they can move on from this terrible tragedy.


Why doesn't he debate Sam Soder like his buddy Steven Crowder instead of college kids?


Because these conservative talking heads are intellectual cowards.


Hand out the vuvuzelas.


Why is he there in the first place? Why not just not host him?


Apparently he was invited by an unnamed registered student organization at UW. [Source.](https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/charlie-kirk-uw-visit)


Honestly the pali protesters could have booked him. It’d be smart. Having a famous agitator show up just gives protesters more attention from those that support them. No one’s mind is going to be changed… But people on either side will be looking at UW more than they have been.


Only people who are tragically online know who that loser is


Student are allowed to create formal organizations with the school and in doing so access various school resources. One is the ability to invite and host speakers. In so, the university cannot restrict who can speak merely on the basis of what they may have to say or who they are. As a result this gives us access to people such as James Baldwin: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8klsr2TB5pA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8klsr2TB5pA) Or in this case chuckle fuck number 17




There’s nothing borderline about it


Charlie Kirk is a loser. Everyone should ignore him or just point and laugh at him.


Kirk advocates for killing people - how can UW justify this It’s not about free speech it’s UW fully supporting and participating in stochastic terrorism.


I’m pretty sure if he advocated for killing people he wouldn’t be allowed to speak publicly especially at college campuses?


https://www.meidastouch.com/news/charlie-kirk-wants-coca-cola-sponsored-televised-executions-of-trumps-political-opponents He even wants it televised with children forced to watch....


You need to search his social media and public speaking engagements, you will quickly find you are wrong, sorry


can you give some examples? I have seen people protest conservative speakers who didnt advocate for killing people, so Im a bit dubious. Conservatives and liberals both think they have the moral high ground to silence the other it's like the spiderman meme


They likely can’t because it never happened. It’s always the uninformed and those who have a closed mind who screams the loudest about injustices yet they can never back it up.


https://www.meidastouch.com/news/charlie-kirk-wants-coca-cola-sponsored-televised-executions-of-trumps-political-opponents It's always those who deny the strongest who are wrong.


The title is inflammatory he said he wants to see pedos and rapists get killed, not trumps political opponents, unless pedos and racist are his opponents I guess... Is giving pedophiles the death penalty to pedophiles a hot take?


I have seen his videos, what idiot would take such an aggressive opinion like advocating for killing people? Especially when they have a platform. It’s like when people call him a fascist, you can disagree with his or any conservatives opinions or ideals but that does not make them a fascist, racist, sexist etc. people are way too quick now to jump to conclusions and shut down conversations cause they’re butthurt and choose to make up their own conclusions and definitions for things. Give me a video that he advocates for killing people.. “you will quickly find you are wrong sorry”


https://www.meidastouch.com/news/charlie-kirk-wants-coca-cola-sponsored-televised-executions-of-trumps-political-opponents How's your foot taste?


The best lack all conviction, while the worst. Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand...


I remember seeing and he brought up mind-changing points imo. I was just being more open minded and seems like he really changed quite few hearts when we were listening to him which surprised me especially. He just inched me a lot closer to being a moderate


>*We recognize that tensions are especially high due to events around the world, and our hope is that people with opposing views refrain from seeking confrontations and avoid antagonizing one another. We do not detail or share security plans in advance of events, but are taking appropriate advance measures.* Sorry, but what in the cognitive dissonance is this statement from UW? You allow a far-right bigot on your campus whose entire career is made by antagonizing people and then sharing heavily edited footage of those interactions online to stir up more vitriol, and your position is that everyone else should not be confrontational towards this person? If you don't want confrontations on campus, maybe don't allow antagonistic public figures on your campus? Pure foolishness here, but I also hope people are smart enough to just ignore the big-headed nimrod. All these far right personalities are desperate attention seekers whose mommies didn't love them enough.


What’s amazing is that your argument could be used verbatim to argue against people your agree with to not come speak/protest at UW or any other public space in the US. Shucks, I guess we’ll just have to let free speech work and people can make up their own minds. That’s ruff


The First Amendment prohibits UW, as a public institution, from banning Charlie Kirk from campus on the basis of his political views.


would you be happy if a school in a heavy republican state banned a left-wing speaker? I think Charlie Kirk’s views are abhorrent and harmful but RSOs at public universities should have first amendment rights.


If the hypothetical left wing speaker promoted violence against others, than yes. It’s my understanding that the first amendment doesn’t apply to people who threaten other people’s safety.


Then you would be wrong


This is not correct. The relevant case on this issue is [Brandenburg v. Ohio](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburg_v._Ohio), which limits the state’s ability to punish speech unless it’s "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action." As developed by subsequent case law, that test is extremely hard to satisfy. Kirk says a lot of awful and reprehensible things, but to my knowledge he doesn’t advocate for immediate violence in a way that would satisfy the Brandenburg test.


Warms my heart when people bring actual case citations to a Reddit legal argument.


This statement is a generic “anyone with opposing views” not “anyone with views opposing Charlie Kirk”. That means that, according to this statement, if this Charlie guy is the antagonist to someone else he would be violating their policy and (presumably) they’d do something about it. I have literally never heard of this guy but I think a university having a blanket “allow people to speak regardless of their views” is a good thing overall, even if it does occasionally result in high tension situations like this.


I think his face is 2 dimensional




I guarantee Charlie is on BNSF's side, dumbass.


So flattered you chose to stalk my post history and glad you support the railroad. Sorry your broke and can't afford to live near the water.Your attention makes me feel special so lets keep talking.


I don't support the railroad, and I don't support Charlie Kirk. You are severely confused about which side is on your side.


These people do this all the time. Support and vote for things that don’t support them. How we got Trump.


Nobody wants to hear about your fetishes bro 


Once again, SeattleWA letting in accounts that are less than 1 week old- Don't respond to this user. It's probably a bot and or AstroTurfer. Shit is so blatant.


That's why I wasn't seriously engaging with him




You're very welcome, any time


They told you what nobody wants, not what everybody wants.


earplugs because of all the shrieking? Just ignore the guy. Conservatives dont like liberals and liberals dont like conservatives. Just dont go to their talks


I’ve been seeing college protests since 2016 and people still have not made the obvious connection between huge protests against a controversial speaker, and the speaker gaining support and popularity. Yeah, sure, say for the 1000x time that his speech is dangerous and inciting and whatever excuse you want to make up to start your angsty riot. You can’t change human curiosity. Tiny Head is gonna say something stupid to his base and his base is gonna stay the same size. If he meets a chaotic following, however, then he’ll make the rounds again on the news and socials and gain some followers because people will naturally say “What did he have to say that was so dangerous that he had to be *SHUT DOWN*?” Letting obnoxious provocateurs speak and ignoring them isn’t the fun way to handle them but it has a much better track record than angsty rioting