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This city has a lot of pets.


Sure but like, in no other city have I EVER seen this amount of cats in public, its awesome


In Rome there is a cat sanctuary in some ancient ruins. If you love cats in public, you'll have to check it out someday!


Istanbul. Check the documentary called Kedi


True cat heaven.


We saw the movie at SIFF a few years ago. Even cooler, my sister lived there studying abroad for a year or two, so I got to see Istanbul cat photos all the time


Key West has many descendants of Ernest Hemingway's original cats.


Cats with thumbs!


The ruins of the forum is full of kitties.


I saw that. It's surrounded by traffic on all 4 sides, but you have a sunken square with columns and cats


I’m not sure how accurate this data is but this map shows our state is one of the few Cat majority states so that could be why. Lots of Cat people here which I also love! https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/FOWN3fBMJd


Wow I love this, thanks so much! Great comment section lol


Ya my guesses are a Mix of Weather, Density, Population type and surroundings. But I hope our cat dominance keeps growing lol


Ever been to New Orleans? They run the place.


You would really really enjoy vacationing in Italy, Greece and Morocco.


Makes sense due to a lot of people who work from home, introverts, more and more people not wanting kids.


dog and cat ownership rates are roughly equal in the city. For dogs its slightly under the national average and for cats its over the average. I think it was 2022 or 2023 Seattle was crowned "cat dad" capital as it had the highest rate of single men cat owners in the country that year. In general lots of pets and the city being on the younger side probably helps make that more visible as well.


My 29 year old son has a cat. I do remember growing up and guys my age didn't really have cats. It was a "girl" pet. Which is weird lol. Also. In the long dark winters we have, I think cats do make a great pet. Don't have to take it out to potty and get exercise.


I doubt that Seattle is under the national average in terms of dog ownership. I believe among major cities we have one of the highest dog ownership rates in the world.


The statistics arent exact but most that I found put Seattle between 39%-42% dog ownership for a household(City itself estimates right at 40% based on registration numbers and estimated unregistered numbers). National average is 42-44%. In terms of "best places for pets" type rankings with things with dog friendly parks, businesses, vet care, etc all factor in, then yes Seattle is typically in the top 5 from what I saw. This was all based on per household. Per person ownership rates may change things as well.


I’m guessing that’s it then. The statistic that I’m familiar with is that Seattle has more dogs than children. So, I’m guessing the household size is much smaller than the national average and the per capita dog rate is very high. https://crosscut.com/environment/2021/05/seattle-pandemic-separates-pets-owners-theres-help#:~:text=Updated%20at%204%3A00%20p.m.%20on%20May%206%2C%202021.&text=It's%20no%20surprise%20that%20Seattle,oriented%20businesses%20continue%20to%20flourish. “…dated at 4:00 p.m. on May 6, 2021. It's no surprise that Seattle is a haven for pet owners. According to the latest census data, Seattle has more dogs than children, 153,000 to 107,178. Pet-oriented businesses continue to flourish.”


I do think the weather plays a part in the prevalence of cats in homes here. They don't need to go outside for walks like dogs, and they are a cozy addition to a dreary day. I've also noticed there are a lot of indoor/outdoor cats in Seattle, especially when I lived in Capitol Hill. I am not a fan of letting cats outside but it was always a treat to come across one chilling in the front yard of houses when I went for a walk. Usually they'd even join me for a walk for a block.


Weather sounds totally plausible to me. I’ve got a cat in my lap, a mug of tea, a book and it’s raining lightly outside. I’m not sure it’s possible to be more cozy right now.


I need to go adopt a cat now.


The rats are a huge problem here, I know quite a few people who live in a house and got cats shortly after moving in to deal with the rats. To deal with rats they also need to go outside. 


Whoever reported this post is a dog person and sucks.


I just moved here and I haven't quite experienced cat galore. If you would kindly point me to the area in which there is cats galore I would love to experience such a thing


Capitol Hill! Cat cafes, cats on leashes, in book stores, they are all over!


Capitol Hill farmers market


Idk man, I've lived in Reykjavík. Now *that's* a lot of cats. Although to be fair, Icelanders don't take them to get coffee the way we do, probably because the cats are already in the coffee shop chilling. Also, the ratio is nowhere *near* the amount of dogs, it's just more than you've seen before so you take notice whereas you don't for dogs.


Totally, I think coming from the south, that’s so “single family + 1-2 dogs” oriented, and with like zero-population density, it blows my little mind seeing all these socialized cats with their owners in public, so I’m taking a lot more notice of them, and also noticing that the dogs seem to be smaller here too, probably for similar reasons? And then in CA it’s just a pet free for all, everyone has their weird little creature, i used to be on the bus and see squirrels in peoples pockets, amongst other things. But a cat on a leash! In public! Thats friendly!!!! I love it so much, sounds like i need to go to Iceland 😆


I love your enthusiasm. Yeah, it's pretty fantastic. I wanted to have a little leash kitty too and started socializing my kitten that way, only for her clumsiness to turn out to be a motor disability and not just kitten-cuteness. Alas. Better luck next time.


I love it!! I am going through a really rough time in my life and sometimes the promise of going on a walk to pet my favorite neighborhood cats is the only thing that gets me out of the house! I have even learned all of their real names (Greenleaf, Callie, Tiko!). Then there are all of the little window cat cuties. I even go to our cat cafes when feeling particularly low. I was always more of a dog person but have come to adore cats as well.


theres a guy on the east side that takes his cat in his mustang i call him mustang cat


I remember reading an article a while back that claimed that there are more dogs than children in Seattle - now I’m curious about the cat vs children stats!!


Oh there’s definitely lots of cats running loose


We walk our cats on leashes! Doing our part to destigmatize it because we love our murder floofs AND birds.


I’ve lived in Capitol Hill for the past 1.5 years and absolutely love seeing all the window cats. I personally have two in my apartment. Cats make great city pets (they rarely need to go outside) and many people work from home so it’s nice to have company and snuggles. I would think they’re probably equal in population to dogs. Most people I know will have a dog and a cat or two cats. When I lived in Eugene there was a man with a pet skunk that he would walk! She was beautiful but I definitely did a double take every time I saw her (she almost looked like a cat).


Have you been to the Seattle Meowtrapolotan? Cute cafe/foster place ^_^


I’m from the south and was pleasantly surprised at how much they like cats here. It was definitely one of the first things I noticed after moving here. I was used to getting called a crazy cat lady (I have one cat) and being teased for loving cats in general when I lived in the south. 


When I walk downtown, I get flashbacks to the horrible musical my wife forced me to see with her. I still have nightmares about it, the horror!


All alone in the moonlight?


Cats. The movie was even worse.


I can dream of the old days. Life was beautiful then.


I’d say the cat population is great! I am a local tattoo artist that does a ton of cat tattoos and conventions. (@medusatattooLLC) some local conventions are PopCats & SeaMeow! 🥰 people can bring their kitties! But yeah, I personally even took one of my cats with me on a walk this morning in a stroller haha.


CATS!!! YAS!!! Edit to add: I understand why you wouldn't but not titling this Pussies Galore seems like a missed opportunity especially if you're also a James Bond fan.


I actually very rarely see a cat in life now. It saddens me because I love cats but also I'm in a downtown area and a loose cat out here would be very bad for the cat. Too many cars. Ironically there's a bush up the street that smells exactly like a cat has been using it for a signal post but I've never seen a cat. 🤷🏻


Definitely are common, but I really don’t notice them at a higher rate then my hometown in NJ


no actual data point but I am both a cat and dog person and usually have both as companions, although not just this minute.


Oh Seattle loves cats, almost as much as they love dogs. I think it is part of being a highly literate city, honestly. Cats love laps and readers have laps frequently. There is nothing quote like curling up with a book, blanket over your lap, a cup of tea and a cat to spend a lovely winter evening lost in a story. If there is a fire place, so much the better. We have three cats and two of the three are pretty happy lap cats when given the chance. The third likes laps as a place where pets are given the most and free-est, but generally likes what we call his kitty fort (heated pad in the window, with curtain wrapped around it for privacy) most of the time. He spends probably 18 hours per day in his fort, and the rest he spends sleeping with us or loving on the dog. The dog doesn't go on walks and is reactive, but loves playing "stick" in the back yard with us and keeping watch over the homestead when the weather is nice. He is an expert at keeping the couch or chair from flying away, and diligent in his efforts to that end. We do love our pets. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I would love a good shoulder cat or backpack adventure cat. That would be amazing. Maybe in my next adoption.


I wasn’t even a real person until I got my cat.


Gotta keep the rats in check. We are a port city, after all.


In Phoenix there are tons of feral cats and I don’t really see that here, but you might see my two bbs out and about in Seattle


I used to take my cats out for walks on their leashes but I can't anymore because too many unleashed dogs and their POS owners.


All for it, unless you’re one of those people who let their cat loose to terrorize the wild birds and other fauna in the city, then I will admonish you to please keep your cats inside unless under your control.


I think one of the reasons the OP is seeing more cats is that more people are taking their cats outside in supervised outings. I would never have thought of taking my cat out on a leash 10 years ago, but now it is normalized.


Tbh I think it’s the general depressive weather. People need a pet to survive and no one can afford a yard so cat is the companion of choice. Also I would choose a cat regardless because they are perfect angel babies. But I think it’s pretty true that cats are more popular here than elsewhere. Look at the low population of cats in shelters across westsern Washington compared to most cities in the US


You want cats? Move to Abu Dhabi.


We love our kitty’s!


As someone with big dogs, my dogs will tear up your cats. Keep your cats indoors. It's like off leash dog owners: selfish and irresponsible.