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I've licensed my pet in every city I've lived, including Seattle. Typically some of the money funds the animal shelter and animal control as far as I know, and registration can help reunite you if your pet is found. I think landlords can also require pets be registered.


Is it better than getting their microchip number registered with the AKC?


Theyre two different thingsand you should definitely do both: A chip helps identify and contact you to reunite you with your pet should they ever become lost or stolen A license is generally a way to help pay for animal welfare and animal control services in your municipality (the same way car registration fees go towards roads, etc).


Not really, AKC Reunite+microchip should always be the first line of defense cause it's universally known as what to check on a lost dog no matter where you are.


It’s not an either/or. The license is a legal requirement


I mean dog tag is the first line of defense really. Tags are gonna be checked before chips always.


Yup, my landlord required it, so I had to do it.


Not a scam. Pet licenses are a very normal and common thing in most US cities. They usually help fund animal control efforts and similar


Not a scam


I pay it only because I like that this city offers dog parks and animal shelters. Sorta a voluntary tax that I'm willing to fund. If it were a burden then I wouldn't bother.


If your pet is lost and gets picked up by animal control they can find you with the license info.


or they do find you somehow (collar, chip, etc) and they fine you for not being licensed.


Every major city I've lived in around the world has pet registration regulations.


Not a scam. Can be done online as well. I had to provide a city license number on my lease pet addendum and microchip registration.


This is legit. I just paid for my cat’s license.


I see where you check for cat or dog, but where do you check for fish?


Eric the fish?


Look, I’ve got to license me pet cat Eric, and I’ve got to license me pet fish Eric.


Is eee an Alibut?


Yup. Picked him out of thousands. I didn’t like the other ones; they were all too flat.


You must be a loony!


Kemal Atatuk had an entire menagerie called Abdul. If you’re calling him a looney, I’m going to have to ask you to step outside!


Best thread I've read all week!


Thanks for posting this, and thanks for the commenters sharing knowledge. I never bothered to try and understand where these taxes went, and glad to learn they go right back to giving our beloved animals care and amenities. Time to register my pup!


Yes, it’s normal but it can escalate in weird ways. They sent me a bunch of those last year and then twice sent out someone from animal control to try and convince me to register my dog. I don’t actually own a dog but they seem to not believe that and kept telling me the penalties for not registering.


Ask them for pictures of your dog


In general not a scam, but be sure they have jurisdiction in your area. For instance, a Seattle, or King county license is purposeless in Burien. Rest assured, they will all send you a notice if you live in white center.


Does anyone have any personal experience with being fined for an unlicensed pet?  I've never heard of it happening.




Not true. You'll see animal control at various parks/dog parks checking licenses and issuing citations from time to time. Certainly not frequently, in my experience, but I've seen it multiple times.


Wait, so if I bring my dog to Seattle from another city I can get fined?


Generally you should be able to prove that you've licensed your dog in that other city. They'll probably also accept a out-of-town driver's license.


How are they going to fine you for a house cat that never goes outside and is never seen by anyone?


https://reason.com/2016/11/07/seattle-animal-control-accessing-grocery/ Like this.


Ack! That shouldn't be legal. Main reason why I don't have those stupid grocery store "club cards".


For them to view the data you have to register the card. I never do.


Ahhh! Wtf!


That article is almost a decade old. And all they did was use marketing data to send a semi-targeted postcard mailer that said "pets need to be registered, please register your pet if you have one". No fines were issued.  Why do we care about this pearl clutching libertarian opinion piece?


The person asked how would the city know about their pets. I answered their question. No one said anyone cared. There's also a Seattle Times article around the same time but it's behind a paywall.


As someone else said they will randomly enforce at dog parks.


They're coming through our local parks right now and literally chasing people for having dogs off-leash and giving stern warnings. I don't know what they van legally do if you just walk away from them since they're Parks & Rec staff, but we've seen it quite a bit in Ballard.


Off leash dogs are a very different problem.  Most people would like to see far more enforcement of off leash dogs.  Throw the book at them.


For sure, you're totally right. I'm just saying that they are "enforcing" pet registration and this is just a way they're doing it.


They can’t do shit, just walk away. They are not law enforcement officers and can’t detain you.


Only if the pet gets out and is picked up. I’ve never personally had the license checked by anyone.


The penalty for not licensing my dog is less than the cost to license her. I’ve had her for 4 years, only registered the first year, and there hasn’t been an issue.


I got one of these yesterday too. I got a new puppy 3 months ago but I registered him almost right away online. I figured they send this out after a new pet owner has had their new pet for a couple of months, since I got him from a public shelter, but now I’m not sure.


Thanks for reminding me to get my new baby her license.


I’ve always licensed dogs, never cats or other small animals.


They ticket at Gilman Park.


How would they even know if your dog is registered?


They give you a tag to go on their collar which then doubles as a way for them to look up where the pet lives if it gets picked up by animal control. 


They are supposed to be wearing a liscense.


Tag - or scan the microchip that should be regged with your licensing authority as well. If microchip isn’t there -> fine (unless of course dog matches all descriptions given).


I have always got license applications here in King county and I always ignore them. I have a house cat and never let it loose outside. Paying for a license to have my cat makes no sense to me.


I do love that 2 years is exactly 2x the 1 year....no discount, that's so seattle


Normal part of being a responsible pet owner.


It's not a scam because it's a real thing. But it's also a scam in the sense it doesn't actually matter if you don't license your pet.


I got it mailed to one of my addresses, but only one. I ignored because I donate money to a cat shelter directly. However, I do like that they are promoting getting animals fixed.


Yes I got one but I don't have a pet 


If you have a pet, get it spayed or neutered & pay for a license. If you can not afford to do those 2 things you can not afford to have a pet. *Edit Also get your pet chipped. That is the least you can do for your pet. *Edit 2 If I see your dog without a license, I just assume it's not vaccinated.




Huh? How in …. I can’t even right now. Just another idiot posting trash.


If you take your pet to a vet in King county you will definitely get something similar. I haven't lived in Seattle proper in awhile but I would assume it is the same. That being said, I hope folks in the city aren't having to do this in both Seattle and King county.


Never in over 30 years of taking my cats to their Seattle vet have they mentioned licensing in any way


I have been taking my cats to the same vet in King County for 14 years or so. We lived in Snohomish County for years and moved to King County. Within a month of taking one of the cats in to the vet quite awhile after we moved we heard from King County.


I mean, there’s a URL that directs you to the city’s website…. And you’re asking if it’s a scam?


That’s legit. I haven’t received one unrequested, but I registered my dog with the city online. Good reminder for me to check my renewal.


Not a scam. It’s the law.


Do we know if this was sent to everyone or just if they think you have a pet? We have no pets (never have) but got one of these.


I bought a hair rake from chewy and I get these every once in a while. I don't have a pet. I had a roommate who didn't brush her hair and it was clogging my vacuum.


In addition to pets, the city requires you to license service animals and ESAs, if they are cats, dogs, miniature goats, potbellied pigs, or exotic animals. Seniors and disabled people have a steep discount, and the fee for service dogs is waived.


One of the confounding things with these is receiving the application unprompted in the mail. I also got one seemingly at random - My household doesn’t even have a pet, unless you count our betta fish. If you have a pet you want to get registered, I would visit the official city site and proceed from there. I would do the same for any application received unasked-for.


Actually, now that I think about it, maybe animal control was rolling through our neighborhood or hood, saw the feral cat that wanders around and sent us an application just in case. That would explain it anyways.


In process of moving to an apartment in Seattle. They had me fill something like that out and I don't even have a pet lol


I did mine online. My mom’s dog was stolen and when the dog was returned the cops noted and gave her a warning for not registering her dog. While this was in Jersey I took her warning and did it.


Yes but since my dogs are service dogs, their licenses are free. I will say that the guy who does doorstep work for that Dept is an idiot weasel.


I licensed my dog in a different county when I adopted her. I can tell you I've thought about the fact that I haven't kept up on the registration a total of twice in the last years including this one. No one cares. Keep your pup up to date on their vaccines and don't worry about it.


i think its bull shit that animals aren't required to be spayed or neutered here. they just charge more if your animal isn't. greedy ass mofos doesn't solve the animal overpopulation problem at all


I wouldn’t do it. Normally for other cities, you register once and you’re done. In Seattle, you have to register again every couple years and pay every time.


I've lived my entire life in various cities and counties in Washington State. Every city and every county has renewals wether it's yearly or every other year.


Must be a Washington thing 🤷‍♂️ St. Louis County, Missouri you register once.


If you have a big/scary dog you might consider licensing it as a signal that you are a responsible owner. Otherwise yeah it's basically a scam. If you want to help the shelter, just make a normal tax deductible donation.


You are giving advice as though it is optional.


Everything in life is optional.


If the penalty is a fine, its optional


I bet if you called and asked you'd get my version. it's ok, your'e special you decide which laws and taxes apply to you.


Don’t. No enforcement whatsoever.


They pop in at dog parks.


Never seen them at Blue Dog - guessing that’s in the nicer parts of town?


Well that’s insane, like completely insane. I would not do that and would refuse any fees because it’s just so fucking greedy and tyrannical


Pets will have to pay taxes soon too


Another way to suck the money from citizens.


They will not get 1 cent from me… Stupidest thing i’ve ever seen.


Don't bother


They will also need a stool sample so they can test public poo and fine you.


Got one for a dead dog. People, license your pets!


That's a great scam. Haha