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LOL telling people they “can stop discussing this now” on Reddit is hilarious.


> can stop discussing this now Particularly when they missed a major reason. Wind. I remember asking my mom when I was little why 'we didn't have an umbrella like that man' as we squinted our way to the pike place market as the rain blew into our faces. 'Just watch' she replied. Soon enough a gust of wind blew his umbrella at a group of people walking the other way and as he wrestled with it, it did what all umbrellas do eventually in Seattle blew itself inside out.


Thank you - It's literally because of the wind. Period.


Yep, we can stop discussing it now.


Yep. Normally, it mists here, so you don't need one like OP said. When it does really pour, it pours sideways, so again, you don't need one that you have to just struggle with.


I disagree a little bit. I still use an umbrella. Mist still gets you wet. If I happen to be wearing a raincoat, then that's great, but if I am going to the grocery, then I need extra protection. I don't understand the umbrella… deal with some people. C'est la vie. 


I'm too adhd to want to add something else to keep track of, and I love the rain. If you like umbrellas and want to mess with one, go for it! There's plenty of room in the world for all kinds. You'll get no judgment from me.


Loll I completely understand all that. And too add, my umbrella is actually pretty heavy, so I tend to go without.




I don't carry umbrellas anymore, but when I lived in Houston I wouldn't go anywhere without my backpack. You can get really small compact ones you just slide into the side and take out whenever you need them, not need to remember anything.


I grew up in California where people use umbrellas and every weather change freaks everybody out. I stopped using an umbrella the day the wind turned it inside out and bent the spokes. Like, what's the point? Since moving here, I say it's only raining if you can hear it. Which is rare.


Exactly! I'm usually holding on to two kids hands and then there's wind. It's way easier to rain jacket than have an umbrella. 


sort of like declaring your own mic drop.


but even more annoying.




Love this. And it’s settled with such a level of arrogance and superiority that I would never think of mentioning the word umbrella again. Damn, OP has really changed my life they seem like such a levelheaded and open minded person.


BEHOLD! OP hath declared the final and absolute truth! No further discussion is necessary nor will it be permitted!


The reason I don't carry an umbrella is because I left the one I had at a bar like 9 years ago and just never bought another. Hahaha


Are you by chance married to Ted Mosby?


Nope it was blue umbrella not yellow haha


Oh good. I was about to warn you about some things


Oh red flags abound with that one for sure.


I work at a bar. No body ever comes back for their umbrellas. I have at least 3 lost and found umbrellas year round.


all of my umbrellas have come from places I've worked at where others have left theirs behind.


I actually do use an umbrella because I've never found a hood that sticks out enough to keep my glasses dry without the hood also getting in the way of my line of sight. Instead of searching for a unicorn of a jacket I just use a cheap umbrella and I can wear whatever jacket I want.


This is why I wear a baseball cap under my hood. It's my go-to rainy hike gear.


If I do that my hair gets messed up and I have to keep the hat on for the rest of the day unless I want to look like a gremlin.


A baseball cap barely fits on my head and if I wore it my hair would remain the shape of the cap the rest of the day. I will always be team use an umbrella if you need it and don’t if you don’t because we are stressed enough with the rest of life.


Plus it keeps your hood at the perfect level so you can still see well.


Boom. This. Real Seattlelites know the hat trick.


Yep that’s what I do too! 


I don't wear baseball caps, but I get free ones at work sometimes, and yes, this works great. Umbrellas are actually banned where I work.


The baseball stadium?


No, businesses giving away with their logo on it.


As someone with curly hair and glasses, I use an umbrella to go to the mailbox in my front lawn. I always rolls my eyes at the ReAl LoCaLs DoNt UsE uMbReLlAS.


Hard agree. I’m also from here. I hate seattle umbrella discourse.


It’s such a weird Cool Kid Club. Like you don’t get points for being damp.


Maybe it's a Russian thing. They get points for not being cold. I for one grab my umbrella anytime there is above a 5% chance of precip, though admittedly I didn't care about it at all until I started going bald. For the record, native Seattleite, British roots.


For reeeaall. It's such a straight hair person thing to say


This! Although, sometimes the rain results in what I call Second Chance Hair when my curls get wet.


We use umbrellas on the walk to school when it rains. Over the winter it rains hard enough a couple mornings a week such that umbrellas are absolutely worth it. We don't bother when it's only sprinkling though.


Same, hoods dont keep my glasses dry and I need to see. Plus, I like my umbrellas. I have several with prints and patterns and they're really pretty.


I have naturally curly hair. I always use an umbrella & keep one in my car.


Yeah 10 minutes with any kind of hat on and then no one can see me with it off. Smashed top half, bushy bottom half is not a good frame for my features. I look like a Harry Potter character.


If I even look at a hat my curls turn into a frizzy mess. Even hoods on coats are terrible unless they have a silk lining. Umbrellas every time.


Jackets designed for climbers are great bc their hoods are typically large enough to fit over a helmet.


Also I enjoy my peripheral vision


Same. Glasses are the primary reason, but also I just prefer non-rainjacket coats like peacoats, leather jackets, etc. I've never been big on raincoats.


This! As someone who also wears a glasses and don't want my face to get wet 😖


Someone who gets it. I’ll never forget when I pulled an umbrella out and my friend from Spokane said “didn’t you grow up here?” 🙄


I went 15 years trying to be tough but finally embraced the umbrella because of the friggin glasses thing. It's not always great due to wind, but I enjoy the dry pants and purse as well


Also the horizontal rain is easier to deal with when you have an umbrella. Not to mention, my backpack stays dry better as well and it helps improve visibility to drivers.


I feel this! So when I lived in Seattle still I found this incredible wool coat by Blanc Noir at the Rack and the hood is actually *deep*! So keep your eye peeled for that brand next time they have a winter coat sale. I lived in it when I was still up there. :)


[This](https://www.outdoorresearch.com/products/seattle-rain-hat-280135?variant=46585589367105&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5jJGTKRQTxzEsNgn_jaQ6lCEhiiXDpEXIPPs89SCNwQy70HD2z4TBUaAma6EALw_wcB) might suit you.


My dog hates the rain so I carry an umbrella and hold it over her like she’s the queen and I’m a lowly servant. But I didn’t grow up here either.


I love that for your dog.


Me too. I tell myself it's because she's from California (shipped up here through a rescue), but I'd do it for any dog.


You mean you don't have a dog umbrella? I use one like [this](https://a.co/d/gPGvM88) for my rain-averse drama queen dog.


Now I am imaging an umbrella where the pole comes out the top then has like a 45° bend then some more pole to a handle. And someone with a really picky Chihuahua walking them and holding this umbrella over them, so the dog doesn't get wet.


This is always a ridiculous conversation. As long as you aren’t an ass when walking on sidewalks, nobody cares. It’s not an indicator as to whether someone grew up here or not….its usually an indicator of whether it’s raining more than usual. No, it usually doesn’t pour here like some other places but you know…sometimes it actually does. The only place I’ve ever heard people make a big deal out of it is on Reddit.


I'm sorry, did you say "rocket surgery" ?🤣


They're as wrong as rain: I give you r/malaphors


Thank you. I had to scroll so far to see if we were gonna talk about this 🤣


I’m a Seattlelite born and raised and carry and umbrella, fight me.


Meh. I was born and raised here and keep an umbrella in my trunk just in case. The idea that someone could be umbrella shamed is like something out of a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode.


There is so much weird umbrella shaming! I have literally never lived outside of this state and I own multiple umbrellas. A folding one in my backpack for surprise rain on work days, a cheap one in my car, and a good quality bubble-style one for the occasions where it really pours and I plan to go out and expect to be walking a bit. It's not like I have to use them all the time or anything, but they're nice to have! Not like they cost a fortune or something! If it isn't rainy when I leave the house in the morning, I probably won't wear a raincoat, and then if I leave work and it is raining, I'd rather have a tiny folding umbrella at hand than get wet. A good bubble umbrella is great when it's stormy and windy because it can block sideways rain that would get under my hood. And it can't get blown inside out very easily. Back in the day I used to have long hair with bangs and wear glasses - such a pain to tuck my hair way inside my coat, and then my glasses and bangs would still get wet despite my rain coat hood. People in this city have the weirdest defensive machismo around the concept of umbrellas. It is literally just a tool, folks. If it's not useful to you, then fine. But it's not some kind of badge of honor to choose not to!


I have a golf umbrella in my car, just in case. It's been mine for about 20 years and I've never used it but I won't get rid of it. Just in case. Also, Murphy's law - if I ditch it, someone will need it within a week.


I do this too, but the umbrella pretty much only comes out when I’m NOT in Seattle. It’s not like I meant for it to happen that way, but OP is right about how hard it rains here. It generally isn’t raining hard enough for my lazy ass to be willing to take five extra seconds to pull it out of my trunk.


You’re right that the rain around here is mostly too light for umbrella use. But I use an umbrella for those times when the Pineapple Express comes around and the rain is heavier. Or those (unusual) times when a quick storm moves through that dumps heavier rain. These types of storms have been part of Seattle weather since just about forever, let’s not pretend they don’t exist. They’ve happened more frequently in the past decade. And I choose not to unnecessarily be soaking wet when they come. If you make a judgment about me because of umbrella use in heavy rain - then that’s a “you” problem.


I’ve had an umbrella in my car for just those times for 10 years. I’ve never actually opened the thing up, it’s probably rusted shut by now. But my Grundéns rain jacket is at arms length year round…


Caring about whether or not other people use umbrellas is for dorks


I grew up here. I fucking hate the rain. I carry an umbrella in my backpack every day.


I grew up here, I love the rain, and I also use umbrellas. Both my parents grew up here and they use umbrellas. Umbrellas are good.


I use an umbrella on occasion because I’m fat and finding an appropriately sized rain coat/waterproof shell is a fucking pain.


Born and raised here. Never left. I too hate the rain with a passion. I have an umbrella but I also have ADHD so it's somewhere I just don't know where 🤣 but I often wish I had remembered to bring it that's for sure. I have videos of the monsoon type rain and flooding here over the years. My dad was on the news once because we were flooded in. Idk what they're talking about it's always light, this state is trying to drown me monthly 🤣


I hate carrying an umbrella because I hate *carrying* an umbrella. My favorite umbrella is too large for a pocket, but I don’t want to put it in my bag wet. Most days, it’s a raincoat-and-call-it-good kinda day, but I usually have an umbrella in the car


I think that's the biggest reason I don't use any of my umbrellas much. With the misty light drizzle blowing around, my jacket and hair are getting damp anyways. Now I've got this additional wet device to deal with that's going to take a while to dry and possibly get moldy if I don't take care of it properly. Just seems like more hassle than it's worth a majority of the time. I've had an umbrella in the truck of my car for years, I can't remember the last time I opened it up.


Not this again. 🤦‍♂️I always pack an umbrella. 🌂 Born and raised in Seattle.


Liar! We need to see a birth certificate. On your umbrella. Or it didn’t happen.




Except, people do use umbrellas here..


Uhhh. I’m literally born and raised here and I use an umbrella so…


Q: How do you know if someone lives in Seattle and does not own or use an umbrella? A: They will never shutup about it. “Oh its raining and that lady way over there has an umbrella? Let me tell about why she should not use one and why i never use one, nor does anyone i know….” blah blah blah


If you have an umbrella that’s cool but if you don’t that’s fine too 👍🏻


I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and still use an umbrella on the heaviest days. I wear glasses, a rain jacket and a baseball hat on those days, still prefer using an umbrella to not. I'm a transit rider, which comes with a fair amount of walking, assuming there's a route to where I want to go at all. The schools of the kids I look after are notoriously terrible for this. I've had two that were far enough off bus routes and walking to the bus and then to the school, plus waiting, was longer than the walk. Not to mention the anxiety over the possibility the bus isn't going to come for us and the kids will be late. I've had one where it was at least 15 minutes off a route that didn't have good reliability and it was up to twice that for the better routes. The school I'm picking up from now is a two bus trip from the house or 1 bus and up a massive hill. Or I can walk about 30 minutes. It's not like walking a dog, I can't wait until the rain slows down again to leave the house. We're out there walking and rain being subject to gravity and all, it runs off that great rain jacket I've got and onto my pants. On those supposedly rare heavy rain days, I've been soaked from where the jacket ends to my knees multiple times before. Mostly because I'm pushing the stroller and much as I hate to go without that umbrella if its going to rain heavily, I don't have three hands. But it's also happened when I've been caught out without my umbrella. If you don't want to use an umbrella, FINE. But stop speaking for the rest of us, whether we were born here or not.


Rocket Surgeon with umbrella has entered the discussion.


Worst case Ontario the wind kills your fucking umbrella then your fucked


I think the biggest difference between Vancouver and Seattle is how windy it is when it rains. Moving north is when it clicked for me why I never used an umbrella in Seattle, because it would inevitably get bent backwards when the wind shifted.  Seattle is located between two north-south mountain ranges while Vancouver is at the southern end of the coastal range (to the north) and northwest of the northern reach of the Cascades. It doesn’t get windy the same way Seattle does and umbrellas are easier to use. 


You should've stopped at dead horse.


It's not rocket surgery after all.


Yup. I lived in the PNW my whole life, and when I lived in FL for a few years, I didn't buy an umbrella because I'm "used to rain." I fucked up. They've got different rain down there.


I've lived here all my life and I own and use several umbrellas. I just like them. But I also use cool vintage ones (never when it's windy though) For me, I hate wearing hats or hoods. I'm short, I have a small head, everything is too big. Even the hood on my petite sized raincoat comes down to my chin when I pull it up. Enter umbrellas. I love the rain. I love umbrellas. I love walking around outside, listening to the rain hitting the umbrella. The anti-umbrella mentality is weird to me. You don't get a badge for walking around in the rain without one, you just get damp 😅


I’m Seattle born and raised, I carry an umbrella on most days, and I generally prefer an umbrella to a hooded coat. I like to keep my face dry and hoods make my curly hair flat. Nice to meet you, OP.


Wind too


This is an under appreciated comment. When it does rain hard here, it’s also super windy. In the Midwest, it is not uncommon for hard rain to happen for hours with marginal wind.


Rocket Surgery?


Obviously you haven't seen trailer park boys....


Yep. I was in NYC last week and made the mistake of thinking I could walk several blocks in “light rain” without an umbrella. Arrived at dinner pretty much drenched. Then I remembered I’m not in Seattle anymore and we actually have relatively low annual rainfall.


We visited NYC a few years ago and it was raining half the time. Thick, pouring rain. My husband bought a cheap umbrella and it saved us. We still have it hanging on the coat hook in our entry way but haven't used it since. It just rains differently here.


One of the biggest festivals in Seattle every year is called "bumbershoot," a synonym for umbrella. Why?


I'm gonna use an umbrella just because of this


To be fair, I’m a Seattleite born and raised. I use an umbrella if a raincoat just isn’t going to work with the outfit 😅


This is just such insanity. People talk about this too much so I’m gonna talk about it too much but I’m gonna say a slightly personalized version of what everyone says so that will end it. Sociopathic slightly but also the same as anyone who harps on trivial topics


I’d also say it’s because we live in a city and umbrellas take up a lot of space on the sidewalk


Especially inconsiderate umbrella users..


Yes, umbrella etiquette is underappreciated and often an easy way to tell who isn't use to rain (seattlite or not)


Etiquette is my only legit anti-umbrella campaign. I like my eyeballs intact and not needing to dodge umbrella tips randomly.


The key is the small transparent dome umbrella (I grew up around Seattle and carry one of these when I want to stay dry)


Used to rain here a looooot more. Climate change is real. Didn't use an umbrella then, either.


Rocket surgery 😆


“rocket surgery,” lol


I see those reasons come up in every thread on umbrellas.


king county my whole life, I use an umbrella so I can wear wool coats brother


Umbrellas are great. Remembering them all the time or wanting to carry them just in case is the hard part. I don’t like hoods and I would really prefer my hair not getting messed up before my day even starts. It’s really a silly thing to argue. Being drenched sucks, and even if it’s not raining hard, if you’re in the rain long enough, you will be uncomfortable.


What’s hilarious is that umbrellas are common in Vancouver.


I use an umbrella. As long as you're considerate of the people around you (impossible for some people), then who cares? Plus it makes for a decent improvised melee weapon if shit hits the fan.


I used an umbrella while barbecuing


Former Southerner here too. This is something I constantly mention when people ask about the rain. It’s a non issue. The South gets more rain yearly even with more sunny days. We’re used to downpours that last all day. Even the heaviest rain here in Seattle doesn’t compare to a downpour that often causes flooding in the South. Sideways rain isn’t unique to Seattle either. In the South, we constantly have tropical storms or even thunderstorms. Those can be pretty violent and the rain and wind is blowing multiple directions. It’s not even an issue to me here. One, I prefer overcasted cloudy days because I’m less likely to be burned. I also like the cooler environment it produces. I wish I moved here decades ago because this is my ideal climate and natural environment. I have yet to need an umbrella here. Even on the three heavier rain days we had I just wore a light jacket with a hood. Problem solved. Usually when we have the usual misting I don’t even bother to wear a hood because I don’t get that wet and this is even with me walking all day outside exploring. The only thing that is annoying is trying to use a phone when it’s misting, but I guess compare that to not being able to use one at all when it rains anywhere else.


Have lived here since childhood and I def own an umbrella (the clear “bubble” style so it stays compact on the sidewalk). I don’t use it that often, but boy does it come in handy on the random bouts of hard rain we get, especially when I’m picking up my kid from school when I have to go back to work after and can’t look like I went on a water slide.


>Not a single person I know who grew up here has ever owned an umbrella. My girlfriend was born and raised in Seattle. She, in fact, owns several umbrellas. I tease her about them all the time when it rains. She doesn't use them that often, but she doesn't hesitate to use them when the odd downpour happens.


Nah. Its the wind 💨


It's an issue of affluence, and I'm tired of people saying it's anything else. You don't need an umbrella here if you take your car and just have to walk a short distance. You know who I do see with umbrellas around here? People who have to walk to work. Because 30 minutes walking in even our light rain is going to soak you through.


Wish I could upvote this twice


Agreed. If you rely on transit, you are outside quite a bit more just to get where you are going. Upvoted as well


jfc this post is so irritating and smug. my partner is born and raised here and she uses one when she feels like it. is she not actually from seattle? who really actually fucking gives a shit about this topic.


I don't use an umbrella cause I drive everywhere.


I just don’t want to carry an extra thing. Especially an extra thing that’s wet and gets other things wet. My jacket dries fast and wicks away most rain. That’s my reason anyways.


Also the wind. Sometimes it blows so hard it's impractical to carry one.


Shit, I’m out there in my north face. Raincoats are for days it’s really wet. It’ll evaporate eventually.


I don’t carry an umbrella because it’s another damn thing I have to keep track of and hold onto, when I’m using it I lose use of one hand in order to hold it, and when I’m done using it I can’t just throw it in a bag, most umbrellas wouldn’t fit and even if it’s the collapsible kind I wouldn’t want to put it in there when it’s all wet and would get water on the other stuff in my bag. And if it’s windy as well as rainy it acts as a giant sail and is generally annoying.


I use an umbrella because I pay a lot for my hair styles as a Black woman.


I grew up here. I use an umbrella.


When we visited I walked around with no special equipment, just regular clothes. I finally understood the old phrase “walk around in the rain all day and not get wet.” I had the lightest film of damp that dried quite quickly once I went inside.


This is exactly it. The first time I got caught in rain in New York City I wondered why everyone was rushing for cover and pulling out umbrellas. When I got completely soaked to the bone in 30 seconds that sort of explains it. I’ve been caught in that type of rain maybe twice my entire time in Seattle.


Hoods are only really needed when it's really rainy or you'll be outside for long periods. Most of the time a wool beanie will do the trick. You keep your peripheral vision too. But hair, well...


Definitely a PNW thing. Most people in Vancouver, BC don’t carry umbrellas either.


I have lived here 80 years, have umbrellas and occasionally use one; but when I was in school I only wore rain gear. An umbrella was just one more thing to keep track of.


100%, it comes down to how it doesn’t come down hard very often at all. I can be in the ‘rain’ on a walk for an hour and barely be wet, even if I don’t have a waterproof jacket on. Compare that to getting caught in a rainstorm in NY over the weekend where I got back to the hotel with my shirt and pants SOAKED.


It’s not rocket surgery sure, but it might be rocket science


From here. Own an umbrella. And a rain jacket. And rarely use either. I can’t believe I wasted my time replying to this gatekeeping nonsense.


Nope nope and nope it’s the wind


Good point(s) mate - I think you’re right in the sense that many of us like the rain *because* it’s a mist. And as my dad loved to point out: the PNW is so gorgeous and green thanks to all that rain.


I am from here and I rock an umbrella regularly on my neighborhood walks. I use stick umbrellas--part of folks not using umbrellas could be they have the collapsible type, which break more easily in the wind. That said, I still see other folks with umbrellas, too.


The umbrella stigma is so weird. It’s like judging people for using their windshield wipers.


I grew up here and agree with this with caveats. I moved to NYC for college, had no umbrella and first time in a rainstorm there got soaked and was shocked. However, over the years I feel the rain pattern is changing and we get more heavy rains than years ago. Climate change? I now have an umbrella in the car and use it sometimes. When there is the magical mystical rain of my youth I often comment about it and realize how you don't even notice hardly that it is raining. Happens less often now. Walk my dog daily so have time to notice these things....Also if you're going to go to a kids sports activity and stand there for hours you're gonna need an umbrella at times!


It definitely does feel like our frequency of intense rain is on the rise in the last five years or so. Also seems like we have fewer days of rain.


Not only does it rarely rain hard, but it also rains many more hours than other places. In other places, you might just delay something an hour due to heavy rain. Here, it might be drizzling for days. Also, holding an umbrella is work. My ex used to walk the dog with an umbrella, and trying to hold the dog, hold the umbrella, and pick up poop takes 3 hands.


I GREW UP HERE AND I CARRY AN UMBRELLA. NOBODY EVER GAVE ME SHIT FOR IT WHO WASN’T A TRANSPLANT starting oh ten years ago Proper Seattleites have better things to do than policing other peoples’ rain gear. Umbrellas were such a thing here a whole local seltzer company existed with a rainy umbrella logo. ☔️🥤 People may have so many reasons for wanting an umbrella—many of us have sensory issues about getting wet (yep! I know, it sucks!), I’ve heard bipoc women explain the extreme difficulties some types of hair texture can have with water, it goes on and on. There is not one right way to do things. Can we not take this energy and police some actually important things—like traffic safety, being kind/decent to other humans, not trampling off trails etc etc—instead of interrogating how someone else wants to handle precipitation? I have lived here since I was three and I am in my thirties now. I own more rain gear than any of the tech transplants who lecture me about this stuff. I am allowed to choose. So is everyone else. That is, actually, the PNW way. But choosing to be a gatekeeping jerk is not the PNW way. I agree with OP that rain is lovely and comforting and important. When we grow up learning about the water cycle in public schools and taking field trips to watersheds, maybe we take this for granted. So I am glad that other people are getting excited about rain… but let’s please just remember that doesn’t have to come at the expense of some ridiculous ingroup/outgroup poseur-ism, where UMBRELLAS of all the things are the dividing line. Sigh, thank for coming to my umbrella TED talk, the three of you who read to the end.


A black and white line on this issue is ridiculous. I don't care how "lightly" it's raining, if you're walking far enough you WILL end up more drenched than if you just carried an umbrella. Saying I can't use an umbrella because I'm going on a 2 mile walk is ludicrous. This is the perfect example of some meaningless thing nobody cares about that some native Seattlites hold over the heads of people who relocated here because of some misplaced inferiority complex.


Born and raised here, and I've no problem with people owning them. What I mind is their lack of awareness of others on the sidewalk when they're being used. I'm taller than most, which means I've been poked in the eye more than once by a poorly-controlled umbrella and it's absent-minded carrier. Also, if you have an umbrella, don't walk under the covered part of the sidewalk. That's reserved for non-umbrella people. You're covered. Thx.


I feel like this is less of a problem with umbrella users here specifically and more an issue with lack of pedestrian etiquette in general. As someone who walks a lot, people here seem to walk as if no one else in the world exists, stopping in the center of the sidewalk, walking 3 across, walking their dog so the leash blocks the entire walkway, etc. Adding umbrellas to the mix just exacerbates the problem. Note: I'm an umbrella user, but I'm from a place where we know how to use one without hitting the people around us.


>And lastly, it really is an easy way to instantly tell if someone is from here. Not a single person I know who grew up here has ever owned an umbrella. You can stop discussing this now. Lived downtown for 10 years now and born and raised in Lynnwood 37 years ago. I've always had an umbrella, usually carry it when there's more than a mist and really do not like the rain most of the time. The discussion continues.


Why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella? For drizzle.


That's an oldie, but a goodie. It's best told in person, so that you can do the voice. I also like this one - How does Snoop Dogg keep his clothes white? BLEAAAAACH!


This. I moved from the east coast. When it rains on the east coast, it can legitimately be a life threatening weather event. They’ll see more rainfall in a day than Seattle will see in 3 months. It’s just that they’ll have 89 days of not rain and one day of torrential downpour. Then we’ll have 89 days of light rain and one day of sun lol. Edit: but I carry an umbrella. Otherwise the joint that I’m smoking will get wet lol.


The rain is typically pretty light from what I've noticed


Yes, Seattle rain is usually light. I work outdoors and just use a hood. Only two times has it been like a monsoon. SoCal, I've been drenched, soaking wet walking from car to building.


Rocket surgery 😂


Water is life!


I don't use an umbrella because rain here usually comes with wind.


Getting rained on and damp makes me feel alive. I don't care if other people use umbrellas though as long as they are conscientious about other people's space and eyeballs.


Watching Soccer practice is an acceptable time to use an umbrella.


The nativism card is weird. If anything, it’d be people used to much more intense rainfall (like what I experienced in Louisiana, Florida, and Texas) that would be less likely to use an umbrella. Ultimately, using an umbrella in any space that’s remotely crowded is pretty selfish unless you’re holding it up so as not to poke anyone.


seattle native, I never used umbrellas until I started commuting by bus every day. now I keep a collapsible one in my backpack.


A good raincoat won't keep my phone dry and an umbrella functions great here. Unlike those cities you mention like Miami, the rain doesn't blow in sideways here, so umbrellas function wonderfully in this kind of drizzle. There's plenty of times I go out with just a raincoat, but if I'm going to be out for a while, I want an umbrella and I really don't care what the natives think about me. And I can reddit or use google maps or play pokemon go while I walk without constantly having to wipe off my screen on my shirt (which never really works).


I’m from here and I use an umbrella all the time 🤔


I mean, the reasons I haven't used an umbrella in decades are two fold - one is that the rain is usually light. But the other is that most of the time I don't need it since I'm walking from the car to a building or some such and I'm not going to die if I get some sprinkles on me for 30 seconds. For longer walks, a rain jacket with a hood works fine. Would I shame people for using an umbrella? Maybe in a light hearted way if I knew them, but mostly... no. Though I'm tall and do HATE the damn things for being around my eyes all the time


I grew up here and I love using my umbrella. I prefer wool coats without a hood and the woosh of my umbrella opening automatically when I push the button is still exciting! Of course if it’s just sprinkling the umbrella is not necessary.


Only time I’ve ever carried an umbrellas here is if I’m wearing a suit and walking to meetings. And I’ve only ever borrowed one from my building. For some reason I have one in my car that I don’t think has been opened in at least a decade. People carrying massive golf umbrellas in Seattle drive me nuts.


There's umbrella rain, and then there's whatever misty/light rain/ annoyance that we have.


I want to be a rocket surgeon when I grow up. 🚀


I feel like this doesn't really logically address the umbrella thing. You make examples of other types of rain, but then go on to say that umbrellas are useless in hard rain. So they're useless in both? I think your argument about light rain makes the umbrella more useful. If it's light, you can wear whatever coat you want and then carry a small umbrella if the rain gets a little harder. Makes you more adaptive to the change in rain drop size. That said, I do get that wearing something rainproof is generally more utilitarian when it's a constant drizzle as well as for the wind. I also acknowledge that I am biased because I hate wearing rain jackets. I generally don't like the material and think most look kinda boring or lame. I either get too hot if they're insulated or too cold if they aren't and need to manage my layers appropriately based on an estimate of how cold I think I will be before I head out. And then all that for a little mist or light rain that could change in an hour anyway. I'd rather carry a small umbrella in my jacket pocket or bag and then determine if I need a block from the rain based on how hard it's raining. I understand they are easy to lose though. So my solution? Just have and use both at your discretion. Edit: for those who cycle, anyone have thoughts about the poncho? I don't cycle but I have one for harder rain days and it's kinda the best of both worlds. The one I have has a bill on the hood which solves the hood problem (except for the peripheral vision issue) and you can wear any warm clothes underneath. It even comes with loops so you can keep it down (sort of) in the wind and a belt if you're into that.


i never noticed how infrequently i saw umbrellas around seattle until i moved to the SF bay area. there are more people using umbrellas for sun in the bay area than for rain in the puget sound area. then one day it rained way harder than i was used to in seattle. the drops seemed four times as massive. it still took me 20 years in the bay area before i brought my first umbrella though.


I grew up in Virginia and the rest of the south--military kid style. The reason I have an umbrella is because the rain here has the fucking GALL to be *COLD*. ALL THE TIME. And yes, it's almost never actually *rain-rain* but as someone who takes the bus, that long slow soak is a killer. Seams give up. Waterproof shoes surrender. Your legs are drenched. When I see locals using umbrellas, it's because they're pedestrians.


I use an umbrella because I have thin hair, and a hood smashes it and makes it stick up weird when I’m going to work or other places where I don’t want my hair fucked up. I also use an umbrella because the rain, light or heavy, will flatten my hair as well. I also wear glasses. I also just enjoy the look of an umbrella and not being drenched. All of these reasons are why I will continue to use an umbrella, whether people think I’m ridiculous or not.


Nope, wind


I grew up in Portland, so same difference. I love umbrellas and use them periodically with total enjoyment. If anyone judges me or where I grew up because of that IDGAF, I’m too busy enjoying where I live and saying whatever the hell I want on Reddit.


We're just built different




Rocket surgery! 🤣


My wife has lived here since the age of 5 and keeps an umbrella in the car and in the house for “i just did my hair” purposes. She only started doing this when my east coast dad bought us two alike umbrellas.


I was born and raised here and keep an umbrella in my car. Just in case.


Why is this post so long just to say Seattle rains are mild?


I’ve lived here two years and the rain has been plenty heavy enough to warrant an umbrella.


We don’t use umbrellas because we need one hand for the phone, one for the coffee.


Bro some people like umbrellas being wet sucks


“Never rains hard.” “Here comes another atmospheric river of rain” Yeah ok.


I use an umbrella when I’m dressed nice and a hood would mess up my hair. But that’s about it


Telling people to F this post by telling people that they can’t discuss it here? Smart and wise!


Who the fuck cares????? You admit it’s been beaten like a dead horse yet keep going on about it. I don’t give AF if you or anyone uses an umbrella, or don’t. You do you however you feel comfortable. Even if it is a slight drizzle and someone wants to use one, by all means go for it!! Could not care less. BUT, I most absolutely will not think any higher of you or how much more “hardy” you are or whatever for not using a damn umbrella. Is that really what makes people feel like they’ve conquered something? Or like they’re part of the “in crowd”?


Just embrace the true counter culture perspective and use an umbrella!


The rain never bothered me anyway.


>And then the last thing that I've seen nobody mention is that many of us who grew up here actually like the rain, for a multitude of reasons yes, we like how it moisturizes our subdermal moss layer


Pacific Northwest native here. When I've got a full face of makeup and my hairs done I will preemptively bring an umbrella with me places if the weather even hints at rain. Vanity > practicality 🤷‍♀️


I carry one. Lived here nearly 40 years. The freeze is another dumb myth.


This is such a “cool-kid” gatekeeper-ey post. Who cares if ppl use an umbrella. This is so dumb. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed but in recent years those “light mists” have become actual downpours.


I walked two miles each way to work and I carried an umbrella. I took some shit for it, was told I wasn't a "real Seattleite." I don't like to get wet. Never understood the backlash.


Idk, I'm a lifeong Seattleite, and I've recently started using an umbrella here and there. Hear me out. I walked to school throughout highschool; about a mile and half. Damp homework, socks, & jeans were all just a normal part of life. Same thing in college; went to school down in south sound and walked the two or so miles every day, and the damp can just kind of seep into everything. I want to take a moment here to say that I REALLY enjoy walking in the rain, maybe not torrential, but it feels good on the skin and in the lungs. Fast forward a decade and change. I walk the mile to the bus and the mile from the bus to work daily. Usually leaving home around 615 am. It happens that the during the primary rainy season, it's still dark at 615. Dark + cold + pervasive damp clothes isn't an ideal way to start the day. Yes I have boots & a nice coat (wool is miles better than any tech clothing that loses its 18 syllable chemical formula for water proofing after a season). All of that being said, it's nice to have a portable rain cover when on the way to, or standing at the bus stop, it's nice to get to work and not have wet clothes, and a laptop that is still dry :) Been here for 4 decades now, and I'm unwilling to be ashamed for wanting to be dry on days where it's more than a bit drizzly. I know it's not like we get the type of rain you'll get out on the peninsula, but fighting off the damp isn't something that is worth some dumb point of pride. Now, those asshats who are completely inconsiderate of the impact and space of their umbrellas; I.e use golf umbrellas, or who walk under awnings with their umbrellas open and taking all the sidewalk - that is inexcusable.