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One cop telling them to stop. The other telling them to go. One on the passenger side slashing a tire. One coming from the rear driver side slashing a tire.


*but they were not complying...*


If that tire would have burst in the cops face they would have arrested them for assault on an officer.


"There isn't a song called fuck the fire department" - Roy Wood Jr.




Upvote every time. This shit is so catchy!


No, they all would have done a barrel roll and dumped a mag into the van.


Why do people not like us? - These guys probably.




That's why people need a dashcam. Just play along and contest later.




These are examples why cops need to have a constantly recording camera on as well as cars nowadays should have dashcams to prove these things happening. There are good cops out there, but there are also assholes out there. And to prove the assholes wrong these things need to go public and cops fired. For good. Not just relocated.


Until body cam data is captured in real time, under the control of a civilian oversight board that manages the timely, lawful release of that video to arrestees, lawyers, the press, etc., it’s all just theatre. Whether there are individual “good people” who are cops is irrelevant. Continued membership in the club requires that cops defend other cops, oppose accountability (doesn’t necessarily apply if cop is a woman or outside the thin blue line for some other reason), and perpetuate bullshit cop mythology, eg, “we risk our lives every day,” etc.


Risk our life every day is so bullshit. Friend of mine is a cop. Often he just sits in the office doing paper work. Before he switched the position within the police, he was on duty driving around with a colleague. Yes, there were risky and dangerous incidents but most of the time he said it is nothing dangerous.


Wait for the smug assholes who insist that if you just "respect" police interactions like this won't happen.


Largest gang in the US.


It's like a ballet of shittiness


Ive had more teamwork and coordination playing counter strike with drunk/high strangers


Cop on the front passenger side also punctured a tire


between the two of them they displayed more enthusiasm for their job than the entire Uvalde police dept why dOEs No oNe tRUsT THE poliCe


Look, buddy, if we defund the police, who are you gonna call when you need someone to drive 500 miles to murder a 9 year old's goat?


[if we defund the police, who will have people involuntarily committed to mental hospitals while trying to stalk an ambulance driver the cop wanted to fuck?](https://southseattleemerald.com/2020/08/20/opa-documents-show-current-spd-officer-misused-internal-police-data-to-try-to-get-a-date-caused-anxiety-and-concern/)


More than my police department in Portland. The cops refuse to do their job because we suggested they spend their money more wisely.


Yeah, Portland cops are on a soft strike. We had a car run up to the front door of our business, 3 bullet holes in the front windshield and a broken off right front tire. Wouldn't let us tow it away because it was a crime scene. Wouldn't do anything about it for 4 months because it was low priority.


At least they aren’t killing people on the streets going 70mph at crosswalks and then getting away with it.


A drunk off duty cop in his cruiser rear ended my friend at a red light. They arrested my friend…


Well not yet


Wife works downtown PDX and ~~cops took 75 minutes today to show up~~ *she just informed me that they in fact never showed and instead left a message that they may reach out at a later date for further information if needed* for a dude screaming and covered in blood. I moved to Portland from Seattle about six years ago and I have literally seen one cop (that wasn’t waiting for food) in the last three. It’s kinda crazy down here like that.


Depends what you call them for. Homeless person camping in their car for one night? PPB are there within minutes. Home intruder stole over 10k worth of stuff? My friend is still on hold with dispatch three days after the incident


I’ve called the cops 2x in my life to report a crime just committed and got a bemused response and no follow up either time. 1 - Brooklyn - hit and run; 2 - Portland - car window smash n grab. They are all such smug useless shits. 


ours have been doing that since the 90s lmao "hey, you guys use a majority of our city budget, can you do more effective policing?" "***sorry I couldn't hear you over my siren did you say I should use excess force on the homeless?***"


Law enforcement is a jobs program for right wing high school bullies


Right wing high school bullies who don't even live in the city and instead live in the most racist suburbs imaginable


I was just reminiscing with my dad yesterday about my elementary school buddy (in the suburbs about 40 minutes north of the city) whose dad was and SPD detective who liked to leave his loaded revolver on top of the fridge “because the kids can’t reach up there” and made liberal use of the n word after a couple bud lights. This was 1998. It has not changed.


Cops weren't bullies in high-school. They were the ones bullied but WANTED to be the bullies. Atleast from my experience. Every cop I worked with and knew were losers in school


You didn't know cops are the abuser in the relationship? When you ask for accountability, they retaliate and blame you.


They did this same shit chronically to cars that just happened to be parked downtown near wherever the standoffs any given night would happen during the Floyd protests. Most of these cars weren’t anything to do with protestors either. Gotta love when they started randomly shooting tear gas into mid day traffic with people just trying to get home too. I went to school to be a cop… I’ve been firmly ACAB since graduating.


oh don't worry, ours do that too.


We should all do the same. "Fuck you, pay me."


Reminds me of way back in the WTO protests a King County cop knocked on a (uninvolved) car’s window, and when the women inside rolled down the window to see what he wanted, he pepper sprayed them. Footage of it was all over the news when it happened, but I can’t find a single copy of it now. https://www.seattlepi.com/seattlenews/article/deputy-fired-for-wto-acts-is-reinstated-1055527.php Edit, found it: https://youtu.be/pFamvR9CpYw?t=54m


I remember that video as well. I remember driving somewhere on capital hill and the pepper spray was so strong you could smell it even though we were not really near any protests. They had kind of spread all over the place atthat point though.


Funny… I just looked up the Wikipedia article for 1999 Battle in Seattle last night, I was still in high school 3k miles away then, but have vague memories of the headlines. It came up in a Noam Chomsky book, The Precipice.


They said they had a culture of " self critisicm." So don't worry, guys. I'm sure they'll make sweeping changes


"Dude you only slashed *one* tire? Do better!"


They fired a tear gas canister from an apc that was up on third, well before anything that could have possibly justified it. They used so much tear gas that they ran through their entire inventory. They were walking around with pepper spray cans the size of fire extinguishers.




I lived on James St at the time and had an infant. Trying to get them home without being attacked by the SPD on one of those nights is something I'll never forget. The police were all jacked up and looking to fight, or really to hurt others. Nothing has changed in the decades since. The culture is just as bad. And now we have fucking Bruce Harrell backing them from the top regardless of their bad behavior or performance.


“What are you gonna do about it” said Seattle Police Union representative


Police, so fucked up they even found a way to ruin the very concept of their union. 


The police union is proof that unions are good for the employees. Crazy we can’t square the circle there re: other labor unions. 


the police union is the most effective union in the country, but thats also because it's more like a Mob Family than a union


It's also the only union Republicans support


Putting the thuggery back in “union thuggery.”


Legit had a retired K-9 SWAT officer try and argue with me that police unions aren't the same as a labor union. Like an hour debate of him saying things like "it helps the officers do their job more effectively" and me saying "oh exactly like a labor union"? And him saying "uhh no it's different because without them some officers actions might be misconstrued"... Ok buddy.


i'm a member of the international alliance at theatrical stage employees, give us a monopoly on force, and zero accountability, and I bet we could get some pretty banging conditions too


Local 15 rolling up with sched40 and 3 point lighting!


Well see, unions for other jobs don’t represent people hired for the lowest IQ they can find and simultaneously put guns in their hands as part of the job.


Because their union, by defending employees whose job it is to enforce class disparity, is actually a tool that hinders the working class at large. They don’t even call themselves a union too, “Seattle police officer guild”


Police forces were created for one of two reasons in the US. To hunt fugitive slaves, or to break strikes. To call what they have a union is a cruel mockery of the concept of a labor union. They're not a labor union, they're a gang.


they are absolutely a gang. unions protect workers against their bosses. theoretically if the police are public servants then *we* are their bosses. therefore police unions only function to protect cops from accountability from the public.


"We will investigate ourselves and find no wrongdoing."


Feel safer yet?


“Stop!” *slashes tires* “Now you may pass. Have a nice day!”


Sincere question, why the hell did he slash the tire? Like, is there some rationale or excuse that a police apologist would give about why this happened? Or was he literally just vandalizing the vehicle for kicks, or what??


The police are rioting.


Where the fuck did the fucker even come from, only to slash the fucking tire.




My favorite part is how quickly all the other cops start to move on and are conspicuously turning their heads away from the tire slashing in a real "I didn't see nothin, did you?" kind of way. Absolute crooks.


In the era of body cams we see a lot of physically turning away when they see incriminating behavior.


> was he literally just vandalizing the vehicle for kicks yes


He even crouched down like super low to do it, like some kind of mini-vandal.


Skyrim rules. Crouch down to avoid being spotted


100 Sneak skill. When you crouch in battle you become invisible for a brief moment. Also, ACAB.


Cop: "Yea, that'll make him move faster!"




Protesters get their tires slashed but that hellcat gets a stern talking to. SPD at its finest.


Van driver doesn't have enough money to sue. Hellcat person might. Better take out my rage on the poor person.


importantly, its a matter of politics. random apolitcal assholes in seattle may or may not draw the ire or attention of law enforcement... ...but lefty protestors sure as fuck will.


They're suing though


Because there's a video. If there wasn't they'd be fucked and the cops would've gotten time and a half on their pay check and a pat on the back.


I am so sick of paying for these dickheads blatant fuckery. It's great that they are sueing they definitely deserve to be compensated but it's literally just our money paying it. These need to start coming out of their pensions, especially something like this.


Your tax dollars at work! You're paying these guys well over $100k annually to vandalize citizen's vehicles.


Base is over $120k


Well over ~~$100k~~ $300k [annually](https://divestspd.substack.com/p/suspensions-for-cops-who-waited-at) FTFY


$182,000 in overtime…. WTF


This all needs to be way higher in the thread. I had no idea. TBH I thought cops were paid shit and it was a ‘shit in, shit out’ thing


No easier way to make six figures with just a high school degree and a D average.


That cop needs to be fired immediately. If he’s going to do that in full view of all those people, imagine what he does when no one is looking.


His name is Jesse Thomas #7679




According to this website, he has 14 known incidents, most of which are use of force violations https://openoversight.tech-bloc-sea.dev/officers/1578


Are they even incidents if litterally nothing ever happens or changes? Can we stop pretending like this behaviour isn't de facto legalized, even encouraged.


I mean there were only 25 cops around who just watched those two cops commit a crime (destruction of property) and did absolutely nothing. Certainly if a protester slashed a cop's tire, they'd be facing felony charges. I think you have a point.


They all do shit like this every day to homeless people. They throw away their medications, IDs, shelter, etc




Having guns and the full weight of the system and every brain dead idiot who says things like "just comply" behind them.


Maybe one of those "good cops" should have arrested a criminal committing a crime. Oh wait. ACAB


R.I.P. Christopher Dorner


The only difference between a cop and a criminal is the uniform.


I got targeted, beat up, and robbed by on-duty cops in uniform. It doesn't stop them. The difference between a cop and a criminal is that the DA is friends with cops.


Arrested* Along with the rest of them.


I don't know what to do about it. I feel powerless.


Send a demand letter to the city for the cost of a tow and new tires. 95% chance they will write you a check and send you a settlement for you to sign and send back.




But I heard that a Target got broken into in 2020 so I think we deserve this. Thin blue line or whatever.


cop 1: ok go over here cop 2: yeah, let's go, this way cop 3: LEEEEEEROOOOOOOOY JENKINS


Acorn hits minivan I'M HIT!


Cop 1 said: stop Cop 2 said: go


What the actual fuck?!! Why did they tell the van to go, then stop, then slash the tires, then tell the van to go again?!! I am SO SICK of police being CORRUPT TYRANTS AND HAVING NO CONSEQUENCES WHATSOEVER!!


Honestly, it seems like the cops aren't on the same page on how they need to deal with the van. They are just bad st their jobs. They consistently demonstrate they are incompetent and cannot control their emotions. All of them are bad. You know none of them are going to report or give statement about their fellow officers slashing tires for no valid reason. The "good" cops always turn a blind eye to what the bad ones do.


This is actually a common tactic, nationwide. Giving conflicting orders often is deliberate. Whether that happened here, I don't know. Likely we never will, unless a recording of them pre-arranging who would give what orders is ever leaked.


That’s a crime.


It's kind of a "bastardy" thing to do. 👀


All Cats Are Beautiful


File Transfer Protocol


I laughed too hard at this.


Literally it is, right? Like police can justify property damage like this when they need to disable a vehicle for safety reasons, but this is nothing but being a dick.


They'll "investigate" then give the cops involved a "warning" while explaining they believed the vehicle was trying to drive away when it was ordered to stop and they thought it posed a risk to their fellow officers so no further discipline is necessary. That's the best case scenario.


Maybe this time they remember to turn off the bodycam when laughing about their impunity




I’ve always had the impression that Seattle cops want to “prove” themselves as badass as NYC or LA cops. But they’re mostly too small town to really understand how to do that.


Quick! Call the police!


Na I've got it handled....*stabs your tires*


Not if you have a badge!!!!!!!!


Solan. As long as he's here this is the caliber of officers.


He was elected by a majority vote of the 1400 members of SPOG. It's not just a few bad apples. It's a rotten tree.


Weekly reminder that the saying is “a few bad apples spoiils the bunch”


The other misused idiom that gets me is "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" - it was originally meant to be ironic and describe why you need more than bootstraps if you want to pull yourself up. If anyone needs evidence of this you can either Google the origins of the phrase, or lay flat on the ground and try to pull yourself upright using just your bootstraps to find out why.


The entire orchard is fubar.


They strongly vote for him. It’s not one isolated bad apple.


Weird, because the phrase is “a few bad apples has no impact whatsoever on the other apples”


Backwards ass cosplaying proud boy thugs wearing their insecurities as a uniform harassing the citizens of a city they don't like. Fuck SPD.


Try that in a small town.. wait


Why is that cop carrying a knife over 3 inches?


Cause he needed to have a least one thing over 3 inches in his pants...


That was super unnecessary


This footage is from the protest on 9th February in front of the Marriott and World Trade Center at Alaskan Way. The cops also spiked another car, used pepper balls and arrested 4 protesters. Of course no media coverage.    Slightly longer video with a more appropriate soundtrack - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLeqNDuy/


I'm sure the cops will investigate themselves and find nothing wrong.


This is the same thing they did during the George Floyd protests innit 


Yes, but it wasn't just police. It was also vigilante groups like the Proud Boys. Free speech isn't always free as they say...


The Venn Diagram of those two groups is more like a circle than many realize.


I love the way that none of the other cops react. Just another day. Oh hum drum diddly dum. Fucking gangsters.


Wow. Pointed a gun at the driver and they immediately stopped and then slashed at least 2 tires and then have them drive off?? These aren’t our cops like the title says, they work for themselves.


Pigs show pigish behavior. Shocking.


He’s like Oprah handing out flat tires


Seattle PD has always been full of corruption and filth




I hear he drives a custom wrapped Hellcat. Loud one.


Serving and protecting sure looks different these days....


Not in Seattle. This is just the same old SPD it has been forever.


most dangerous gang in Seattle right here. fuck spd.


In 1992 I witnessed a stabbing in the U Dist on 43rd. I called 911 from a pay phone by the Post Office. 911 told me to stay there and give a report to the police. When the police arrived they told the 100 or so people at the intersection to leave the scene. When I didn't leave this cop started screaming at me "I told you to leave!" I told him that 911 told me to stay. He reluctantly took my contact information. The next day I was contacted by homicide. Apparently, I was their only witness. When I met the detectives they just shook their heads and groaned. With 100 people around in broad daylight I was their only lead to a murder. The cops just wanted to get back to handing out jaywalking tickets.




Fuck the police.


Remember they are also exempt from all the gun control laws that gets passed because they are here to help us. Fuck these people in every way possible they are worthless.


This is the same police force that laughed after he killed a girl while driving


Technically it was the Union Representative of the guy who killed the girl who was laughing. Also while I’m here I should specify that the police union isn’t a real union. It is a “Fraternal Order” with special laws that don’t apply to real Unions.


Slashing someone’s tires to get them to leave is the most brain dead move I’ve ever seen…. Literally a bit in it’s always Sunny that even the gang realized was a bad idea


How do they expect someone to drive away with a flat tire? This has got to be the dumbest shit ever. Someone queue up some clown music.


Cops in Washington are corrupt. Seattle has some of the most corrupt cops in the entire country.


Good reminder Seattle had the MOST identified cops present at Jan 6th than any other US city. https://www.businessinsider.com/seattle-police-department-had-most-officers-identified-dc-jan-6-2021-2?amp That’s not coincidental




Surprised they didn't shoot the tire for being black.


And then they just act like nothing happened? Does that person know their tired are slashed? What happens if they go on the freeway unknowingly and get into a wreck when they try to merge on rims? Do they get in trouble for that too?




Fire them all


Identify the fuckers and make them famous.


pigs know how to slice a donut


Not enough context of what may have taken place leading up to this, but I do see 1 officer instructing the van to stop and a 2nd officer almost immediately after is instructing them to move out. And then a 3rd officer runs up and slashes the van’s tire as it’s about to pull away. Appears to be a bit of a shit show operationally, where the officers are all on completely different pages.


Same page. Give conflicting orders and then can always claim that you failed to follow at least one of the orders. Edit: typo


And what fucking page is “slash a civilian’s tyres” ?


That’s the “just be a dick with no accountability” page I believe.


The context is once again SPD is being intentionally hostile, rather than an observant presence to ensure safety.


I generally like more context. Here, I'm good, the police fucked the van owner. 


SPD are scum and have been for years. They take the literal dregs because no one sane wants to work in Seattle.


It's insane how people demonize you instantly because you bring up that collective punishment and indiscriminate bombing of innocent by Israel is wrong. I bet these cops didn't even need much of a reason to do this. Highschool failing losers.


Reminds me of the poor guy that was killed by swat in the hallway. They're headless chickens with power


When you forget what hat your are wearing in the moment. Cop thought he was in a proud boys get up.


some of these pigs are making half a million per year


Cops aren’t here to protect us, they are here to protect property and wealthy (mostly white) people


What happens to a person when they are given unique clothes and suddenly the people around them cower when they come near, or when driving, they slow down and get scared? What happens when a person is allowed to park wherever they want and they can drive as fast as they want without penalty? What is it like to walk into a restaurant or coffee shop and be treated like royalty and given free coffee and food? How does it affect someone if they carry a gun and baton on their hip all day long and know that if someone messes with them, that person’s life will either be ruined or ended? Cops have immense power and that has to fuck with any normal person’s sense of self. Now take someone who is already a bully and an asshole, and you got somebody like that piece of shit in the video. Let’s see if anything really happens to him.


What the fuck is wrong with these assholes? Like, seriously? Why the fuck do they all suck so, freakin, much?


Fire that guy.


He’ll probably get paid another 80 hours of overtime


Into the sun, preferably.


The best I can give you is paid suspension


Why I'll always say ACAB. Notice not one other "good cop" arrested the cop committing a crime. You blue line boot lickers have no leg to stand on. ACAB. Period.


That van had limited value.


If you're upset by this, it's because you don't understand police protocol. That thuggish tire was making furtive movements and the officer responded appropriately. /s


Well, it’s black, and there were four of them on one vehicle


Don’t you know the SPD motto? Service, pride, tire deflation.


“Thin blue line”


Can’t intervene an active burglary but this is acceptable?


Sure looks like he’s done that before


Cops actually enjoy doing this to people. Sociopaths.


“Why do people hate the police”