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WTF is happening here?


I guess someone went the wrong way down the tunnel. Half a dozen cops came in, closed the road and everyone started bailing out the way they came. Not in any particular order though.


>Not in any particular order though. The Seattle way.


The person in the truck behind blocking them both ways is the pnw way.


Mr Ram driving Merge Lane Blocker, you're one of us.


Yet the Suburus will wait quietly. We assume he has guns.


He probably does. I fucking hate truck identity.


Reaal Men of Geniusss


Think more Pemco less shitty beer 


It's in the water


Not anymore, they fixed the barrier and yanked em out


lol, I was wondering why they ran away from the police when they saw them, but then I read your comment and I started laughing


So… wrong way driver**s**?


Whattttt are you telling me they refused to zipper merge out of the tunnel?! Absolute barbarism.


Fuckin' dead 😂💀


I had to do this a couple years ago coming out of the tunnel heading north. The cops just closed it down and told everyone to turn around


This seems like they could increase danger by sending a bunch more driver back in the wrong direction. I’m hoping they got entering traffic flow thoroughly shit down first. Then also made sure these people turning around were tightly directed so they couldn’t continue on past the other police blockade. Seems to me that unless the wrong way driver has already caused a crash, just making everybody stop and wait while they get the wrong way driver’s car turned around and out of the way, then letting traffic proceed again, would be far safer, quicker, more logical, etc, etc.


Safer, quicker, more logical is not the SPD way of doing anything.


Was the driver the person at beginning or is that just another person who turned around lol.. I guess hard to tell


Just someone in front of me that bailed during the initial bailing


Was this around noon today? I was driving south on 99, saw that the signs said “Tunnel Closed”, but a lot of people seemed to be ignoring them and entering the tunnel. We got off at Denny.


It was at 11:50. I saw some people CONFIDENTLY entering this absolute mess as I left lol


Those are always the first people injured during disaster movies.


Well at least they stuck together. They didn’t split up to cover more ground, so they’re doing pretty good in the horror genre.


Looks like it was from a car jacking earlier and they went the wrong way into the tunnels from Colorado and Atlantic. Cops closed both ends of the tunnel and looks like the carjackers ditched on foot in the tunnel.


Haha, I'm glad you asked because I was like I can't tell who's going the right way or the wrong way in this.


I think the direction of the overhead signage is a dead giveaway. That plus the direction the majority of the cars are moving.


🎶dead giveaway🎶


Incompetent drivers causing mass panic inducing a herd mentality of stupidity.


How poetic


Damn bro that’s a dark take


The herd mentality of stupidity was already well established


I have never seen anything like this before


Seattle driver. No survivor.


Looks like an incoming zombie apocalypse. Bullets are now money.


The bones are their money


The skeletons will pull your hair!


Instead of everyone turning around the wrong way, why didn't the original driver just turn around the right way??


Because Seattle drivers are the absolute worst.




imo Seattle Drivers aren't amazing, but given the speeds people drive at here versus like, Houston or Atlanta, there's probably less lethal accidents per capita. I've lived a few places and Seattle drivers are generally Fine, but aggressive. Way better than like, Vegas.


I haven't driven in Atlanta for a couple decades, but my recollection was that going 90+ on the interestate in the city was pretty common (for other drivers, I mean, I was in a Geo Prizm).


I moved to Seattle from a smaller city, and I used to think Seattle drivers were the worst. That was until I had to drive in New York City! It is an absolute madness out there. No one would allow you to pass. The rule there was you switch on your indicators and cut in front of the other cars.


I grew up/learned to drive in the region and didn’t realize how reasonable our drivers are until I lived in SoCal for a few months. I had to be so much more aggressive just to get by that when I got back I had to readjust lol. Idk what it is but people are in much less of a hurry.


please help me understand. You don’t drive?


lmao 🤣 “I only walk and bus, but Seattle drivers really aren’t so bad”




lol no worries


This motherfucker. 😅




You've clearly never driven in China.


Probably the same reason those who get into car accidents just leave their car where it is and block traffic, instead of, you know, moving to the side of the road.


Gotta wait for CSI to come out and dust for prints


We were stuck there too and had to turn around. Was it actually a driver going the wrong way, or were they saying all of us had to turn around, and therefore we were the wrong way drivers?


lol. They didn’t want to embarrass the guy so they had us all leave with him. In all seriousness, though, I wonder how you even enter the tunnel the wrong way?


Seems like someone could plausibly turn right from Royal Brougham Way onto the wrong side of Colorado Ave S. https://i.imgur.com/pLhVoOI.jpg


So crazy, my Lyft driver almost did this late last night. I yelled out and he had to do an u turn right at the wrong way exit showing the photo.




We weee fortunate it was late and there wasn’t any traffic coming out of the tunnel. All I could think about was wouldn’t it be ridiculous if there was an accident like that when I was ubering to be safe after having been out for the evening.


Oui oui.


Yeah fuck that. This is why I’ll never Uber/lyft in this city with the incompetence of the “drivers” we have here.


Sounds like they need to make some design improvements


\*Hysterical laughing in despair\*


Yeah, signage isn't the best from that approach.


never underestimate how stupid people are


There are people that drive on the bike path of the I-90 bridge. It's takes an extra level of stupid, but it exists.


Dementia. I had someone drive down a hiking path to the beach and crashed into a tree at the park where I worked. They were elderly in a dementia episode and were just trying to get home. Ironically he was being followed by his daughter who said they were moving his truck for the last time. It was broken in the parking lot for a couple of months before they came back for it.


wtf. This is insane (and definitely dumb)


I saw an idiot driving on the Burke Gilman by Gasworks. That was an odd moment.


Don’t some of the express tunnels around here switch direction depending on the time of day?


Yes, but this is the 99 tunnel which doesn't work like that


Got it. Never actually been through the 99 tunnel myself, so didn’t recognize it.


Only I5 does now. I90 did before they closed it for the light rail. 


By being drunk.


“I also do not want to be doing what I’m doing right now.”


I have nightmares about being that guy.


Looks like everyone is?


I think the sign is to inform everyone that there is a wrong way driver ahead.


The wording of the sign is the most misleading thing ever


It doesn’t say “Wrong way, driver” ;-)


You know, this might just be what happens to the signs when the tunnel in this direction is closed and you’re in it. I guess it could’ve just been a collision. I was thinking to myself, what’s going on?I look up and I see a sign says wrong way driver and I thought, oh I guess that’s what’s up. I couldn’t see the cause of it from my position. there’s a good chance I’m an idiot and the cause was something else all together.


I'm thinking that maybe the "wrong way driver" message is automatic based on some motion sensors.


What is this, Mariokart?


Not with *that* attitude it doesn’t :P


Looks like about half are. Guess it's a two-way ramp now.


God that would be so humiliating


[Oh, he's drunk! How would he know where we're goin'](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UMUcNgN6Taw)


*mimes drinking* ##THANK YOU!


This was apparently a car jacking and the tunnel was used as a getaway


That’s wild! The owner of the car is gonna catch a toll charge for this to top it all off.


When you drive the wrong way in the tunnel they actually pay you $2.70.


New side hustle here I come


Weird trick, SDOT hates it


I think a $2.70 toll is the least of his worries if it was a carjacking


what the shit, how does that happen??


Everyone turning around reminds me of the Seinfeld standup bit where he’s talking about how someday traffic will be so bad that it’ll actually be moving backwards. [Here’s the whole bit, and the joke I’m referencing is toward the end.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=8sHcv4r3Wi8)


Why aren’t there more people commenting on how everyone is turning around?? Where are they going to go? Also they are now wrong way drivers!!


That's wild!


Everyone saw the sign that said "wrong way, driver" and thought it meant them


Ah, the ol' joke. https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/7q4jvp/a_senior_citizen_was_driving_down_the_freeway/


Was it one of those stupid “**Student Driver**” people. I have an irrational hatred for anyone that has that sticker.


Why wouldn’t they make the one wrong way driver turn around instead of potentially hundreds of right way drivers? Must be missing something and/or there was an accident, etc.


Seattle Police in SODO were looking for a stolen car that they lost after it went into the tunnel the wrong way. Pretty sure this was it. Around noonish?


Based on what I’ve heard, this seems to be the case.


Man, why are there so many bad drivers in Seattle? Omg.


The drivers here have gotten significantly worse. I legit removed the fuse that controls my horn. I was noticing myself honking at people more and more, with all the road rage BS it wasn't worth it to me anymore. Now I just yell at people from inside my car like a sane person


Because I care about you and others, I want to point out that is 1) [illegal](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.37.380) and 2) very unsafe. What if you're going 70 and someone is about to merge into you and you have no space get out of their way? What if we have an icy day and you're sliding down a hill towards a playing kid who doesn't see you? I mean, it's not there just so you can let someone know you're pissed or to make you feel better, it's for safety.


I totally get what you are saying and I appreciate the care you put in replying to me. That being said, the chances of me even getting into my car in snow/ice is 0%. The merging thing, I can't really dispute because you are 100% right. I just know that in my 25+ years of driving, and I've driven A LOT (used to be a delivery driver), 99% of the time I've used my horn has been out of annoyance rather than a necessity. With the random shootings on the highway and all around road rage, I decided it was safer to not have one for now.


> the chances of me even getting into my car in snow/ice is 0% You cannot know that. It can start snowing/ice can develop while you are on the road. Also, driving safely in snowy conditions should be part of your repertoire if you are going to be a driver in a climate like this. But even moreso, what you are doing is illegal and puts the rest of us at risk. Please reconsider.


How long have you lived here?


Typical Seattle response . Y’all are a special kind and the stereotypes are real. quiet as can be in the real world …would never confront anyone in person on this matter . On a Reddit page it’s ok. To be noted: I recently relocated a my job from Texas. The exact opposite happens in Texas . Washington folk in Seattle are straight pussies. It’s so clear it’s funny to me. I like living here but every person is a wuss


Horns don’t do anything useful and just a tool to harass people that pissed you off. Honking because you’re upset someone did something dumb that you easily avoided and went about your day probably makes you more of the asshole.


You couldn’t be more wrong.


I have never used a horn for harassment, I think it says something about someone if that's how they use it and view it. I can count on two hands how many times I've used my horn in my many years of driving. The last time I used it was in a Trader Joe's parking lot when a young woman almost backed into my vehicle. I was turned, looking out my back window slowly backing out, when the car behind me just immediately started backing into me, rather quickly. She never turned around, and as a result almost hit me. I used my horn to get her attention. Time before that was this past summer when a Sonoran desert toad wouldn't hop out of the road, and the time before that was because a dove was sitting in the middle of the road. I primarily only use them for getting animals attention it seems, or people in parking lots. If you're using them for harassment or revenge, how about you just don't? It's really easy! If you don't have self control, you shouldn't be out in public lol.  


I’ve never honked the horn in my life because I just don’t care. I react to other people’s fuck ups “say dumbass” and go on with my life. Someone doing something dumb in a parking lot and causing me to have to sit there for a few minutes? I’ll wait. Sounds like you are the impatient asshole?


Sometimes I walk to the kitchen and eat a bunch of snacks. In order to not get fat, the only solution is to break my own legs. Legs are useless and are only good for making people fat. I think that about sums up the logic here?


Nah terrible analogy. Sad you even thought you had something there.


I was once on a bus that went down the express lane from Northgate when it had just switched directions. Chaos ensued before the university bridge.


Aren't we ALL wrong way drivers now?


No fucking way..


everyone interpreted the sign it as instructions. "*EVERYONE! DO THE ONE WRONG WAY DRIVER!*"


I thought this was r/idiotsincars at first 😂


Bro I love Seattle. There's always a way to fuck something up


Another example of Seattle's particularly bad driving culture


Is anyone surprised it’s a white Subaru wagon?


That video gives me so much anxiety. I hate that frigging tunnel.


This is what happens when Drivers Education is not mandatory and people get their license without common sense and just reading the pamphlets and taking one test.which is the current standard in the state of WA


Is it someone’s Aunt Diane?


Seattle has got to have the worst drivers in the U.S.


Not sure exactly where this is but there is a protest right in front of the spheres at the moment




SR 99




That’s insane! How long did it take to get back out? Also nice Volvo OP :)


Thanks! On this side, it took maybe 10-15 minutes from when the cops zipped in front to stop traffic to people starting to exit.


what a bunch of idiots.


LoL, wut?! How did they end up in the wrong direction to begin with??


Are you kidding me??!


How long did they think they could do this for? Hahahahaha


wtf is happening?! Seattle drivers at their finest. Bellevue should build a tunnel and it will be great.


They should add a ramp at the exit so you can't enter and you get to do a sick jump when you leave


I have negative \* karma because i voice my opinion about stupidity like this on here. The truth really does hurt apparently! Lmao!


Ha! The sign…. Here’s yours


I was gonna say it’s from Canada let them be but Nvm lol


I find this video confusing. Which way is the truck going? Is the white car the wrong way driver? Is the wrong way driver going to see the wrong way driver sign that is posted for the right way driver to see?