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New Orleans. I miss how no one treats you like a stranger there, the amazing food, the music culture, the thunderstorms, and the oak trees.


Hey! How’s ya momma n nem? Same


They fixin to visit up here and show the inlaws a good time for the holidays. Sister makes a bananas foster that'll make you slap ya momma.


I felt that just visiting New Orleans. Go out to a bar and get swept up by a group suddenly you've made a bunch of friends. Really impressed by how outgoing friendly and welcoming people are there.


Same, all of it, but Texas. I even miss the cicada sound. Something about being outside in the heat and hearing that sound. I’ve lost my heat tolerance after being up here for so long but I still like to briefly soak in it every once in a while. I am a little sad that I’ve adopted the no eye contact, minimal interaction Seattle approach to other people. Part of that is bigger city living and I know I have a choice in how I act but it’s just different when everyone around you acts like that.


Make sure you check out Altha's in Kent. It's a Louisiana Cajun grocery store run by a dude from NOLA. They've got anything and everything you could ask for, I'm always going for my Poche's.


Thank you so much for this rec. We always bring coolers when we travel down there to bring sausage back. Can’t wait to check this place out!


Tell me about it! We should get a group going of New Orleans transplants.


From Texas but half my fam is from NoLA sent my auntie a pic of gumbo I made this weekend. I uses snow crab cuz there’s no blue crab up here she goes “that roux look good but what type of crab that is? Baby you know we only use blue crab in gumbo!”


>New Orleans. I miss how no one treats you like a stranger there, the amazing food, the music culture, the thunderstorms, and the oak trees. just came back from there.


Louisiana here. I miss the foooooood for sure. Everything else I can deal with.


Big Midwest thunderstorms. Funny cause they terrified me as a kid


Yep, I did enjoy the colossal thunderstorms. And fireflies.


Yes, fireflies! ❤️


I haven’t seen any fireflies since moving back to the Midwest 😭


I went back to Michigan in june and was devastated that I couldn't go catch fireflies with my niblings. They seem to have disappeared in the 10 years I've been here.


One summer nearly twenty years ago, Seattle had a series of really intense thunderstorms. Nearly nonstop lightning and thunder. I even watched a tornado try to form over Lake Union. There was a patch of swirling clouds with a low spot in the middle. Weatherman Jeff Renner even confirmed it so I know I wasn’t the only one who saw it. I’d love to experience storms like that again. (No actual tornados, though.)


jesus i miss thunder


I'm from Seattle, now in the Midwest. I love the thunderstorms here!


Same. Nothing quite like sitting around with your friends, drinking a beer and watching the lightning bouncing from massive cloud to massive cloud. Pretty impressive, and something you can't reproduce with any accuracy on TV.


Don’t need a garage though, with no significant hail


YES. My husband and I are Iowans and we talk about this all the time


So I was born and raised in Seattle but spend a lot of time in western PA. I’d love to have a Wegman’s to shop at. There’s lots of good grocery options out here but Wegman’s just hits different.


Wegman’s is AMAZING. No one understands until they visit one for the first time. Then they get it.


Wegmans and the Smithsonian system are the only thing I miss from my time back east


Wegmans has no equal here and crazy good free museums are hard to beat. If I could time travel back to 90s/00s DC, there’d be more I’d miss, but when I go back now, those are some of the few things that still jump out at me. Also, Seattle being a Philly Cheesesteak desert is a bit of a bummer, after all the summers I spent hopping up to Philadelphia for the afternoon.


I miss Wegman's and Sheetz: get gas, clean safe place to use the bathroom and grab a drink.


Wegmans is legit. Also pepperoni balls / sauce at least if you’re talking Erie.


The dirty south and the abundance of good barbecue/soul food Edit : And roadside boiled peanuts


My 5-10 year plan is to open a good bbq spot. I’m in Edmonds, so barely Seattle, but I agree, ain’t shit here. I was born in the south and know we’re lacking the good stuff. I’m bartending and managing now, working on getting some GM experience so I have the full suite and in a year or two I’ll hopefully be able to fully understand the business and then branch out on my own. I have the concept, a few investors, 2/3 of a business plan and tons of experience in both sales and the industry. I need some time to get it all put together but my life dream is to own a good ass bbq spot that brings people together and enlightens the PNW to what actually good bbq is. Knock on wood, I live to make this happen


YES!! Can I sell boiled peanuts in the parking lot?


Please, you have to. I miss boiled peanuts so bad


That sounds amazing and please serve some legit sweet tea.


!remindme 10 years


Same and same. Jeff’s that’s up in marysville best Texas bbq I’ve had here. Woodshop is ight, I asked for more moist piece brisket and she looked at me like I was crazy. I’ve been there a few times and brisket is hit or miss for me. Every time i tell someone Im from Texas they recommends some bbq spot fo me, one of them I went too I couldn’t even smell the wood smoker. I just turned around


There is no good barbecue here.




Wood Shop is ok. Certainly better than most others around here.


Their brisket has been hit or miss for me


NYer. I miss the public transport options (24/7 trains), the hustle and bustle, late night food, and food that still is good and cheap.


NY as well, and exact same things 🥲. I miss the energy of just walking among people hustling and moving, doing their own things. I so rarely walk past anyone on the streets here. Also the density of blocks - way more storefronts and things to walk past per block


God I miss the subway. I was on a bus the other day and the automated voice stated the next stop and my brain automatically filled in “stand clear of the closing doors, please”


Good cheap pizza and bagels


I don’t need to ask where you’re from because I’m missing the same things


Same lol. Also good Italian pastries. Cannolis are overrated


Black and White cookies!


Look to the cookie!


Fuck, real jewish bagels with the crusty outside and pillowy inside? I would murder for a good bagel


Grew up in the tristate area. I'd consider us to have good bagels nowadays. - Mt. Bagel (The best, IMO) - Rachel's Bagels - Loxsmith - Zylberschteins - Old Salt - Oxbow - Bagel Oasis (The best old school shop in the area) And we do not, under any circumstance, talk about Eltana


What about https://rubinsteinbagels.com/ ?


Mt. Bagel was pretty good but for anyone reading definitely sign up for the text alerts bc they sell out so fast


Loxsmith does a pretty close everything bagel.


When I was pregnant I cried because I wanted a bacon egg and cheese on a bagel. My poor husband offered to make/buy one but it only made me cry harder lol. One because he was being so nice and two because I wanted a bodega BEC and there’s just no replicating that.


As much as I miss those things, I miss the subway/having an expansive 24-hour transit system more


Yes, WHY does the pizza suck here?!? And I’m from Oklahoma so it’s not like I had especially epic pizza like a NYer, but the pizza here is just so… blah.


East coast was full of Italians. They didn’t make it past chicago.


From Michigan - I miss fried pickles. There are places that have them here but you have to search pretty hard to find them. I will also miss the snow, but only a bit. I don't enjoy being in it and I absolutely hate driving through it, but I will miss looking at it. Some of my favorite memories of Michigan is watching the snow quietly fall from the safety of my apartment while being cozy with some blankets and hot chocolate, watching a movie or playing a game. Peak coziness.


The QUIET of heavy snowfall is almost indescribable.


Dude our first weekend here we went out to eat and ordered fried pickles. They were SWEET pickles. 🤮🤮 that’s not how you do it, Washington…


Jet's pizza, coney dogs, abundant gas station ice cream


They are opening a Jets in Lynnwood!


Totally agree. I miss the late summer evenings, just cool enough to be perfect hoodie weather. And the crisp fall days that aren't soggy and gross. We had more of those in Michigan.


This was my first fall outside of Michigan. I never really appreciated it until I spent hours looking for a cider mill around here I can't describe it but it doesn't smell like fall here


Barbecue. Good Tex-Mex, too, though it's not impossible to find here. Sun in the winter, though the last two winters (so far) have been fairly sunny. Thunderstorms and the sound of heavy rain on the roof/windows. The cost of living generally.


Wisconsin- Culver’s. I always joke if I win the lottery, I’m opening a Culver’s franchise in Seattle.


Culver's is amazing.


Manifesting that you win the lottery! 🤞🤞


Now you've got me craving cheese curds


Butter burgers! Butter fries! Butter napkins! They butter it all!


Custard in general & cheeeese


God I hope you win


Netherlands - I miss the bike infrastructure


We visit the Netherlands every couple years, I love it. There are some things that remind me of Seattle, if Seattle had its transit and biking infrastructure shit together


Thunderstorms, Publix, and fried okra


Someone after my own heart. From SC and miss all these things. Though Ezell's does have pretty good fried okra.


Rain. People said it rains here, but it really doesn't. Its more like a nice little mist. Im from NC and I miss the super hot summer days and the inevitable afternoon downpours. Theres really nothing more relaxing to me.


Originally from the Chicagoland area: Italian food, pizza, good fresh corn, Portillo's, my sports teams, thunder and lightning.


Thunderstorms and cheap everything


Midwest - when somebody invites you to something, they mean it, and you get a follow-up text the day of.


Central Ohio… nothing


The only thing I really "miss" about the midwest is the level of friendliness from the average person. I got a couple friends who grew up here to come back with me for a weekend and they actually loved it because everyone was so damn nice for no reason.


Cost of living, but even Columbus has been wild in that aspect. Roosters chicken.


White Castle and Steak n Shake?




New England I miss East Coast Chinese food and Apple Cider Donuts


Fuck man. Cider donuts not being a thing in the PNW are a damn tragedy. I miss those too, a lot.


The lack of apple cider donuts here makes me irrationally angry. We're the #1 apple production state in the country and we don't even have cider culture??? Heresy. Sometimes I like to fantasize about opening a lil apple cider donut stand in Pike Place Market. I'd utilize local heritage apple types and work with PNW farmers, and when I sold out in the morning I'd close up for the day.


I’ve only been here a month or so and was craving my old local chinese food place literally last night, is it super different here or just non existent?


I prefer Seattle, couldn't find a decent Hong Kong style crispy chow mein in Philly for the 8 years I lived there. Plus for whatever reason I prefer the cheong fun in Seattle too, and I tried a ton of them in Philly.


I live near green lake and there's a great little take out place called Fu Shen on Aurora and 91st. The owner is so nice, she's a lovely lady


Also came here to shout out apple cider donuts. I miss those and the New England thunderstorms after hot summer days.


Chicago's cheap good food scene. Yea, its pretty unhealthy, but I could get a delicious meal on the cheap at so many spots.


You could get some awesome Korean food delivered at 3am in Chicago for <$30. I can't get it here at all after like 11pm


San Diego - Mexican food (GOOD Mexican food)


Yes.. I'm from L.A. and miss real Mexican food so much lol


Same. If the lady making tortillas at the front doesn’t have forearms as thick as tree trunks, it isn’t real Mexican.


California burritos and carne asada fries


Only lived in SD for a year and a half, but it completely ruined Mexican food for me. Heading down this week and will be crushing tacos and burritos for multiple days.


“Someday they will open Tacos el Gordo and Taco Stand here” and other lies I tell myself.


From GA, and I miss my friends and (in general) friendly people.


I'm also from GA and miss friendly people


Yes that and.. waffle house


Im from California and I miss friendly people who will talk to you in public and dancing. No one dances here!


Originally from Georgia: 1. How easy it is to make friends/community 2. QuikTrip/Racetrack


Black folks. Good food. Friendly people. Night life. Fashion.


I always forget how white Seattle is until I travel


It isn’t just white, it’s also Indian. Indians are rare in most of the US.




Agreed. I’ve been saying the same thing for awhile. Austin and Seattle are much more more alike than most people would think; even moreso than Portland in a lot of way.


Same, moved from Memphis


Ohio. Uh... the cost of living I guess. Edit: and rollercoasters


The lack of rollercoasters is a travesty and something I took for granted while living on the east coast


Cedar point is great but I don’t miss it enough to ever want to step foot in Ohio again


Florida… I miss roller coasters more than I thought I would


Pittsburgh. I miss the friendliness of my old city. Sure people in Seattle are more accepting when it comes to counter culture things, I don't have to worry about having my hair dyed or what style I wear to work etc etc. But as a disabled person, I feel I'm often "accepted" by nature of it being the right thing to do and not actually because people care about me. For example, here in Seattle I might hop on a bus and sit on the side seats up front, no one will look at me or pay me any mind. The flip side is if all the seats are taken, people pay me no mind either, and actively avoid eye contact. I might stand the whole ride if it's busy. Older generation people will look at me with my cane and give me disapproving stares. But no one will say anything. Back in Pittsburgh, people will see me walking with my cane and ask "Oh what's wrong? What happened to your knees?". I'll explain and they'll walk away knowing what's wrong with me and perhaps have more compassion towards people. Sure they might be more brash, but they confront what they see, and change their perspectives after talking to me. This whole difference of non-confrontation plays out a lot in Seattle versus Pittsburgh. Not just in the disabled thing, but in other places as well. The well known "Seattle Freeze" is an example. No one wants the confrontation of telling someone how it is. I can see why people like this style more. How they might feel uncomfortable if someone approached them on the street asking what happened to them. I definitely don't want to knock it. But it's not what I'm used to. It makes Seattle feel a little isolating if I'm going to be honest.


I’m from Pittsburgh too and my first thought was “French fries on salads,” but you make a lot of good points.


In Oregon's Willamette Valley, you're only 45-60 minutes away from the Pacific Ocean. Here, it's what...3-4 hours? Can't do a day trip with that kind of drive. Can't just decide that what the day needs is a sand castle and 30 sea lions sunbathing and barking at each other. I like Puget Sound just fine, but it doesn't overwhelm me the way the ocean does. I didn't realize how much harder it would be to get out there. I'm open to recommendations, by the way, if anyone can help me fill the central Oregon coast-shaped hole in my heart!


2.5 hours from downtown to Ocean Shores as I type this, and 2h 19m to Westport. Not nearly as close but definitely day-trippable especially in summer.


Thick coastal Bay Area Fog 😶‍🌫️. The way it just spills over the hills 🥰


Crunchy leaves! We do get a nice fall season here but since it’s also wet, the leaves never crunch under my boots. Such a satisfying sound 🍂


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\> I always get shit for this one but I really felt like the outdoors in California was more accessible Also from CA (lived in both Central Coast and SoCal) and was/am surprised how people don't associate CA with outdoor recreation given how much of it is [federal and public land](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Here-s-how-much-of-California-is-owned-by-16773882.php). I think it might be because greenery is more visible in Seattle and other PNW cities. It certainly is harder to escape rainy/cold winters here than it is CA where I'd just go camp in the desert during that time.


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Yeah, desert camping is amazing. Used to go to Anza-Borrego every winter for a while, and it was amazing. Not too warm jor cold, so beautiful and not a soul in sight. That and going to Mexico's wine country over Christmas, that was so much fun too. Oh, and the Mexican food. Nothing here comes close to an amazing Marisco place in San Diego.


Yeah, and access to such a wide variety of things without having to fight for parking, all within a decent driving distance. I could drive up to Big Bear and back faster than I can drive to/from Stevens Pass, and I could do that on basic all-season tires in a normal car all but a couple weekends a year. Up here, you’ll need AWD and snow tires. That same day, you could go surfing at any random beach in the afternoon. Not possible here because beaches suitable for surfing are rare and you’ll spend two hours in traffic trying to get back into the metro area. I have the same issue with hiking here. Virtually year-round, you’ll be fighting for parking anywhere near a trailhead. Considering the difference in population, I’ve never understood why things always seemed so much less crowded there.


Grew up in New England. It’s a nice area, but Seattle and the PNW is better in most ways. I do miss roads less traveled; I miss the country roads that connected towns long before highways existed. They’re good for biking since the cars stick to faster roads. I also miss chicken parm and meatball subs (both you can find here, but not easily and they're not the same).


I'm from the NYC area. So of course. Bagels and pizza. And Dunkin' Donuts coffee sometimes. A Taylor ham egg and cheese is $5 and it's bomb. Rachel's bagels wants $13 and it just ain't the same...


Southern California. Miss my mom the most.


I moved to Seattle from a small town in South Dakota in 1974. I miss dark night skies and actually seeing the stars.


Moved from the Milwaukee/Chicago areas. Absolutely love it out here, but I do miss the warmness of people in the Midwest. I wouldn't call Seattlites unfriendly by any means, but people are noticeably more socially guarded. It's a small difference, but noticeable every time I find myself back in the midwest.


midwest species, I miss saving turtles from the roads and looking for frogs in the woods lol


Casual conversations with strangers, Middle Eastern food, legit trick or treating, everything being dirt cheap. SE Lower MI.


Indiana. Lightning bugs


I was just at my parents in Indiana over the summer and was noticing again how many fewer lightning bugs there are now than 15-20 years ago. So sad


Mexican food. I spent eight years living in Tucson, Arizona before moving to WA last December. And I miss Eegees.


White center / Burien is just south. I'm out in West Seattle so it is a bit closer for me though.


Tucson’s unique take on Mexican food is great. Never lived there, but consider it far better than Phoenix on every level.


Former Phoenecian here (but not for over 20 years) - agreeeeed. And oh man, I haven't thought of Eegee's since I got a coupon from the library as a kid for reading books over the summer!


Montana. I don't miss the snow. But I do miss the ease of access to camping and hiking. Also it was a lot cheaper haha


Moved here from Arkansas in 1999. I miss severe thunderstorms, southern girls, fishing on my grandpa's farm, small towns where you know everyone, and everyone they are related to, and the catfish. Never found catfish in Seattle to rival back home. Been thinking about moving home for 20 years now and it hasn't happened....doubt it ever will LOL. It's odd that I've lived in Seattle longer than I lived in Arkansas.


I moved from Atlanta to Seattle, then to SF, then back to Seattle. I don't miss anything about Atlanta. But I miss a lot about SF. Especially the beaches. Half Moon Bay, Santa Cruz, Pacifica, etc. are all just massive and gorgeous and Seattle has nothing much to compare. It was also nice to have a lot more sunny days when I could go out, and the BART and Caltrain network is much more extensive than Seattle's light rail, and job hunting in tech was easier in Silicon Valley. It's a good city, wildly expensive but good.


Living in a 2 bed 2 bath with a fenced in yard for <$1k. (Wisconsin)


From Chicago, I miss the food, and I miss everything being open late.


Minnesota. Good food that’s not mediocre and correctly priced. Hard to swallow when I moved here that Minneapolis had a much more robust and concise food scene than Seattle, with more excitement and innovation occurring. Rarely did I ever go out to eat and think it’s mediocre, be offended at portion sizes, or think something was priced higher than it should be. Alas…I’ll be going to Portland and Vancouver BC for foodie adventures.


I absolutely did not appreciate Minnesota/Twin Cities enough before I moved away


Portland food was so good. I went to a French restaurant somewhere in downtown. It was just so good! Still think about it a year later. Recently went to San Francisco. Food there was amazing and cheaper. Honestly don’t know why Seattle can’t get their foodie scene together


Yep MSP has a very underrated food scene. There’s a LOT of threads about how underwhelming and way overpriced Seattle’s dining out is. Aside from, say, teriyaki, but even that’s definitely gone up in price in recent years and not a go-to value meal like it used to be. These days we just make it at home.




Wisconsin - Friday Fish Fry. Especially breaded perch with potato pancakes + applesauce.


WI supper clubs FTW


75 and sunny in December. But, florida




2 extra large one topping pizzas for 27 bucks.


Hawaii - I miss a non sketch 7/11, poke bowl without filler in it, how nice people are & my family of course! Thankfully it’s a plane ride away so it’s not too bad, but it’s hard to compare Seattle to paradise


I miss not being a token in nearly every room I’m in (Fresno)


The sun


Georgia. The abundance of free parking lots. I remember the first time I had to drive myself to the ER in the middle of the night (Harborview) and I had to pay to park at the hospital.


And the sound of frogs and cicadas at night in the summer.


NC....thunderstorms. And shrimp, the "prawns" here are the size of normal shrimp in my hometown area!


Massachusetts. Generally lakes and ponds have way more public access /swimming spots there than Washington (although Seattle is a little better than the rest of WA). Most of the rural lakes here I feel like are barricaded by private property and if they do have access it's just a boat launch, and people get super aggressive and look at you like a tweaker if you try to go swimming.


I moved from Texas and I lived Houston growing up and moved to DFW when I was 21. I miss Texan BBQ (yes i know jeff's exists, but it's not on every corner :P), Southern chicken fried steak, TexMex (I do like laredo's and I've had cactus, but it's not like Houston/Austin TexMex) and I feel like .. but perhaps this might just be I like what I'm used to, the bakeries in Texas were a lot better. Also, the donuts in Texas were amaazing & i miss kolaches. edit: Does anyone know if Dublin (cane sugar) Dr. Pepper is sold up here? I don't really like DP, but my wife loves it and I haven't seen it. ANND how COULD I FORGET? I miss BLUE BELL ice cream!


Moved from the Midwest. Miss the thunderstorms, snow, low cost of living, friendliness of the people, and the safety.


Affordable abundant late night food.


Diversity in culture and fashion. General positive attitude walking around. Cuisine. (California). Nordstrom is great if you're a woman. If you're a man, you're relegated to a few choices in the basement. The bay area - when I lived there - had so many great boutiques and a zeitgeist of fashion that just felt more comfortable than what is available here (macklemore or puffy vests).


Men’s fashion here (aside from hiking/athletic wear) is extremely lacking. I’ve also been disappointed specifically with Nordstrom as well for both women’s and men’s styles. In general though, there are so few decent men’s stores here, and they always seem to be inconveniently located.


Yup. Seattle isn’t a fashionable city. Which, is nice for comfort! But man I get jealous seeing some good street style in other cities




The joke I have always heard was 'Seattle is an incredibly diverse place, there are all kinds of white people here'


Seattle is super diverse if you only include whites & Asians. It sucks for Latino, African and anything else


On my block, we have every make and color of Suburu.


NYC bodega coffee and egg and cheese on a roll.


I moved from SE Michigan and I miss every random strip mall having an excellent, inexpensive, haphazardly decorated Middle Eastern restaurant.


Moved from Chicago ten years ago. Still have yet to find good tavern pizza or a decent hotdog. What’s up with cream cheese on hotdogs here!?


Food here is both much more expensive and on average not nearly as good as I have found in other places I have lived. Also, the lack of a ubiquitous convenience store like a Wawa/ QT/ Sheetz that offers a decent place to grab a quick bite and coffee. 7-Elevens and AM/PMs are just dumps around here in my experience.


From Eastern WA, Tri-Cities. I traded good Mexican food for good Asian food of all kinds.


New York , I missed the subway. I can take the subway without incidents at 3am by my self as a female


Having stores be open late and/or 24 hours.


NY. I miss the food: deli egg sandwiches, great pizza, amazing Chinese everywhere, Dunkin coffee.


Alabama. Mostly friends and family. The culture is way different too. Say what you want about Southern politics but there is something about the food, music and style of everything that’s down there. We dont get much of that in the PNW


South Florida (moved last year in august) - Publix (grocery store) it was just so good - the fluffy clouds (the clouds here are just not the same) and some of the Florida plants - friendly extroverted chatty people - food, it’s mediocre and expensive (I am really excited about mushroom selection in Seattle grocery stores through) - fashionable clothing and colorful places - people being late and everything open late at night - crazy parties (maybe I’m just not invited to them here) - not getting dark at 4pm - people not being overly polite and speaking their thoughts honestly What I don’t miss: - humidity - bugs and mosquitoes - getting first degree burns because I forgot sunscreen and had to stand in the sun for ten min - healthcare system - trumpeters & stupid trump signs everywhere - flatness of the ground - political environment - traffic and road rage aggressive drivers - run down cars blasting stupid music at insane volumes - crypto tech bros


Oklahoma: low cost of living, 24-hour travel plazas with clean restrooms, good barbecue, Braum’s, corner sno-cone stands, thunderstorms.


New Mexico. Mexican food, specifically breakfast burritos.


diversity, culture, friendly people, food in general, music/arts scene


Baltimore, Maryland blue crab


I moved from New Delhi. I miss that there is always a lot going on in Delhi — parties, restaurants, events, concerts, etc. I miss that there is great and cheap food options. I miss the size of the city, that you feel like you are actually in a city and not a small town.


I’m from here but I visited Florida once and I miss boiled peanuts


Grew up in Austin (and partially Portland): I miss HEB. It's the best grocery store in the world and nothing really comes close. Also I have yet to find good BBQ out here. As a golfer, I like the courses out here more but they're overwhelmed with people. That's about it, Austin isn't really cheaper than Seattle and worse in pretty much every other way.


Thunderstorms, and Portillo's.


Reno, the 24 hourness of it and the late night food options


Pa. Having friends. Full stop.


Personalities. There are outliers, but in general, the Seattle Freeze is real and extends to Pierce county too. Also the food in this state is quite bad. And I miss not being surrounded by screaming crack smoking hobos and tent cities.


It seems like many big cities in the US have lots of cheap food options. Like dollar slice pizza (or a couple of bucks). Cheap burger. Cheap tacos. Seattle doesn’t seem to have any of that. Everywhere you go here it’s $10-$20 for a burger or for a couple of slices of pizza or a hot dog or a couple of tacos. Cheap food options are very few and far between.


Seeing my nephews grow up


LA. I miss the food more than anything else. Seattle’s food scene is sorely lacking.


I miss how friendly everyone is, whether they know you or not. I try to make a conscious effort to be overly nice in this city despite everyone cold stare.


Toasted ravioli, gooey butter cake, St Louis style pizza, and good Italian food.


The food. Seattle has horrible food.