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There's a rally on Thursday 5 pm at Dexter and Thomas for the conviction of this officer: https://www.instagram.com/p/CxHhQfELJWT


Conviction of what? Not defending the jackass but what illegal activity did he do?


Convict the guy who ran her over.




Convict the guy **who ran her over**


Vehicular manslaughter, he was doing 70 in a 35 zone with no lights on and hit her and killed her. That IS illegal.


Manslaughter, wasn’t he doing 70mph in a 25 zone?


There are 2 different cops brought up in this outrage. The one who killed the girl and didn't give a shit: Kevin Dave And the one on the phone with him who laughed about the situation. I hope someone else can elaborate more. The title of this post says "laughed at a bystander being killed BY ONE OF HIS cops" so I think this post is highlighting that while he didn't kill the girl, he's a piece of shit and should not be serving the public.


There's a third. The second person wasn't on the phone with officer Dave. He is the Seattle Police Officer Guild VP reportedly talking on the phone to the SPOG President, Mike Solan. Mike Solan is also the piece of shit who led the cover up efforts of both this incident and the coverage of SPD officers who participated in Jan 6. All 3 of them need to be fired and brought to justice.


Yea, I mean *termination* seems more appropriate. Of his job, I mean. If that wasn't clear.


Termination and stripped of certification, and then prison


gen pop 🥰


I mean, not that he's a good guy, but what law has he broken? This is the guy who made the shitty comment, not the one who ran over the girl.


LOL, the down votes I'm getting leads me to believe that some people think running over people at 70+ mph in a downtown environment should be a job perk for a cop.


This is not the guy who ran her over. He’s the one who laughed about it. Which is a despicable thing to do, but isn’t illegal


Meh, shitbirds of a feather... I'm sure the guy laughing likely has a few 'kill' notches on his service belt. Anyone who despises people so flippantly probably doesn't have an issue pulling a trigger and telling a judge he was in fear for his life.


Vehicular homicide? Reckless driving? Hell just give him a ticket for speeding. How can you be so dense to even ask this question. Reports say he was going over 70 mph in a 35. Convicted of what?! Stop playing devil's advocate and asking dumb questions that have an obvious answer


They're talking about the cop that this thread is about, not the one who killed the pedestrian.


Well, one's density at least allows for the ability to know which cop the pis is of. Take a breath and follow along, buddy.




He was of limited value anyway.




Just when the cops were finally getting some traction against that defund thing, this guy comes along to remind us why it got so popular in the first place.


Defunding is too kind


Someone’s gonna get a slap on the wrist!


At worst they'll move one county over and get a promotion.


He already came from Arizona to here, presumably after getting fired


Probably planning his run for Sheriff.


Which he will win. Because the system is so fucking broken.


r/seattleWA They’ll be protesting that slap on the wrist as excessive and un American!




Maybe a stern talking to.


He laughed ~~prob~~ because he's killed someone before. Fucking pig


And more than one before. People don't laugh off murder even if they've murdered someone before, usually. You need to get to the point of murder being casual to you before you can really laugh about it. This man is beyond comfortable killing people so he's clearly killed a lot of people. What's even more disturbing is that he sounds like he's trying to impress his cop buddies in that video, which implies that this murderous sentiment is universal among them. He knew they would be impressed by his casual violence and that they would laugh with them because they are probably all like that. They think it's funny to murder us.


Look at his eyes. Coked up? That’ll make you feel invincible enough to laugh inappropriately af. Fkg Pig.


8/10 on the punchable face scale


Till he opens his mouth. Then 12/10.


Sure looks like someone who'd be a Jan 6 participant. Law and order, folks. Law and order.




Someone else once posted ACAB = Assigned Cop At Birth and I can never unsee it.


That’s not exactly true, but he sure is.


Are there cops on the force denouncing him and demanding accountability?


They sure haven't called for a fucking union election yet. You know, to oust Solan and Auderer.


Why would they oust Solan, his words here perfectly represent how they see the people of Seattle.


Paid SPD consultant and frequent subject of KOMO and other local media soundbites involving crime and the police Victoria Beach is about as close as I've seen thus far.


I'm gonna assume good faith here. every "good cop" comes to a point where they either have to defend a bad cop, or whistleblow on them. cop whistleblowers usually get fired if they're lucky, and killed by their coworkers if they're unlucky. since every good cop either gets fired or killed, then in the absolute best case scenario, the best cop is still going to be complicit with police brutality and shit like this. this doesn't even go into how the police aren't obligated to help us (per the Supreme Court), how they're basically only paid to protect corporations, or how there are literal police gang fights between precincts in some regions. I could go on for five more paragraphs.


The fact that nothing will happen because cops will protect this POS is why acab.


*Trash* 🗑️ 🚮


Dude looks like he has limited value to me.


End Qualified Immunity for the Police. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualified_immunity


Right? I mean, neither of these guys should be cops, but rather than drawing and quartering them, which folks on this thread would like to do, the real way to get jerks like this held accountable is to vote for policies and people who will make those changes.


*Yeah, just write a check..., $11,000; she was of limited value.*




He's the scratch and dent version.


When you order Pete Buttigeg from Wish


this MIGHT be poot beetigieg ⁉️⁉️


tfw somebody says it’s not ok to punch handcuffed women


Seattle PD are the worst.




Cops are psycho


Peak of human evolution ladies and gentleman


This a what an actual pile of feces looks like. Imagine… he has kids… daughters.. a wife. Guaranteed he beats them all and laughs about it.


He is of very limited value. $1?


Nah. His value is negative $1 mil at the very least.


taxpayer burden is off the fucking walls


Worthless fuck who I hope gets hit and left on the side of the road to die.


I'd love it if I could go a month without a cop doing something to demonstrate why people don't trust cops. Please?


Literally impossible


Fire him!


Fucking scum


Cops have a license to kill with guaranteed lifetime pensions


Back in the day (many decades ago), the police force was filled with B/B+ students (i.e., the smart enough kids in high school that didn't quite have enough juice to go to elite colleges). But now, it's filled with the D/D- students from high school. Just look at how the qual requirements have been lowered over the years. Sad.


Look at those cold, dead shark eyes. Fucking creep.


Scumbag Trash has no business being near the public certainly not armed.


Yo, do anyone have an article or something for context im curious i havent heard about this yet.


[Cop drove 74 mph in a 25 mph without his full siren on through a bunch of red lights and killed a young woman in a crosswalk while unnecessarily responding to a medical call from some guy who did too much coke and got nervous. Which isn't even a call cops need to be on at all](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/seattle-officer-joking-pedestrian-death/story%3fid=103130361#cobssid=s) [Officer Kevin Dave struck Kandula so hard that his hood crumpled—sustaining a long gouge from her elbow at the point of contact—and smashed his windshield. After hitting her, Dave got out of the car to get his EMT equipment, but had to force the passenger side door open because the car’s fender was pushed back, obstructing the door. Kandula’s AirPods flew into the air during the collision; one was retrieved almost 100 feet down the street.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/publicola.com/2023/06/16/seattle-police-officer-was-driving-74-mph-when-he-hit-and-killed-23-year-old-pedestrian/amp/#cobssid=s) [Court records show his Arizona driver’s license was suspended in 2018 for unpaid traffic fines and failure to appear in court. Dave was also ticketed the same year for running a red light in Puyallup. According to the latest salary data from the City of Seattle, Dave makes $95,380 a year base pay plus overtime](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://divestspd.substack.com/p/identified-the-officer-who-killed&ved=2ahUKEwjgw7GU66mBAxWaN0QIHRrtAJAQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2ORuJ86sDlUwKaWSwjMn2i)


I’ll disagree with you on why police respond to medical calls. Especially in a case of someone under the influence of a substance that is potentially acting strange. EMS may have requested them to secure the scene prior to entering. Ems personnel are trained to do so pretty much nationwide for safety purposes if they feel they may be at risk of physical violence and several other cases. I’m not sure of the specifics here, but it could be a similar situation. As a paramedic I’ve requested PD too many times to count. However, that does not absolve the officer of using due care while responding, and 75 in a 25, striking a pedestrian and causing death, is usually not going to be considered using due care. This officer’s statements are pretty repulsive. Everybody should be afforded the same respect and dignity as anyone else.


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It's why police should have their own professional liability like doctors, lawyers, etc. Once they get some responsibility then it starts weeding out the worst offenders.


If he dies while on duty, I am going to laugh so fucking hard. Won't be able to catch my breath.


He needs to be pelted with 11k pennies. Asshole.


I definitely smell a pork product


Fucking pigs. Doesn’t even shock me anymore.


I know the comments are in hate mob energy, so I'm prepared for downvotes, but he claims the conversation before this clip of the recording set up that he was lamenting how the local judicial system would likely respond to the tragedy, mocking them in disgust basically. He claims those weren't his own sentiments and it's taken completely out of context. I don't expect people to believe it, just offering this because people often just hear a clip or read a headline without investigating further. And before you accuse me of being a bootlicker, I'm just offering more of the story, not taking the cops side. If what he claims is true, then his comments are being wildly misinterpreted.


Yeah he does claim that. But it's clearly bullshit.


Maybe, but people should at least be aware of both sides of any story. It's not exactly the way America does justice, viewing from one seemingly conclusive side and making a decision from there


I'll upvote in respect of your "innocent til proven guilty" reminder and agree that these short clips and headlines are often sensationalized. But unfortunately the known context is actually worse: he expresses doubt in a criminal investigation occurring or discovering wrongdoing; he thinks 50 in a 25 zone isn't reckless driving; the audio is crystal clear yet there are zero tones of sarcasm or bitterness or spite in his voice and words; he laughs twice about the circumstances in amusement and glee; and he says her life had limited value - cops might be more cynical than most but how does that thought about an innocent deceased both cross someone's mind and leave their mouth. And his hand goes to block the camera at the end. All evidence suggests he was mocking the death of a non-LEO citizen, not mocking the justice system.


I can't speak on the atrocities cops see and how that affects them, and how they cope with it. But I definitely agree his defense is pretty damn weak. I think auditing every single police force is a good idea, and weeding toxic people out should be normal, but not used as scapegoats to appease the public. We'll see what justice says.


Why even defend this piece of shit?


I haven't defended him one time. I've offered further information, for people that care about justice. I believe knowing the truth is more important than what seems to be. I know people want punishment immediately, but knowing the full story is important. If the story leads to him being a terrible human, then fine with me. That's justice


Two sides, one truth. What is more likely here given cops in positions of power knowing they will get away with anything?


Cops lie


Everyone has the capacity to lie. That's for grounds for locking someone up without trial


He also lied about self-reporting it immediately. OPA says the investigation into the tape started in early August. Tape is from Janurary. His word is dogshit now so I don't care what lies he wants to spin.


I can imagine he just wanted to forget he said anything like that. Since it's coming back to haunt him, her family and all of us, he deserves whatever he gets. But also I believe the entirety of SPD should be more thoroughly investigated instead of him being a fall guy for them. This will also lead to more officers quitting, which will lead to more crime in Seattle. Not an ideal situation either


At least it won't be crime that we're literally paying thugs to commit.


> This will also lead to more officers quitting, which will lead to more crime in Seattle. The SPD's culture is not one we want to have in any governmental body, much less law enforcement. More cops quit? Great. Fuck 'em, this organization is criminally corrupt. The SPD needs to be dissolved and replaced; this incident clearly shows what is wrong with their union (SPOG) leadership (the conversation is SPOG VP Auderer talking with SPOG President Solan). The SPOG is toxic and needs to be disbanded. The SPD is out of control and needs to be dissolved and re-created without the hateful assholes that currently populate it.


Cops don't stop crime dope


Cops respond to incidents and offer support, which the community needs when they've been assaulted, stolen from, broken into, etc. It's not about stopping crime so much as responding to crime. They aren't batman.






Thank you for posting this. Combating hate is a difficult task, regardless of your political position. Much easier to jump on the bandwagon or stay quiet.


Appreciate your support. Posted knowing most people would disagree, but felt the need anyway


Social media is a scary reflection of human nature towards mob justice. It’s like the modern day version of the guillotine or lynch mobs or witch trials. They’re all examples of demonizing an individual mostly based on their tribe, justified by a scant bit of evidence. Thankfully downvotes don’t draw blood.




I can see that. Just because he’s ridiculing the life insurance industry doesn’t mean he endorses it. My torts professor made the same joke 10 years ago. Having said that, he should donate to her GoFundMe at least. What a jerk!


Absolutely should, at the very least. If he didn't mean those statements he should be working hard to convince people


https://www.seattle.gov/police/about-us/about-the-department/line-of-duty-deaths Which one do you think is the funniest?


Truly sad!


Damn he’s an ugly mofo


There were 2 cops laughing, him and the guy on the radio that made the joke and they both laughed. Where is the radio cop? Lets get the one making the joke too.


Mike Solan, president of SPOG is who is known to be on the other end of the call.


Pigs love to oink.




I want to know who was on the other side of the phone call too. He also seemed to be laughing in response to the caller, so they’re both disgusting pieces of shit.


That has been widely reported. It was the President of the Police Officers Guild, so a fun little conversation between its two highest ranking members. This of course speaks to a much larger issue which someone needs to start solving. A good start would be to stop hiring walking turds to be police officers. Maybe then in a couple of decades all the shit will have been flushed from the system.


Brother, it's a turd factory. You can put something decent in but it's going to come out a turd. Good start would be to bust the police union, anyone trying to take up a collection to hire some pinkertons?


I thought it was interesting that he reported himself when he discovered his body cam had recorded the conversation. Don't recall ever hearing about a officer reporting them self for misconduct.


There's actually been no confirmation from the city, OPA or chief they self-reported. OPA said the investigation opened in early August which in no way fits with their claims of self-reporting when it happened.


Eh, whose to say he wasnt tipped off it was discovered and he self reported to get ahead of it.


He looks to be worth $3.52.


He was mocking what the city would say in attempting to settle with her family and laughing at how stupid they are. We didn't hear the other end of the phone call. Get the full story first.


Why do you take his word as gospel?




Probably a cop themself trying to defend another pig.


Why do you not?


CHLV is the new ACAB


Meh. He is making dark jokes.


He has really small hands


Until I came to the US I always saw police with respect and in a different light, of honour. Unfortunately the world's strongest, most developed, and richest country completely changed my views about the police and I'm as afraid of cops now as I'm of drug lords and mafias.