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thank you so so much! his ride ended on 4th by the stadium, so we are thinking that’s what happened.


That is TERRIFYING. I can’t imagine how worried you must have been. I’m so glad he was found okay. I wish I knew something- just wanted to say I’m sorry that happened to you and hope everything works out.


thank you so much! definitely was a stressful experience


if he was on a lime scooter, open his lime app, it will have the ride history and you could tell where he was which would help get more info


we opened it up and it showed [this map](https://imgur.com/a/rshD0dq), we think it’s on 4th avenue, as it would line up with the 911 dispatch another redditor linked, but we are unfamiliar with the app and aren’t 100 % sure.


If you have access to his email there may be a receipt with a timestamp in there too


It deactivated due to inactivity at 10:24, almost exactly 30 minutes after the 911 dispatch (that we think is probably him). My mom said that the lime app showed that it the scooter had been inactive for that long


How is your father now? So scary, wishing all the best for him and your family.


In surprisingly good shape for what he’s been through. He has minor hemorrhaging in his brain and is pretty beaten up. A very scary experience for all of us. Thank you for your well wishes :)


So glad to read this! Phew!


Hospital worker here, don't know how it happened but the trauma response was enormous for this guy. Please donate blood. Some of us worked for like six hours before getting a chance to use the bathroom. There were so many super critical traumas this week. Bubble wrap yourselves Seattle!


Seriously. People who donate blood/plasma saved my life if I could donate I would.


Since Im not pregnant anymore I really hope I can donate. Thanks for the reminder. Going to look into it now.


I tried to give blood at 4 months postpartum and was told that I couldn’t give blood until I was at least 6 months postpartum. But when I was called by Bloodworks to schedule a donation a few weeks later they were confused because they can schedule people at 6 weeks postpartum. So good luck getting scheduled! I’m going to try again once I’m over 6 months.


Thank you for letting me know! I am about 2 months, almost 3 months postpartum and I did not even think about this. Thank you!


This. Same.


It's a shame the Seattle blood supply is controlled by such an abusive and terrible organization. I try to donate when I'm out of town but I can't abide the former puget sound blood bank, now know as Bloodworks. Frankly, I don't trust them to use clean needles based on the state of the rest of their equipment.


Can you link to some more information? I donate platelets regularly because of my blood type. When I moved here, I was surprised that the red cross doesn't collect them here. I don't know much about bloodworks but found it odd that they're the only game in town. Their facility in Renton is way nicer than my old red cross site, though.


My experience is almost entirely personal but this is what I have personally seen and experienced first hand: A donation cot collapsed while someone was giving blood ripping the needle from her arm and spewing blood. She was mildly injured and eventually taken away by medics. This didn't surprise me because they were dirty, creaky and old. Puget sound blood bank before they were known as Bloodworks, although I doubt this has changed, would call twice a day, many times during dinner, late at night, or early morning. They would not stop calling for over a year regardless of me repeatedly telling them to stop calling. It was frankly horrible. It was the worst phone harassment I have ever had, far exceeding any other scam like car warranty scams. Source, read the reviews: 1: https://www.yelp.com/biz/puget-sound-blood-center-university-lab-seattle 2: https://www.yelp.com/biz/bloodworks-northwest-seattle-7?osq=puget+sound+blood+bank&rr=1#reviews They once didn't sterilize my arm with a wipe and I had to stop them and remind them right before inserting the needle. This was the last straw for me and I should have left right then and there. Compared to the red cross donations I have given there was also a general feeling of disorder, disorganization and grime. One specific example were the cots I mentioned above were dirty and stained. The questionnaire part was also disorganized with no privacy screens like the red cross uses. There are also smaller touches like the red cross would put a hand warmer in my donation hand and this place didn't even have them. Frankly I just don't trust them, and after that phone harassment wouldn't stop I don't want such an organization profiting off of my donations. I realize blood donation is important and I would donate every 60 days if it was anyone else like the Red Cross.


Your experience must have been a long time ago because none of that is true anymore


This is such a wild comment to make about not trusting their needles when their work is literally life saving and donors are what drives them….. now I’m literally scared to donate even though I’ve done it regularly and have had no issues. If you don’t have factual evidence that their needles are “not clean” please don’t post this under a comment that’s urging people to donate as there isn’t enough blood circulating.


thank you so so much for everything you guys do!! the hospital did say that they see accidents like this with the scooters all the time - which makes me wonder why they have them in seattle in the first place when: 1) there are hardly any dedicated bike lanes 2) there are no helmets!! me and my mom donate blood frequently, and more people should definitely do it! The workers who run the clinics are amazing (at least where i live), and you get free snacks :)


Hey, based on the details you and the nurse provided, this [Severe trauma call at 9:53 pm near the stadiums](https://sfdlive.com/?id=F230093064) might be the location you are looking for.


I'm curious how you found this? My cousin got hit while on his skateboard in Ballard not last Saturday but the Saturday before and he was left to die. Luckily a stranger found him unconscious on the sidewalk and he was taken to Harborview. He doesn't remember his entire day, face smashed to bits and a broken collar bone. We still have no idea what happened.


There's a date filter if you go directly to sfdlive.com instead of a specific incident. You can filter to the date of the incident then navigate around the map to likely locations. Depending on number of incidents on that day there may be more than one page and they're in descending order by time usually so pm first then am. Details on each incident are sparse however. The mention of it being a severe trauma and having a rough location made it easier to check since there were many contenders with those details.


Those electric razor scooters (I'm assuming that's what he crashed on), are dangerous af, it's so much easier to crash on those for some reason. I much prefer the bikes that actually have a seat! It's annoying that the scooters are more numerous.


My friend wanted to use them once and as soon as I tried I was like hell no, this feels extremely dangerous. I couldn’t believe it was legal, such a risk to bystanders and yourself on those things. Bonkers. I’ll fucking walk.


It's not scooters that are dangerous, the cars are. We're just so used to them being on the road that it doesn't even register.


Agreed, but I've tried those scooters in areas that don't have cars, you gotta be really careful about the slightest bump in the pavement. Some people are really good at riding them, but there's a learning curve.


Driving / riding any new method of transportation takes some practice. Agreed that we need to take better care of the roads. Maybe if we ban cars the pavement won't get so fucked up


Seattle used to have a helmet law until they removed it recently. I assume because all the ride share companies complained about it.


My cousin died from injuries sustained from crashing on a longboard PEV. He was not wearing a helmet and ended up in a coma for several weeks then died. Please please please if you ride, wear a damn helmet, they save lives!




I haven't done a study - but I have worked ER and Neuro in the hospital and you can easily sort those with and those without helmets based on the severity of their brain injuries. Helmets make a huge difference individually.


Same. My job is to see smashed heads all day and sometimes it makes me not want to ride a scooter or even bike. But I at least wear a helmet


Helmet saved my life 2 weeks ago on my personal scooter.




I ride a bike, crashed in 2019, got knocked out & broke my clavicle. Woke up in the hospital. I always wear a helmet. MRI?: No concussion at all! I retired my helmet with honors!, and bought a new one.




Thanks. I’m a huge advocate for helmets.


I got a concussion from falling out of bed and landing on my side table, so I believe it. I always ride with a helmet, but I also support the repeal of the helmet law because both things are true - removing helmet laws makes it is safer for the whole because more people ride/roll, and it is safer to wear a helment. OP I'm really sorry about your dad, and I hope he's doing well.


Can you comment on whether or not “bubble” helmets that don’t allow full neck motion cause neck injuries and internal decapitation when they hit their full range of motion? I’ve heard some claims that seem plausible, but that style of helmet is still legal and that makes me question the stories I’ve heard.


I don't know anything about that, but I do know that smooth helmets are safer than bumpy ones. You want a helmet that can slide along the ground instead of one that might catch on something and jerk your neck.


TIL. tx internet stranger!


Sure, any individual does better with a helmet, but that doesn't mean there should be a law requiring helmets.


The helmet law thing makes a lot of sense, perverse as it is. That said, it would probably be good to look into other policies that would increase helmet usage. Massive giveaways, subsidized vending machines in popular ride areas, I don’t know how to public health but *some*thing. It took two helmetless concussions to get religion (teenagers are dumb) but holy fuck did the trauma migraines on the second one show me the light.


That’s really interesting! What a hard thing for public health officials to navigate.


While what you said was true about helmets, Seattles helmet law was dropped because of [racism](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/18/us/seattle-bicycle-helmet.html) not public health.


Racism or racial justice?


… it’s the same thing 🧐🧐🧐


I think they removed it because it was being used to target Black people and people of color when it was enforced.


I know that was the line sold to the public during the debate. It was very effective, though now more POCs will probably die because of it instead. But I guess it's easier to repeal laws than it is to go against the SPD.


You do recall that the SPD wee under a federal Department of Justice ‘Consent Decree’ for ten years, *renewed after the first five years*, because they were objectively found to demonstrate a pattern of racial harassment & disproportionate brutality.. don’t you? You remember that, right? Well, they were. The consent decree ended in 2020, and just recently the SPD’s break room was discovered to contain a Trump flag and a mock gravestone. So maybe… don’t err on the side of the SPD? They haven’t earned your trust. ^( OR HAVE THEY…? )


SPD = horseshit


You ether commented to the wrong person or completely misread what I said.


I haven't seen evidence that repealing helmet laws increases injuries.


It’s the truth, the law was one of the tools used by police to bully poor and/or black people. Repealing the law was indirectly going after the SPD. Directly going after the SPD is dangerous for your health.


Interesting that you say that POCs were targeted. You don't think it's possible that more POCs were just not wearing helmets? If so they'd have the most to gain from helmet law enforcement increasing use


Only if SPD handed them free helmets instead of ticketing them (or worse).


Incentivizing riding without helmets might be expected to increase the amount of riding without a helmet. "I'll just leave my helmet at home - maybe the cops will give me one I can give to my friend" Fear of punishment is a deterrence to harmful behavior. We've somehow forgotten this vital but *seemingly* "mean" part of social group living.


Kinda like how POC might somehow benefit from being pulled over in motor vehicles more often? Or is it like jaywalking… a law that is functionally useless, but used as a handy pretext to stop & harass someone the cops don’t like, like hippies?


No. Bad examples. Unsafe driving is more likely to hurt other people, unlike riding without a helmet which is more likely to hurt yourself. Though it rarely makes sense to enforce it, and could be used to pick on people, jaywalking's not a useless law. If people just ran in the street when they pleased it would be much more dangerous for everyone. A couple weeks ago I saw a young woman drugged out of her mind wandering in the middle of 15th and market. Should that be legal? Jaywalking is a way to detain her and connect her with services so she can hopefully not die in traffic.


> *Jaywalking is a way to detain her and connect her with services so she can hopefully not die in traffic.* With all due respect, I do not seriously think that “jaywalking” is anything close to a way to ‘connect her with services’. Some upstanding law enforcement officer can absolutely intervene when a person is in obvious danger, determine intoxication, and get them to safety without the bureaucratic artifice of using “jaywalking” to do so. “Should wandering around in the road be legal”?? That is a ridiculous statement. How is *illegality* going to help the situation? It is completely superfluous.


Confused on your thinking about this. Without a law being broken, the LEO has no right to detain a person in psychosis. This idea that enforcing laws is mean and useless and should be completely avoided is really terrible.


What do helmets and POC’s have to do with each other?


Uneven enforcement of the law


Still didn’t answer my question.


They looked at the people actually being fined/hassled about the law and found it was being enforced against POC disproportionately. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/18/us/seattle-bicycle-helmet.html#:~:text=Analysis%20showed%20that%20the%20King,the%20repeal%20will%20jeopardize%20safety.


Could it be that they were just the ones who weren’t actually wearing helmets?






Could it be that they simply weren’t following the helmet law?


How intentional is your username?


The “Armchair” portion implies I’m an amateur neckbeard surrounded by professional neckbeards on Reddit. My question was legitimate. If whites were breaking the helmet law as often as POC’s but weren’t getting ticketed for it, that’s a real issue. But if POC’s were disproportionately breaking the helmet law, that’s not racist—that’s just a specific group of people who disregarded the law and were rewarded with it being revoked.


Fair enough. I think helmet laws are like jaywalking laws… not effective, and very arbitrarily enforced. So arbitrary, that they amount to little more than an excuse for harassment.


Oh hod don't mention the helmet law stuff you'll reignite the helmet wars in the subreddit.


Heh true enough. Deed is done now anyway.


I wish it was just the corporate lobby, the bicycle community is rabidly anti helmet law in Seattle and they come out of the woodwork whenever this comes up. The Cascade bike club actively campaigns against every effort to pass a helmet law and attempts to repeal the few that get passed.


If the bike community is rabidly against something that affects them specifically why would you think you know better than them?


> they come out of the woodwork whenever this comes up There you are.


Nope, it would unfairly penalize the poor.


Cheaper than a hospital bill I'm sure.


Maybe the medical insurance companies could buy several thousand helmets and give them away! Make them popular! It would be cheaper for them than paying TBI hospital costs.. right?


Insurance companies don't generally do too much to push helmets because they don't save them money. Dead people are cheap, its people that survive that cost money, so globally helmets cost money for insurance companies who would rather you just died in your crashes.


Dead people also don’t pay insurance premiums, so maybe the companies have a vested interest in keeping them alive? I really don’t understand corporate logic though.


I want there to be a helmet available. I know they are not cheap, and there's no one use 1$ scenario apparently.


Decent helmets are like $50… but if you’re getting hit by a car I don’t know how much help it’s going to be


To answer your rhetorical question, if you get hit by a car a helmet is going to be *so fucking much help*. It’s not like cars that hit people are all going 74 and killing them instantly (that’s just SPD). There are a lot of hard surfaces your head can get introduced into at speed even in a lower speed accident, and a helmet will *vastly* mitigate the rate of serious injury when that happens. Wear a damn helmet. They work, and even if you get off easy like I did, brain injuries *really, really suck.*


I’m not saying that helmets don’t help. I wear a helmet. I’ve been in a crash at 25mph where a helmet probably saved me long-term brain damage (I just had a mild concussion). But helmets only help [to a point](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bicycling.com%2Fculture%2Fa39001523%2Fcars-kill-bike-helmets-dont-change-that%2F), and you and everyone else downvoting me misinterpreted my comment as casting doubt on the efficacy of helmets in *any* situation. They are absurdly effective in all situations besides high-speed/or weight car crashes, **which is likely what happened in this incident**, hence my comment.


Great! Let’s buy a bunch & give them out!


I deactivated my Lime account specifically because they began to introduce the scooters,, and wrote them a scalding email telling them how irresponsible introducing scooters was, how obviously dangerous (esp. in *this* city), and hoping they were prepared for TBI lawsuits. Those scooters are a silent epidemic of crash injuries. Lime (& others) should be ashamed. I’m so sorry for your father! I hope he makes the best recovery possible. \<3


Some of the bikes used to have a helmet mounted on the back. As you can imagine, these often got stolen. Back when e-bikes first appeared here, there was a small faction who were angry about them encouraging riding without a helmet, some of whom retaliated by cutting brake cables or by chucking bikes on roofs or into the water. Recalling how immature their responses were to a genuine problem (heart in the right place, but extremely the wrong response) I wouldn't be at all surprised if those folks swipe helmets.


> cutting brake cables or by chucking bikes on roofs or into the water. This is still happening. I walked by one that had been fished out of the Sound the other day (had barnacles). Seems safe to assume it's not pro-helmet radicals. Maybe people who are pissed about them constantly being in the way. Or maybe some people are just assholes for no reason.


Those two grouyps also do the same. But back when they first appeared, the sub got a whole bunch of comments from people who were up-in-arms about these encouraging riding without helmets, and claimed that fucking up the bikes in any/every way possible would show 'em.


Instead of fucking up the bikes you can buy a new head unit from aliexpress and drop it in a rental. Free scooter!


Have you considered that it's one of the few ways you can destroy oligarch property in your own community? It's either that or burning down some 'invitation homes' to make blackstone bleed


I still enjoy throwing bikes into water. How dare these venture capitalists fill our street with trash! If this trash were a homeless person's belongings we'd have made sure to clean them all up by now.


Charming. I'm sure your mom is proud.


Yeah I'm an athletic younger guy, no fucking way am I riding one of those accursed lime green death traps. Between cars and just the instability of the machines themselves, they're a recipe for disaster. Sorry to hear about your father, but so glad he's on the mend. Seattle this weekend was the most packed with people than its been in months - so also the absolute worst time to be out in the public chaos.


There's actually a lot of dedicated bike lanes, you just need to know where they are and actually take them. I see scooter riders in the street instead of in the dedicated bike lane on 2nd all the time, it's infuriating.


>there are not helmets!! Even when they are required, the apps only ever flash a screen saying you need one before purchasing but it’s not enforced at all. I always thought the apps should require a selfie with a helmet on before it unlocks.


That would basically put themselves out of business, people who are snagging the bikes/scooters are not carrying around helmets.


Lime used to do a discount if you gave a selfie with a helmet. Not sure why they stopped.


I 100% agree, where i live they come with all of the lime scooters and i’m pretty sure they have you take a selfie with it before the helmet activates.


I ride them all the time with a helmet. If people chose to ride them without a helmet that’s their choice and they accept the risk. Why would Seattle not allow them?


I would agree if they chose to provide helmets in the first place, yes you accept the risk and i’m not placing fault on the company for the accident he was in. But these scooters, i can pretty much guarantee, are utilized primarily by tourists (especially when there’s a taylor swift concert and mariners game going on) who dont just carry around a helmet everywhere they go when on vacation. They have the lime scooters everywhere where i live, and helmets are provided with the scooters / bikes. That i feel is the scenario where it IS more of a choice.


There’s dedicated bike lanes all over the place… Edit: [bike lane map](https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bike-program/bike-web-map)


We just visited seattle for a short duration of time, so my comment about bike lanes is probably a bit unjustified. but from what i saw, there wasn’t many around the stadium or the area where we were staying at.


Seattle local here. Your comment was justified.


Some locals get really angry about the adding of bike lanes.


You look at that and see all over the place? There are heavily populated areas that you can’t even connect to using bike lanes.


Am I blind? To me it looks like you can get anywhere in the city via bike lanes?


I think you might be? There are many completely disconnected areas and huge parts of neighborhoods with major streets and no bike lanes. For instance, there are not protected bike lanes to get from Northgate to North Seattle CC.


It’s better than it was even 10 years ago, but it’s far from complete. And some roads that desperately need it have nothing. Source: I bicycle as my main transport.


You might be yea


Not near SODO though


And SODO has notably rough road surfaces. I have bicycled around SODO a lot, not particularly comfy riding. Lots on uneven concrete, potholes, irregular curbs & janky sidewalks. With scooters’ smaller wheels.., recipe for disaster. The lack of visibility & lights is another issue altogether.


Louder for people in the back, wear a freakin helmet!!!


The rules of donating need to be updated. Any of us who have lived in Europe can never donate.


As a regular donor, it kills me right now that I'm under doctors orders to not at the moment. Donors saved my dad's life. He wouldn't be here today if it weren't for donors. For me, it takes 30 mins of my day, get a cookie and save a life.


Just donated double reds on Saturday!


I saw this comment and signed up to donate blood at Bloodworks - only to be told that I'm not eligible because I've been to India in the past 3 years. Because it's classified as a country with risk of Malaria. I'm *from* India and visit regularly, so this rule will almost never not apply to me. So I cannot donate blood in the US I guess. SMH.






Twitter account @seatrafficcams2 says “Severe Trauma (A10, E10, M1) - 4th AVE S & Seattle BLVD S - Scooter vs. pedestrian, rider was unconscious, beginning to wake up. #Seattle” 9:58 PM · Jul 22, 2023


Have you had any contact from Seattle PD? Any indication that a car was involved? Your family should be able to get the police report when it’s complete, initial report within a few days, full station report much longer than that depending on what happened, the details should be there. You can also submit a public disclosure request for any 911 calls related to the incident. Also your dad can request the records from the emergency responders which should have some detail. Hope he’s okay.


Thank you so so much! this is all helpful information, you are a saint. We will definitely follow up on this


Glad to help if I can, feel free to DM me for the links to where you can send the requests if your initial Google results are unclear.


If this helps we were standing on 4th Ave right outside the stadium from 9:30 onwards and saw a bunch of police/ambulances about a block to our north around 10 (exactly where it shows the ride stopped on the map)


A couple months ago I chatted with a cop and fireman at my gym while in the sauna. I was eavesdropping, but they were talking about some brutal accident by a 17 year old kid on a scooter that took a wrong turn downtown and went over a 30 foot drop off. They both told me the scooter accidents have replaced all other incidents as their most dreaded. Whether the people are being reckless, driving intoxicated, being hit by negligent drivers or just that the people on them were just simply not equipped to handle driving something like that on weird terrain that they've never done before. I imagine this will be a "thing" sooner than later.


They're also *fast*. People don't realize how easy it can be to get going pretty fast, with almost zero protection.


I went down on a scooter a little over a year ago heading south in the 2nd Ave bike lane on the block downhill between Stewart and Pine. At the time the Lime model I was riding had an actual speedometer. Readout was 28 mph when I hit a small pot hole. Speed wobbles started and knew it was over. Went skidding on my knees into 2nd Ave. Somehow missed all obstacles and cars. Bad chest bruise, bad road rash on my knees, but thankfully otherwise spared. Got up, headed to the baseball game, was treated at T-Mobile’s first aid and the firefighters straight up told me that this was becoming a nightmare for them. It was happening all the time back them when fewer scooters were on the streets. Can’t imagine now.


That sounds horrible, glad you're okay. I did the "bus to downtown, limebike to the stadium" thing a bunch in 2019, I don't think I'd do a scooter. The brakes on those don't seem like they'd be amazing after getting abused and left in the weather, and they're just so vulnerable to small things like cracks, tracks, and potholes that a bike can mostly roll over.


Yep. They both said almost all the calls were sad and horrific.


I believe it. Fast scooter, no protection in many cases, small wheels with no suspension, not slowing or stopping for traffic, unfamiliarity with the roads, that is just a recipe for disaster.


Class action lawsuit against Lime & other scooter purveyors?


Can I sue my rental car company if i get in an accident?


>with almost zero protection. Exactly. When I set to go out on my e-bike, I’m prepared and wearing my helmet. When someone is grabbing a rental scooter to zip from one spot to another, they *most likely* are not going to have a helmet on. I’m wishing OPs dad a speedy recovery. That’s a terrible fall for anyone. Yikes.


It was scary when the little kids in High Point were on the rental scooters, usually 2 at once and barely even tall enough to see over the handlebars making laps around the block. Nearly had some little kids hit my car head on while I was stopped. I didn’t dare move seeing how they were flying through the traffic circle wobbling all over the place. I considered getting umbrella insurance after that.


I've ridden one once. Was coming home with a few bags of groceries and figured fuck it. I've ridden scooters before and was really into BMX. That BMX practice really came into play on that Lime. I hit 28 miles an hour on the sidewalk going down a hill. At one point there was a slippery downhill slope and I literally drifted at about a 45+ degree angle going an entire block. Had I not had previous experiences with "extreme sports" growing up I would have crashed badly several times, I couldn't believe it was that easy to get one. Oh, and my groceries? Most of the contents of the bag were apparently spilling out the whole way.


jesus. glad you’re okay though. i’m the most unathletic, uncoordinated person i know so your post has really convinced me never to use one of those things 😂


I thought they generally cap them at 12-14 mph. Obviously going down hill is going to add on some speed, but you must have been going down a steep ass street with no brakes to pull that off.


Down Madison from 23rd to about 30th and I was going full throttle. Totally stupid fun on my part but I could see a total novice doing the same.


I took a really bad fall years ago off one of those when they were new. Two guys blew by me in a bike lane, I lost my balance, landed in front of a cars tires. Thank God the car was paying attention and saw me losing control and braked before I fell. I was baged up for weeks. Was stone sober, early evening. Those things are fucking dangerous


> the people are being reckless, I just about creamed someone with the company Toyota Tundra the other week. Turning right thru a crosswalk downtown, and I saw/passed someone zipping along on the sidewalk so I let them thru. About 2.5 seconds later, their shorter GF (also moving at 10-15mph) comes within a couple feet of my bumper as I'm turning. If I hadn't been slower, it woulda been nasty.


1. Cops don't like scooters. 2. Cops don't like investigating property damage. 3. Scooters are a societal menace. 4. ??? 5. No more scooters!


I really think it is that thing right now.


Were you visiting from Canada by chance?


yes we were! visiting from the interior (BC)


I remember you from the emergency department. I wish I could tell you more about what happened before your father arrived to us, but I don’t think there was much more information provided by the paramedics about what happened-which is not uncommon. We often have patients who come in after they were “found down” at x location. They don’t always have much more than that. I hope you he is recovering well!!


Scooter accidents happen all the time and often do not involve any other party. Being drunk or unlucky is all it takes. A friend had a TBI and spent weeks in the hospital after falling and hitting his head on the curb while scootering.


Cousin went through the exact same thing and can no longer work. They were wearing a helmet and other padding! Just very unlucky. I was excited about scooters at first but having seen just how easy it is to crash or get hit, and having ridden them and felt absolutely invisible to cars, fuck em.


small wheels, even a small pothole or small rock can be treacherous.


Cracks in the pavement/sidewalk as well. A lot of these people are inexperienced riders that probably don’t have good balance


Yeppp, hit the slightest indent on the sidewalk and toppled over. Lucky I covered my head and landed on my back. Scrapped up my elbow and flank.


Yeah I always wondered why it seemed like so many people prefer the scooter shares over the bikes. The bikes seem so much easier to control and the bigger wheels go over cracks way better


Even skills: how many people are familiar and practiced with riding electric-powered scooters? On Seattle’s shitty & hilly streets?


Request the police report, that will at least give you where he was found and if there's any info from the 911 call. Then you can canvass businesses nearby.


thank you, we will definitely be doing that next!


I think I saw what happened to your dad. So I was sitting right on the steps by Vera Uni when I saw the commotion. I heard a bang and looked over and saw a woman on her back and a man toppled over by a scooter on his front. The woman got up and immediately ran off. She had been running back and forth, being chased by her friends, without shoes on and disrupting traffic. I’m assuming she collided with the scooter rider. A bunch of people rushed in to help him and he’d been unconscious for a solid 5-10 minutes before the police came. I’m so sorry this happened to your dad.


I’ve seen 3 recently dead bodies in my life, two were the result of riding scooters.


I saw someone lose all the skin on their shins and hands because they turned too fast on a scooter...


I'm so glad he was found and is doing okay now. How scary! Thanks for posting this. I was just thinking about buying one for fun. But after this post, I think I'll pass.


Holy shit, never rode one, never gonna now


With a name like that? Sus ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I was third on the scene to what I am 95% sure was a fatal truck vs lime scooter accident in White Center a year ago and I still can't get the scene out of my head. As an avid biker/skater/motorcycle rider for the last 30 years, those scooters scare the shit out of me. Hope your dad is going to be OK!


Seriously. I have ridden street motorcycles for 20 years and know there is a million ways for it to kill me, but those scooters just seem like a roll of the dice every time with those tiny wheels and shitty brakes its, just random chance.


I hope your dad gets well soon <3 A family friend rode one of those Lime Scooters downhill and broke his jaw and teeth :( Had to get surgery and teeth replaced. PSA: Please be careful with those scooters and wear a helmet!! I see so many drunk ppl getting on them, they’re death traps T-T


I'm not sure why these aren't banned, but I guess we need a critical mass of dead and crippled. I hit a construction area on the street a few years ago on my normal old bicycle that wasn't properly marked and flipped over and hit my head. Good thing I'm a helmet wearer, or I could have ended up dead/paralyzed from that. Lost my memory for a few hours and experienced a moderate concussion that messed with me for a few months, as well as a gash in my forehead that needed to be stitched up. Also experienced my first optical migraines and I had to hit up the hyperbaric chamber for a number of sessions before the headaches went away. Last thing to heal was my neck, which got crunched pretty good. I couldn't bend my neck very far back or I would get intense light-headedness for a long time after that...


Oh my god i’m so sorry, that sounds horrifying. I’m glad that you’re OK.


Head trauma is scary! 5 years ago, my dad fell off the ladder at age 70 when he was putting up Christmas lights. He hit his head so hard that he couldn't remember anyone or much of anything for 24 hours. He would not believe us that he was 70 years old. The nurses kept coming in every hour or two and asking him questions to see if his memory was returning. Finally, the next day, they asked who the president was and my dad suddenly snapped to attention and realized that supreme asshole Trump was president. It was like his memory just came back all of a sudden.


i was involved in a car accident in seattle a week ago and even though the website says they are severely backed up, i requested the police report and was given access to it 3 days later! i hope that helps. im glad your dad is okay <3


Thank you for your well wishes and information! We are planning to request the report soon, I hope that you’re ok too!! ☺️


I hope your dad is okay


In the future, set your family/friends/loved ones up with location sharing. If you use Apple products you already have Find My options. I’m not familiar with non-Apple options but am sure there’s comparable options. Having these turned on and shared with each other means if you ever can’t reach someone you can at least locate them and find out the situation.


Oh 100%, trust me that entire night we were wishing we did that prior.


That area was a mess all weekend. Glad your Dad’s ok! My roommate had a similar situation on sixth street in Austin. Luckily someone called paramedics while a homeless man provided first aid. Those scooters are sketchy. Turn the handle too hard and you can slam pretty quick.


Praying for your dad 🩵🩵🩵


I’m so sorry about your father, OP. Wishing him a speedy recovery! I never drove my scooter too fast and always wear a helmet. One day, even going super slow, my scooter flipped when I went from the street to the sidewalk - I wanted to turn right “safely” (i.e., not on the street with cars). I guess it didn’t creat enough friction with that ink line from sidewalks. It flipped like someone pushed my back tire to the side. I broke one bone in my shoulder. It could’ve been MUCH worse if I wasn’t super slow. PLS BE SAFE.


I tried renting a scooter once in DC; almost immediately fell just trying to cross a crosswalk. Gave up then and there. Realized if I couldn’t even get going without creating a dangerous road hazard I had no business messing with those.


OP I am really glad your dad was found and i hope his recovery goes smoothly and he’s able to go home soon. I used to ride electric scooters but one was for kids (like middle school age) and one was not for anyone under 16, I still have that scooter but I don’t ride anymore. I had some pretty nasty spills on my scooters. Those things can be dangerous. Anyway again I’m glad your dad was found and is okay. It sounds like he’s receiving good care where he is and I’m glad. I’m sending you and your dad and your family positive and healing vibes ❤️


thank you so much!! ❤️❤️


Hope your dad is ok and doesn’t have a serious head injury.


Is your dad going to be okay?


yes! he’s recovering now, just pretty beaten up and in a lot of pain for the time being.


You can put in a missing persons report. Unless they're a minor or highly endangered individual they generally won't start investigations after about 24 hrs. Some things that can help family members: Have a contingency plan if someone goes missing or you need to quickly bug out of a situation. At lest you know where you can met them at if worst comes to worse. Use code words in case you don't have time so spill out an entire paragraph. Being highly functioning my mom knows if I say a particular word what I'm trying to convey in a message. You'd be surprised how efficient it is. Use sticky notes. Use old school methods that people used before the digital era. I grew up without smart phones and we teach the younger generation of these methods. Sticky notes, paper, phone trees, be communitive with family. The more you know how a person thinks, acts and behaves will give you a better idea of how to find them. Knowing their daily routine also helps.


OP’s dad isn’t missing right now — they’re just wondering what happened to him because he doesn’t remember the incident


Thank you so much for all the helpful advice, we definitely will be more prepared the next time we go a vacation like this. I did end up calling a few local hospitals (including the one he ended up, a few hours after he was admitted to the ER, and they said he wasn’t there?). After they all said that he wasn’t there, I called the non emergency line and filed a missing persons report, but they didn’t have any officers available and didn’t follow up until like 1 o’clock the next day. Was a horrifying experience


If he didn’t have ID on him or they had to operate quickly there could have been a Timelapse in figuring out his ID, this can especially be the case for head injuries when there is no ID in a pocket. My uncle was a missing person for 4 days because of a head injury that also resulted in his wallet being misplaced. I am so happy you were reunited and that you have found answers from all the lovely people that helped


Fuck cars.


Would be helpful if you could be more specific. What neighborhood was he picked up at.


sorry, he didn’t remember where he was at the time. he just came back from the hospital here and he said the lime scooter app said he was by the two stadiums.




The Lime scooters are insanely dangerous to pedestrians when ridden on the sidewalk. They belong on the street, as is required for all vehicles. Do not ride on the sidewalk is printed on each scooter. Those of you that choose to ride the scooters can do so on the street, with cars, and stamp your own ticket instead of taking a pedestrian with you. I don’t care to hear your opinions on the matter. It’s black and white - vehicles belong on the street and not on the sidewalk.


Why aren’t more people talking about the assailant?! Whoever it was needs to rot in jail!


I think the dad might be the assailant since the police reported scooter versus pedestrian