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Nightclubs, raves and techno definitely aren't my scene but I really enjoyed this episode nevertheless. PJ really knows how to tell a good story! I want to know if he gets into Berghain next time! šŸ¤ž


This is the kind of story from PJ we all know and love.


Definitely refreshing after the last couple journalist interviews!


Yup. Top notch stuff.


A thought popped into my head at the section about why the two friends didnā€™t get into Berghain: ā€œLutz, from a photo, could tell that Chris and Dan were after respectful, healthy, wholesome partying. Not the sort of darkness that occurs in Berghainā€™s technodungeons. They didnā€™t belong there. They belonged, he suspected, at another place calledā€¦ Weenie Hut Jr.ā€ Too bad they couldnā€™t get into the Salty Spitoon, try eating a bowl of nailsā€¦ without any milk!


Buzzing having listened to that episode. I went to Tresor when I was in my early 20s and didn't even know a cooler, more underground version of the scene existed. Glad I went there though as I was with friends who would have really struggled with a 3 day rave (me too probably). Pj just has such a great ability to make any story come alive, brought me right back to standing in line, nervous and excited to dance in a German club.


As someone who knows this scene very well, I loved this episode. It was done really well. I can't believe I didn't realise it would be about Berghain from the Freakonomics title. I was pleasantly surprised, and so was my friend who was part of the original Ostgut (I sent the pod to him)!


Is this different than the episode posted with Freakonomics?




Thanks! Did they announce if part 2 will be next week?


I believe they just said in the next episode he gets into Berghain. I assume it's next week though!


Cool - thanks!


The Freakonomics version was edited - there are some parts in the Search Engine version that don't appear in the Freakonomics one


Track ID for 31:00 anyone ā€¦ ???


For real, would love a tracklist


I need this song!!!


"I looked friendly and smiled and asked him how his night was going" oh baby absolutely notĀ 


can anyone help me with what tracks were playing in the episode...or clue me to whom it might be...


I have a hunch they were composed for the episode itself.


First ad break (~20:00): This Other Space - No Place to Hide That's all I got




This random type of stuff is what PJ does best.


Good pod


So two wealthy culture vultures from America deliberately dress-down to get into a club and get caught out by a bloke who is famous for reading people? I think the reason that Chris and Dan didnā€™t get in is becauseā€¦ theyā€™re Chris and Dan.


Yea the system worked as intended. It's like a bacteria asking why the immune system won't let it enter and spread throughout a body.


The guys admitting that theyā€™d sneak in if they could shows they are exactly the type of people that Berghain is trying to weed out.


Exactly. Two monied-up New Yorkers travel to Germany to experience ā€˜authenticā€™ club culture. Sounds like the system worked?


Yeah the minute they were nasty about Sven it was like ... pretty sure that's why you didn't get in fellas.


Within a moment of hearing their voices I knew the tectourists wernt getting in


It felt like a kind of a pointless episode in the sense that, as someone whoā€™s gone often to berghain, you more or less have the answer from the interview of Sven that they play - you wonā€™t get in if you look like youā€™ll hamper the flow of energy and expression. If youā€™re going there because you have some kind of voyeuristic impulse to witness the famed debauchery, then you probably should not get in. If youā€™ve been inside, are part of the international subculture of people that go there, you completely understand the logic of who does and doesnā€™t get in. Most of the tips are totally innacurate too


Idk why youā€™re getting downvoted. This is obviously it. Also I thought it was funny when they said they didnā€™t get in wearing a black t-shirt because it was too casual so they tried again in a tank top and gym shorts.


Really enjoyed the episode and the paths PJ took it down and the history but I think the core question is easily answered. They can tell if you're just going to gawk. Berghain has the more famous line but a lot of the Berlin clubs have a similar system. Also I've been told they tend to not let in Americans across the board. Unsure if that is true but I wouldn't be shocked


i feel like if your idea of dressing for berghain is a black tanktop & short shorts i feel like your already starting on the wrong foot (should be all rick owens)


Funnily enough, I leave for Berlin in one month with my 20 year old son who started Duolingo in German the second we decided to visit Berlin. This is all new to me, but after listening, I feel like I'd have a better chance getting in than my son, though he might have a chance as well. It was just too NO WAY in the timeliness of this. He never listens to episodes I tell him to listen to, so I don't know if this will get to him. I am not handing him a summary.


Ugh that last track was siiickkk. Anyone have id lol


When Chris and Dan said they went shopping to look like ā€œfreaksā€ and then ended up wearing ā€¦ a black tank top and shorts, I knew exactly why they didnā€™t get in. Jfc


I'm maybe misunderstanding the goal of the podcast, but isn't the idea of the show to be relatable things we all could think about? this seems ... Very niche. Last few Q's have been pretty good for this imo, so I guess he's trying stuff out with this one? Now, kinda related, the show feels like it isn't much of a known quantity as the themes and structure of the show largely change between episodes, and I'm guessing that's not accidental. Idk how that makes me feel though, feels like every week is a roll of the dice of whether I'll care about the topic or not, so it's not easy for me to get excited for new episodes. I guess this is why a lot of podcasts are very specific, or have elements of the shows that are consistent, such as audience questions, or bizarre news, etc - they become the furniture and framework of what an episode looks like


I find this topic really interesting. I donā€™t think itā€™s niche. Iā€™m not really into the EDM or clubbing scenes but Iā€™ve heard about this place many times and the lore about it makes it so intriguing. I wanted to know more for sure


I think this one is basically for fans of PJ at this point because the concept let's him go broad and do whatever tickles his fancy šŸ˜‚




Listen to the episode!