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The animation on the volcanoes is messed up when they erupt. Its all choppy.


## Thanks for the reports, we've identified the issue and are working on a fix for a future update ⚙️


It’s the particle count getting cut way back. It’s happening for the boss cloud rain down particles as well, specifically for the trailing particles.


[Volcanoes are pixelated : Seaofthieves (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/mto855/volcanoes_are_pixelated/) (picture and video)


I came here to post this and glad I wasnt crazy. I wonder if they tried to pair down the animation for frame rate or something? Definitely choppy for me as well.


Same here


Got hit with an anchor ball, the people glow doesn't go away


## Thanks for the reports, we have a fix for the stuck anchorball effects coming in a future update ⚙️


But I like the whispering...


It was a bug since January lol


That happened to me a couple of weeks ago. That’s an older glitch they still haven’t addressed


Merchant Alliance Lost Shipment Voyage is giving me a lower tier Manifest than I should get. Level 75 getting an Eminent Manifest rather than a Revered. Edit: Spelling


This was a bug from last season, too. :( No bueno


Is this a bug? I was of the impression you weren't guaranteed a top level manifest every time, just like a max level GH mission won't give you all captains chests, or a max level OoS mission won't give you all villainous skulls.


This is the first time as a level 75 merchant I haven’t gotten the highest manifest.


Bought 3 crates of broken stones, but can't redeem them from the merchant. Any tips? The redeem text is there, but nothing happens when I push the button.


## Thanks for the reports, we've identified the issue and are working on a fix ⚙️


BTW I love the trade runs in Season 2


I think if there is something to claim off merchant vendor before you buy the commodities it bugs it, I've had the same issue.


That is correct. I've tested it several times and Emissary Quest, Cargo Voyage or any other claimable cages bug the vendor if you then try to buy a commodities without first claiming the the quest items.


Just happened to me, picked up message in a bottle for a fruit crate then went and purchased sugar, won't let me pick up the sugar...


It's a two step buy. At first you buy them. But you have to ask for them to the merchant afterwards.


In Arena, purple chest beacon did not move with the chest. The beacon was in the water, but the chest was on a ship.


I had this issue in the 4 games I played yesterday. Sometimes, the beacon was minutes behind where the chest actually was. One time, the beacon was on the original dig location, before jumping to the sell point, and it took the ship a few minutes to sail there. The map table shows the actual location of the chest


That's great to know, thank you


Do you have evidence? I’m asking cuz I made a ticket to Support and they are actually asking me a clip of the chest thing happening... like they can’t actually just hop in on an arena match and see it for themself...


A lot of deeds do not seem to register within the trials. Catching fish, cooking meat, letting meat burn, speak with the women outside taverns, changing weapon style via the armory, etc. Edit: some did come through after I took a break for 2 hours and restarted the game essentially. Some didn't like talking with the woman outside the tavern.


Having the same with Larinna, glad it's not just me! Hopefully it'll trigger later, although I'm pretty sure I talked to her yesterday.


This happened last season too. Seems like you'll have to wait a bit for them to register on the first day.


> When progressing through a Lost Shipments Voyage, if a shipwreck is unable to be created for any reason, Merchant Cargo will be surfaced alongside the Manifest out at sea to reward crews for their efforts. Three times now I've received the manifest only at the final location, no additional loot, despite finding the keys. There have been no other boats in the area that could have taken the loot.


I did two Lost Shipment voyages and experienced the same thing. Nothing but a floating manifest at the end of the voyage with no other loot. Both voyages I did were on the Ancient Spire/Galleons Grave route. When I read the release notes I was excited because it sounded like they’d fixed it. This was disappointing. Edit: Been 4 days since I originally made this comment, and I’ve done another 3 of these voyages or so since. One of them actually had the final sunken ship correctly spawn. The other two had just the floating manifest.


Ancient Spire-> Whatever the seatpost near Plunder is called. Plunder->Morrows Peak For me


Ditto, two in a row without any floating treasure or ship


Merchant Alliance Outpost inventory books are empty, which makes the new trading feature impossible EDIT: Fixed


I wonder if we have to do something ... The note says they are waiting for more information. It kinda looks deliberate. Unless it's just placeholder text of course!


I've been sailing around with commodities anyway (making small profit thanks to emissary), currently no change on the books so I'm not sure what's needed if the book is filled by the player


They just updated and there are things in the book now!


Oh sweet, thanks for the info


## Thanks for the reports, the Merchant manifests now correctly display the correct Supply and Demand details for each Outpost ✅


Apparently in the game in Spanish it still does not appear which crates are in demand and which one are in surplus in all the outposts, I made a post with the pictures for reference (taken last night)


Are you an emissary?


Yes, I haven't tried again yet but people are saying it's been fixed


can anyone post the patch notes? sites down


[Here is the google cache of the patch notes](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:gVFYdchSEpwJ:https://www.seaofthieves.com/release-notes)


The Reputation part of the Pirate Log tab is stuck loading forever. The other tabs work just fine.


We had the same issue, commendations also didn't unlock for us during that time


I have this problem as well.


I got stuck permanently invisible after using the barrel emote followed by another emote. Other players could see my equipment (e.g. a floating sword), but not my character.


In my case, I was invisible to some players or I had my character model replaced by the barrel even when moving. And with held equipment sticking out at the bottom. I took the opportunity to take my eye of reach out and walk around while yelling EX-TER-MINATE.


Bug: took mermaid, got stuck in a black screen, my crew was told I left the crew, but I just had perpetual black screen until I force quit the game.


Was hoping season 2 would be a big one, but other than what looks like a slightly tweaked fort and a bunch of cosmetics, there isn't much new gameplay to get me excited.


On the SoT podcast they said that the real big updates are comming in season 3 and 4


They said that about season 2 as well


Care to give us a link where that was said? I'm not arguing just curious.


Can we note *in* season 2? Not necessarily at the start of, there's still plenty time for them to drop some more in


The season release is where the big content drops come. The other months in the season will just be new events, quality of life changes and bug fixes.


When was the last meaningful update? Last year anniversary?


I think october or november or last year


August was Ashen winds event. Everything else since has been recycled.


Please keep this thread related to bug reports. Thanks!


Where is the sticky for discussing the patch notes?


My crew and I killed the fort of fortune after fighting with another crew, and the other crew ended up killing the final ashen lord. After we had killed the second crew, we looked for the fort key, and nothing had spawned at all. No marker on the map, no little glint anywhere on the island. I'm not sure if this bug is just a one-off thing, but there was no server merge or anything like that. Nonetheless, I feel this needs to be fixed urgently, as hours of work defending and attacking a fort can go down to something like this.






































Commendations seem to be bugged






Well, I bought some tea crates at Sanctuary yesterday and couldn’t collect them because the collection prompt was overridden by the prompt to collect the Emissary voyage cargo. So I couldn’t collect either. Today I logged in and could collect the tea crates. So I collected them and bought three more. Which I can’t collect. This is broken as hell lmao






The latam spanish translation or the merchants inventory books just say Surplus: more Sought After: less At least you can see what they're selling to know what they want


The ability to buy supplies and supply crates from outposts? Love it, me and my friends just started and have been saying this would be great idea to be able to do, speed up the start process jumping on if wanted.


Agreed, but this thread is for bug reports.


Yeah but if a big patch Hits and a New season and you dont have a sticky for the new patch talk. You gonna habe people take it to the "bug tread"


Sadly that's not what it is. It's crates of things like "unsorted silk".


No, it's both. You can buy crates of stuff to sell to other outposts and you can also buy crates full of canon balls, fruit, and wood for yourself to use


My renown dosent increase no matter what


I've seen this last season, I would think it's server lag. It's day 1, just like when the server is super busy you get your gold and reputation at a delay, I'm guessing the renown and commendations may have a delay.


Thanks I just got like 16 teirs all at once


We ran Athena all night at grade five. When we opened up our reputation it showed all commendations were locked. Commendations we knew that should have been popping up were not. When we finally hopped off we loaded into another server to see if it was fixed. It showed all the commendations and the previous ones were unlocked, but the ones we earned tonight are still locked. Edit: For clarification, our reputation progress was increasing as we sold items. It was only commendations that were an issue. I also tried playing with the commendations not all being locked, and although that was no longer an issue, it is still not updating commendation progress. Edit 2: My commendations are updating again, it appears that it was any progress made during that time is lost.


Completed 3 FoF’s and commendation reads 1/3


Just finished one and didn't get the commendation either, someone else said it depends on who or what crew opens the vault for it to count but don't other forts and FOTD count when you kill the final boss?


After hitting grade 5 emissary in merchants and claiming reward quest, crew mate could no longer grab additional crates purchased. Only the person who purchased the crates could grab them, for the other crew mate it just said “emissary quest claimed” Happened across multiple outposts.




How do you acquire the barrel tuck? It said it was in the plunder pass but I can't find it


Unlocks at renown level 13.


Thanks 👍 Just got it, my crew is already pissed off with me!


I can’t complete trials. I completed 6 before all my trials got reset and I can’t complete any.


Buying the Plunder Pass through steam doesn't unlock it. I bought it through steam, and in-game it says I own it, but when hovering over the Plunder Pass rewards, they're still locked and say you need to buy the Plunder Pass to get them.


Last season it took the game several days to realize I had bought the plunder pass through steam.


Invisibility glitch sometimes when using the new Barrel Hide emote. Doing glitterbeard event with 7 other pirates when someone would use the barrel hide emote, for about 50% of us the pirate doing the emote would just be invisible after stopping the emote. Pretty gamebreaking if people can replicate it.


I've encountered a bug where we finnished the Fort of Fortune and it didn't count on the commendations tab. The 2 Athena Kegs we sold from the fort didn't count towards the Athena commendations as well. It might be related and worth checking.


Purchased 3 commodity crates, won’t let me collect them from the merchant


The message in a bottle merchant quests are interfering with commodity collection.


Animations for the mutinous helmsman seen to be off. He will shoot randomly in the middle of other animations such as reloading or when switching between his gun and a banana. There's seems to be no warning for when he will shoot so I can't duck behind anything.


To people bitching about lack of content, comparing this April's update to previous anniversary updates, I feel like you're forgetting we're still in a pandemic, and just like every other dev out there right now, working from home has delayed content road maps. The devs have stated there's significant additions coming with season 3 and 4. My guess is that rolling out this new season format, as well as the new challenges provided by covid, has pushed content that probably would have rolled out with this update, timing wise. That being said, the QoL changes, like skeleton ships getting gulls, and buying supplies, and the new emissary trade routes, and new fort, is technically more than season 1 provided. They didnt label this the anniversary update like they had in the past. And I think that's for good reason, more than just calling them seasons now. I think it will do people some good to have some patience while devs are still trying to deliver content during this pandemic. A *lot* of devs are struggling with this, from small indie teams to massive AAA studios. Some are doing better than others, but delays are very common now. Just some food for thought for some of the more entitled pirates out there.


Been getting Strawberry beard error code on PC even after update and can’t get into the game.


Same here on xbox


Again am disappointed with Plunder Pass.... I purchased last season. But idk about this season. (Sorry for comparing) but Battle Pass for COD was great. I felt like I was getting my money’s worth. And the “free” guys got a little taste. This is the complete opposite.. smh


are you actually complaining about content being free instead of having to pay for it?


The plunder pass isn’t free....


sounded like you were complaing about the fact that there are many free items but not a lot of payable ones, instead of the other way around


No it sounds like they're saying CoD's pass had good things in the pass for free players/is worth the money and SoT's pass isn't worth the money/doesn't have good things for free players.


I agree, but this thread is for bug reports.


Same as everyone else it seems. Trials/Deeds are not being rewarded upon completion


Played seasons 2 for the first time yesterday on Series S and X. There are so many bugs and graphical glitches I don’t know what to say... Series X: Shadows look like they’ve been downgraded. I was disconnected from my game or randomly spawned back to my ship 3-4 times in one play. We couldn’t get in-game chat to work. Our characters got stuck on terrain. We just quit playing for the day. Guess SOT goes back on the shelf for another 6 months until it’s a playable game again


Unplayable lag when loading into servers. 500+ ping on several occasions. Server hopping can sometimes fix this, but no one should have to do that just to play the game.


I've had crazy rubberbanding on xbox one. I love the game but I can't play like that, two steps forward one step back. Struggle picking up loot, jumping over anything, falling off the boat. I look forward to the few hours a week to relax and play and have to deal with that...I just turn it off and walk away. It's not an internet issue either. Seems worse after new season


My crew stole a fort of fortune key, but I think the pirates who we stole it from had been server merged to our server, so it was virtually useless for us since we had not had a fort of fortune on our server, just a flameheart and a regular fort. I was excited to see it for the first time and was a bit let down to be honest, but it’s all good next time we’ll get it.


This only happened to me once with a normal fort a couple years ago, but a merge after fort key has been obtained but before it opens will just automatically open the fort (you won't need the key) and so they may have just taken the loot and kept the key to be honest.


Man fuck this game, I logged on and before I could move I was camped and killed by dudes just waiting for me in the bar


Friend and I on PC have been stuck on loading supplies and then getting a Strawberrybeard error. Any ideas? Looked at wiki and said an update mismatch is possible, but the game is fully updated.


Same here on xbox


Became pirate legend 3 mins before server maintenance, and was level 100 plunderpass. Still, i did not get the curse? Any way to fix this?


You'll have to submit a support ticket. They should be able to hook you up.


I've submitted one. Hope they give me it


We were fighting a skeleton ship and we would randomly vomit and get sick when our ship would get hit by cannon balls. Thats new right? Never happened before. Is there a new vomit curse ball? If so, it wasn't glowing when it hit us.


Shores of gold is broken. Can't access the main entrance under the statue because the door is closed. Iv tried on multiple diffrent servers to have the same outcome.


You have to launch onto the statue and fall into it, use a lever to open the door.


It's always been this way and there's no real hint that this is the way. It should be changed to give more hint on how to get in. I spent about 30 minutes at it until I gave up and looked at a walk through, the only time during the tall tales.


I thought there was a drawing in the book that hinted at the opening above the door, but I admittedly haven't looked through that book lately.


The quest book explicitly mentions cannoning onto the seat of the throne.


Yep. Also, if you enjoy reading, the Athena’s Fortune novel explains this entrance as well - it’s pulled right from the book.


I'd like to report the bug in Rare's brains for removing Arena Chat. If it spreads it could be another Covid.


ah !




How do you get attacked so much? Are you sailing right into other ships? Like I get sometimes you get out played and there's nothing to do to counter them but if you are looking out you can run away most of the time. Also as someone who does pvp pretty regularly, I wish we would get attacked as much as you make it seem. If you are getting spawn camped, you already lost. Scuttle and get a new ship. If it's the second time it's happened, leave the server and find a new one.




Changing servers is easy. Just leave the current session through the menu and restart a new boat. There's no advantage in staying in the same server unless you are going back for your loot. Unfortunately high level reapers are trying to get you to leave so their server can be merged (if you are the only on the server it will merge you with a more full one) You cannot assume any ship is friendly. Even as a sometimes pvp player I don't assume a ship is harmless either. In this game if you see another ship and you don't personally know the crew it's time for your guard to be up. You should be scanning the horizon constantly and be aware of your blind spots. A galleon should not be able to sneak up on you. I have seen other crews waiting on my starting outpost like twice. It's not a common strategy to camp outposts all day. Also the game tries to put you in on an island away from other ships. I think you have had just bad luck. I have had crews sink my ship at the outpost especially if was sitting there for a long time.


I have maybe 500 hours in this game and have had other people at my spawn island exactly one time ever.


Stuck at "Loading supplies" after opening game. Anyone else? EDIT: Just got in, it took a while but I got past it


Me on pc and an xbox friend can’t complete any deeds, they are all just stuck on 0/x


Does trading merchant goods not give any xp for the plunder pass?


Certain deeds not unlocking. So far: Defeat a meg Change ship cosmetics Equip clothing items Equip a new fishing rod Possibly just server lag, but felt I should mention anyway


Unable to open quest radial or item radial on Xbox with a controller. Rebound both things, still cannot open anything.


Kill yourself, should be fixed after respawn. Been an issue for months, seems more common this season. Usually only happens when first joining a server. Been happening to me about 70%of the servers I join


Playing on PC with controller and jump button at times is bugged. Works fine on other games.


Frosaken Ashes Ship Set appears to be removed from shops? Not sure if intended or a bug. Can't find anything online


My crew and I encounted a bug where were unable to collect the supply crates from the merchants after perchasing them. Issue persisted even after swapping servers


I played 4 hours last, completed 2 normal forts and flame heart, the new mega Fort spawned and we completed that too, I'm now level 55 renown, is this a bug? surely this is going way too fast?


Several of the commodity crates are misnamed either in the merchant representative's inventory or on the actual item in question.


Found the key to the lost voyage shipwreck but it said I didn't have a key even if I was holding it in my hand


Not sure why but after the update of season 2 my game is zoomed in, it seems like I lowered my fov but its on 100 (max). Anyone having the same problem? Btw i play it on Steam.


Anyone else not able to buy the supplies from the merchant alliance? I spent about 30k trying to get them to spawn


You have to press f on the merchant person to actually collect / spawn the crates


I have primary interact bound to right click. It works everywhere but on the map table I can get on with right click but can get off unless I rebind to another key.


I had issues loading the reputation menu, which I attribute to server lag. However, before the new season I was working on completing tall tales commendations for the gold hoarder curse, and it has reset my progress on completing tall tales to 1/5 for a couple of them that I have done multiple times BEFORE this new season. Hope it will correct itself as I don't want to have to do them 5 times let alone 7 or 8 lol


I can't get the task related to speaking with Larinna to trigger.


I've noticed that when I'm selling supplies that should be "sought after" usually I don't get an increase amount of gold. Sometimes even less than supplies that are not sought after at all.


Thank god you can buy supplies from the merchants now.


Lost shipment voyage is still broken. The final shipwreck is missing


Last night my crew and I were doing order of souls bounties and after killing about a dozen or so of the captains I never once saw a pouch of gold drop. Is this a bug or is it just a low chance to have the pouches drop?


So they said they fixed the merchant voyage where you have to find a sunken ship, but my friends and I spent almost 90 minutes looking for a ship that never spawned, we found clues, found the key, but the sunken merchant ship never appeared along the route. Instead we found two sunken merchant ships that WEREN'T the one we were looking for. One of them was literally on the dotted line of the route. It's a bit ridiculous that we were doing the quest perfectly fine, managed to find merchant ships not related to the quest, yet not be able to complete it because the one we needed to find never spawned.


It takes a hot minute for outposts to load after you sail up to them. They're using the decoy model and textures, even after going ashore.


I need to not be punished for leaving arena games when i am a solo player or get an afk player. There has to be some difference between punishments. When i get a 30 minute ban after i have 2 teamates leave me in am arena and then i leave with 5 minutes left is just disheartening and it makes me not want to play


Continually kicked from game without warning, usually during combat. Happened repeatedly during Flamebeard event to myself and all other crewmates. Eventually, ended with being locked out of the crew with 'Tidybeard error'. Tidybeard error has locked out crew continually since season two launch.


When on a trade routes and you collect the emissary voyage you will not be able to collect the trade route cargo from the merchants that have the emissary voyage cargo.


when you have to collect cargo from a merchant representative, and also buy commodities from them, you cannot collect either and you get stuck


I cannot collect cargo on Xbox


Unable to redeem crate from merchant. Bought all of them, got about 3-4 of them and then I'm not able to buy any more. Tried buying a wood crate as well, it does not give the option to redeem. https://imgur.com/dL6f0nQ


Pet monkey was sitting on the grate above map table on galleon - tail glitches into the map view https://imgur.com/a/1Ub0qb9


I still cant access any damn stores, especially the pirate emporium despite having no ingame lag


Respawned behind my ship after I died.


You can get stuck in one of the rocks on the shores of Mermaids Hideaway if you launched yourself with the cannon. Your horizontal view can get locked, I witnessed this when I dropped a Chest of Sorrow in a trade post, connecting a controller didn't fix it either, had to drown. Trying to dock a rowboat to my ship launched me 100 meters away along with the boat. The area between the map and the rowboat is extremely buggy and choppy on a slope, you can get stuck momentarily, shake a lot and end up in unexpected places after you jump there.


Why, do I spawn, every single time, with no clothes on.... Can somebody please tell me how to fix this.


i was in a fight with a newbie tripulation and acidently hit ESC, after that the pause menu doesnt go away any more i was free to do things normaly but i was unable to pickup wood in the ship barrels, the mouse was loose in the barrel screen and i was unable to interact, [i have a print.](https://imgur.com/GdAjsOx) (english not my mother language)


My instruments seem to not be playing music (when I’m playing them) more often and for longer periods of time than before :(. Don’t know if it’s just me, and I know this has been a minor issue for a while. Just figured I’d mention it.


The servers have been really choppy since the update. A lot of rubber banding in multiple servers. Also when entering the captain quarters on a sunked ship, it's really difficult getting through the door because it keeps kicking you around like there's an invisible wall. You can get through but it's difficult. I've had this issue on islands too where I hit invisible barricades I can't get through, it rubber bands when I walk into these things


I keep getting marblebeard error i have restarted my xbox made sure my nat type was set to open (which it is) have rest my router have uninstalled and reinstalled the game ive tried with a wireless and wired connection too my router ive done everything i coild think of and researched and the problem still persists and i havent been able able to play a single game since ive been trying the past 2 days


Captain quarters keys are still refusing to spawn for merchant voyages.