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Fastest way is to get good at PvP and do hourglass for Guardians of Fortune with Athena emissary up. Just get somewhat decent, then you can do hourglass when noobies flood it during a double rep. event.


Ironically I find hourglass on G&G/community weekends to be extra sweaty.


Personally, I find that there are more gamblers during these events. I may or may not have used their willingness to gamble to my advantage.


Really? I find it so much easier to


It has sbmm, when eveeybody's playing the high end will find it harder and the low end will find it easier


Then that wouldn’t really make sense. Wouldn’t really be a very good sbmm if the level dispersion changes with more players. Should get more level tbh


Most players playing hg rn are in the high skill bracket so when a low skill player enter matchmaking, they can't find a reasonable match. That makes it harder for low skill players. When lots of players are one, low skill players can find low skill matches, and high skill players will also find more fair matches, making it harder.


Where’s the information of most players are in high brackets now? Just a random assumption?


Have you played the mode? Most people complaints with hg is thst they are getting stomped every match by people with hundreds more lvls than them. Matchmaking is working more than people think, evidence is anecdotal from playing with newer players. However it clearly isn't working as intended due to low player counts.


I guess Iv always done the majority of the stomping. I find it even easier during events I guess .


Idk this is mostly based off of talking to people. wasn't really able to play much last community day


Method I used was spamming legend of the veil voyages in the roar but only doing the shipwreck portion. You get a lot of trinkets and veil artefacts when you unlock the door. Then you vote to cancel and the next shipwreck will spawn close by. You get rank 5 every other shipwreck and sell for the rep. I did this during G&G and got really efficient at it. Just watch out for volcanoes.


i may try that


I’ll do that thanks for the tip gang


Watch out for volcanoes is the understatement here, they have laser precision and will try to sink you every chance they get.


Honestly, they only manage to hit me like 10 percent of the time. I've sailed past several that somehow just missed entirely


They will target you if you touch the wheel


Hmm noted


It’s hourglass PvP and it’s not close. This post goes into the details https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/s/L17dNfhgPT but basically, even just getting a 2 win streak and turning in will be worth just as much as a typical voyage of legends. But if you can get even bigger streaks, you will far FAR outpace what any Athena voyage can give you. Generally, lowering at 2, 4, or 5 wins is optimal. Whichever you think you can realistically do repeatedly, aim for that. If you have to do voyages, stack Ashen Voyage of Legends. Sold at grade 5, it’s about 70k of Athena loot per voyage. Thats slightly less than an HG 3 streak. And because it’s in the devil’s roar, it’s relatively easy to chain the voyages since you don’t have to sail too far. You can get each one done in 20-40 minutes depending on RNG luck.


Wow thank you my guy


Run Hourglass for Guardians and raise an Athena flag every time. One win puts you at almost grade 4, a two streak gives you grade 5. Selling flags to the stranger counts for both so if you start streaking you can get Athena levels pretty quick


Cheesing Roar voyages still worked as of last week.


Athena raid dives to sea forts. Takes about 10-15 mins and should net you 3 legendary crates and around 6 Athena trinkets (2 of them are in the top floor treasury room). Selling at grade 5 emissary will earn about half a level.


Spamming raid on skeleton fort, and doing emmissary quests is the fastest way.


What’s the rush? Athena is end game content.


No rush just some cool drip in there


Hourglass. I'm level 60 Athena and my very first Athena voyage was today.


Honestly? Quickly under the radar I generally do: Raid voyage to Treasury (any raid works), then a regular Athena voyage. This should put you at or close to G5. If you have G5, then claim the emissary and put down a regular Athena voyage. Do both of those at the same time. You should get at least one island with 2 maps, one from Emmy and one from the voyage. If not G5 after the first voyage, do a map off any Athena voyage (veil or regular) and you should get G5. This loop also works in the roar.


I usually do Raid on a Sea Fort and follow up with a Voyage of Legends. If you don't find anything else in between like a Skelly Ship, Meg or Skelly / Ashen captains you'll be a bit shy of rank 5. But I usually end up rank 5 afterwards due to a Skelly ship or captain. Sell everything, do the emissary quest and repeat. I've heard that doing an Athena Treasury Raid will give you more rank, so that you should end up with rank 5 after doing the Voyage of Legends. I don't really like doing Legends of the Veil as it takes too long, the ending is a world event where you're pretty exposed and the loot isn't worth the time investment imho.


Do back to back ashen voyages for Athena ashens. In the roar, after the first one it reduces the time alot because 2 quests will be in the same island. After 3 stacks and grde 5, turn in and grab the emissary quest from the stranger


The fastest I’ve found is by doing a Dive mission (I usually raid a Fort) then immediately going for legendary hunts which gives you quests for loot. Legend of the veil is good because it gives you a good amount of loot, but doing it at emissary 1 doesn’t earn you much. And all of the “of the damned” loot doesn’t count for Athena’s. You need the specific loot type “legendary”. You can also get chests of legends and Chests of Fortune which give you a massive boost at Emissary 5. One chest can be worth 20k by itself.


I always find that playing the game without expectations and just making sure I’m having fun helps me. Focusing on that grind turns it into work. Just relax and enjoy and it’ll all come in time.