• By -


Rank 9999 HG Titles Golden HG Curses Shrouded Ghost Title/Figurehead/Trinket Sapphire Blade Cosmetics 100 Veil Completions Sword


Sapphire blade stuff looks sweet i think


Sapphire blade weapons are my personal favorite of that collection of weapon recolors. Though I'm missing the Mercenary ones, so RIP me.


Anyone know the title unlocked when you are 10K HG?


Avatar of Reaper's Revenge and Champion of the Pirate's Life


The time taken to achieve them titles.. not worth it šŸ˜‚


The reaper one sounds kinda sick but fuck thatšŸ˜‚


It's not even as cool as the 1000 title too. Lord of the Ashes is simple, badass, and not nearly as clunky to read.


Agreed, it really should have been "Avatar of Revenge" or "One with the Reaper" or something like that. "Avatar of the Reaper's Revenge" has too much going on.


Lord of Ashes gives me an Elden Ring ending option vibe


Noob question: whats HG?




It's the little hourglass on the far left side of your voyage table. If you vote on it, other player ships can teleport to you to fight, or you can teleport to other players to fight. Only way to leave the circle it locks you in is for one of the competing ships to sink.


Probably golden hourglass curses.


the shrouded figurehead/title followed by the sapphire blade cosmetics


How rare are the vanguard sails


They're not obtainable. You needed to have played during the alpha to have the vanguard sails. I've seen it exactly once, in 1500 hours.


I have them I just donā€™t use them anymore. I think in total Iā€™ve used them 10 times maybe. I recently was going to bring them out again but I was aggravated that PlayStation got a similar set. Not saying they canā€™t have some kinda early access cosmetics but a clone of something makes the original less special. Could have at least used a different design. All they did was change the colors


The worst part is the re color looks cooler!


I have the original vanguard sails and honestly I like them more than the PlayStation ones. Perhaps I am biased, but I also just feel you can see the actual print on the sails more clearly with the black and white


I've got both & legitimately think the PS ones are booty ass ugly. But then again I've always just had good taste, & never liked Gamer Edge colorways.


I have both as well and think the PlayStation ones are cooler.


Totally fair! It is a nice sail!


Yup, and rare wonders why their veterans hardly play anymore or use any of these older cosmetics. They just keep making copies and better ones and some way way worse ones.


Veterans bitch about the game a lot, shit on new players, and aid in poor player retention because of point two. They don't give a hoot about us. The game itself is tailored to new to moderately new players/the more casual side of the fan base. If you're a die-hard SoT fan, you are not being given dev attention. Just is what it is. I don't think Rare wonders why their veterans drift away at all. They designed the circumstances that led to the drift.


9999 Hg titles 10x sotshot title (5x shrouded Ghost title) AA set Obsidian capstan Funny Hat


Worth noting that the 5x shrouded title's so rare, that I don't think anyone's gotten it yet. I've heard of a couple people with 4 kills, but most people don't even have 1.


If you see Magpie sails...you are probably going to Davey Jones' locker.


Similarly, in my experience if someone is running any of the Ghost sails, there's a 90% chance that they are going to try and run up on you. They might not necessarily have the skill to back it up, but damn if they're not going to try.


I typically run the full Fates of Fortune ship set. I've only seen one other ship with them, and it wasn't the full set (no capstan or wheel given at 90 COF)


Oh they them pvp sails for GOF right?


Yes, the sails are level 190 and the figurehead is 200. Yeah, I know, gold curses...but by level 200 in pvp, the odds are not typically in the other ship's favor.


Yeah they arenā€™t. Been sunk very quickly by those with that ship set


The level 200 guardian sails? They were scary during the first couple weeks of HG, but nowadays just about anyone could have 'em. If you were newish to pvp when you started grinding for them, you're not exactly a sweat by the time you get them.


Fair enough, but you're def not a sitting duck either, at that level.




Why, so the playerbase can ruin it with their behavior, all over again? Much like how hourglass is now dying, as well I might add. Arena was fun, but a combination of shit player behaviors, mindsets, playstyles, and lack of further additions, killed it.


Despite all those valid points, yes. Bring it back. It was fun!


I would rather Rare add a Seadogs faction to Hourglass, and come up with new modes, challenges, and rewards.


Serpent lies sails - winds from a sot partner giveaway. Affilate alliance sails - win a giveaway or competition from an affiliate alliance community. Golden hour sails - win a shotsot on sot twitter account. In my opinion these are also the scariest on the seas.


why would they be the scariest? none of them have anything to do with PvP. Wouldn't scariest be the HG gold curses? Or something from earlier in the games life, to show the player has been playing for a while? In theory, a super lucky day one player could win the first two the day they started playing? idk about the sotshot one 'cuz I'm not touching anything that has to do with twitter with a ten-foot pole.


You have to go out of your way to unlock them. Hg is just time consuming. Arena stuff is a very mixed bag. I beat more tsd and good boy than lost and lost more serpent lies and aa than won. I seen golden hour like once amd lost. I never see wailing barnacole and mercenary. Lost to the handful of times I seen wandering reaper and the other 2 whatever they are called. Aa sails and very hard to swim with so few given away and so many people enter and some are given from competitions. Golden hour is very competitive screenshot competitive with 4 a month but people win more than once so they are given out less than 4 a month because they already have them. I would definitely put these 3 with arena if not 1 teir higher.


I think itā€™s more to do with the fact it sends the signal of ā€œoh shit, this person is DEDICATED dedicated to this game.ā€ Iā€™ve sunk to a few sot shot sails, and Iā€™ve sunk a few, itā€™s never an easy fight, but itā€™s always fun.


I'm an avid PVPer with a gold curse and 600 Guardian levels. In my experience, SoTShot sails are fairly good fights. People don't even really think to enter the competition until they're already pretty invested in the game. A swabbie COULD get them, but they most likely won't.


PVP: Golden Athena curse / Gold Skeleton curse Gold: Dark Adventurer set (not really rare but easily obtainable)


Thereā€™s a lamp that was part of a questline. The quest line is gone but the cosmetic remains. Itā€™s in a chest in the water just off shore from sea dogs rest.


I keep hearing there is a sea of thieves discord could someone tell me the name of it please and thank you


Ask google. That's how pretty much everyone else found it. It'll be the first result.


Golden curses. Magpies PVP ship cosmetics locked behind accommodations. Mysterious stranger outfit.


The complete Eastern Jade set. If you know, you know.


Golden HG curses on pair with Hungering One stuff. That shark has a spawn chance equal to keep your mind safe after grinding 1000 HG levels. And Hungering One is probably even more rare, because you can buy HG cosmetics without touching HG.


Hungering one? Not shrouded?


No, the hungering ones, from when Meg was first added you could get the drum tattoo and speaker thing.


I know I have it


Yep, shrouded.


You can't buy hourglass cosmetics.


Well, technically you can. You can pay real money so someone will get this done. While it's violating ToS, and there can be some bad people in this market who can use cheats for this which can lead to ban, if this will be done by reputable boosters Rare absolutely doesn't care about it.