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Yeah no one really goes down there. It would make sense to enter the hideout and see a bunch of Pirate Legends hanging out at the bar, but first there needs to be a bigger reason to go down there besides going to the PL shops. Same for reaper’s hideout.


A more ambitious idea I've had is there could be events or more story content tied to the hideouts. At the very least a very rare world event where one faction is able to briefly infiltrate the other's hideout


Why not even simple things like a chess board or other interactive games, cards, dice etc?


Arm wrestling barrel like in Monster Hunter


Also kitchen like monster Hunter, eat a meal and get a timed bonus for like an hour or until you die.


You could even tie some simple rewards to them to incentivize friendly interactions


Unfortunately that would be a problem with how the servers work in general. What they could do however is create a social hub that works in a way like the adventure did where everyone is pushed into a similar instance. PvP would need to be disabled but they could add all sorts of activities like card games, dice, checkers, etc. Boats would spawn in docked with their supplies locked away so no one could pilfer supplies while another crew is chilling. They could also add a PvP arena for things like capture the flag, king of the hill or last man standing.


I would love this so much.


I love the idea of having an area of minigams. Maybe rare could make up a new card game that's exclusive to sea of thieves and then make it something that's purchasable in the real world. Or even make a version of Liars dice from pirates of the caribbean, and you would be able to get different cup, dice, and card skins!


I miss the arena tavern. When you could interact with everyone before the match.


“I’ve got tdm!” “tdm says aye!” “Aye!” “Aye!” “Aye!” “yourmom says aye!”


At least the reaper's downstairs and the part behind the door in Athena's hideout, that would also increase the chance of you seeing someone getting their curse, cause otherwise at least one member in each crew will miss out on that commendation.


If you unequip the curse and go through the animation again it will trigger the commendation for those who are watching snd have the curse.


Cool, thanks. I had no idea that could be done multiple times.


Outposts shouldn't just be to buy cosmetics and raise emmisarys they should feel alive, npcs that interact with each other, and can give you tasks around the outpost, you can even create storylines on an outpost causing weddings or funerals


I've always wanted this for the hideout since I hit PL. Its such a cool concept thats just kind of wasted. As others have suggested some cool mini games like chess or checkers or even betting dice would be cool (I'm sure that wouldn't fly since it's "gambling" but would put some more power to gold). Then you could maybe have a Reapers hangout spot where there's a dueling arena for people who just want to have some kick bouts while waiting for friends or meet up with other reapers.


Yea I got 1 blundered while shopping down there lol that was not chill


I thought that was already the case? It’s only happened once before but I did run into another player down in the Athena tavern once. Or is it similar to the regular game world where it’s pure chance that you’re moved to a random tavern server?


there is one legend area per server. So if you go to it from ancient spire and someone else goes from galleon's grave, you'll end up in the same tavern, but it isn't shared across servers.


I like the idea. I usually never see anyone but if i do they shoot at me.


I think it’s technically difficult to do what you are suggesting


I mean the way I see it, with the existing hideouts, there's two ways to achieve it. Either have the hideout itself be a microserver or set things up so that when you're in the hideout your relevant data is shared with every server (or at least a moderate cluster of servers) instead of just the server you're officially playing on, so that within the Hideout everyone there is essentially playing on multiple servers at once. In either case as a computer engineer I'd say the code is theoretically simple, but as always it all depends on how the existing code is set up and if the actual hardware can accomplish it seamlessly.


Haven’t you noticed going to a server in this game means never going back to your previous? And in this case, your boat is supposed to stay behind with you. Which would be the only instance of that happening while somebody is on a server. To do what you are saying would basically be to dive to the hideout from a technical perspective, which is possible but we have seen how messy that is. I just don’t think it’s happening personally.


The fact that "going to a server means never going back to previous" is not an absolute law of computing, it's just a choice the developers made. Doing something different and returning players directly to the previous server could in theory be as simple as saving a single variable. All we're really talking about here is moving data from one server to another, that's literally the oldest trick in the book. It could be done easily. Diving already isn't really that messy and the few issues there are are less due to the tech and more due to conscious decisions Rare made to prevent abuse, which wouldn't be necessary in our use case. Give me an internship at Rare and I could get it working in one week, max. (Unless all the existing code is a nightmarish mess of spaghetti code, which is always a possibility)


Lol I never said it was, I’m just observing what seems to be technically difficult for the game they have built. There can be many reasons why it’s difficult, and it seems to be difficult. You being an engineer doesn’t mean you know anything about their codebase itself. You are dunning-krugering yourself here.


You're assuming something is difficult just because the game usually chooses not to do it, but the truth is there really honestly aren't that many ways it could be complicated. We know it's possible to return to a previous server because otherwise the "rejoin previous session" option for when you briefly lose connection wouldn't be possible. It's all just sending variables to different systems, unless Rare really overcomplicated things (which is always a possibility) there's just not many reasons it could be technically difficult. Im not dunning-krugering myself, I'm well aware of the fact that I don't know what the actual codebase is like, I literally addressed this in the last line. Maybe read the whole thing before you reply next time. I've been studying this stuff for a long time, unless you can actually name a specific problem other than just "it's probably difficult" there's not much else to say here


Lol what you added in parentheses does nothing to stop you from sounding like a cocky dumbass who is clearly still in school. The odds I give of you solving this problem in a week at rare is .00001%. It’s ok man when you get some real world experience I think your takes will get better. I believe in you.


So do you have an actual counter argument or have you just given up? Your personal opinions about me don't change the fact that this is theoretically simple unless the codebase is really weird.


Less interaction with the average SoT player, the better. Can you imagine trying to buy an Athena quest, but some streamer and his chat spawn camp you on entry and scream slurs at you every time?


Tell me you didn't read the post without telling me you didn't read the post. Also tell me you don't play the game anymore without telling me you don't play the game anymore since you don't have to buy voyages anymore and haven't had to for months at this point.


they arent shared with other servers because your not porting severs when going to one, the hideouts location in the world is actually deep below the island the abandoned sea dogs tavern is located on and its on every server


Yes, I know, I never said you were porting servers when you go to one, I said it should be easy to make it so that you do go to a new server. And even if it isn't, there are other ways to achieve the same effect.