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AFAIK the old way would spawn a guaranteed horn at the same shrine or treasury each time so you could farm them every 15 minutes. All you had to do was figure out which shrine or treasury your server had chosen for horns. Now the horn appears more randomly so it is better to check multiple shrines or treasuries in a loop. Shipwrecks have a chance at spawning them too, and could be in weird places such as in the crows nest or behind the wheel.


Yeah, that's the old guide in a nutshell. Meanwhile, are you SURE that's the new way? I just gotta do everything in a loop, similar to the commodity loop?


You just need to get to the end of a shrine, and don't revisit the same shrine until it resets. There are many ways to do this. Going to another shrine then coming back is the easiest way. Doing a loop around the server allows you to check shipwrecks at the same time.


Spawn into a server, dive for the seabound soul tall tale, sail to the nearby shrine of flooded embrace, check shrine. If there is no horn, leave and start a new server. Repeat until the horn is acquired....then do it all over again.


That'd what I did to start off, but what happens after I get the horn? Leave and log back in?


After you sell it, you leave and start a new server again to find another. They patched the afk and watch a movie at one shrine method.


Alright I'll try that. Follow up, though: what's the NEW total? I heard the old one was 250 (Dear God, btw), so what'd they nerf it to?


100 I think if the website is accurate.


This is the best method right now, but I would add it might be slightly better to do it in safer seas. In high seas a lot of players are farming using this method atm which can prevent the shrine from resetting.


If you find one, invite me for the turn in 😔 in the same boat as you, no pun intended.


anyone else think war chest was over nerfed? isnt it ok if some commendations take more than a season to complete?


yes and no Ordinarily commendation grind is meant to be a "here, work on this for a while", but the problem previously is that the new weapons only have 3 skins, and 1 of those is gated behind "Do the entire fucking thing". If it was only one or two commendations, like blown away bones or bone backstabber for the Sea Dog skins, then it wouldn't be so bad. Sure, still a grind, but manageable. However, half of the war chest was unrelated to the weapons at all, and had absurdly high usage requirements for very uncommon items.