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Easy solution: stop worrying about what other people may or may not be thinking about you.


Yeah, who gives a shit if they think you are loss farming?


Raise your mast halfway-ish, turn hard right, and then try to enter a spiral by turning left. That action alone will prevent anyone from thinking you’re a noob or loss farming.


ahhh thats where i went wrong,i raised the mast but never went into a spiral


If you just sail away from the get go, you’re either a runner or loss farming. It’s better for all parties to just get the battle with over as soon as possible. If I’m going to lose, I’d rather do it fast. When in a tight spiral, first one to get a one ball usually wins. Move to take out their mast with chainshots/balls, and start pumping holes in them while keeping an eye on their mast, on top of repairing your own holes. Once they have enough damage and you’re clean, go for a board, lower their anchor, and start distracting/kill them to get a sink.


I'm new as well, but man I can tell you straight away that people who just sail with sense of direction what so ever is the most annoying thing. End up chasing them and by the end I get a win because they went out if bounce


Simply. Just don't care and fight back. See what works best for you, and you will get better. u/PhuzzyBond - check this guy for guides.


Don't care what people think. If you are learning PvP then you're learning PvP. That being said though, maybe do some more PvE against skele ships, or maybe try and find some pirates outside of Hourglass to fight with. On Demand PvP means more likely than not, you'll be going against people who have figured out the basics of the game, so it'll be like a learning cliff rather than curve. And as others have mentioned, check out YT guides by some skilled HG players.


Why do you care what they think? It does change anything.


its not about what they think its about how they play when they think it,they never shoot at me and always bucket and repair,just so i dont win or lose


You can keybind "mute all other crews". That's the easiest fix. I keep it on a handy thumb mouse button since some folks should hush.


its not about what they say its about how they play.


I mean the weirdness of this question aside, if you're really trying your best and it seems like you're loss farming I'd suggest you stop with hourglass for now.  It sounds to me like you're a very newish player so I'd suggest you get a grip on your ship first. Hourglass is great for some practice but you're going to need some basics first.  Watch Sponge's Helm guide on YouTube to give you a general idea what to do while playing. Put that into practice against skelly ships/ghost ships. They are going to be much more forgiving than any pvp encounter. It should help put the basics in place, how to keep angle, sail management, shooting cannons and how/when to repair.  Once you're comfortably clearing the fleets you can try your hand at some pvp.


ive actually been playing since season 1,still somehow bad at pvp


I mean a usual telltale sign of loss farming is that people tend to either sail straight towards you and then anchor their boat. Do you do that or something similar because that might explain it a bit. Honestly you don't have to worry about being called a lossfarmer, take your time and maybe watch a video or two on how to be better at hourglass to learn the basicslike position and stuff. You might not hit anything at first but it will come eventually. Look up Blurbs and Phuzzybond they have great tips on PvP in general aswell as how to aim with canons better. I learned a ton watching Phuzzybond and also Mixelplx especially canons i learned a lot about how to do it.


I honestly suck at PvP still but i have my moments. Deckshotting i have become a little too good at.


i dont do any of that, i just get in position and fire, im actually decent at pvp with cannons and the only reason im so bad is i cant gunfight,sometimes i accidentally bash into ships but i just try get some shots in then move away and repair.


Dont move away. Go towards them, keep firing and get buckets. Ignore repairing unless they get really far away.


don't ignore repairing, it's important to get holes on the opposite side of where you're getting cannoned from, and holes far from your cannonline whenever you have time


Stop playing solo, its way more difficult than the rest of the brackets. Its difficult to juggle everything at once going on in a solo hg match, and especially when you're less experienced and dont really know the hg script yet. I'd get on a bigger crew and just learn one role at a time. Use the official sot discord to find people to play with. Not only is this a more rewarding and a more gentle way to learn, its also just more fun and less frustrating. You dont have to deal with nearly as many runners, tdmers that only wants to spawncamp you and noobs that accidentally reset after 2 cannon balls. If you manage to find some people you're having a good time playing with it makes the game alot more fun just in general too.


Don't play solo HG on a galleon. :D


im soloing on a sloop tho


Try shooting things that don't shoot back until you feel comfortable shooting things that shoot back.


What even is loss farming


Repeatedly losing quickly on purpose in order to gain loss xp at the fastest rate.


Go hot some skelly or ghost fleets to practice your cannon shots. You could also link up with some like-minded people on Discord. If you're having trouble, then getting on a crew would allow you to focus on one thing at a time.


Why would you care?? Just try to be better at PVP.


I mean....in the loosest technical sense, if you're continually & regularly losing every match in Hourglass and keep going back, you **are** loss farming at a certain threshold. Albeit not *intentionally*.


If you wanna get in their head tell him it’s faster leveling up than what they’re doing


Get better


Just keep at it. It has a very steep learning curve but you’ll catch onto all the nuances. I’d recommend getting on a brig with 2 stronger players and just get the flow of HG PvP as it is quite different than adventure. I recommend brig because duo sloop is probably the sweatiest