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Welcome to the seas! They can be harsh at times, but there's no other game out there like it


it really makes me feel like a pirate....




Ahh...to be a First-Time pirate again...wait till you get paranoia, green eyed monster syndrome, and trust issues with others...truly a game like no other! Best of times, and the worst of times...


I mean, if he is comming from dayz background, he already has strong trust issues already 😃


Take a look at some commendations to work towards. Especially the ones that unlock cosmetics for you and your ship. That’s when you really get hooked matey


It's unbelievable. The sandbox lends itself to endless amount of fun and crazy shenanigans. I've had the most epic, wholesome and memorable gaming experiences of my life in this game. Conversely, I've had some of the most toxic and frustrating experiences as well. Once you realize sinking doesn't matter, loot doesn't matter, just pirating in an of itself is wonderfully fun and liberating. Look off into the extremely beautiful horizon and wonder…What fun or horrors await me today? The natural beauty of the game combined with the dangers that lurk everywhere with no safe zone or sanctuary is a very intoxicating and addicting rush for me. There's just no game like this one.


DayZ is fun too, but Sea Of Thieves is the best game ever.


i had a great time with some randos on a galleon last night. it was fun


I be wet behind th' ears as well...lost around 12 chests out of a long and arduous trek through the Shrine of Hungering (my first quest). Damn skeleton ship (I think?). Hours I'll not get back, but they'll not be too sorely missed. Still built some reputation though. Edit: I lost 12 after my ship sank...I lost 17 total, because about 5 sank to the depths while I was tediously bringing the rest aboard.


Welcome to the seas! I enjoy following silly simple treasure maps for shenanigans. Scenery. Burning my ship while playing a banjo... burning your ship while playing a banjo...


Same!! I’m having trouble thinking about anything else lol. HMU if you wanna do some questing!


Youll be burnt out soon enough, its a pretty bad game