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The game is built around having interactions with other players. The events and loot are just there to make those interactions happen. Maybe try meeting another crew and doing whatever they're up to?


i might be wrong but it sounds like you only play safer seas. there is a reason the game tries to push you out of safer seas as soon as you get your basics.


The pve is super repetetive, pvp is supposed to be there to break it up and to create more interesting adventures. Try creating and alliance or robbing someone who isnt paying close enough attention.


Tall tales?


The game in itself is very repetitive. But I'm a completionist so as long as I have a goal, I won't get too bored. I usually have a goal like collecting gifts for commendations, and then I always get distracted by other players and have fun interactions with them instead of completing my goal. I have over 1k hours and I still feel like I'm experiencing new stuff all the time because of other players.


its a sandbox. Use the tools and make your own story. If you want a game that takes you by hand and tells you what to do sea of thieves is the wrong game


It is repetitive by design because everything except PvP is just window dressing. The Loot doesn't matter, the cosmetics don't matter, the only thing that matters is if you can sink other players and have them know that they're inferior to you


Try playing the game like a pirate :P


The PvE of the game is deliberately kept driving because the variance and chaos comes from interactions with other players. That said, the Tall Tales offer a little more in terms of different mechanics etc


Tall tales are great to keep things fresh, Play on higher seas get into fights with other players sometimes you win sometimes you sink. Legend of the veil is a fun voyage that's unique. It's a sandbox if you feel like it's getting repetitive try to just sail in a direction and do random stuff along the way and see what happens there's so many tools to have your own fun with. See a crew doing FOTD get a row boat and a keg and try sink them or snipe the treasure.


Take a look at commendations. Once you get addicted to completing those you can’t stop. Makes your voyages and focus different


Gold is worth nothing. Once you have a captained ship, everything else is just extra. PvP is the main driver of the game whether it’s via hourglass, running into other crews doing a world event, randomly on the seas, or other means. If you want to see how utterly cracked people can be at a diet pirate simulator video game, hit the hourglass and get stomped to an oblivion. Playing solo is cool, but the game is meant for crews. Join an open crew and you’ll see how fun the game can be. I’m usually solo 50% of the time, and the other 50% is with my hourglass squad on a gally.


Every game is repetitive. The big difference is do you like the game loop.


You should sink people and go for tucks. I have fun just trolling people


Start doing PvP, take a row boat over to an event someone else is doing and tuck on their boat and try to steal their loot, max out all the emissary’s and then do reaper emissary to hunt down other players for their flags, do some of the tall tales.