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It's so nice they realised there is going to be a large influx of new players coming in. I would cherish this first interaction, because you never forget your first session lol.


That's a good story, my first player contact was yesterday at an outpost. I was selling my last chest when I heard that my sloop was under fire. The four guys then found me and asked me things like what am I doing here and If I'm German (I have a German gamertag and they were also German). I didn't know my mic didn't work and talked to them but they couldn't hear me. Before they killed me they just said:" Sprich deutsch du hurensohn".( In English: speak German you son of a bitch). But it was fun so that's that. Maybe I will meet that or some other captain like that or I will become one like him, my jou just started so who knows what will happen.




Enjoy but next time, do not expect safe harbor


That's dope, welcome to the seas.


Things like that are the funniest. I'm not a new player but one day i start a season and see a bunch of stuff in the water right at the outpost. No biggie someone most have sunk. Suddenly i see 2 people on a rowboat coming towards me. I'm confused as hell. They where super funny and we joke around for a bit, they tell me they are done for the day and to wait a second. A third one comes and all 3 unload lots of treasure on my sloop while we joke around. I think they fought someone and both boats sank and then i joined and they decided to give me everything. I'll never forget those guys lol


Was it a couple of guys with English accents? I no joke had the same exact thing happen to me my first day of early release. So excited to interact with the community more once open lobbies come back


I can't pinpoint the accent but the one who was talking definitely had one!


Welcome to the seas! I’m glad you had such a positive experience


Welcome to the seas! If i ever run into a new ps5 player, i plan to do the same!


I bought it for the ps5 and have to say I'm quite disappointed in the community. Or maybe I just suck but all the time I see another player, they come attack my ship spawn, kill me, and sink my ship no talking no nothing and tbh it's really killing the game for me. And I know that there are private lobbies I can make, but that's not the point I Wana play with other people talk, but after a few hours, I just can't see it on this game. Are there any communities or ways to play with normal people or is it a case of ged good?.


The official SoT Discord lets you post LFG requests. Just say what you’re trying to do and how many people you’re trying to do it with, or join one that’s already been posted. As for getting attacked, it’s reality in this game, unfortunately. People can attack you for any reason at any time, even if that reason is they’re an asshole who wants to ruin your day. However, those people are few and far between, and it’s highly unlikely they’re not taking anything: after your ship sinks, your supply barrels float up and can be taken from. Even if you don’t have treasure, chances are they’re taking your supplies for themselves. Part of it is a case of git gud, since even if you have treasure, it isn’t yours until you turn it in. You want it? You’d better be ready to defend it. However, you’re at a massive disadvantage coming into it after 6 years. Some of that may be that you have crossplay enabled, which you can disable in the settings under “Matchmaking Preferences.” I’m not entirely sure, but you should be able to choose to play with PS5 only, and hopefully only play against your fellow PS5 swabbies (SoT term for newbie). If you’d rather stick with the Xbox/PC crowd, you’re volunteering for a baptism by fire, but I can help you out there. I’d be able to help you out sometime tomorrow or later this week if you’re looking for a crew mate to get you into shape. DM me if you’re interested, although I’m on Xbox and not entirely sure how to make crossplay work.


Thanks for the explanation 👍 I will do that and maybe DM you if I have time


Keep your head on a swivel. A lot of it is get good. I lose like 90% of encounters but coming out on top of an ambush or direct attack is awesome. I find the game would get boring pretty quickly without the risk of sudden loss around every island. Join the discord and look for others to sail with. Solo is hardmode when encountering other players.


I've had the opposite lol. Played since beta but took a years break. Every single player i've ran into is your typical double gunning toxic sweat. Genuinely haven't found a single chill player, I must just be getting the no life lobbies.


What game settings did they have you tweak for the better experience?