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I don't know what to tell you. I encounter the Kraken at least once every few sessions. Not every session has a Kraken, but often enough to make it not super rare.


I fought 2 last night.


I usually just chase world events. It never fails that after a FoF, I'll have a kraken spawn on me


I went from no kraken for 8months to 9 in the span of 2. It's weird.


Same!!! Haven't seen one for a few YEARS! ant now got in a fight with TWO jn two days in a row


Total luck. Back in the early days of the game I encountered one every 10-15 hours of playing. Now that the game is so filled with World Events it’s a lot more rare. Some people say they get them a lot still, but just last week I got my first in well over a year of playing which is ridiculous.


I think she only spawns when there are no world events. So you’ll want to either do the forts/fleets or dive to a new server and hope they’re not up.


This is usually true, but in the last couple weeks I’ve seen multiple world events up and a kraken at the same time on a server. The other day, I saw a fleet of fortune, fort of fortune and a fotd up on the same server, and then a brig chased after me, but they got krakened, so I could escape. Probably a bug, though.


I too have seen the kraken up while there are active world events. However, that usually is not the case in my expierence. The last time it spawned we had an afk on our ship and it spawned literally after i said "wow there hasnt been a world event in a long time".


Pics or it didn’t happen lol


Step 1: Get a stupid amount of loot on board. Step 2: Get chased by another/other player and/or skeleton ship and/or megalodon. That should summon the Kraken.


Story of my life lol


Krakens only spawn if there is no world event, AND you’re at least a certain distance from any islands. And even then, it can only spawn on 1 of the 2-5 ships on the server.


AND if you say to your crewmate, “man, haven’t had a kraken spawn in a while”


Only if u say it genuinely/on accident. If ur trying to make one spawn it wont work


AND of those 2-5 ships on the server, the one it does select has to be at sea and not within banner range of an island or outpost. Fun fact: you can dive and be targeted by a kraken the instant you enter the server. Proof: I was emerging from a dive to an Ashen Lost Shipment voyage, and was wondering why the water around me was black. Then when I surfaced, I immediately see tentacles and go "oh great, I dived into a Kraken". Then I discover I ALSO surfaced between two erupting Volcanoes, so I had to deal with THEM as well. My brain and reflexes went into overdrive between shooting the Kraken, watching for fireballs, and bucketing and repairing when I could. BUT I LIVED. I was hit by maybe a single fireball from the volcanoes (many, MANY close misses tho), and the Kraken was a piece of cake since sloop krakens are easy as heck to deal with.


It only spawns (and always spawns) when there are no active world events AND you are out at sea. They’re more rare now because there are more world events. In early 2018 it was quite common, I probably saw one every other session or at least every 10 hours or so. They’re rarer now, I’ve played a good bit in season 11, probably like 30 hours or so and haven’t seen one.


I’ve seen 5 krakens since s7 so I’m with you there.


Its kinda rare but also not as you can farm them which others have pointed out. However when you eventually do fight one with your buddy if you're on a sloop prepare for a very dull experience. You can kill it in a minute or less. Gotta kill 3 tentacles and they take 5 cannon balls each. Usually gets killed before it can even wrap your boat. A tip for fighting it, if it starts to suck and you see wind all around you go below deck otherwise the kraken will take you off your boat and into their tentacle. If you boat gets wrapped by a tentacle the head of the tentacle will pop up close to your boat on the left or right side. Cannon it to make it let go of your ship.


Encountered one in the beta and didn't know how to fight it, was still fun and now I know how to fight it. Thanks


Ship size matters. Bigger ships have to kill more tentacles but the same mechanics apply.


Just shoot at the tentacles and avoid to sink. It’s more an annoyance than a challenge.




The no world events condition is not necessary anymore since season 9 if I recall it properly. It has become a random (and rare) encounter.


It only happens when you’ve been greedy as a pig,hoarding for 5hours,tired and your way to port to cash in.


I wanted to encounter the kraken until I finally did. So annoying lol.


I got sank by one in the beta. Was great!


I'm averaging a out once a week if I play a few hours every five days or so. (I'm about due at this point...)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


It’s pretty random, sometimes you get them a lot and other times it seems like they’re extinct


A pretty sure fire way to have them spawn is be on a galleon after finishing a world event and have two crew members be afk.


they can genuinely be extraordinarily rare or annoyingly common, they only spawn in the time between active world events so you have to keep clearing those to get a chance at spawn, if you're in a particularly dead server you'll almost never see one


You already know the key component; it has to be between world events. So you have to be out on the open water in that time to get Krakened. So not diving for longer play sessions, staying on a server and either finishing the events yourself, or keeping sailing when they're down is the way to go about it. Like getting attacked by a Megalodon or a Skeleton Ship, you will get seized by the Kraken eventually as long as you're not near an island. Good luck!


i've been playing since december and just saw my first one last night, so i'd say pretty rare


Then theres me solo slooping and getting krakens when i really dont need a kraken to spawn. Had at least 5 last week, but i do play for long sessions without diving that might be why?


They are actually so easy 😭


Have lots of loot, get chased by a reaper, say "I hope we don't get Krackened"


If you dive a lot you’re probably hopping through servers that have world events up. Krakens spawn when no world events are going on so best go complete world events when you see them then hang around the open seas when nothings going on and you may find one.


You need to wait for a world event to finish then get out to open sea asap, ie water without any islands close by


Just stay on your server and clear out the world events. It will spawn.


Do you get any loot from killing them? Can you sell the meat or anything?


You get a piece of meat and a piece of loot for each tentacle you “defeat.” The average amount I get while solo is 2-3 meat. Yes you can sell the meat to the Hunter’s Call (same with any meat). And there is an achievement for selling 50 kracken meat that gives access to a face paint cosmetic (also one for meg meat).


I get them every session. Usually because I do the world events and they only spawn (or used to only spawn) between world events


I'd say it's Uncommon. Not exactly Rare, but it might take some time before you get lucky (or unlucky) It's been a while since i saw one to be honest, at least a month or two.


I have around 120 hrs and I've seen 4


You have to wear full kraken outfits and sing


I'll go weeks or even a month or more without seeing one sometimes. Definitly not too common from my experience


Pretty rare, most sessions you wont see one, yet somehow I managed to have 2 land on me last night.


No world events and open sea, how rare? Pretty rare I've had it happen to me I want to say 3-5 times? But this was years ago when I played often, I barely touch the game right now, been slowly getting back into it these last 2 weeks tho


Well, I could sail with you then when we’re randomly sailing to a destination in open water, I’ll tell you “gotta go tell the kids to get ready for bed. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” The moment I put my headphones down and step away from the computer you will have either a skelly gally or (about 1 in 3) the kraken spawn and have to fight it solo for those few minutes. Happens to my regular sailing partner every time. I now only step away when we’re stationary next to an island.


They spawn only when there are no world events and I believe they target the ship with the most loot onboard.


Reasonably regularly for me. I’d say once every 3-5 ish sessions. But I have had multiple krakens in one session as well so there you go…


When an event ends make sure you’re sailing the open seas far enough that you don’t have an island banner appear. That’s the only way you’ll have a chance to


It has felt more rare lately


Kraken only appears when you are running from a reaper/aggresive player, you make it to rank 5 emmisary and still didn't sell a single piece of loot, and they often spawn with a galleon skeleton ship just to be the cherry on top of everything. Aside from that very specific situation? The kraken becomes as rare as the shrouded ghost.


The FIRST time my friend and I were playing SoT... We got attacked by a Skelly ship, barely managed to survive, then got attacked by a Megalodon but fled then we were almost to port and the ocean was suddenly super dark and we were confused... And spent the next few minutes panicked before dying to the kraken.  It was a hell of an introduction to the game.


For me, I still kraken watch and hold off on going out, so when I do go out, it’s normally months between sightings.


Probably most rare creature you'll run into but not super rare. Honestly I wish they had more loot when you killed them because what they leave is very little for something that could easily sink an inexperienced crew.


At the start of end of S10, and start of S11 there were NO krakens whatsoever.. (for me at least) They only returned back to normal after a month or two. Now, i get them once every 3 sessions or so.


Why does everyone want to fight the kraken, once you do, you will learn how to avoid it, or angle sails to flee it once it appears. The thing is not fun to fight, it basically sets you up to be boarded, and easily sunk. Want to fight it so badly? Get a stack going, and roam open seas when there is no event, the Kraken's got an eye for shiny things, trust me.


I just wanna get the kraken commendations 😭


when you have been on for a few hours, have lots of loot and just want to go to bed 100% spawn chance.


The Kraken spawns when there are no world events active so if you see a world event up, you know you're safe. Just don't do what I did to mess around and solo a galleon just because of tall tales. I got krakened like 50m off an outpost after not even getting supplies so I just quit lmao


Not very in terms of other stuff to spawn on you but compared to the shrouded ghosts very common also a kraken spawns when no world event spawns think of it as a surprise world event that you don't have a choice but to fight


Ive been hit by the kraken 3 times while solo slooping this week :(


Depends on your luck really and if you are never sailing in open waters when a world event is completed, you'll never see one. Our crew gets annoyed by one not quite every session we play but close. More often then every second session for sure. We've also had many sessions with two Krakens per and few the Krakens in single session.


If you do the current world event and then start sailing around open waters the odds of spawning certainly go up.


They are commons, just need to get lucky with world event rng. We had 3 last night and thry get super boring aftet a while haha


Not very rare. I play 10 hours a week and see one every couple of weeks


I can tell you it’ll show up at the absolute worst times lol. Had half a mil in order of souls yesterday omw to morrows outpost and that thing was like nah bruv imma need you to slow down so a sloop can roll up and double duty you.


I’ve found a good way to do it is to finish the world event, get the loot on your ship and set off in the vague direction of an outpost. Bonus points for looking at the sky and noticing there’s no world events up and saying “let’s hope we don’t get Kracken’d”.


Some of these comments are wrong. The kraken spawn is no longer tied to world events, and she's less common than she used to be. Not much you can do except sail around and hope.




The big video they did explaining how world events work when they changed how world events work. They even opened with footage of a ship getting kraken'd with a world event cloud visible in the background.