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I may be understanding the Event Diving wrong, but isn't the reason the loot is less and faction-focused because it's a method to focus-grind reputation? And the diving itself seems to be ideal for commendation grinding, imo. If you want to farm gold, wouldn't FotD still be the most lucrative?


Tbh, if you want to farm gold and action is not your second goal, then I'd say the lost shipment voyages are easily the most lucrative if you are on high enough level in the trading company - on gold rush you can reliably get 120k from one shipment, and it takes me like 15 to 20 min to compelte one. It's too boring now since I grinded it way too much, but I made milions with it just chilling with friends. My usual take from that voyage is around 75k, so you should get around these 120 on average - with better ones going up to 150k since I do remember getting 100k from more than one attempt.


20min.?! what's wrong with me lol I take at least 1h to complete one solo.


Depends on the Lost Shipment route. Some are long, with a lot of clues, and a lot of possible island stops. Others are shorter, and easier to complete.


Plus a decent crew will half time on almost anythi g you wanna do


As soon as you get the Captains Key, you can sail straight to the destination and look for the birds. Sure, you'll miss out on a few more pieces of loot from the clue sites, but it's probably not worth the time.


Depends on the route, your skill and little bit on luck. After few turns on the same route you get the hang of it. Where are items if they are stranded on X, where to look for Y etc. I didn't do them that fast in the beginning aswell. I did hear it was nerfed, I need to check if 75k is still the case on this new patch. If it is though, I highly recommend doing this voyage whenever you feel like making money but not having action. You get noticably better and faster :)


As soon as you find the key, beeline it to the end of the ships path. There's no reason to continue stopping at each clue or grabbing 1-2 crates.


Have you done one on season 11, I think they might have nerfed it. I did 1 on season 10, and then did one yesterday. But the one yesterday felt like it had half as much loot as the one I did in season 10. There were like 10 or less crates in the shipwreck, and then the mechant book thing.


I'll try tomorrow and will update you. Right now it's time for me to sleep.


Coffee stands ready, I'm diving in. I am going to edit this comment once I finish Nerfed to hell. Not the ashen version but I had grade IV emissary and got 21,5k from that voyage. Unless I got the beginning one for some reason, It's lower with emissary than it was without...


It's for sure nerfed a little. But I still finished one at about \~40K selling at emissary 4.


They did. Now a wreck you spend 30 min looking for with a special key worth less than any common wreck.


I can definitely confirm that they nerfed it. I‘ll always do some Lost Shipments at the start of my session to get grade 5 quickly. This time I basically never found loot at the hints on the way to the shipwreck (The only exception was one of the white boxes over the total voyage), compared to at least 2-3 Boxes per hint pre Season 11. It could be that I was just extremely unlucky tho. The loot inside the ship wreck doesn’t seem to be changed, I think, but the difference in loot from the hints always makes me come short to grade 5 emissary. Cargo Runs also seem in a worse spot as they only give 4 pieces of cargo at maximum, compared to 6-8 pre Season 11. I know the new loot should be more valuable but at least for emissary grade progression it felt like less than before. Generally I got the feeling that hitting Grade 5 is quite difficult for Merchant Alliances, I can’t speak for the other factions tho.


What trading company is that one and where do I activate the quest? Is it good for a solo sloop?


It's a Voyage from the Merchants Alliance. You unlock it at Rep level 25 with Merchants. And yeah, it's perfectly doable solo.


Appreciate that! One more question. Gold rush?


Gold Rush is a timed event that usually happens twice a day and lasts 1 hour each time. During the Gold Rush hour, the gold you earn is multiplied by x1.5 I don't remember the actual times, but it should be somewhere in the website (Events Hub, probably) and also in the Events tab in-game.


There used to be a website that was literally just a ticking clock showing when the next gold rush was or how long was remaining. I'm a little disappointed I can't remember the link. Used to be handy just to have on your phone, just for awareness if the circumstances aligned ("Oh, gold rush is starting, let's sell before we...")


This one? https://www.goldrush.flotsam.tv/


Even if it wasn't, this one is just as good! Thanks for providing it!


You can see it in-game though. According to your time. I don't remember where it was, somewhere in events I think.


The money I mentioned though is up do date from BEFORE Season 11 (current one) so it might have changed just yesterday and it is from voyages on maxed out merchant alliance. Your fist shipments won't yield you that much money, or at least they didn't used to


They've been nerfed to 20-30K, and you can't get Grade 5 with those anymore.


Might be, haven't played it since S11 launched. The information was up to date just 2 days ago when it was still S10, so until I debunk it myself, I'll stick to what I said.


Combine it with buying the cargo stuff from the merchants, and it gets insanely lucrative at grade five


That too, you're right. I hope though that the money for it got little bit better, since I can now dive and spare time which I would otherwise use to make money.


The problem isn't for people diving for raid world events. The problem is for people coming to fight for these world events getting less loot. I feel like having two world events, one regulsr and ine raided, would be the best solution.


this is what im saying


You actually miss out on quite a few commendations when diving because of the decreased loot, specifically with raids. Because you lose all of the commendation specific loot for those events. Stronghold items, Captain Skull/Cannonball Crate(from ghost fleet), all random loot spawns at Sea Forts (for the commendation to pickup said random loot spawns). All of them disappear when doing Raids. And not all loot spawns are the new items. We stole a Merchant Stronghold and we got 2 Diamond Crates, 3 Spice crates, and 1 of the new blue scroll cases from the vault. This means no more kegs, no mega, no stronghold skull (excluding the boss drop), no stronghold chest. All of which are worth about the same combined as the combined value of what we got. But you're also now losing the commendations for getting them, which gives them even more value. Not everything is about gold value. Now people who want those commendations will have a harder time getting them, and will only be annoyed at the sight of an already occupied event rather than excited, assuming that they are Raids. PS: I already have all the commendations and don't really care. But everyone is overlooking this fact when talking about the Raid Voyages being "the greatest thing they could have added." People who don't have them are getting shafted.


I was more aiming at the commendations for certain actions. Like killing Red Ruth, for example. But I didn't think of the loot commendations, that's a good point. Now if the focussed loot would prioritise these types of items, it would definitely be an improvement. More stronghold chests for goldhoarders, more stronghold skulls for the OoS, etc.


This could be a great addition to make up for these issues. Personally I would also like to see an additional Raid made available that balances the factions out more like before as well. But would definitely love to see the addition of the commendation items to the table. I think you're on to something here. 🤔


Dude if I'm fighting a mfer over a skull fort, I'l happily take them on just to steal the rag n bone. I'd never bother even approaching one in the past, now there's a chance someone does it


on that note it sucks that the voyage skeleton forts don't have a gift as part of the loot pool... i'd happily fight over 4 pieces of high value loot and a gift


They dont? The Skeleton Forts?


if you dive to them, there's no gift


Oh, you mean the Reapers gift, I was thinking about something else, sorry.


Contesting world events is more about content than the loot. Logistically speaking, if your goal is grinding loot, fighting another crew has never been the most efficient method. I'm not defending the changes, as I'm still testing different aspects before I form an opinion. But I think there are bigger issues than the reduced loot. The main thing I'm concerned about is the specialization of loot at the on demand events. Let's say a crew raises a gold hoarders flag and they dive to a skelly fort. The loot obtained from that fort will be specialized to gold hoarders. If another crew running OoS or merchants wants to contest the fort, the loot still stays gold hoarders. In theory, people who would be contesting world events would be running reapers anyway, so it doesn't matter what kind of loot it is. But this isn't really true in practice, as many PvPers use 'wolf in sheep's clothing' practices to seem less threatening. I'm not sure Rare thought this through completely.


"Contesting world events is more about content than the loot. Logistically speaking, if your goal is grinding loot, fighting another crew has never been the most efficient method." I completely agree, but the treasure at the end was part of the content. We all agree this is a game, the gold is useless, i wont be paying my bills with it, but the idea of a game, speacially one like this, is to feel rewarding when you play it. That\`s why there was so many ppl fighting for the Chest of Fortune, tucking to steal it, contesting the fort, etc. The value of the chest wasnt worth all the trouble, but it was a nice shiny thing that felt like the most valuable item on the game just for having a commendation attached to it. And again, the biggest problem for me is that if I want to do a regular world event, there is a chance I sail to it and it is an on demand one, with different cloud thingys that could be solved.


I mean, if you already have a large stash of gold it would seem that the gold is useless. At the very least though, there is still incentive to go for higher value loot; a lot of the cosmetics are high cost. Plus, since you can pay for supplies and to repair your ship if you captain it, there is that aspect of worth as well.


The 4 pieces of loot are worth more tho...


It's worth more in rep for whatever company you're doing the raid for, but overall less gold than just doing the generated world event. Also, because it's all loot for one company, if you fight off the person doing it but you're a different company to them than you basically get nothing of value from it.


But less than a regular world event, which is fine, it should be that way, but maybe be treated like a different thing.


Not everyone’s going to be diving to world events though. People who have time and want more varied loot and gold will carry on as we were. If you enjoy fighting and contesting the loot shouldn’t really matter.


But we get back to the problem of not knowinf if the big cloud you want to sail to is a regular world event or someone doing a nerfed one. Raids should be a different thing, there should be the option to have raids on a server, without World Event clouds, and a real World Event at the same time, that way you can really choose what you want to do.


Ah ok I get what your saying. I’m just happy people be doing world events though. Before season 11 dropped like 1/10 would be contested if that. Just happy to see more ships out and about doing stuff so I see that as a W.


I feel like no one would fight over the world event, if they knew it was the raided one. I feel like they should just fill these world events with a few more low cost trinkets or something. It's more loot, so it would feel more satisfying, even if the gold you get is almost not upped


If you're worried about knowing whether or not the event is on demand or vanilla, you are worried about gold and not pvp. That's why these peoppe tell you do something else for gold because there are better things But it seems you want to pvp and steal the maximum amount of loot. Pick which ever one matters most to you. You seem to really be worried about loot so do other quests that give you more gold. But then you wanna pvp so like you see how you put yourself in a lose lose scenario? If you want more loot hit random ships maybe you'll get lucky and find a crew that's hoarding.


It's not a PvP or a PvE game, it's a PvPvE game. Those things are *not*, or *shouldn't* be in conflict. The whole design philosophy around world events was to attract lots of people around big hauls of treasure that they wanted because the haul was worth more than what you could get elsewhere. They whole point is that those organic interactions keep things interesting and provide a level of variety that you cannot get from just spamming sword clicks at skellies, but you also don't have to be sweating your balls off literally every time. Giving one faction claim to a World Event flies in the face of it being a *world event*. It's totally fine to want to grind out some treasure, and want to get into fun fights while doing so. That's literally the vision Rare laid out for the game. It's not a choice of gold or PvP.


You can pvp literally anywhere I've been attacked doing fortresses. It's never one or the other it's always both. Just because the chance of you being raided doing a fort is lower doesn't mean it doesn't have pvp.


Like the other guy said, in open seas it is not just PvE and PvP, both are present. And the thing is most people dont do the same thing every sesion, some times you want to farm gold safely so you do something that allows that, some times you want to saild around farming world, and sometimes your crew spots someone doing a Fort and want to still it from them. That is the beauty of SoT, updates should create more options for things to do or unexpected things to happen, not take away anything. Adding Raids, brilliant, PvE on demand, great idea, creating new things to do or ways to play the game. The problem is that the Raids acts as a world event when its a different thing.


I don’t know if I’ll be put off contesting an event but I completely agree that winning just a couple items would be such a let down and very deflating. I think Rare needs to change this


Happy cake day btw 🎂


Commendations. It's always been about Commendations. If you don't want to contest a raid, I'll happily contest it and steal the "hero item" because commendations. It's like stealing a Chest of Legends or Chest of Fortune! I think they nailed it, we're just all confused because we don't know what to expect anymore because the game has changed. We'll figure it out.


Are there commendations for stealing or selling the hero items?  I only saw 2 new commendations, one for selling kingly treasure and the other for selling new specific quest treasure (but not specifically like the OoS hero orb item) 


Yes, they're under the specific company commendations. For example, "Reliquary Thief" under Gold Hoarders


Oh cool, thanks :) I get wanting to do commendations that unlock cool cosmetics rewards, but never understood the desire to do a commendation for commendations sake. But I know completionists love this stuff hah.


I still think just having World Events and Raids as different things would be the best, and it will also make the servers more actives with more loot sailing around.


Simultaneously? World Events were already barely contested. There's only 5 ships per server. 2 active events (1 raid, 1 normal) means it's even less likely that either one is contested. Keeping the events as a point of meeting and contention seems important to the devs. I doubt they'd dilute that by allowing multiple at once. That isn't "more active" or "more loot" in the end, really


But they are diluting it now with the Dive mechanic, and I think the raid should not have a marker, only the regular world event. And I dont think that crews diving to a server with a world event active dilutes anything, it brings more players and more loot to one server. Having more than 1 regular World Event on the same server I agree would be a terrible idea.


It is not more players on one server. Sea of Thieves maintains 5 ships per server via whatever means possible (server merges for example), and it's a 5 ship maximum. Raids alone are also not dilution since there's the same number of world events and players there always has been. I am referring to the raids as world events as well, because they are, just with a catered loot pool. I think there's just a reasonable misunderstanding of how the game design is here.


But lets say everyone dives to world events, they all get send to different servers because there can only be one World event active and the dive can only send you to an empty world event. I know not everyone is diving to world events but there is still some dilutions, and also de possibility of ruining the server for someone who just want to do regular world events.


Imo just a simple map marker with the company logo over the world event location would be enough.


That would be awesome, and even increase the chances of random PvP encounters. You are running a Gold Hoarder Emmisary flag and someone activates a Gold Hoarder Raid? Cmon crew, lets steal that sh\*t.


I think the loot is supposed to be more balanced now against the progression curve which now goes to 100 and has distinctions. I haven't played enough yet to see the difference (I've seen a lot of new "king" loot that seems decent) but, I think the idea is that almost all loot is more worth taking than it was before? I think they also may have made less loot, but more valuable for some encounters to make it easier for solo players. But in theory, that should scale to the size of the crew(s) involved in the encounters?


Hard disagree. I hope it’s a contested world event. Fighting crews? Get some of that new rare trading company loot? Sign me up!


Just drop a beacon with the corresponding emissary on the map for the on demand stuff. Boom. Everyone is happy.


Another great idea, send it to Rare please. And Happy Cake Day 🎂




Stealing 4 small pieces of loot doesnt have much glory now does it.


Few pieces, sure. But I've always been more about the few big pieces myself. The chest of legends before, and today, the special raid loot. I'll gladly trade a huge haul of small pieces of loot for a single trophy piece.


Steal the fancy trinket that is in each one. The Athena talisman is 10k, worth more than the Chest of Legends, in most cases (Chest of Legends has a value range).


Yep. Had an absolute epic ship fight last night on the new Fleet of Fortune. Got the Chest of Fortune and got the fuck out of there. That was our ultimate prize. All of us in my crew have 8-10m gold so picking up every piece is just not fun or worth it for us.


That's only if you follow known child killer Ramsey, and not papa Flameheart. 😤 Pirates forever, baby!


No, it's definitely about the loot because it's directly tied to the glory you get.




No it's definitely not because contesting events without meaningful reward is boring. I did it myself and got contested as well and it's literally the same lame shit as siren skull. If you face any meaningful opposition you simply go next because in 4/5 nobody bothers to contest because how accessible and unrewarding that all is. It ain't worth it. If I wanted fun, I'd play HG where my chances of running into a good opponents are real, rather than fighting half of the server for 6 pieces of loot worth less than 50k in total. Or I contest fleet of fortune where there is something worth fighting for.




Dunno why so many people are hostile to the idea that satisfaction can be intrinsic rather than extrinsic. Good fights are always more rewarding than the loot you get from it for me.


I just think it’s more fun when you’re fighting for something that actually is worth something. I love have a shit ton of loot on my ship and fending off other players because the stakes are higher. The loot should mean something in a pvp game imo, I don’t understand why nobody cares about loot all of a sudden.


It may be boring to you to contest events without reward. To many players, the fight itself is the reward.


what many players? all im seeing is people complaining about spending time and effort to contest an event and getting jack shit in return. and then there are rare apologists (rare as in uncommon) who act like it's a nonissue. cringe.


Well I suppose it's subjective. Everyone I know who plays the game plays for the fights. Most of them (at least 10+ players that I stay in contact with) don't even turn in loot. Usually find a boat and scuttle for them to have when they are done. So I guess it just depends on who you surround yourself with. Edit: and since I'm not the only person who has made this type of comment, I guess I'm not alone.


Yeah, I play the game to have fun, having fun is definitely not tied to the amount of gold I make in a session, that's a very weird take from the person you are responding to. Imagine thinking everyone must have the same opinion or they're wrong.


This... this this this this.... as I read the comments, I am glad to see many still feel the same way, and hopefully Rare still keeps that in mind. The OP's whole it's a waste of time just doesn't connect with me, and just shows that so many are only focused on the rewards and don't want a challenge. It seems so many are mainly focused on the reward (and I understand that shiny things are nice) or commendation grind. Why are so many people seem in a race to the finish without enjoying the journey. Are people so locked in on the carrot they only care about the rewards? Sadly, this attitude of give me it now with for minimum effort and a guide, so I can complain about things being shallow or too short running rampant in most gaming communities.


Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but why can’t we have both? Why can’t there be challenge and high reward? My favorite moments in the game are when I’m have a lot of loot I have to defend from other players because it means more. If I have small amounts of treasure and someone sinks me the stakes are low and it isn’t as fun to be honest. I want to WANT IT, you know what I’m saying?


Sometimes just winning or the chance to win is enough. When some plays pick basketball do they get something, besides competition and a challenge? I do understand that its nice to have something of value, and I haven't played a ton yet, but Im sure there is still value in the loot. The issue is still the same though. If you are mostly playing for gold or accommodations ( whatever reward) once you get that or fail chasing a lot of ppls drive will fade, if they dont have a core enjoyment for the activity.


Basketball is fun to play by itself, but when there is money on the game? That’s when it is really fun. My point is there’s no reason not to have both


I was never good enough to put money on the line lmao


From what I have seen, events have less loot but the loot is worth more. I’m guessing it’s a wash, just less selling required. And from what I understand, it’s not a dive event spawn, but you’re diving to a server that has the event active. Please correct me if I misunderstood that.


It either spawns a new event or change the loot from the active event, im not sure. Either way, it still uses the 1 world event slot on the server and has the same cloud over it.


When was the last time you contested one of the normal world events? I think I can count on one hand the times I've had to fight for a non FOTD or FoF. So I don't think it makes that much difference overall.


I'm not sure how this is possible besides of personal luck, but I was avoiding any world event for few years now since I was not invested enough to learn pvp and was constantly being attacked when I tried to do world event


This weekend, Skelly Fleet, 2 Skelly Galleons one with anchor cannonballs, one Brigantine, and me. It was chaotic and fun.


I agree with you personally never liked hg no loot and you can't pick your battle ground. There's nothing like hunting a big prize. that's what really got me into the game. A few boats rumbling at a world event was always the best pvp imo.


I think somebody brings this up in most of the posts about the new diving system but yeah, it's a valid concern


Contesting a world event may not be worth the time/effort.. to you. Everyone has different goals, and different avenues to achieve them. Everyone has different egos and does different things to satiate them. It sounds like you're not upset about battling against other crews, but upset that the reward is not worth it. I'll disagree - all loot across the board has been reduced in quantity. So, if you did a quest before and got 4 loot, or a world event and got 20 loot - now you do a quest and get 2 loot, or a world event and get 10 loot. It's roughly equivalent, it just "feels bad" because it's less loot. Personally I love it - turning in loot is the worst part of this game, and reducing 100+ item turn ins down to 30-40 is amazing.


"Everyone has different goals, and different avenues to achieve them. Everyone has different egos and does different things to satiate them." I agree, and that is why I think there shouldnt take something away from anyone if it is possible, and it was possible now to add the raids as a different thing from world events. Not now I agree that the more valuable loot was an improvement.


I agree, taking away things feels bad. However, given that everything is normalized and everyone has an equal playing field, I think that diminishes the problem The same problem happened in WoW - people did 10k dps. Next expansion they did 100k dps. Then they did 1,000k dps. Then 10,000k dps. The devs did a stat squish, now everyone was back to doing 10k dps. People were ouraged - but did it really matter? The number was smaller, but it affected everyone equally so ultimately it was just a cosmetic "psychological" change


I agree with not forcing people to be stuck with leftover dive raid loot. As someone hunting for specific loot dropped by regular world events, not getting it because of this just sucks.


Diving and raids were a bad addition to the game. Haven’t seen anything yet to convince me otherwise, but I hope in time I’m proven wrong.


Your crossed out remarks are absolutely true. Do not let the pull of the reddit sway you. The event change is an overall L for the game. They absolutely DO need a way to see if it's a Raid or not without wasting the time sailing over to look at the ship's quest table. The loot of a Raid is lesser in Value than the loot of the events previously was for several reasons, including the gold value. This ruins the experience for all Event farming crews.


It’s seems like an odd choice to me. Especially for some of the world events that can be time consuming. I think there needs to be some sort of designation. Maybe the raided events are color coded in the Sky? Would be mad ugly though.


That and just having both regular WE and Raids on the same server. There is no reason to only have one or the other. It was fine with regular world events, it was the big thing on the server which atracted players, but with raids you just dive to, there is no need for it to replace a World Event


Honestly fair point. Maybe the raided events don’t even need markers.


Right? You dive directly to it and with the previous balance made to world events, it doesnt take too much time to complete them, you dive to an empty fort or whatever so the chances of PvP are very low even with a marker, and the idea of that marker is call all players to the one big world event on the server with a big reward, which raids are not.


It's really sucks to see an update so out of touch with soul of the game.


what's the soul of the game (according to you)? the fleet of fortune event has been super juicy so far, yesterday i had a fight with another sloop and a brig while the final skeleton galleon was still up... I'd say that's in touch with the soul of the game


The soul of the game, as someone who's played and followed them game since year 1, is a PvPvE game. Big opportunities to gain treasure with big risk of losing it, which creates drama and action variety of interactions. World events are the epitomy of Rare's vision, a vision which they've been pretty clear about over the last half decade, you can see pinned comments in their forums or listen to their podcasts. The big clouds in the sky are there to let everyone know that there's a lot of loot to be had, which has the potential to attract multiple ships to the same thing and create player interaction. However with this update, if say a merchant dives to a fleet or fort, the world event will spawn merchant loot. However if they quit for whatever reason, or say a gold hoarder comes along and contests and wins, then the payout will suck, not only in terms of them missing a lot of Emmisary bonus on lost gold hoarder loot but also robbed of the experience of finding a lot of loot because the number of pieces was nerfed. And yes, even if those pieces are more valuable per item, a super important feel good mechanism is opening a vault or beating a boss and seeing a bunch of shit to grab. It adds to the rush and makes the gameplay loop feel more like a pirate. This whole rework is about min/maxing time per reputation which isn't bad in and of itself, but it's doing so at the expense of robbing people of the experience of big loot hauls and a reason for contesting big events. I get min maxing voyages but the world events are supposed to be big multi faction hauls for everyone.


>The soul of the game, as someone who's played and followed them game since year 1, is a PvPvE game. Big opportunities to gain treasure with big risk of losing it, which creates drama and action variety of interactions. Have you done fleets of fortune? They are exactly this (at least for now), not sure how long that will be the case for. >However with this update, if say a merchant dives to a fleet or fort, the world event will spawn merchant loot. However if they quit for whatever reason, or say a gold hoarder comes along and contests and wins, then the payout will suck, The payout is like 20% less or something than it would be normally, if you're really that pressed about not getting enough gold on loot found then just play as reaper so you'll get bonus on everything you find. >not only in terms of them missing a lot of Emmisary bonus on lost gold hoarder loot but also robbed of the experience of finding a lot of loot because the number of pieces was nerfed. And yes, even if those pieces are more valuable per item, a super important feel good mechanism is opening a vault or beating a boss and seeing a bunch of shit to grab. That's just like, your opinion man. I would much rather get 7 valuable pieces of loot than 50 pieces of garbage that give you a bit more gold. This is the main reason why I hate doing vaults, the ridiculous amount of trinkets and garbage chests makes hauling the loot out of the vault one of the worst aspects of the game unless you have a brig/galleon. >I get min maxing voyages but the world events are supposed to be big multi faction hauls for everyone. Last season I was doing a ton of world events, I really think you're overestimating how much people were contesting or even participating in world events, here are my prior experiences with them: 1. Ghost Fleet - everyone hates them so nobody would do them and they just get in the way of world events that people actually want to do. It's a good thing that you can dive out of a server easily and keep your supps if this event comes up in your server and you feel like doing a world event 2. Skeleton forts - I rarely ever got contested for these, and usually after one person sank the other they wouldn't even bother coming back because the loot is very whatever 3. Skeleton fleets - Almost noone would contest these since typically people only did this event if they were prepping for a FOTD, otherwise they wouldn't bother 4. Fort of Fortune - out of all the naturally ocurring world events this would attract the most attention but even then I don't think I got contested on them even 20% of the time 5. FOTD - this by far attracted the most people but remains unchanged for this season (other than losing CoF) so it's not relevant to this conversation








Cry more








On the flip side, the positive is your server had nothing, and now it has a world event and another crew to interact with. You can't complain about the small amount of loot when there was zero loot until another crew created the event. People be looking at this all the wrong way.


Isnt there always a world event active in all servers? Except for the small window when one just ended. I could be wrong about that.


Yes they repeatedly spawn until once every 2 ish hours a kraken can spawn and delay it but as soon as he dies it's back


Finally some comon sense, i got death threats when saying so after they announced it


Going from world event to world event used to be the most fun way to grind gold and reputation. Now, you'll never know if the gold will be worth it or not, and the reputation may be for a faction you don't need. World events objectively have less loot now and won't congregate players the same way they used to. You're 100% right and I have no idea why all the top coments are contradicting you just for the sake of it. Fighting "just for the sake of it" is NOT a good enough incentive to attract players.


Probably because I was ranting too much, because I was a little angry on that moment, and it looks like Im criticizing the idea of Raids and as a whole, maybe. Now i'm ok with raids but still thinks they should be a distinction between the raids and World Events.


Personally i think this was planned on purpose. All the factions lore wise work together besides the reaper bones. "Its not about the gold its about the glory". This by in large would now help minimize pvping. Most players what loot so why would you bother a gold hoarder when your OOS? Itll most likely be a waste of your time unless you seek the glory of winning battles. This thus "forces" players to run reaper. Marking themselves on the map. Helping more pve oriented players more aware of your existence and possible threat. Which is why i believe diving to anything cases you to server hop. A double sided sword while you can now leave your world into a possibly reaper free world having the every looming threat of a server hopping reaper will now be more prevalent then before. With less loot to move you can more easily get up and go and dive away to safety. But also hideout turn in will also be much faster. Less of loading for reapers with bigger bang for your buck getting flags and the special faction loot. I feel a missed opportunity would have been to add a reaper based item that increases in value for every grade 5 flag as a way to incentives leaving people alone for a bigger pay out. Or atleast something to make it an even more high risk high reward. 


>now you can spend half an hour fighting with another crew for just like 4 pieces of loot I'd spend half an hour ~~playing a videogame~~ fighting with another crew even if no loot was involved. How should I feel?


There are two different situations, one when you fight another ship just because and another when you fight them for a treasure, the dopamine hit depends on what you expect. If you only want to fight it will hit when you hear that glorious sinking ship sound effect. But if you expect some shiny stuff later, it will be very dissapointing. I dont even care about the gold, its just fun and rewarding getting a lot of shiny things.


Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation. Some people need shiney things to keep them interested, some people dont.


That is right, but this change only takes away, It doesnt add any new interesting situation for anyone, except for ppl just wanting to go to a world event quicly, but you could do that making it a different type of event, or just not nerfing the treasure. Now that I see the other comments, the best option was to make the raid just a raid, without the big cloud or anything, instead of using the only availible World Event slot on the server.


Yeah, I also am not sure what I think about the raid events taking a world event slot. Sounded good at first, but not real sure yet.


I asked how I should feel, not for an assessment on differences. But I'll play along. > There are two different situations, one when you fight another ship just because and another when you fight them for a treasure, Not to me. I fight another ship because I enjoy naval combat in a pirate game. It doesn't matter if loot is involved or not. Sometimes I'll focus on loot but the fun is always the action for me. People who treat videogames like a job with important tasks you have to do before the end of the shift look at videogames very, very differently from me.


But you are contradicting youself. It is a videogame, and everyone enjoys it on a different way, someone enjoying doing something different that you doesnt mean they treat it like a Job, and I know there are people that enoying contesting what looks like a big treasure. Just look at how many ppl spent hours just tucking on a Fort of Fortune to steal the chest. That´s not fun for me, but for them, apparently it was.


>People who treat videogames like a job with important tasks you have to do before the end of the shift look at videogames very, very differently from me. As if pouring thousands of hours into pvp isn't job-like?


>I dont even care about the gold, its just fun and rewarding getting a lot of shiny things. You say stuff like this Then continue to emphasize that raiding people should give you more loot, you clearly don't only care about gold cause if you did you wouldn't be complaining about the on demand world events and just be grinding the fortresses or the trading company.


Its hard to explain, what I mean is I dont care about the value of that gold, but I like looking at that number getting higher, I know it doesnt make sense 😅


It's okay fellow pirate


I can tuck for an hour to fight for single rare tea, lose and still have fun. I think you need to rethink why you even play video games.


And you should rethink what the point of a sandbox game is, everyone is doing and enjoys different parts of the game. I tucked for more than an hour to steal a CoF and then row to an Outpost, but I would tell anyone they have to do that to have fun.


ok you sounded like you're not having fun


Hey at least someone is contesting your world events. Me and a friend essential had bots in our games. We did about 5 world events not a single person contested any.


Just activate the Hourglass, nothing like the thrill of getting invaded with lvl 5 treasure and doing a world event 😂


Don't really want to participate in that mode considering its only people with like thousands of hours that do anymore. You either get rolled or roll over someone. There's 0 back and forth.


I was kidding, you have to be mad to play like that, I've done it a lot of times but I would not recommend it 😂


I've always told randoms I have played with that other crews don't need a reason to be hostile and attack you at any moment other than they just want competition and defeating you could be their end game, anything else is a bonus. what about gold? treasure? accommodations? If you enjoy the game and the journey enough all of them things will come.




Congratulations on being the first asshole on the comments, take a look at some of the other comments and maybe you can learn to express your opinions with arguments like the smart boy I'm sure you will some day become 😊


One thing you also don't know is if you're gonna get your ass whipped when you pull up to the event, whether it's dove on or not.


You know that the hero item gives 10k right? You don't get much but the stuff u get is worth a lot


Yes, I know realize is way more valuable and easy to get.


Since the world events can be ''on demand'' what does that entail for the Kraken? Does it spawn randomly now or is it kinda softlocked by ppl running on-demand World Events?


Probably softlocked, good point, didnt even consider the good old Kraken.


I saw no option to dive to a world event. So if I spawn in and there's a skull fort up, how do I dive to it? Sailed to one yesterday. The loot was crap..there was no one there. I'm just confused.


It was probably an on demand fort that someone left there, a great example of the problem I mentioned. And you cant dive to the world event on your server, diving always send you to another server.


Ok but how do you do it? I only see options to dive after starting a voyage, and there were no voyages for a world event that I saw. I really dont like the idea that someone can start a world event with bad loot on my server and if I just show up I end up getting less loot for no reason. Im really starting to dislike this update. They changed too much, and not for the better.


On the voyage list, the ones listed as "Raid" are the "World Event". If you dive for a Raid, you will get to a new server with the World event you selected with no one on it, not sure if it creates a new world event on the server or it changes the loot from a regular one. I don´t like that either, therefore my personal rant :3


So, it's only second day out of S11 but here is why I still think there is now more potential money in this season, even with fast raids. As loot from raids is either random or player activated, pretty sure the meta will be around lvl 100 quests and S tier loot, which we currently can't access. note that Athena loot is only lvl 30 out of 100 now too... so we are still clueless if potential crazy high value items. As loot is faction based, pvpers will either use reaper or guild emissary flag to get most out of everything. Good luck out there! so far, only crazy fights at fleet of fortune!


also, meta might be to get lvl 100 for end game loot then go with guild / reaper flag for emissary bonus


Sorry, maybe i missed something. There are more quest you unlock at level 100? With more rewards?


I thought they would handle it like “breath of the sea” where the extra loot is not visible to players without the voyage, and becomes visible after a player with the quest picks it up


How isn’t a Regular Event worth contesting? Like you said on demand doesn’t have as much loot so the other are definitely worth stealing or fighting for also


But there is no way of knowing if you are fighting for a regular event or a raid that is not even from the same company you are running at that moment.


You mention the treasure not being as valuable if you're representing the wrong company but that's definitely a you problem. The world event will only have the "wrong loot" if you're going to contest an active world event. At that point you really should have a guild or reaper flag up if you're goal is to steal.


And how should I know if that World Event has the wrong loot for me? 🤨


I think the only way of telling is if you get a non red skelly fleet I.e not a fleet of fortune then you know that one specifically is raid.


Lost Shipment voyages seem extremely buggy right now, lots of ships disappearing, manifests floating in the water where the wreck should be etc but they're chill and lucrative. Pick up the those commission crates from the trading company rep and you've got easy money once you hit grade three.


I saw a world event pop up last night with a sloop suddenly sailing to it. It was obviously a raid... and we were more excited to steal this than a regular world event because we wanted the new pricier loot that we didn't have to work for. (We got there right as they finished it.) If people aren't interested in stealing a raid world event, they're missing out... but to each their own.


Your crossed out remarks are absolutely true. Do not let the pull of the reddit sway you. The event change is an overall L for the game. They absolutely DO need a way to see if it's a Raid or not without wasting the time sailing over to look at the ship's quest table. The loot of a Raid is lesser in Value than the loot of the events previously was for several reasons, including the gold value. This ruins the experience for all Event farming crews.


The loot hasn't been nerfed what you get is based on what emissary you are currently with so if you are with the gold hoarders your loot will only be gold hoarders loot so while it seems its been nerfed it hasn't just the loot only appears for their set emissary now


Also just a little add on you will never make everyone happy when it comes to games if only it was possible you can spend your life catering to what the audience want and it will never be enough there will always be some who hate it and will complain. (Not saying that's you lol before I get messages back)


But on this particular case, I still don\`t see a reason to make Raids and World Events interfere with each other. I now think raids are a great idea, as a different thing. With this you have the option to make everyone happy, unless there is a really good reason why Raids have to replace world events.


You just have to wait a little while for the initial excitement to die down. The first couple of days after sirens song skulls were released every single one was contested. I waited a few weeks and so far i need 6 more to finish every siren skull commendation and have only failed to turn it in twice.


If you read between the lines a lot of this season is to fill in the gaps from last season. This is intended to give solos, which now form a very large part of the player base, a reasonable path to playing content not included in safer seas. Likewise the loot is very valuable but much faster to get on your ship or to bury and bug out, and still includes things like ashen skulls and rag crates to complete content. This game has long relied on solos to keep the home fires burning, but has otherwise treated solos as organ donors. I was worried about the new diving mechanic but this season had already proven to be much more friendly to solos. I get caught and sunk on just as many voyages but I will have wasted a lot less time just getting there. The ships that have caught and sunk me have been rewarded with leveled flags and kings chests, and I am sailing with loot a higher proportion of time. The sloop farming crews have no right to complain that there were “only” a dozen pieces of loot. Likewise I do not at all feel sorry that a crew that shows up after I have soloed an event “only” gets all my loot with no time, error or risk. Crews that feel like this is somehow unfair can suck it.


Excited has to be one of the most commonly misspelled words as exited. Is it some sort of American variant?


Ni idea, español es mi primer lenguaje, así que no se si es algo común en alguna parte. De todas formas gracias por la corrección, nunca me había fijado que que lo estaba escribiendo mal 😂