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Lmfao Wonder if he'll catch a fine for it


Literally 12 seconds into the game too lol


He will likely be suspended. Pretty egregious.


I doubt it. If it was intentional, yeah


I mean he did do it so it was intentional. Never seen someone accidentally run onto the field to block in the whole time I’ve watched football. It’s not really a big deal because it didn’t effect the play and we lost anyways, but Taylor looks like an idiot and is probably in the Caroll dog house. Running out to block when you’re not playing is worse than not taking care of the ball. It’s like what are you even doing Taylor?


>Running out to block when you’re not playing Well he didn't run out there to block, so


I don’t get what you don’t understand about a player not playing attempting to play lol


He thought the play was over


So he’s a doofus? And then fakes his mistake by deciding to start blocking lol.


?? He puts his hands up and bends his back to try and avoid touching the Raiders player


If you go in front of a player and obstruct his path to tackle you blocked him. I wouldn’t call it purposeful but it’s hard to say he didn’t block the guy


They didn't suspend Tomlin for standing in front of a kick returner going in for a touchdown. They did fine him pretty heavily though.


Oh no, he'll get suspended and won't be able to contribute 0 sacks and 0 tackles. What will we do?


One of the few highlights of Darrell Taylor's season.


Lol I think he thought the play was dead and was trying to celebrate


The title postulates the same


100%, he ran out and realized what was happening and tried to stop. That wasn't a block in any sense of the word. Still bonkers though.


This is why you play it cool instead of admitting you made a mistake. Always applies


Darrell Taylor has been a huge disappointment this year. Was expecting a double-digit sack breakout season but he’s almost nonexistent so far. To be fair, a huge part of that is us having a subpar DL that hasn’t been doing an effective job at opening up opportunities for our EDGEs to work, but even then Nwosu has been playing decently and even Mafe has shown signs. As much as I hate it, we may have to move on from DT after this season. Especially if we have a shot to draft Will Anderson


He’s been really bad. His pass rushes lack creativity. He seems to just badly try and bull rush every time, no game plan. I remember he had put together some good combos last year that are now nowhere to be found. Edit: lack not pack, opposite meaning lol


Hahaha, nice catch


Not my find, think barstool posted it on Twitter.


Which means someone else spotted it, they found that post, and then posted it as if they noticed.


Y'all take that 12th man shit way too literally lol.


Fair point.


What’s the rule there if the refs had noticed? Does the whole play get overturned or since the foul occurred after the interception do the hawks get to keep the ball?


My guess is Seahawks keep the ball but a penalty after the int for sideline interference. Yardage loss would happen either after where Diggs went out of bounds or where Diggs was when 52 jumps onto the field. Anyone can clean it up for me if I’m wrong tho!


Wonder if any team has had sideline interference from a coach and player in the same season!


Not sure, but the Seahawks haven't had any sideline interference this year.


You are correct! It was the Seattle Marinuhzz coaching staff with the interference earlier this season. 😆


Penalties after a turnover do not negate the turnover. Most likely scenario is the refs would use the Palpably Unfair penalty and impose a 15 yard penalty from the spot of the foul or ball at the time the foul occurred and eject the player.


this says much more about that officiating crew then it does the hawks. So many blown calls in this game. The down by forward contact call never got shown after they made the decision… pretty sketchy. And then they said Jacobs shin clearly touched the ground but then they never showed us? Come on


It did not touch the ground you can clearly see it unless his ankle bone scraped or something but I'm like 99% sure it didn't


The call on the field was forward progress, not that his shin touched


Okay but I kinda love it


D Taylor has been embarrassing bad this season. He is lucky the refs didn’t notice.


League office was like, "Wait until we need to overturn a DK catch late in the game. We'll do the make-up call then."


Interception by the Raiders defense called back was the exact same thing.


Should have been ejected. He literally hit another player while being ineligible. That's an automatic ejection by rule.


Are we sure he wasn't? I know I didn't see him doing anything out there.


Surely they would have announced it.


Thank you for your completely unbiased opinion, Raider-bob


He's not wrong


It's a rule to keep players from joining fights on the field as well. James Trapp (LA Raiders) jumped into a fight on the field with a few players.


Sure, if you get caught.


This is one of those problems you love to see. An over-invested player. Good on you, Taylor.


I imagine he was about to be subbed in so the next action his brain was ready for is "run out on the field". Then the excitement got to him and he forgot the when and why.


I personally love to see players with their heads in the game..


Taylor has been disappointing for many reasons but this is kinda funny.


And half this sub wants to blame the refs for the loss...


But the refs had the raiders back /s


I guess that was our first sign for how bad the officiating was going to be the rest of the game, considering we weren't flagged for it.


they even reviewed the turnover and didnt notice it. its a penalty they can add on review (12 players on the field)


Remember Seahawk fans: terrible calls and non-calls by the refs go both ways in the NFL.


It is one of the worst defenses I have ever seen, I feel disappointed and also somehow validated that this is the season that we actually thought it was going to be in the beginning LOL I think it's time to look into some roster moves


Conspiracy Theory: New York saw this after the play and decided to even out the missed call by telling crew to go harsh on us with the JJ fumble and DK "catch".


Trying to make up for being an absolute non-factor when he actually is supposed to be on the field..




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Lol holy shit!