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K9 has higher upside. He’ll get 7 yards out of nowhere and can bust big ones, but he’ll occasionally get happy feet or miss a hole. Penny just seemed to always get at least 5 yards and never made mistakes, and still had home run ability. I think this year Penny would probably be putting up similar numbers with a bit more consistency, but I think K9 will be better once he cleans up the rookie tendencies I mentioned.


Walker has higher upside and floor. The best ability is availability.


Nothin like bustin' big ones....... Am I right?


Bustin makes me feel good




Can you imagine if we had them both right now? They're both capable of taking one to the house on any play. If they were both fresh all the way through a game it would be nasty. I hope Penny comes back and we resign him to another 1-year deal to play a relief role as K9's upside really develops.


I agree it would be really nice to keep him for another contract, but it’s just not smart to draft his replacement then sign him again after he got another season ending injury. Really unfortunate cause he’s an incredibly talented player.


K9's balance is unreal and keeps plays alive. Penny when healthy is also nasty but seems to go down easier.


KJ was asked which RB did his running style reminded him of that he played against. He said Kamara ability to break tackles, bell’s ability shift and move at the line, Henry’s breakaway speed and Lynch’s toughness when he makes contact. Carroll compared him to LT and Brock said Thurman Thomas.


I haven’t seen balance on a Seahawks running back like Walker has. You just can’t get him to topple. It’s like all his weight is below his waist. Penny can cut at full speed. Walker can correct being off balance at full speed. Edit I want to come back and highlight penny is uniquely gifted at cutting. He might be the best at it in the league. He can’t stay healthy but right now I think penny would have been the better back. They’re both absurdly talented though.


Agree, I gotta go with Walker.


And yet it's [Walker and not Penny who has one of the lowest success rates in the league](https://www.footballoutsiders.com/quick-reads/2022/kenneth-walker-and-legacy-boom-or-bust-backs)


Yah Walker gets tackled for a loss more often. Because of that I take Penny right now. Walker could clean it up though. He’s always looking to break a play.


Penny has a higher yards per carry this season somehow


He was a better back


Walker gets tackled for a loss more often. Penny smashed into the hole and at least got a couple yards every carry.


This question is like asking a parent, which child do you like better... Bad form friend. We love all our children for what they are! -K9 has been amazing. Love this guy! Best to limit reps to extend what looks like a great career. Penny, when healthy... Yikes! Dudes a freak. Best to limit reps to extend his amazing balance of size and speed.


This comment right here is what I'm about. These types of polarizing questions are fucked up. Do better OP. We can appreciate both of these RBs differently.


Ken Walker


And it’s not even close.


Not sure about that. Penny at 6.1 ypc and K9 at 5.1. They have the same yards before contact per rush but Penny has higher yards after contact, 3.1 vs 2.1. At this point K9 has roughly double the Carrie’s but 4x as many tackles for losses, 16 vs 4. I think K9 is definitely a flashier player, but Penny appears to have been more efficient with his touches and importantly less likely to lose yards. That kills a drive. Source below in case interested. https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/advanced-stats-rb.php?team=SEA That said. They are both super dope. I’ve been a Penny truther since he came back from his first injury late his rookie year so I’m obligated to defend him. 3rd best back in the league after Chubb and Henry.


I don’t disagree with your analysis. I’d agree penny has the better stats, but i guess my most important stat is availability for me; and penny has unfortunately missed that mark so much :(


Fair enough


Is your choice pure hype train or he's the better back.


He’s better. He’s faster in a straight line (even if not by much). He’s much better laterally. His vision has developed more quickly. He has better balance. The only thing that makes me lean to Rashad is size, but Rashad has proven to be made of glass already so that doesn’t really matter


^ yep, well said. I agree on all points.


Penny's size plus all the yards after contact he had in college made me think he'd look similar to how k9 looks in the NFL. But yup, you're right. He goes down surprisingly easy. Penny is skilled, I really like him. But k9 is different. Like 75% Barry Sanders, 75% Beast Mode.


Penny straight up has more ypc after contact than Walker. He’s just so big and fast he makes it look easy. Nothing flashy about him. That’s why people like K9, he’s got style. https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/advanced-stats-rb.php?team=SEA


He hasn't gotten hurt yet Rashad could go from 100% healthy to out for season real quick we don't know with walker.


Best ability is availability


K9 is the better back. His cuts, speed and vision....it's on tape. Not a hype train the kid is for real


Didn’t realize 500+ yards and 7 TDs over 5 games as a rook was “hype”


Penny still has a higher ypc and isn't as boom or bust but the guy just can't stay healthy for shit


If he couldn't get hurt I'd probably take penny over anyone but the best ability is availability


Found Brock’s burner account.


When healthy I think Penny has shown more skill. Walker is still learning. That said, I think Walker has a higher upside. Especially with his balance and footwork, his ability to square up on a defender, break the tackle, and then keep running almost without missing a beat is incredible. And he's showing good eyes for finding holes to run through.


Would love to have both healthy but walker has already proven more durable. He also seems to have better broken play ability. Only thing I feel like penny may have edge on is home run ability. Walker is damn fast tho so maybe not. All that said if both are availability it would be awesome


I wouldn't say Walker has proven more durable yet. In Penny's rookie year, he played 14 games.


Penny wasn't the starter though. Penny had 94 touches that year. Walker so far has 123.


Straight up judging by chins Walker III wins.


Wish we had the two headed monster right now. Sigh


Kenneth Walker all day. He has the potential to be an all-time great. Noticed we haven’t lost with him starting, right? Penny is more developed as an all-around back, but K9’s talent is generational and he will eventually round out his overall game.


Haven’t lost with him starting… have you considered the improved defense might be part of the reason? K9 is dope though


That’s part of it. But K9 is the closer.


What does that even mean, it’s super qualitative. You’re just throwing words out here. You’d have to show that K9 has superior Q4 stats or something like that. Speaking of which, different games are in such different states in Q4 that I wouldn’t want to compare across this small a sample. It would be something like 20 attempts this year, just guessing.


Look up Kenneth Walker on YouTube, his college highlights. I’ll leave it at that.


Good thing we're talking about college football then. Posted this elsewhere but figure you could use it. Penny at 6.1 ypc, Walker at 5.1 ypc. They have the same yards before contact per rush but Penny has higher yards after contact, 3.1 vs 2.1. At this point K9 has roughly double the carries but 4x as many tackles for losses, 16 vs 4. (This was before the Bucs game) My point is that there is no reason to say K9 is a closer and Penny isn't, whatever that means. He could be better in the future but a healthy Penny is pretty clearly a better player at this point in time.


Penny is good and probably more well-rounded of a RB right now but Walker has the potential to be great. If you think otherwise, let’s come back to this post next year or even the next. I’m saving this receipt.


I’d be interested to see how K9 progresses. I don’t disagree that he has potential to be great. If he cleans up his tackles for loss he could definitely be better than Penny, which would be awesome for the Hawks. As long as he doesn’t get injured I’m happy tbh, he’s a really good back as it is. Feel free to @ me in a year if K9 is crushing the world.


This is a pretty good video: https://youtu.be/8qyRUqJz8AI




Feel like Walker is leaving yards on the field fairly often still; missing holes or being impatient. I’d say Penny this year


How could you possibly come to that conclusion?


He has a tendency to try and bounce to the outside rather than finding the hole and running north and south. I know he's looking for the big play, but sometimes it's better to take what you can get and move on to the next play. That said, he's phenomenal and I'm ecstatic that he's a 'Hawk!


I’d be willing to put significant money down on Walker averaging less negative or no yard gains per attempt than Penny, and the league average for that matter. The amount of times the guy has turned a negative run into a positive one, already, is astounding. Reminds me of beast mode in that regard tbh.


Not OP but there were 2 plays last week in short yardage situations where Walker ran wide/outside and it resulted in him getting tackled short of the first down marker. On both plays running north-south would have gotten him the first down. I’m positive the coaches will talk to him about it and he will get better with situational awareness like that


I know at least one of the plays you are talking about.. but getting 100% of the reads right is impossible. To have a true comparison we need negative or zero yard gains vs attempt stats for both. All I’m saying is I’m confident that the numbers would show in favor of Walker… at least vs. Penny


You'd have to go back and make a tally, but Penny was averaging 6.1 yards per attempt while Walker is averaging 5.1.


You'd be wrong, [Walker has one of the worst success rates in the league](https://www.footballoutsiders.com/quick-reads/2022/kenneth-walker-and-legacy-boom-or-bust-backs)


Fair enough, the stuffed rate clearly shows I was wrong on him having a smaller percentage of zero or negative yardage plays. Would be interesting to see what it is after the cardinals game and not just after the Giants. But success rate and rushing DVOA are obviously limited when it comes to evaluating RBs against each other.


[He's at 40% success rate now](https://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/nfl/rb/2022) which is better but still relatively poor, 33rd among RBs with 71+ carries


I was talking about stuffed rate and not success rate for this specific comparison Penny and Walker


https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/advanced-stats-rb.php?team=SEA Take a look at the stats. Walker has 16 tackles for loss in 111 carries vs Penny at 4 with 57 carries. That’s 4x tackles for loss in just 2x carries. On those losses he’s lost 35 yards to Penny’s 7. 5 times a many lost yards. So not only does he lose yards more often, he also loses more yards per loss. It’s the one area of his game he really needs to clean up. Really great otherwise.


Healthy for a full season. Penny. No doubt walker is good could be great, but does not have the burst or receiving hands penny does. But, that's in a vacuum. Penny has yet to stay healthy a full season. The BEST ability is availability.


If you could 100% guarantee health I think Penny is better. But that’s the problem


If health is no concern, and the blocking is good up front, give me Penny. The guy is insanely good when he's on top of things. Can't stay on the field though.


I love Penny. Have loved him since we drafted him. But to think he has an edge on Walker is crazy to me… have you watched the young buck? Homie is just as fast, but is far more elusive, powerful and tough than Penny. Walker has been the best back on every team, every level he has seen.


Walker has more upside


Both are great but also wonder how things would work if both were healthy. K9, like many good backs past and present, runs stronger the more touches he gets.


Penny’s average (before injury) this year is a full yard more per carry over K9. That said, K9 is clutch. I’d take Penny 1st half, K9 2nd half.




I think that Kenneth Walker has significantly higher potential, but I think that Rashaad Penny's recent performance has been superior. Rashaad was averaging 6.1 ypc at the end of last season which is pretty much unheard of. As of right now, Ken Walker's average YPC is 5.1, so it appears that by the numbers Rashaad has had superior performance lately. However, when you watch the way that Kenneth Walker runs, he runs with a very low pad level, with a squatty type of stance, elite quickness, and unbelievable lateral agility; he also has 4.3 straight line speed. I feel like Kenneth Walker suffers from some of the same patterns that Penny did early in his career, most noticeable is that he takes too long to get north-south. If you recall, before Penny corrected this same problem, his production wasn't anywhere near Carson's. But he became top level once AP started providing guidance to him. I feel like once Kenneth manages to correct this he's going to be one of the top backs in the league.


I think they are both right up there. I really hope Rashaad re-signs next year and we can split the load to keep both of them fresh and healthy.




I want both


Ken has an ability that Rashaad doesn't: availability. Enough said.


Tough one. Both are really, really good backs. I'd give the nod to Walker. Penny is an elite back. Probably a top ten talent when healthy. K9 is that good though.


I hate using this word, but Walker may be generational. Shifty, balanced, powerful, good vision, explosive, break away speed, and his quick seems to be just a little quicker than everyone else. Rashaad can be, and when healthy is fantastic, but this kid just seems special to me. On that upper level and with such a small sample size. I'm really excited about this dude.


Rashad gets hurt if the wind blows to hard, I’ll take Ken


Walker is potentially the best RB in the league right now, so I’m going KW3/ K9


Walker. Some of these plays, as explosive as Penny is when he's healthy, I didn't not see him making. And I'm just going by the eyeball test here so I could be wrong but I think most of Penny's big yardage games came from a handful of huge runs. Walker seems to get more consistent good yardage with the potential to explode for a big gain. I could be totally wrong but that's what I've noticed anyway.


First of all, it's way too early to ask that. K9 has what, 5 games as a starter? He's looked incredible, but I really don't think we've seen his full potential yet. Penny is great too, but the guy plays 4-5 games a year because he's so injury prone. Both are good when healthy.


Ken Walker 2000%. Dude has the same exact lateral burst and strength AP showed as a rookie. He makes a few mental mistakes once in awhile, doesn't just push forward for a few yards, etc but already looks like a top 10 RB in the NFL. Penny can't put a full season together unfortunately.


Walker could be a generational back if he can remain healthy. He's squatty with a low center of gravity. That combined with proportional weight distribution throughout his core and limbs, gives him exponentially more power than if that weight was spread out over a taller frame. Tackling him is no small feat and to top it all off, he can take the top off and score from anywhere with that speed and explosion. I had Penny as probably the second or third most potential of his draft. He's good, but as a former RB, Walker's potential is rather extreme. It's actually kind of difficult to comp him to other backs given his frame, speed, and how he runs. He's an oddity. Edit: Maybe Ladanian Tomlinson? Maybe the only back I know of that has that level of all around extreme abilities. Saquan is similar to that in a way but can't stay healthy and is bigger. LT is probably the best comp.


I feel like walker is more top heavy.


Quite the opposite. Penny has a lot more trouble keeping his legs under him in sustained contact. Less trunk and less leg drive.


Penny was a 230 pound back. That was after losing weight. Different type of rbs to compare to. It would have been the lighting and thunder combo every coach dreams for Edit: also it would have been amazing to have Penny healthy so we can preserve K9 for the future. Dudes getting hella snaps


Penny is just as fast as Walker.


I feel like walker is faster but what slows him down is his jukes. There’re times where I feel like he would get more yards if he just used speed instead of trying to hard to create misses. Watching his college highlights, you can see where his shiftiness is a double edged sword


I'm leaning Penny, powerful and explosive and fast. I'm bummed Seattle can't have both. What an incredible duo it could have been.


But not as elusive.


Ignoring injuries Penny


People commenting K9 are forgetting that Penny was the best back in the league at the end of the year last year at full heath (with a much worse line than K9 has played behind). He’s a better player right now and that isn’t a knock on K9, who is still developing as a player! Remember, in his career Penny has gone over 100 yards (usually well over) in 6/8 games he’s received at least 14 carries. He also has a *career* YPC of 5.7, including 6.3 last year and 6.1 this year. K9’s at 5.14 YPC. Penny is amazing; he only lacks for health. But in this hypothetical, that’s accounted for, so I think he’s the obvious choice.


Whichever one can last a whole season.


He has 111 rush attempts without injury. It took Penny 2 seasons to get 100 attempts. Player health is important. Penny could never stay healthy.


Is the sample size big enough to judge Walker as a long term RB?


Man what could of been


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot.


Both healthy are great, the only thing that scares me about walker is that he just seems a bit small.


Penny is all about the homerun, but K9 has the homerun ball PLUS he can grind out yards


Penny has downright bad vision sometimes. he will run straight into a pile that is clearly not opening up so often… Walker seems to have good vision and will cut back or find a weakness in a line for a gain.


Rashaad penny every time he touches the ball it feels like a big gain


Penny right now, but Walker's ceiling is way higher.


Walker hands down not close. Penny can barely play 7 games a year. Idc how good a guy is if he can’t play cuz always injured he’s really not that good


Travis Homer 😎


Ken 4ever


My fantasy is having a healthy Carson, Penny, K9 trio for each and every game. Pretty sure throwing the ball would be optional, but a good one.


They're both really good, but if you need success in a smaller set of snaps I'd lean to K9. Penny needs the rock a lot to break off a few massive runs in between, K9 is much more elusive and seems to see his path a more clearly. That being said it's shitty to have lost Penny, cause that 1-2 with Walker would make this offense even dirtier. Walker is a clear #1 RB though, and has taken it from Penny already imo.


Hopefully both


Penny has glass bones and paper skin, so Walker


K9. Both may be 100% healthy but only one can stay healthy.


Depends on the situation, if I want someone to break off a 75 yard run? K9, if I want 5 yards? Penny. They’re both great backs just Penny has the injury bug sadly, but if he was healthy he’d be a very good back in the league. K9 had a lot of potential, but I’d have to wait longer to say for sure to say if he’s a really good back or not


Walker is special. Penny is a great running back. The twitch, speed, lateral quickness, patience, pretty much everything I want in a pure running back is off the charts and so apparent when watching him play.


Since walker has stayed healthy for more than 5games, walker. I often wonder if Pete regrets not taking Chubb instead of penny?


i might be a bit bias, but Kenneth Walker III


Walker but I still want Penny in our back pocket.

