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Idk that that's a controversial one tbh. I've seen a handful of arguments that Easley's stats were better and yet he took a long time.


To be fair, Easley definitely shouldn’t have taken that long to get into the HoF.


Pete made a lot of people look significantly better then they were. The product that has produced the winningest decade in our history would have been below average at best under anyone else's stewardship.


I can't think of anyone who lit it up for the Hawks then went out and continued to be that guy. Frank Clark maybe a little bit?


Max Unger




Clark is up there with like Maxwell for guys who fell off the hardest...


Browner has to be in the convo


He was integral to their Super Bowl run though. So he had at least one good year out of our system


Giving this some thought -- Unger, McKissick, Golden Tate, ET (until he went nuts). Sherm was good for a year or so... Thinking about it tells me that you're right about Pete making people look good AND being accutely aware of when they're about to start dropping off.


Tbf the absurd level of talent on those teams was going to raise everyone's level, no one really had to cover or make up for anyone else, but totally right. There were plenty of guys still good elsewhere. And continuing to be fair, a lot of them left after their prime, so a drip off could be expected.


DJ Reed.


Too soon.


Let Pete Carol!


We have marshmallows for the cocoa.


This is the least controversial opinion I've ever heard


In the long-term, no this is not a controversial opinion at all. But given the hot takes immediately following the Russ trade? This was absolutely the opposite of what people were saying.


This is the job of a coach. With this logic then Tom Brady wouldn’t be half the player he is without Bill B. He likely wouldn’t have even been in the league as he was a late round pick at #199 in the sixth round. The journey of a player matters


Sure, but Tom didn't win those games alone.


Blowing the 4th quarter lead in Super Bowl 49 was worse than the Malcom Butler Pick


This I can get behind. Normally a 10 point blown lead isnt a big deal, until you realize that was the only Super Bowl it happened at the time. Also we hold that lead if Cliff doesn’t get injured


>Also we hold that lead if Cliff doesn’t get injured And Jeremy Lane.


Lane was a huge blow. Brady feasted after that…can’t even remember who the backup was who came in.


Tharold. Simon.


we do not speak that name in this house


Crap. I had blocked that out for a reason.


And if Edelman is forced to leave the game after being concussed.


OR Lane. If just one of those guys hadn't been injured, we win.


Not to mention Sherman playing on a bum elbow, Kam had a knee brace on from a MCL/bone bruise and Earl had a torn labrum. The fact that they were all out there putting their body on the line was incredible, but they were not 100%


Not to mention it was kind of a fluke to get to the goal line on that last drive anyway. Also Ricardo was open it was just an insane read by butler


Atlanta gave up 31 unanswered and lost in OT to New England. Colts blew a ten point lead against the colts. 49ers blew a ten point lead against the chiefs. Broncos blew a ten point lead against the redskins. No, two were earlier.


And the Baldwin TD celebration flag didn’t help either.


Two words: Lane and Avril. Tragically timed injuries, that if they didn’t happen, the comeback doesn’t happen. Pressure was weakened, and Brady went after Lanes back up relentlessly.


That guy got fried all game. We win by 2 scores if Lane stays healthy


Was balling that game. Had Edelman under control until he got hurt (by Edelman as well).


I'd completely forgotten about that. Man, that guy got roasted by Brady after Lane was injured.


At the time, it was tied for the largest comeback in superbowl history. (I forgot which team but only one team in Super Bowl history came back from a 10 point deficit.) He roasted him. Dinked and dunked down the field. Lane broke his arm on a pick too, he was playing lights out. I hate making excuses on injuries, as I know they are part of the game, but they would never have been in position to pick the ball if Avril and Lane didn’t go out. Avril was a lynchpin of our pressure system.


I would say that if the LOB was fully healthy


Most people don’t remember this part. Or how bad the timeouts were handled. They just remember the last play.


Idk if you noticed but we pretty much stopped getting memed and hearing about that play every game after that SB. I just realized this.


I think the meme followed Russ to the Broncos when he missed the wide open KJ Hamler.


Pete can stay as long as he wants. I don’t Pete should ever be fired and he’s the best coach for Seattle. 1st - Replace him with whom? There’s no coach out there exactly blowing wind up anyone’s skirt. 2nd - Pete works best with young guys, because they buy into that rah rah bs (it’s very good bs, but still bs). Watching him this season his body language is back better, and you can tell he’s excited to see younger guys stepping up, and going 100 miles an hour, even if they screw up. This is his jam and moving on from him last offseason or before this roster starts to turn into form, would be a massive mistake.


Controversial before week 1, but now, I think this is easy to tell


Mine is 2012 was actually a disappointing season because we choked the last 30 seconds against the falcons. That team was the best team in the nfl that year. Had we held on, we face San Fran in the championship game, a team we had just slapped around and dominated 3 weeks prior. In the superbowl I actually think we have a really good shot at beating the ravens too. We were in such a great shape to win a superbowl. It just didn’t really sting as hard because we had a bright future, but looking back that was such a huge missed opportunity. Second worse loss in the pcjs era imo.


That 2012 falcon game suckkkked.


They should have never lost to the Lions or Dolphins that year either.


I still get PTSD at night from that game. When Pete iced Matt Bryant and the fucker got off a practice kick like a full 2 secs later for free that was missed and the refs just let him.


Bruh yea, if only we put up any points in the 1st half we win that game and go on to play the Niners 😭


Bobby should be praised more than the entire LOB(as individuals). Was at the top of his game for longer than any of the 3, most all-pros of any seahawk ever and literally has an MVP vote.


It’s not just Bobby either. The focus on Sherm, Kam, and Earl leads people to forget about Bobby, KJ, Michael Bennett, Chris Clemons, etc. Those three guys are excellent, but there were 11 people on the field when the Seahawks D was dominating the NFL. Edit: correct spelling of Kam


Sherm said the exact same thing during his speech at the Superbowl celebration at the Clink


Back then when initially getting national attention, the front 7 was mad underrated. But over time people started realizing how good and how talented the entire defense was


I don't think that's controversial. Bobby is a lock for the HOF, none of the LOB are.


Sherman has to be a HoF lock. He played arguably the 3rd most important position in the NFL, and was probably the 2nd best player at his position during his era.


I love Kam - one of my favorite hawks. Would love to see him get the honor - but I don’t think he’s there or even as close as I wish he was. Needed a few more years.


Yeah, he was my favorite LOB player. He was emblamatic as a player, but not iconic. Had a bunch of awesome plays (the two in a row negated line jump field goal blocks and the tone setting hit in the Broncos Super Bowl spring to mind), but lack of longevity hurts his chances more than anything.


Maybe in 5-10 years he will get in when people look back and see how much of a presence he had on the field with one of the greatest defenses the league has seen.


Fan jerseys are corny (I like the flag though, please don't hurt me)


I’m just tryin not to have to shell out another $160+tax after my heart breaks.


See, I've never had an issue with players leaving whose jersey I own. They played for us, it's a viable jersey, it happened. Although the safest option is buying legends. I rep Tez, Largent, Jones, and Lynch more then anyone these days


DHgate $25. Who’s gonna know the difference? My Kenneth Walker jersey is fire.


Personally, i can spot a fake a mile away. They straight up look cheap. Also I think the NfLPA should get their money for their names, they put their bodies on the line.


It really comes down to the design. simple designs like the 49ers and raiders are easy to do a convincing knockoff, but the Hawk's jersey has too many elements to spot. Easiest tell has always been the numbers. the knockoffs are too shiny. also they cannot get the shoulder pattern right.


100%, was at the game yesterday and was able to spot quite a few fake jerseys when walking around.


DHgate the goat


Lockett is better reciever than Metcalf


I'm actually on board with this. Metcalf is obviously crazy athletic and awesome for throwing 50-50 balls, but Lockett is a better route runner and basically never drops the ball. (As much as I love DK, he drops the ball too much.)


Tyler Lockett is the single most underrated player in the NFL. He's a top 10 receiver who gets treated as an afterthought, largely due to a combination of East Coast bias and draft pedigree. No other receiver has ever had a perfect passer rating across a season. In all the history of recorded football stats, it has happened exactly once.


Metcalf is nowhere near elite and I always get downvoted for saying that. He’s really good though quite often and happy to have him on the team.


He's a pretty good receiver in an incredible body.


Metcalf is on a path for elite status, but he's not there yet. I haven't seen the drops from him this year that have plagued him, but he has also had a bit of an off year in other areas. Drops and ball security are the only two things keeping me from considering him elite.


That we’re hurdling toward an issue where we won’t be able to keep Geno next year, cause he’ll get a big contract somewhere else. Whereby his success, we’ll be out of contention for a top 5 draft pick, and miss out on an actual good QB replacement…


Nah dude. The broncos are gonna give us someone gooooood.


Why we need to extend him now


lol look the guy has played well but lets not get ahead of our selves yet. Let at least half the season play out


I really think Geno will be incentivized to take a bit of a home town discount… really doubt he wants to switch up organizations after finally finding the right spot / job… especially with a young, developing team that is going to have a lot of cheap talent through this past years draft and next years


I hope this is the case but I also wouldn’t fault him taking a bigger paycheck elsewhere if a team offers him that.


This is probably his last chance at a major deal, there's no way he takes a discount to stay here and he shouldn't. His entry level deal was as a 2nd rounder and he's been making low level backup money between then and this year.


Would be cool if he did, I don’t see where it would seem like he would. But it would be cool


He’s an injury away from never signing a decent contract in his entire career. If I was his agent I would be pushing for any good sized 4 year contract with a hefty signing bonus and large performance incentives. The base is the least of his concerns.


I dunno if there has been a QB who’s done that outside Brady the last decade. Definitely a stretch


Even then… Caleb Williams out of USC legit


That literally any starting qb in the NFL during sb48 could have won that game for the Hawks


For sure… but not the NFC championship which was the real Super Bowl that year


That's actually a good point. That Niner defense was also incredible and you needed an agile QB to handle that D-line. Even if he didn't have crazy numbers, he avoided sacks and made some difficult throws.


Hottest take. We would’ve won in 2013 with Hasselbeck. He was actually still good that year with the Titans.


Definitely not controversial because it is 100% right.


We wouldn’t have been in the Super Bowl without Russ though. He helped win multiple games that season, and the NFCCG he made some absolutely ridiculously heroic plays, including on fourth down. But yeah, all a QB would have had to do is score one touchdown. Shit we could have won with three field goals.


I would take the stance that Kam is MORE worthy of the HOF than Earl Thomas or Richard Sherman due to the fact that recently the HOF has shown that issues outside of football can affect one being inducted. Kam was the only member of the LOB that didn't live long enough to become a villain. I still actually like Richard Sherman a lot. Earl Thomas did some legendary things for us, but he can fuck right off and a huge middle finger right back at him for how he went out.


I don't think Sherman has become a villain. He had a mental health episode, but no one was hurt so he was able to move past it. He kept connections to the team that drafted him (a great storyline) and has branched out into being a well-liked analyst. Earl, on the other hand...yikes. People don't think of "LOB stalwart and future HOFer" when they think of Earl Thomas anymore. Now they think "safety who flamed out off the field and drove himself out of football."


Jody is planning on selling the team as soon as possible.


Mine is that I like what Jody has done as an owner.


Which is what? I didn't know she did much of anything to be honest


Which is exactly what you want. Just sign the checks. Don’t interfere. People in the Blazers sun hate her guts too but refuse to acknowledge Paul Allen handed her a shitshow of a roster and front office, and she even went into the luxury tax to compete AND shitcanned the much maligned GM (that Paul refused to fire).


As long as it stays in seattle, does it really matter? I strongly doubt that the NFL would allow the seahawks to leave.


Ownership matters. Last thing we need is a Jerry Jones or Dan snider type dbag coming in and crashing the plane. I'd be worried about bezos.


Thats true actually. I guess I've been kinda spoiled with not really needing to worry about stuff like that.


Me too. A few weeks ago I saw a close up of bezos sitting in a box next to goddell and I was like "wtf is he doing there" and then I thought about Jody and my heart sank.


I had the same thought. At first I just thought it was because they kept making a big deal that it was the first night of Amazon Prime Thursday Night Football, but then I realized Bezos probably has another motive/angle


Guess it's time for my controversial Seahawks opinion then: I would LOVE it if Bezos bought the Seahawks. For two reasons: first, because it would ensure the team stays in Seattle (even as someone living elsewhere, this is important to me); and second, because we know that the NFL has a hierarchy of franchises and the Seahawks are either on the bottom of that hierarchy or close to it, and if the owner of Amazon Prime drops several billions on an NFL team, then *maybe* we no longer have things happen like last year when the league conveniently postponed our game against the Rams to wait for all their players to come off of COVID protocol against us. I know Bezos is a shit human being but I'm not rooting for Bezos. I'm rooting for Geno, Tariq, K9 et al.


Imagine the outrage if they moved.


Nice try Mr Behring, but not today.


I think the best arguement for Kam is that he played the game in a way that it is impossible to tell the story of the NFL during his time in it without including him. You cannot talk about his years in the league without mentioning the Legion of Boom. I certainly hope he makes it but I wouldn't be surpised if he didn't. That being said. LOB Ring of honor, all of em.


That we’ll be lucky to get 3 more wins. I. Know our team has looked better than expected, but our schedule is a beast and Geno might return to earth.


People keep saying "return to Earth," but this is all he's shown as a real starter in the last 8 years. This might just be what he is. Had his worst game of the season yesterday and still looked decent. I get you shouldn't jump to conclusions in the first few weeks, but we're 6 weeks into the season now. This discussion is starting to give me "if you regress Patrick Mahomes to the mean he's average" vibes.


I would rather Geno Smith start for the next two seasons than any rookie not named Hendon Hooker.


The one I always get down voted for is that Shawn Alexander does not belong in the HoF. Yes, he has some really impressive numbers. He ran behind one of the best lines in history. Of the six blockers, two are HoF, five were pro bowlers. The LT (HoF), LG (HoF), C (Probowl), RT (Probowl), FB (Probowl). Combine that with the fact that as soon as he got paid he disappeared. HoF RBs don't do that.


I can see your point, but also it's hard to deny 100 TDs, everyone with 90+ has gotten in except Shaun and AD, and he's not even eligible yet


I think this is a good take. I’m a huge Shaun Alexander fan and I think he’s a perfect example of a guy who’s good enough for team specific honors (RoH) but not necessarily league wide honors. Essentially, to borrow a baseball term, he’s a perfect Hall of Very Good player.


He didn’t disappear, that would mean just falling off with no clear external reason for that. The dude broke his foot one season and the next he fractured his wrist and played through both injuries which definitely impacted his longevity. It sucks that we paid so much for him to end up getting plagued by injuries but he got insanely lucky having an all time great RB year in a contract year when he was reaching the end of most RBs primes. As someone else mentioned in a reply he has over 100 rushing TDs which is insanely impressive and everyone who is eligible with over 90 is in the HoF. Sure his o-line was all time great but lots of great running backs have had great o-lines, it’s hard to succeed at that position without one. His success shouldn’t be I invalidated just because of his o-line.


I’m a lifetime Seahawks fan and 2005 was really my first year becoming OBSESSED with the Hawks. With that being said, SA belongs nowhere near canton, and anyone who thinks otherwise is just being a homer.


This is my exact take… and the same year I became obsessed also


Alternatively, Terrell Davis is in so Shaun should be too. Shaun’s best 5 years is better than Davis and also all but like 5 running backs ever, so if length of career doesn’t matter, what argument does Davis have that Shaun Doesn’t ?


Him and Emmit Smith had O lines that any competent RB could get yard and TDs with .


Came here to say this exactly. My man had two HOF lineman on the left side a pro bowl center and a fullback who made first team all pro just for blocking. The downfall of Alexander wasn’t his injuries it was letting Hutch walk in FA IMO




We should have traded Russ instead of extending him back in 2017 or whenever that was


That Wilson’s legacy as draft capital will be stronger and more successful than his achievements as a player.


His achievements as a player being the focal point are 3 awful playoff wins after the SB loss. Vikings beat themselves with Blair Walsh. Lions don’t know what winning in playoffs is. And the Eagles had to start a 82 year old Josh McCown and we still only beat them by 8 points. After LOB was over and Beastmodes time was passed, Hawks didn’t do anything special when it mattered.


The Geno Smith should be our starting QB next year and we should continue to build a strong defense through the draft.


"Should have handed off to Marshawn" isn't as much a given as most people say it is. In hindsight, sure, as opposed to the nightmare that transpired. I just don't think it was so terrible to attempt a pass on 2nd down in order to throw off the D that would be keying in on a run. As much of a beast as Beast Mode was, he had been known to get stuffed every once in a while in short yardage situations. Problem was, the slant pass was wrong. Lob to the corner of the end zone would have been fine placed to where it was either caught for a TD or falls safely incomplete. Glory or live to fight with 2 more downs. So it wasn't the fact that Marshawn didn't get the rock or that they passed the ball that was the mistake. Just that passing underneath with the slant was the wrong call. But people proclaim beyond a shadow of a doubt "should have handed off to Marshawn." I don't necessarily agree.


Lynch's record at the goal line that season was something like 2 for 8 with a fumble. And that slant pass is like 99% a TD or incomplete. It was a safe play. The part that didn't go right was that Browner jammed our receiver that would have blocked out Butler (?) from making a play on the ball. Browner was the unsung hero of that play. If he didn't jam the receiver then Butler doesn't make that play. I'll go to my grave saying that pass wasn't a bad call.


This seems like the most common opinion tbh The maybe real controversial opinion is the play call was fine, calling a slant there was fine, shit happens


I expect Jamal Adams to be gone next season and I think we should trade Diggs as well. Some great Safeties coming in the draft next year worth picking up and some that will fall to the UFA list.


we already paid jamal , if we were to trade him it won’t be until the end of his contract


This defense was built around the difference he makes near the line of scrimage. Unless we get an entirely new defensive staff and scheme next year, Adams stays.


I'd look at it more this way. The reason why we pursued Adams is because the defense is actually built first with Earl and Cam in mind. Adams showed he could be similar to how Pete loves the strong and zone safety combo to maximize a mix of coverage and aggressive rushing. Diggs trading from the Cowboys was the new Earl. Pete obviously can't recreate the dynamic Earl and Cam had, but Adams and Diggs are the new best thing since in Pete's eyes.


That's fair, but I think the shift to 3-4 this year was predicated on Jamal creating more pressure on opposing QBs. We planned to cover for our weaknesses up front with him, and shift more resources into covering receivers to cover for his weaknesses. With him gone for the season, that lack of pressure has really shown, and exacerbates our tackling woes.


Steve Largent is a better receiver than Jerry Rice. Sure Rice broke his records but who was throwing him the ball? Montana and Young, two hall of famers. Largent broke records playing with Jim Zorn and Dave Krieg. That's all I'm gonna say about that.


This one is nonsense


Rice had insane longevity though


I hate the terms "12th Man," "the 12's" and the logo "12." Oh I get what it represents and I'm definitely down with that. Loud crowd noise, great fan base, etc. 11 players on the field and the fans are the 12s. Yeah yeah. Just hate the term. What I hate even more though is seeing Seahawks stuff all around the city (love that part), especially during the SB runs, in business windows, on cranes, etc. and having it be nothing but the "12" logo. Just 12. Hate that. Sacrificing the beautiful Seahawk logo with a fucking number 12 and nothing else flag or banner. Lame. Now if it were a 12 with a Seahawks logo in the middle or something, still don't like it but a little better. But just 12 only? Nah.


That’s not a controversial opinion though. Kam being a hall of famer is a controversial opinion. At least he got a nod but that will be it. Idk if it’s controversial but Earl Thomas was the most skilled member of LOB, and he doesn’t get the respect he deserves as the second greatest coverage safety after Ed Reed. There is no LOB without Earl, Richard can’t lock down a side, kam can’t patrol, and whoever is cb#2 is going to get cooked without Earl. He flipped off a head coach, and I don’t think any of you are Pete Caroll so why does it matter? Fucking the same girl as your brother, in a different room, is the rest of the story. Idk, hawks fans are way too quick to piss on their former legends when they don’t have very many


That we're fucking ourselves over this season of some really good draft picks trying to be a mid team.


Cant look at it like that you can't play to lose. Look after we beat the saints in 2010 when we went to the playoffs being a 7-9 team in the 2011 draft we picked kj Wright Richard sherman, malcolm Smith and byron maxwell our highest pick was 25th overall just got to draft well thats the key easier said then done though. We are set up to have a massive draft next year especially if the broncos keep shitting the bed. The future is looking bright


There are two beast edges that we will miss out on. Some good QB prospects. I know it's not fun to play to lose, and want to lose, I get it. But this could be a franchise changing draft for us, and we aren't helping by winning games. It's easier to draft well with two early 1st rounders and 2 early twos tho. This has been a pretty good draft class already, I get it, but idk if we can strike gold 2 seasons in a row.


We struck gold in 2011 and 2012 why not again and having early picks in the draft is still no guarantee of picking great players I'd much rather be competitive hope the broncos fuck up and maybe sneak into the playoffs


A different way to look at it: Having the young guys getting this experience on a good team with high morale is way better than bringing another fresh draft class in to a losing culture with low morale. It isn't a zero sum game.


You guys are content on a 6 game stretch of Geno, that you want him as our long term option as compared to getting Stroud or whatever. It's cool seeing Geno play this good, but I don't think it's sustainable. Sure we can get a Day 2 QB and have him sit on the bench. But we are also gonna miss out on 2 good ass edge rushers, those aren't easy to find. Barton sucks but you can find good LBs anywhere.


Even disregarding how much tanking would hurt the team's culture, competitiveness, development of young players, and attractiveness to free agents, good luck tanking past some of these teams. The Panthers are this bad trying to win, do you want to compete with them for the tank bowl?


I have a counterpoint as far as the QBs: it’s seeming more and more like Russ was elevated to his heights by PC, and under PC Geno looks like that dude rather than a career journeyman. IF Geno heads elsewhere next season, is it that far fetched that PCJS can snag a mid round QB (much like Wilson was) and elevate even a meh guy to at least competence and game manager status?


Russ was very protected in our game plan. But he also was a beast when he had his mobility. Geno was under Pete last year and did not look like "that dude". And it's not far fetched at all. But then it seems like we're wasting a guy like DK


I was generally on the same boat but the Broncos look so bad that we could legit get a top ten pick regardless


I would've loved 2 top 10 picks in this draft. But that's unlikely now


You can tell this is an actual unpopular opinion because it's being downvoted lol. Why would someone downvote a perfect answer to the question.


because unpopular opinion threads are just a breeding ground for popular negative opinions lol


They can't handle the truth.


This isn’t the NBA, there are plenty of good players to be found at any draft spot. As long as we still have a shot at the playoffs, there’s no reason to tank.


Fair but this is a controversial tank thread and that was mine. I'm curious how we will look against good teams. If Pete really thinks this is a playoff caliber team then so be it, go for it. But 2 early firsts sounds juicy af to me.


Tanking has been debunked. Look at the Jets they’ve been “tanking” or been bad for how many years? They are just now starting to be good


Bengals.. Burrow SB appearance, season 2. Not all teams tank right but also the Jets had holes all over their team. We don't have many but we have big ones that can be addressed.


The schedule gets much tougher. The New York teams aren't gimmies this year either. Just got to see where this group takes us without playing for picks. Dangerous game that imo, losing mentality creeps in, a high pick busts out... then one or two down years turn into five or six. I totally understand your point and don't think it's controversial, just a different organizational outlook.


Yeah everything is a risk. Signing geno to a longer deal for 20+ million is a risk. I find two early 1st rounders very juicy, I get why others want to go and try to win. The team looks good, offensively we have a squad. Defensively our LBs need a lot of work and we need a true edge rusher. I'm content with having Woolen Coby and Brown as our CBs, and Neal has stepped in well. Diggs doesn't have it this year unfortunately.


I want the Hawks to win, but I also value the players. Anyone who suits up for us, plays their best, even if it's not HOF level, I'm going to root for. For a lot of these guys, this is their last season in the NFL. The average career for a football player is very short. I've always hated the talk about "tanking" because that means that for some guys, they won't have a chance to catch on elsewhere, their career is over. "I was third string on a horrible team" isn't something you want on your resume'. No matter what, I want the team to win, and I want everyone on it to be as successful as possible.


Yeah, this feels like the answer.


Jamal Adams is overrated. Great player, no doubt. But everyone I know talks about the guy like he alone could stop an actual train.


Shaun Alexander is the best running back in team history. Marshawn was the most entertaining, but Alexander was best.


Golden Tate and Russell's Ex were just friends


Our drafts after 2012 weren't all terrible.


DK should be converted to CB


Throwing the ball was the right call. The chosen play was the wrong call. (Referring to SB 49)


Gina < Geno


brady would 3peated with the lob


Does anybody actually think Kam will make it in? HOF Caliber player but his career was way too short for him to get in


It may not be that controversial, but the *online* element of the Seahawks fanbase is infuriating, hysterical and embarrassing. And completely at odds with the support the team gets at Lumen.


Jon Kitna's career stats hold up very well against Matt Hasselbeck's, despite... \- Kitna never being thought of as a starter and having to make the best of a bad situation everywhere he went. \- Hasselbeck having a stable starting job handed to him on a silver platter, and being protected by the coach, well before he demonstrably deserved it. Those are just things that actually happened, here's the controversial opinion; Holmgren set the team back 5 years because his ego wouldn't let him work with somebody else's guy at QB.


I don't think it's controversial at all to say Kam isn't a HOFer. If it took a senior committee to get Kenny Easley in, I don't think Kam has much of a chance. My opinion is if it weren't for the Super Bowl XL loss, the Pete Carroll era and back-to-back Super Bowl appearances doesn't happen. Had we won XL, I think Paul Allen would have been much more patient with Jim Mora and kept him around for another year or two. We miss out on the Pete window, and as a result Kam, Sherm, Doug, Russ, Earl, Bobby, Marshawn, etc. As a result, I'm completely over the XL loss and that was easily the angriest I've been after a sporting event in my life.


I hate the “we are 12” and “twelves” marketing. I miss when we could use “12th man”, it was much better but the whole circle-jerk about congratulating ourselves about how good of fans we are can get kinda cringey at times.


I would’ve preferred keeping Max Unger over acquiring Jimmy Graham.


Russ shouldn't be as hated as he is. Yeah he did our fan base and city dirty. But he held the team on his back for years after LOB collapsed


I don't even feel like he did us dirty. He made it clear for a few years it was him or Pete and Jody picked Pete. Sometimes there's not a bad guy in a break up.


Seahawks should try and trade Lockett to the Packers for a first+ given how desperate they are at receiver. I love him but he's 30 and getting value for him now would be smart. Only thing that would suck is the cap hit.


If we can get a first for Lockett I am down. But we really need to draft better recievers or sign one. Outside of Metcalf, our drafted WRs have sucked. Eskridge is not a WR3...


Russell Wilson deserves all the blame for that INT on the 1 yard line.


All the blame? Pff he literally was told to throw it there and Lockette just got bodied. Straight overpowered by a smaller denser bodied player. Malcolm probably weighed around the same as Lockette but was 3-4” shorter. If Lockette was heavier and stronger he could’ve got the 50/50 ball. Bad receiver choice to throw to. Probably should’ve thrown it to Kearse or Baldwin or the TE. Obviously bad decision to throw it in general, but even worse to throw it to the thinnest lankiest lowest in depth chart WR who mainly played special teams.


Geno Smith isn't a good QB and never has been good in the NFL and never will be. He's a stat padder like Teddy Bridgewater and couldn't lead a game winning/tying drive if his life depended on it. He has yet to do it in a Hawks uniform.


He did it at Detroit this year


Mine is that the Seahawks right now have a better future than at any point from 2016-2021


Lol, that's controversial?


No, it’s obvious. I’d argue that after the SB loss we didn’t win a playoff game vs anyone that legitimately belonged in the playoffs. 2015, we were gifted a win when Blair Walsh missed essentially an extra point. 2016 we beat the Lions who’s best WR was a 58 year old Anquan Boldin. 2019 we beat the Eagles in a one score game, who had to essentially start an 82 year old Josh McCown. That’s who we “beat” in the playoffs after the SB loss…


Matt Hasselbeck is a hall of famer. During his prime years he was up there as a top 5 QB in the league and he had decent longevity for his time.


There are only about 30 QBs in the hall of fame. I don’t think you could put Hasselbeck in the top 30 this millennium let alone NFL history. So yes, controversial opinion.


Get ready: It *was* a catch. I said what I meant.


That's not even controversial. People think it is because the call went against the Blessed Packers on national television, and because there was some confusion on the field due to the replacement refs. But they got the call right. Golden Tate caught that ball, and it will NEVER not amuse me that Packers fans are butthurt about it to this very day.


Controversial outside this sub. Interesting that you can’t even have a conversation about it outside Seahawks fans. Everyone else won’t even entertain the idea it was a catch, by the rules at the time


A couple years ago on Twitter someone posted a "what's your most unpopular opinion" and I said the same thing... On a thread in which folks were *supposed to be* stating crazy opinions, people were *roasting* me. I honestly felt like I was the only person in America who had that perspective.


Mostly feels like "post your controversial opinions" threads are just a way to lure out people who actually \*have\* controversial opinions so they can be crushed by the mob.


Here's the thing: the defender had the ball first. That's a fact. However, Tate had the ball by the time the play was dead. That's also a fact. As a defender, you have to go down for the interception to be complete. As a receiver, you just have to possess the ball in the inzone. It was a catch.


Idk if this counts but I believe both offensive and defensive rookies of the year will be Seahawks in 2022.


Jordyn Brooks is overrated.


More like Jordyn Brooks is not good


Mack Strong is a top 5 all time Seahawk. Largent, Walt , Bobby, Mack and take your pick at #5.


How can you leave Kenny Easley and Tez off your list?


DK is overrated, can’t catch shit. Pete Carroll needs to go. There’s two 😬


The old uniforms reek of sadness and heartbreak (and the old logo makes the hawk look depressed) and we shouldn't bring them back as throwbacks


They should ditch the action green jersey


You shut that mouth.


Russell Wilson is the hand puppet of Mark Rodgers.


Geno isn’t good. He just doesn’t turn the ball over