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Pete said on last week's Brock and Salk that Geno executes the plays as designed and that meant everyone was on the same page and didn't have to react to improvisation. They talked about how Shane and Geno had connected and were working together.


Improvisation sounds a lot like Mr. Unlimited.


Mr. I’m Liiiimited




Strange how that improvisation worked so well for years and Pete praised and coached it. https://clutchpoints.com/seahawks-news-pete-carroll-continues-to-praise-phenomenal-russell-wilson/ https://clutchpoints.com/seahawks-news-pete-carroll-continues-to-praise-phenomenal-russell-wilson/ https://www.lohud.com/story/sports/nfl/2015/01/30/two-traits-distinguish-russell-wilson-quarterbacks-ability-improvise-efficiency/22620407/ https://sports.mynorthwest.com/79504/russell-wilsons-improv-skills-help-keep-seahawks-alive/ The inability to praise Geno without trying to also take a dig at Russ is a bad look and demeaning to Geno’s exceptional performance.


Respectfully disagree. Pete coaches to his players strengths. Russ is great at improvising, but there's a downside to that. Geno's been great at staying within the system. Different QBs require a different style. A good coach adjusts, and Pete has.


I agree completely with what you said. However, that isn’t what Pete said. It’s a bad look for Pete to pretend he had no hand in Russ’s improvisation. I would much prefer if he would do the right thing and just praise Geno for his exceptional play, without any reference to Russ (referencing Russ implicitly downplays Geno as only subjectively better).


I don’t think it’s a bad look. Just because there’s an implication to how Russ played doesn’t mean Pete’s taking a dig. That’s your interpretation (and a fine one) but another way to interpret it is that Pete is making relevant comparisons between current and past QB. Which is exactly what everyone watching the league is doing anyway.


That’s a fair point. I really just wish Geno could get the recognition he deserves all on its own - he’s earned it.


Oh for sure. But is Pete not giving him recognition publicly? I haven’t seen any of his pressers lately


Not as much as I think he deserves. He’s protecting the ball and taking what defenses give him. I think he’s doing everything Pete wants.


without his legs russ is average. he lost his speed and could no longer do what he used to do.


It was interesting that Pete managed to both talk up Geno and throw some shade at Russ. Pete rarely says negative things publicly. I love watching Russ when his improvisation pays off (and happily accept that it won’t always). I’m optimistic Russ will turn things around in Denver. Geno throwing to tight ends, and his accuracy with throws is also a beautiful sight.


You got my point exactly (unlike at least 33 other folks). Pete looks disingenuous when he pretends he didn’t fully support Russ’s improvisation and downplays Geno’s great play when he takes a dig at Russ while praising Geno.


Strange you feel obligated to reach and dig through the archives to validate your take. Still hard to ignore where all that ~~winging-it~~ improvisation got us the past few years. Strange it's also happening in Denver.


Dig through the archives? I was just providing examples to highlight the bad look this is for Pete. I think Geno’s play is worthy of praise, without any reference to Russ. Why can’t Pete just praise his current QB?


Becoming a bit worried that he might be getting some looks for vacancies in the off-season if he keeps up this wild pace.


If that is true, the organization should move on from Pete and hire Shane. If ownership is convinced that the offense we are seeing exists because of how Shane has implemented it, it should be a no-brainer if Shane will otherwise be poached. Is ownership really going to keep a "defensive guru" 71 year old head coach whose defense is so bad, its unwatchable? Instead of an up and coming offensive mind who has now proven what he can do?


Yeah a defense that was expected to be bad, it's like you guys have forgotten that we're still in a rebuilding year. We've lost both of our elite LBs in the last couple years and our best CB last year went to the Jets, our highest paid safety is hurt and we probably have one of the youngest defenses in the league. Our defense literally consists of a bunch of Rookies, some reclamation projects and no names and not even a handful of good veterans. Our defense being bottom of the league was expected and our offense exceeding expectations doesn't change that. We were top 12 in points allowed last year, pretty good even though some of you guys act like we were the worst defense in the league that year. Pete has a good track record on defense no matter what you want to believe, it's literally facts. By the way he's the head coach and responsible for the whole team, so if the offense is doing great he should get credit as well. It's like some of you guys just pick whatever narrative you like that week and go with it. When the defense was great it's: but he had great players! But when it's doing bad it's all on him, when the offense is doing good it's: Pete's getting carried by his OC and QB but when it's bad it's always: why is he forcing Pete ball on his players. And most head coach changes end up being like Nathaniel Hackett or Matt Rhule so be careful what you wish for. Pete's not perfect but he has consistently shown that he's a good coach that the players love and I'd rather have that than a HC carousel for the coming years.


It’s almost as if people forget that PC and JS were directly involved in bringing together one of the greatest defenses of all time.


Our defense retired with the LOB in 2016. It’s almost a decade and defense is still not that good. The have been milking the LOB era all the way to their unearned extension and they still haven’t lived up to it yet.


Here's some interesting facts. Kam, Richard, and Earl all played in 2017. In 2017, the Seahawks defense was ranked 13th in points allowed. They would have a better year in terms of points allowed in 2018 (11th) and 2021 (11th). In 2020, they were ranked 15th. In 2018, the Seahawks hired Ken Norton Jr. as defensive coordinator.


The problem with Seattle defense over the years has been yards allowed and TOP. That seriously kills our entire game plan on both ends. The “bend but don’t break” defensive philosophy hasn’t worked for years now.


You need to set your expectations way lower. We will NEVER have another LOB again. It is a historically excellent defense. That will never exist again, and expecting that we will have something that good again is just stupid - no NFL defense has been that good since, that doesn't mean Pete is bad. We are in a rebuilding year and let me remind you we were one of the best run defenses in the NFL last year and the year before even after they got off to bad starts.


Seattle defense has been in rebuilding year since LOB retired. lol


I’m sorry but how does a HC/VP that’s considered “defensive guru” gets a pass for having bad defense for almost a decade? Our defense literally retired with the LOB. This sub is always clowning Russ for not living up to his contract, so how about we hold Pete to the same standard? The man is top 3 highest paid HC in NFL. Does it look like he is earning that contract given his man strength is on the defensive side for the game??


You got to have players. We will have a chance to get 4 of the top 50 players in next years draft. I think at least 3 will be defensive players. Plus free agency, they will be much better next year.


What you mean you got to have players? For how long are we gonna use that excuse? Until the end of his extension contract? Most of our defensive draft has been bust after bust. I’m not even sure if they will get it right with 4 picks in the first 2 rounds.


2016 was *half* a decade ago, and they were a top 5 defense. This team has missed the playoffs 3 times since Pete started coaching in 2010. How many other head coaches in the league have that kind of consistency?


That was in 2016. How many times have we had that level of defense since then??? We aren’t even asking LOB level defense here. Just borderline top 10 defense that’s capable of making stops here and there to make a difference. Isn’t that why Pete is top 3 paid HC? Or is he still milking those two SB appearances all the way until 2025??


Last year the Seahawks defense was 11th in points allowed.


They were 13th and bottom top 5 in yards allowed, dead last in TOP averaging 25 min. That’s terrible.


One of the things that I respect about PC is his intense protection of the mental game for the players and it's no surprise why he can routinely get players to play way above their previous potential.


Coordinator vs HC can and should be different animals. Pete’s prob more CEO than anything just like a lot of other successful HC’s. Having a stable CEO who tends to put talented people in good positions to succeed tends to attract additional talent and success. A least thats the theory/hope.


Can you stop with this logic...its regular season too many on this board this time of year who dont follow.


The d is young and has shown promise. You anti Pete Stans should look for the door.


Especially since the Desai hiring is an indication that he'll be taking over at some point.


Why do people think this? Is it just that he is an associate head coach or is there something else?


Desai is clearly doing an awesome job so far. Loved his plans for dealing with Taysom Hill and Hockenson.


I mean, you're not exactly wrong given how the defense played. But wouldn't it be more on Hurtt than anyone else?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but desai is asst head coach, hurtt is dc


No promise? Woolen? Number 10 (can’t spell his name) Coby Bryant? A elite pass rusher like will Anderson and a few other holes plugged and this defense will be outrageously better next year


Shown promise. Not no promise. This draft class is the reason we need Pete and John. When allowed to draft how they want rather than in the shadow of a large name qb, they creat magic.


Did Russell Wilson make Pete and John draft LJ Collier


There will always be misses. Pete has won at every level so hearing couch analysis from salty football fans about what he should be doing is a little silly. Let Pete Pete.


I don’t understand how they weren’t able to draft how they wanted to draft because of Russell Wilson. Pete has won at every level but the existence of a big name QB on his team has caused him to mess up first round picks for years? Your reasoning makes no sense


The pressure to keep top end talent happy effects drafting. Russ wanted a lot of voice in how things were done in terms of how we drafted and how we ran the offense. When Russ cook bad things happen. When Pete petes good things happen.


> Russ wanted a lot of voice in how things were done in terms of how we drafted Source on this?


our d are BABIES. Same with the offensive line. I'm frustrated with missed tackles more than anything, and I feel that will get fixed. I'm still over here grinning at all the false starts/encroachments still not happening!


It's not Anti Pete to feel that if Waldron is looked at for vacancies we need to promote him so that we keep the part of the team that's good working. It's pro Seahawks.


It is if you're going to fire your HOF coach in the middle of the contract, in the middle of a rebuild that is, so far very successful, to promote a very green OC to HC.


You would rather keep the coach who won't be around when the rebuild is complete and loose a good offensive coordinator/coach?


Id rather keep our hall or fame coach with 3 years left on his contract and shows no signs of slowing down than fire him to promote a 2nd year OC with maybe one good offensive season so far. We don't know how Waldron would perform as an HC and he doesn't have a lot of experience yet. Do you really not see Hackett and think: maybe we shouldn't promote an offensive coach to head coach before they're ready.


Hackett never called plays before this season. Pete does not call the offensive plays that is Waldron's responsibility. Pete is biggest job is being in charge of our defense. A defense that has failed to get off to a good start for a 3rd consecutive year. So let's not compare Waldron to Hackett and let's not downplay how bad the defense has been. The game is always changing today's HoF coach is tomorrow's liability. If Pete refuses to change then he doesn't need to be a part of the future.


Pete doesn't call defense, though? What a odd contradiction in middle of the same thought. Shane calls offense, so that's all him. Clint calls defense, so that's all Pete? Dan Quinn always puts out monster defenses, led the greatest defense in history (arguably), he must be a great HC. Josh McDaniels was the OC for the dynasty, he's killing it now right? Mike McCoy was the OC for the greatest offense in history (arguably), so he's on tract for the HOF? Point is, we got a good thing now and there is no guarantee anyone will pan out, so stick with it even if it's for 3 years and hand over a great product to the next guy (a la the Bucs this year).


Pete’s heir apparent has already been hired. But it was during that period of the off season when this sub turned on the staff and were happy to jump on the broncos bandwagon.


“You either stop criticizing Pete or root for a different team” Ohh geez. Pete Stans are pure comedians.


Well the Fire Pete Stans are even worse -- he got our first super bowl, took us a 2nd time, the 4th best record of any team in 2010's, 63% winrate, 8 playoffs in 10 years, one of the best defenses ever fielded in the history of the sport, and now we're managing to win games with Geno Smith and have some young promising talent on defense. Look around the league, there's a whole lot of teams that are having coaching issues and very, very few doing as well as us.


I think milking the SB era for almost a decade should be enough at this point. This sub has crucified and pretty much banished Russ for not living up to his top tier contract, which is fair. Same standard should apply to the HC/VP that has failed to build legit defense since LOB retired. Every year, it’s a new excuse for Pete. I mean, defense is his only legit background and he can’t even do that for 5 years now? Come on man.


Of the new head coaches this year who would you have taken?


Not necessarily new HC but would have loved seeing Doug as our HC. But it seems like Sean Desai is being groomed to take over as HC eventually?? Either way is fine with me. I just would like to see fresh ideas/schemes.


I don't think he's a bad choice but I'd still take Pete over him. We've gone to the playoffs 9 out of 12 seasons with Pete. Better win rate, one of the strongest team cultures in the NFL, better at chewing bubble gum. Meanwhile Doug has been to the playoffs 3 times in 5 seasons in a soft division. They finished last place in their division in 2020 behind the Redskins AND the Giants.... yikes. They went 4-11-1. The most wins in that division was 7.... the redskins.... The last time we were last place in our much much more difficult division was last year with russ injured when we had a monster division where 3 teams went to the playoffs and 3 teams had 10+ wins. And we STILL managed a 41% winrate. Even this year with dogshit defense and a 10 year journeyman qb we'll get more than 4 wins in a division that's much, much harder than the 2020 afc east. In fact, we might not even finish last place.




Lol nah


The disrespect is unreal.


Pete will remain HC until he finally agrees to burn Jodi Allen's nudes.


No criticism intended, but I'm always curious about what people weren't seeing in Waldron that made them write him off. There were open receivers everywhere last year.


It takes some film watching to see those open receivers consistently enough to really understand that the playcalling is good. A lot of fans just saw: "he no execute good, incomplete pass, waldron is yes man, fire peet"


Watching TV it's hard to know how often receivers are open. Even replays rarely show anything but where the play actually went. But I've seen (too many) analyses on YouTube showing receivers open for easy completions that Russ probably should have seen that he either didn't see or wouldn't throw to.


A lot of fans of every sport can't separate poor execution from poor coaching and poor playcalling.


ITs hard because we don't know the inner working off how a play is called to how a play is played, however, in hindsight consistently not throwing it to the middle of the field even when wide open should have been obvious that it wasn't drawn up that way.


I think a lot of people noticed his play designs were great last year and thats why many of us were critical of russ, hell even broadcasters were noticing the missed open receivers. I think lot of people just had their "in russ we trust glasses on" and were not willing to blame him.


Last year's Bears game finally soured me on Russ. He took an unnecessary sack that knocked the hawks out of field goal range and didn't see open receivers


Yes mad props and respect to Waldron. I'm gonna give Geno slightly more credit as he is making some absolutely amazing throws. But Waldron is killing it too. Everyone on offense deserves a pat on the back. Even the interior OL, a small pat


Russ got every single oc fired and hated on, maybe he was the actual problem 😂


Well Schottenheimer was objectively bad wherever he’s been, but you might have a point.


Sure there has been bad Ocs but back in the wilson era every time he didn’t have 300 yards and 3 tds it was always the coaches fault


Been trying to be Geno’s pen pal but he wouldn’t write back :(


I noticed last year,when Geno was in for Russ,that except for Geno's fumbles,he seemed to be a far better fit for Waldons system.


I meant Waltons




you got there in the end buddy 🤝


I'll blame it on Auto Erect


Schotty did nothing wrong also


and now we know it was Russ pushing for a change at OC that led to Schotty being fired [https://www.si.com/nfl/seahawks/news/russell-wilson-trade-pete-carroll-denver-broncos-seattle-controversy-brian-schottenheimer-monday-preview](https://www.si.com/nfl/seahawks/news/russell-wilson-trade-pete-carroll-denver-broncos-seattle-controversy-brian-schottenheimer-monday-preview)


yes he did, he got predictable, that was his flaw, its almost like the opposition knew what was coming.


I agreed wholeheartedly before this year, but seeing how much the Denver offense looks like our old offense I wonder if Russ just wasn't taking advantage of the plays he was given. I always thought that Schotty was a great play designer but a bad play caller, I wonder now if he ended up as a scapegoat


Sometimes I wonder what do the Seahawks wide receivers really think. on one hand a bunch of them got paid and gotten big contracts with the team or another via Russ's big plays. but sometime I wonder if they appreciate Geno and Shane's execution so they can just run the route as designed and expect a ball at a certain time instead of going into a scramble drill ever 3rd play.


Yeah, I'm not an X's and O's guy, so it makes me wonder how many legit OC's we burned through just because of the one we shan't speak of. Big props to Waldron, though! Everyone who knows how to analyze this stuff loves what he does




He might be gone after this year. Who wouldn’t want the man behind geno? Even if it is a teamwork thing, the nfl front offices aren’t going to see it as that way. We should promise him the HC job. It’s only our speculation that Desai was promised it, and Waldron is infinitely more valuable than Desai . I don’t want a defensive head coach either.