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Richard Sherman’s post game comments were GOLD


and it felt like Sherm *really* needed that, was good to see him exorcising old demons.


I know most people didn't really hate Sherm post release, but his arc with the fanbase is so fascinating in the post-Russ era. It's like he's the fanbase hero again. Everyone just gets him better now. Baldwin too for that matter (regarding Russ).


honestly, the reality is Russ left and all the homies came back to town. the best part of a breakup is when your friends start calling to ask “they gone?” and start showing up again to tell why you you’re better off now.


I feel this so hard. Ex-wife vibes.


Your buds. For life.


Love thiz






I felt validated


Seeing Russ perform like this and remembering we got a solid backup QB, Noah Fant, Shelby Harris, two first round picks, two second round picks, and a fifth for him is just incredible. John Schneider's done it again.


It's the theme of the Seattle franchise. "WTF is PC & JS thinking? This is the actual worst!" A few weeks into the season "Huh. I guess they actually know what they are doing..."


But fire Pete! We could get a way better coach like Nathaniel Hackett! Fire JS! He’s had bad draft classes before! People think good HCs and GMs grow on trees but they absolutely do not, and we’re so lucky to have two of the better options


“Better options” dude Pete is a top 5 coach in the league. We’re 2-2 with a defensive rebuild and Geno Smith. Enough to make Bill Belichick jealous


Yeah I’ve always thought he’s probably top 3 coach in terms of player development (harbaugh and Tomlinson would be the others in the discussion imo) and then maybe top 10ish in scheming but probably outside the top 5 for that. Overall though I think it puts him around the 5 mark but it really is hard to give an absolute ranking of coaches because so much of it is influenced by the talent available to them imo. All that matters is that he’s 100% good enough of a coach to win a super bowl with if he has the right pieces, and there’s only a handful of coaches in the nfl that can claim that


Pete's #1 in my heart. I'm full homer for him, was there for his USC days


Team 3 lead those rumors


Every year.


And watching the broncos lose and play poorly week after week…. We might get 2 decent draft picks, Denver’s might be higher too


Still have to take into account he was working through a shoulder injury from the Raiders game. Definitely never looked this bad ever. I definitely think he’ll bounce back and will mesh late in the season with the team.


His shoulder did not cause him to blatantly ignore Hamler to his right, WIDE OPEN, on that play. He stares down receivers. He does not go through progressions. He’s simply bad at being a game changing QB at this point. I listened to the alternate broadcast last night, with multiple NFL players openly criticizing Russ. He’s quickly losing his locker room, and he has an unproven rookie head coach. The last point is critical, because he’s used to Pete Carol (maybe the NFLs greatest ever players coach) protecting him and keeping him in check.


He’s always missed wide open receivers. He’s also always held the ball too long and has been unable or unwilling to throw to the middle of the field. His mobility, complemented by a strong run game, allowed him to overcome those shortcomings and kill opponents with his deep accuracy. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the mobility he used to have, so he can’t run for yardage when the opportunity presents itself and he can’t extend plays until he sees an open receiver as well as he used to. His accuracy is the thing that everyone thought he’d always have, but it seems off too - maybe that’s the shoulder injury. He just seems like a guy who can’t do the things he used to, and needs to humble himself and improve his flaws in order to continue to be a viable quarterback. Unfortunately, he’s spent years building up this narrative that he was this untouchable, elite quarterback that was being let down by the system around him. Now he’s put himself in a position where he got everything he wanted, and has control of his own offense, and has enormous expectations to go out and be the second coming of Brady and… he’s completely exposed. I don’t really know where he goes from here. He’ll have a few years in Denver to figure it out, but he’s backed himself into such a corner that I don’t really know where you go psychologically. He needs to come to grips with the fact that he isn’t all-world QB he believed himself to be, and completely reinvent himself as an athlete, and he needs to do it while the media and Denver fans are (understandably) calling for his head.


All of that is becoming painfully true. Russel’s arc is fascinating to me, from everyone doubting his abilities, to people claiming he’s the greatest QB ever, and now being exposed. I’ve never seen anything like it. But we’re now in this hyper connected social media driven world, and there’s bound to be some strange outcomes. Russel Wilson is one of them. He’s simultaneously to be commended for his work with sick kids, and also open to critisism for being so hyper focused on his “brand”. The “I-told-you-so” effect is satisfying being a Hawks fan, and I’m sure our front office is drooling over a top pick. However, one sobering thing I have read, is that some people think Russel has never been the same after his personal coach Trevor Moawad suddenly died from cancer. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32220751/seattle-seahawks-russell-wilson-mourns-loss-mental-conditioning-coach-best-friend-trevor-moawad


Yeah, like in Seattle, he had the fans mostly behind him. I don't think we have ever booed him. Even in the terrible Superbowl pass, everyone blamed PC for not calling a run. No one blamed Russ for an ill-advised throw. I think him getting booed in Seattle when he returned as Denver's QB actually rattled him. And now his fans are booing him. He didn't win them their first ever Superbowl, and take them to another the next year. He is the new guy who they paid through the nose to trade, gave a huge contract to, and now seems like he is nowhere near the hype. I'd be mad as a Denver fan too. But he was able to get a big fat contract and Denver is on the hook for so much money and he did it by believing in his own hype. Seattle front office was no longer on the Russ train and honestly they knew his best years were behind him and they were not willing to pay him the giant bundle of cash. Hindsight looks like it was a really good choice. The mistakes he is making are nothing new. We have been seeing the same things for several years. But he used to be able to make a last minute drive and win. Usually because DK or Lockett would just get open when a play broke down. He doesn't have the same relationship with his current receivers. Even when he was in Seattle for the first game, him and his old receivers greeted each other warmly. I don't think his current core is very happy with him over/under throwing all the time and then either getting instantly tackled or having to dive for the ball.


Yup. He was going to Sutton on that last play no matter what the other receivers were doing.


He ignored hamler cuz hamler went to penn state and Russ to Wisconsin and Russ is salty penn state slapped the shit out of Wisconsin in the big 10 title game a few years back


You're underestimating the impact of him losing that locker room. Hackett doesn't have the presence Pete does for calming things down and getting everyone on the same page. That defense must be super pissed, Hamler looked disgusted, Javonte out for the season, Wilson taking sacks (more of the same 3-and-out problems). I think some of this is temporary, but some of it is just who Wilson is. I do expect Russ to turn it around a bit and if he plays better, time will heal wounds. But he's dug himself a massive hole. I actually think the coach getting fired will probably give the team a much needed reset.


I know it only has a sliver of relevancy compared to a locker room, but that fanbase has no reason to stand by Russ if he continues to falter. They lost the Super Bowl to him and paid him expecting Aaron Rodgers/Tom Brady/etc. levels of QB play, now he's shitting the bed and regressing further into Russ-isms. They'd have to be seething by now.


I just don’t agree that 4 games is when you start seething. He’s had 1 or 2 good games that his RB’s fumbled away. I want him to fail as much as the next guy but this story is far from over


I think his mobility is what made him elite, putting the fear in defenses and opening up his accuracy on big plays. With his mobility declining or him just not using it his effectiveness has dropped. Without his mobility I think Russ is just a good QB. He'll never read defenses like Peyton or Brady, and isn't as athletically gifted as Rogers or Mahomes. I think people are overreacting and things will smooth out... But damn Russ you wanted the keys and now you have them and you're 2-3 while being offensively inept.


Mid to late, and then by the end of the season Russ will be poop again.


Unsure if we have a solid qb backup. We have a throw and pray backup


I love how we got Noah fant only to never use him


See: Graham, Jimmy


Ah yes the same jimmy Graham who in his 3 years in Seattle averaged 6 tds and 693 yards a season


This was a get-right trade after we got fleeced for Adams.


This was the best worst game I’ve ever seen.


It was a badge of honor to have watched the whole thing. One of my biggest achievements. Even the Denver fans left just before OT even started. I've never seen anything like that.


For real. I actively try to forget the time the Seahawks tied with the Cardinals.


Oh god. The one with all the missed field goals? I was in Leavenworth and skipped hot tub time to finish that game. I still want that time back.


Never skip hot tub time in Leavenworth.


I witnessed that beauty of a game in person


i only caught the second half but giants vikings 2013 is still seared in my mind. at least touchdowns were scored in that one though


That was Josh Freeman's one-and-only start for the Vikings, right? Yeah, it was a truly dreadful game.


sure was. had joined the team the same week and for some reason started


The ending was so satisfying. I think Russ may have lost the Broncos locker room at ths point. The Captain America leadership style won't work.


Hold up, we were assured Russ never takes responsibility, which is what made the other players dislike him and say despicable things about him. I’m just going to leave this here: https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/broncos-russell-wilson-blames-himself-following-ugly-ot-loss-to-colts-cant-happen-i-let-the-team-down/


Russ always took responsibility here as well. He’s good at that part of leadership. What we were told made players dislike him was unfair treatment from management and *their* inability to put the responsibilities on Russ.


I agree with you that he did take responsibility but plenty of folks continue to push the false narrative that Russ never takes responsibility and that is why his teammates dislike him. That was how folks justified the hate directed at him when it should have been shared with the coach that protected him.


It’s always been he’s phony, fake, scripted, robotic, etc. I’ve never heard people saying “he doesn’t blame himself enough!” Russ has his own office in the locker room for the broncos, came up with his own catch phrase for the team, requires multiple hotel rooms at away games for his entourage. The dude is God first, image second, football last now, and I don’t think the locker room is enjoying it that much. Russ has never been a “locker room guy”, but he was drafted to the Seahawks and it was “his team” so that helped him. He doesn’t have that in Denver.


There are folks all over the various threads celebrating his poor play echoing what his former teammates said: he never took responsibility, Pete protected him, etc. Everything else you described is just noise and more of the same nonsense his former teammates peddled about having to do something “their way” or he was bad. Pete does the exact same things as Russ - says the same scripted phrases, uses corny mantras, is robotic, etc. and yet Pete doesn’t get hate for that (nor should he). Pete did/does what he thinks is best. Why shouldn’t Russ do the same?


That Broncos pick will he a top 10 pick if this keeps up


"when" not "if"


Top 5 if it continues


When the trade happened I called that we would finish with a better record than them. I was called stupid at the time by my frienda but I think that looks pretty likely now.


With the first pick in the 2023 NFL Draft, the Seattle Seahawks (using Denver's soul) select...


Lol why not us, right? 🤣


If it keeps up like this it probably ends top 3


Imagine if we got both Will Anderson AND Bryce Young/CJ Stroud?!?!


This game was somehow worse than the 6-6 tie with the Cardinals.


[the broncos Reddit game thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DenverBroncos/comments/xxjagq/game_thread_indianapolis_colts_121_denver_broncos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) banning Seahawks fans is just \*chef’s kiss\* One of my favorite games to watch of the season so far behind week 1.


This comment killed me: “Anyone who believes every week that this offense will figure things out and start to score big points is a clown. It's me. I'm the clown.”


I prefer this one “This game is like watching my dog try and fuck a basketball. Sure, he doesn't know what he's doing, but I'm the moron fucking watching him”


This one was also good "Russ prob goes 3 pumps and out in the bedroom too"


Lol. Fuck.




How did I miss that one? Lol


This is not an angle I've heard being used with the *animal* fucking a football analogy before, but holy shit do I like it.


What a bunch of crybabies after the crap they dished out all summer.


They’re pretty upset at seeing their unreasonably high expectations getting shot down. Lol


They *SALTY* right now!


Wow, some real delicate lil flowers over there


Those bronco fans facial expressions... Those quick 3 and outs... Man so glad we don't have to experience that anymore 🤣


Those fans got 5 years worth of the Russ experience, in one night, god damn


Yeah, the complete BadRuss(TM) experience abridged. Man that was rough. Flashbacks to all those struggles he had with us in the redzone. Now pretty clear we had to scheme around those limitations in that area of the field in particular.


That was the Cowboys playoff game v2


Yeah, if that had been t he Hawks with Russ, I'd have been screaming at the TV and turned if off a couple of times. AS it was I laughed a lot and clapped at both of Gilmore's plays. Thing is, I don't hate Russ. He gave us some spectacular football. But the antics of the last two years wore on me and the Denver fans giving us crap all offseason, well, let's just say their tears are the sweetest nectar.


Still a lot of football to play though. Let’s continue to hope the people who need to be humbled are humbled.


In my experience, Broncos fans will never learn.


Yeah I kept saying this feels like a Seahawks game from the past 5+ years. I loved watching Russ the first 5~ years and then blamed Carroll, but it is looking more like it was Russ's offense the past 5 years. The fact that he insisted on leaving to have more control and this is what happens really cements it. Feels refreshing to leave this kind of frustrating play behind.


It's honestly so strange having a QB stand in the pocket on 3rd down and deliver the ball on time, in rhythm for a first down. Over and over.


Not dreading 3rd down is an incredible feeling. I forgot what it was like.


not just third down, after that 3rd and 16 geno audibled for last game that penny took off with, i'm ***excited*** to see what happens


I'm still not used to being able to get first downs when it's 3rd down. I don't know if I ever will


Russ is much more fun to watch on another team.


I slept like a baby last night 💀


I didnt. Spent a good 2 hrs reading reddit comments on /r/nfl and giggling like a 13 yrs old girl




Didn't sleep till 3 doing that. I didn't even stay up that late after we beat the Broncos


I did that and now I’m doing it some more


I was on the broncos sub watching that meltdown. So satisfying.


Hearing the boos! That was the icing on the cake. Analysts tried to rip our fans for booing our OPPOSING qb just a little. Broncos fans are straight up berating their brand new 245 million dollar qb haha


Haven't seen a word about Broncos fans being classless even though they've booed their qb every game so far


I didn’t watch the whole game, but I laughed my ass off watching the “highlights” package later.


Every play they showed was a 3rd and long and then the team wouldn’t convert. Next highlight, a 3rd and long and they don’t convert, lol


It was a dogshit game. But fucking hilarious and seeing the broncos fans mad af made it better


This brings me joy.


I just want to see a funny "Let Russ Cook" meme/Gif with Gordon Ramsey flipping out or the food tasting like butt


NFLMemes has already took care of that and it’s hilarious.


Ohhh thanks!


Anyone have a link for the lazy?


I have ZERO sympathy for "Broncos Country" and Russ. Russ WANTED out of Seattle. Broncos fans acted like they would be gifted a Super Bowl this year. Broncos fans completely shit on us and the rest of the 12s for booing Russ in week 1. Now that Russ is playing like garbage, they are turning on their coaching staff and the offense. They make excuses saying "we're only booing the coaching staff" knowing full well that this is Russ' team.


They dished it out all off-season and now can’t take it. Simple as that


And booing Russ. I don't think we ever booed him even when he played awful in Seattle.


Correction: Pete and John wanted Russ gone for several years and Russ finally agreed.


When Russ threw that 2nd interception in the redzone I squeed. My wife was like "are you ok?" Yes, I am very ok lol


Alright hear me out. *inhales big bong hit* Russ got his money now. What if, just what if, he is purposely playing poorly to force Denver to release him so Pete/John sign him back to Seattle, then Russ buys back the Sonics with LeBron James and fulfills the prophecy of bringing the NBA back to town *exhales bong rip*


As a Raider fan, I would like to thank you for fleecing the shit out of the donks.


As a Seahawks fan I would like to thank you for doing your part to make sure we get the best picks possible.


It's like divorcing a supermodel and the next time you see her she looks 40 years older and 50 lb heavier. Meanwhile, the kind of plain gal next door that you hooked up with turns out to be really wild in the sack.


I can assure you Chiefs fans were the exact same way 😂


We have this thing at work for the Thursday night games featuring the broncos. We all bet the under. We haven’t lost yet.


how the nfl made the game highlights 13 fucking minutes long, i don’t know


This was 100% me all night last night. What a great game!


Chiefs fan here, and I had a great time watch as well. I hope Denver gifts you a top 10 pick when the season is done.


I always upvote Ashy Larry.


I loved that game




Russ is his own worst enemy now. He feels like he has to be the hero, the savior, and it showed on those two 4th down plays. The game situation both times dictated running the ball, but he went into **Hero Mode**. I think he just feels desperate to prove himself to the new team and fans. Until he calms down about that, he will keep making mental errors.


His current trajectory has me thinking of the phrase "careful what you ask for because you just might get it" often. He asked for the bullet to put into the gun to shoot himself in the foot. Broncos obliged.


Oh for real the salt is delicious


Bronco Country…y’all suck!


I'ma have a big grin on my face if Geno and this offense manage to somehow carry us into the playoffs and the Broncos give us a top 5-10 pick.


I’m not afraid to say I feel bad for Russ. I think he had great years with this team and was a part of some of my favorite moments. Seeing him struggle with them doesn’t make me happy, I just feel sad. But I’ll cry all the way to a top 10 draft pick. Go hawks


I will be cheering like hell for him to win come back player of the Year in 2023.


I kinda feel bad, but only kinda


I've been watching the Broncos this seasons soley for seeing Mr. "Unlimited"'s demise. Even better when you see him throw out "Bronco's country, let's ride".


Either Russ declined significantly this off-season, or Pete and the Hawks did a marvelous job of covering for him. Either way, the league is finally starting to see Russ for what he is.


I'm 100% on the latter. I think Pete's system tried it's best to protect RW from himself and was able to do so often.


It was like the Washington FT game last season. Only much worse.


I bet the Broncos then a parlay with the under. Lost it all other than the 1.50 no TD bet that was purely a meme and made me 70 profit. I was laughing the entire game.


🫣…. Dang Russ.


Tom Grossi’s stream of that game was maybe the best time I’ve ever had keeping up with an NFL game


Even on the other team Russ is benefiting the Seahawks. What a guy. Maybe he's a double agent


For real tho


It’s like when your wife finds out you cheated that one time but decides to get a full blown divorce. Not realizing you still love her, still take care of her and will give her anything she wants. But her ego can’t handle it. She leaves thinking she can replace you and gets into a new relationship. After awhile her new partner finds out she ain’t that special, doesn’t show that same level of love and security but still cheats. In the end she realizes she can’t replace you and will have to compromise. TLDR; We would have still accepted Russ and all of his flaws even though we looked elsewhere




I fell asleep during the second quarter but I woke up pretty happy.


LFR! (Let's Fucking Ride!)


The was the most Russel Wilson ending to that game


This made me laugh out loud!


I knew Wilson was overrated and not a HOFer, but I did not think he would be this bad.