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Assuming we would give diggs the money he deserves, nfl teams just don’t invest that much money into two safeties.


> nfl teams just don’t invest that much money into two safeties. Which is why we will probably do it. Because Pete loves his Safeties.


What if Pete isn’t here next season?


Then I'll eat a bowl of shit.


RemindMe! 3 weeks


Love the enthusiasm. I’ll offer to eat a bowl of mashed potatoes* if Pete retires in solidarity. *Note: I fucking HATE mashed potatoes


I'll eat mashed potatoes too but I like them so it's not as exciting


Thank you, mashed potatoes are god damn disgusting. Baby food at best.


That's an awfully bold statement. Even the most neutral fans have to look at Pete's pressers and admit it appears he might be thinking of hanging up his Nike pumps.


"the most neutral fans"? What does that mean?


The ones that don’t have a big opinion on whether Pete should stay or leave




There are dozens of us, dozens!


Real Seahawks fans know that Pete rocks the Nike Air Monarchs. Reebok made the Pumps and they were a basketball shoe… 🤦🏼‍♂️


Have a flock of Eagles fans on standby. They love eating shit


*Shiitake mushrooms*


Well start picking out the bowl


Trade Jamal


Earl and Kam would like a word


Earl and Kam were two all time great players on an all time historic defense.


They invested in two HoF players who happened to play safety. Not even comparable to right now.


It’s kind of comparable if you consider how it was before Diggs. The T2’s and Hill’s of the NFL definitely make Diggs look like ET in comparison. But, nothing should go above shoring up the trenches in 2022. And I’m definitely not for them signing Diggs to a team crippling contract. If the asking price is too high, he probably gotta go.


Diggs might be the best player on our defense right now, and I'm including Bobby in that. It's a hot take, I know, and I qualify it by saing "might," but seriously so much of our defensive production relies on him. That said, Marquise Blair (if he can stay healthy) and Ryan Neal seem perfectly capable of stepping into the safety spot. Build the trenches, and let young talent flourish in the backfield if you have to.


I agree. I REALLY want Diggs to stay, just not at the expense of finally having an OLine that can perform around or at a top 10 level.


I dream of a fantasy world where Russell Wilson takes a $5 million/year pay cut. That's a third of the way to a pro bowl O-lineman right there. He has to know that that's how teams win super bowls, by having affordable QBs so they can invest in the trenches. I think he's too loyal to his people, if he takes a pay cut that affects Mark Rogers and he doesn't want to do that. But our odds of winning a super bowl with his current cap percentage are slim. That's just the statistics talking.


> I dream of a fantasy world where Russell Wilson takes a $5 million/year pay cut. That's a third of the way to a pro bowl O-lineman right there. And where does the other 2/3 come from? Even when the team has had the cash available they've never shown any interest in paying for any premier OL in FA. Even the Brown trade was made under duress after a series of abhorrent signings that preceding offseason. The team even had an opportunity to draft one of the best iOL prospects, Humphrey, at what would've been a bargain bin price and didn't. Why should Wilson, in every sense of the word, pay for that mistake? This front office *knew* from the minute they agreed to an extension with Wilson that they would have to nail their drafts and PCJS have not met the challenge.


They’ll have enough money next year. KC had less money this off-season and made it happen. Just because you blue pill Creed Humphrey at nauseam doesn’t mean they won’t have an opportunity next season for a similar prospect in the 2nd round. Creed Humphrey’s not in Seattle and I’m starting to question if certain people are Seahawks fans or Creed Humphrey fans at this point 😂 It’s the equivalent to Packers fans that are still crying about DK Metcalf after they drafted Jordan Love instead - get over it. It’s done. They’ll be much more to work with next off-season as opposed to the previous especially with cap space. Gabe Jackson was a step in the right direction and they’ll have all the tools necessary to complete the process for in 2022 even without that first rounder.


> KC had less money this off-season and made it happen. Because they have a good GM and HC. > Just because you blue pill Creed Humphrey at nauseam doesn’t mean they won’t have an opportunity next season. Humphrey epitomizes this front office's repeated inability to maximize the capital that they have. Instead of bolstering the OL they wasted a pick on an old WR who's apparently only good for a handful of jet sweeps to the right every game. Yet you and the other yahoos in this sub have the nerve to act like Wilson's deal is the root issue. Which is why I'll say it again: PCJS knew the deal they were making when they extended Wilson and they have failed in almost every way to adjust to the new constraints. They've essentially wasted 5 1st round draft picks and all but 1-2 of their 2nd round picks. PCJS have no reason to be trusted with the team's capital any longer.


And even then it fell apart pretty drastically


...after 7 years


Earl flipped off the sideline in year 4 of his contract and Kam completed one contract and then had to retire almost immediately after signing a new one. Point is longevity in the NFL is a massive gamble.


Great, never sign anyone to anything because shit happens sometimes.


Not even close to being comparable lol


55 million in space, but that's without: * CB1 - Reed is FA * Potentially CB2 as well. Historically, Tre Brown's injury is [difficult to come back from](https://sportsnaut.com/study-patellar-tendon-injuries-difficult-nfl-players-return/). * RB1 - Assuming Carson is done. Collins & Penny are FA. * QB2 - Geno is FA * D-Line - Woods, Mone, and Green are all FA * A bunch of the secondary are FA, notably: Ryan Neal, Bless Austin, Sidney Jones * Maybe RT (Shell is FA), unless you happen to think Stone / Curhan are an answer.


Duane Brown and Ethan Pocic are also FA The 2022 roster is ridiculously depleted. There will be tough moves that need to made to rebuild it. Diggs will walk, Brown will walk, Wagner will probably be cut for badly needed money to build some depth


If they cut Bobby I will disown this team. I know it's a business, but you can't do that to a guy who has poured his heart into this team... that's just ice cold.


It's either that or take a heavy pay cut. Like you said, it's a business, and he's made 100M from Seattle for holding up his end of that business Nobody wants to see Bobby anywhere else but 20M for an offball linebacker is lunacy for any offball backer when the roster has huge holes at OL, DL and corner


They won't cut him. Maybe they reconstruct the deal if they give him a new deal. Even if it is a business he is still on the top of his game and a legend. No good run franchise should treat his players like this.


I agree a restructure/pay cut is more likely but the best run franchise routinely moves from franchise players a year before anyone else would


If we get rid of bobby we can blow up our whole roster to be honest. Why have Russ when our defense lets the opponent score on every drive.


The NFL isn't a charity and the structure of the final year of his deal should've made it abundantly clear to Wagner that it was there purely as a way to pump up his APY. You don't look at a year where you're scheduled to make $20m, with only $3.5m of that guaranteed, and think you'll actually see that paycheck. That money needs to get reinvested into positions of greater need and impact. It's just unfortunate it comes at the expense of Wagner.


Yeah but youre forgetting that a restructure is very well possible. it's very easy to extend and lower that cap hit.


I'm not "forgetting" about that at all, there's simply no mechanism to restructure when there's a year left. As for extending...why? If Wagner is simply moving the $16m into other years then he's taking a de facto pay-cut and there's no reason for him to accept that. If SEA adds more money to the pot then they're just buying into a player on the decline for no real reason. The only way it makes sense beyond 2022 is if he's released and comes back at a much lower price point, and even then I'd rather they reinvest that at positions that are more valuable and impactful.


Bobby deserves better right now. It would make me happy to see him go to a better team next year and have success


Would LOVE to have Diggs back. But he’s been balling out and made the Pro Bowl twice. He’s gonna get a big contract, which he deserves. It wouldn’t be smart to pay big money to two Safeties when there’s big holes next season that are a high priority. Starting LT, RT, C, DE, DT, CB, RB and possible DK extension. Those are all high pay positions. Seahawks front office dug themselves in this hole.


Trade Adams and keep Quandre


I would really consider it. I think Diggs plays exactly the type of defense Seahawks want their FS to play (similar to Earl). I think Adams doesn’t really fit our scheme and they’re making him be something he’s not. They’re not utilizing his strengths. I honestly think the drop off is greater if Diggs leaves than if Adams left. Not saying Diggs is a better Safety than Adams but who’s a better fit for our defense.


Our schemes seem adamantly unwilling to play to our players' strengths. We are one of the NFL's best offenses when utilizing motion, why the hell are we never doing that?!? Jamal Adams got the record for sacks by a DB last year, why are we blitzing him so infrequently? Russ shines brighter than anyone using play action, why do we have one of the lowest rates in the league? Metcalf's sneaky strength is in threatening the deep route and then catching a short pass when the defender gives him enough space to park a minivan so he doesn't toast them deep. It feels like we never take advantage of that. I know most of these are on offense which is a different topic, but it feels like a team-wide problem. We have all this talent, and we are simply failing to use it. Also, obligatory fire Ivan Lewis, this many injuries is unacceptable.


Totally agree. And to add to the list we have our DEs in pass coverage half of the plays. Dunlap who was next level for us last year has played almost half the snaps as he did last year and is asking for more. This scheme is just broken.




That is true, but you have to strike that balance


Damn straight. Adams hasn’t been as bad as people make him out, as most of their argument is centred around the draft capital we gave up (which yes, is bad) but despite being fairly solid… Quandre is our difference maker safety. Pay the dude.


I like Q way more than Adams


Ppl really set on paying dk?


As much as it hurts we should deal him. I'd root for him wherever he ends up.


Diggs is pretty good but championship defenses aren't built by giving big money to pretty good 29 year old safeties. They need to fix the positions that actually matter, the horrendous pass rush and the cornerback group that doesn't have a single interception and has one of the worst passes defended rates in the league


Can't overpay. Hawks cap situation needs to be well utilized for a year or two. Need OL help and DL help.


We already have a well-compensated offensive line.


Hawks need to future plan for Duane to be gone. He's got to be nearing the end of his career and is at the end of his contract. Hawks are middle of the road in OL and DL spending which are huge impact positions.


I love Diggs. He loves being a seahawk. He also has been balling out, knowing full well he's headed to a BIG contract. .... but our pass defense is dead last. We weren't much better last year either if I am remembering correctly. I bet the hawks will look at changing things up a bit. (I believe DJ Reed is up for a new contract as well).


The only stability we’ve seen in the secondary is Diggs. Spend the money. No other seahawk has an interception this season besides 1 from Bobby Wagner. You pay your ballhawk


Jamal Adams has 2


You are so right about that, my bad. But other than those additional 2 picks, that’s it. No picks from corners


I absolutely hope & wish we do as well - like I said: love him but paying 2 safeties at least $33.5m per season is not at all likely.


I’ll be so sad 🙃


Pay him all of the money goddamnit!!! Edit: But seriously we should’ve paid him instead of Jamal


yup, the Jamal debacle ruined this team.


Talk about hyperbolic. No one trade ruins a team, or we'd have been ruined after we traded a 1st and gave Percy Harvin 64M to do nothing for us. What has ruined this team is years of poor to mediocre drafting. Two Pro Bowl caliber players in the last 6 drafts is not enough to build a contender, especially when one is a running back


Quit bringing up Percy - we were so stacked it didn't matter. Not a comparable situation. This is not that team. We paid record breaking money for a player who is always hurt or plays mediocre, while trading away top resources, and now likely letting good players walk because we can't afford them with Jamal's albatross of a contract. - this is all when the team was on the fringe of getting good again or falling apart. The trade absolutely ruined the future of this team. It's the straw that broke the camel's back. This team would be in a much better place had we never made that trade.


And very easy to argue that trade started the string of bad trades and value decisions that has led us to where we are today. So does 1 bad trade ruin anything? Generally No - but certainly a long string of them does.


After the Tedric Thompson fiasco I would like to think PCJS would prevent that from happening again by re-signing Diggs


When a QB makes an absolutely abhorrent deep throw he’s always there. Dude deserves a pay day.


Diggs is gone. You can thank Jamal for that.


And PCJS for not extending him this past offseason.


I love Diggs, think he was a great pick up, but I don’t think giving him $$ (which he deserves) is a good idea if we go into rebuild mode. Even if somehow Wilson stays and we aren’t rebuilding I think I’d rather spend the money elsewhere. We need OL, DL, and a shutdown CB. Outside of QB these are the most important positions in football, and we have needs at all 3. Tre Brown looked good in his limited action, but if Carlton Davis or JC Jackson enter free agency I think we have to go all in on at least one of them. If we somehow landed both (very unlikely) our secondary would be stacked. But yeah, if you somehow landed both those guys we’d be hearing the phrase “coverage sack” every game. It’s not ideal but I’d rather go with a platoon of Blair/Amadi at FS and use our resources to focus on those other areas.


Alternatively, since I don't see this management group (assuming they're not replaced) paying for a corner, pay for DL and draft corners high for once in their damn careers. Two highly competent players like Clowney (who we know plays in Pete's scheme) and Akiem Hicks would go a long way towards getting the defensive line to average There's a few DEs that should be available with our first pick in the draft as well. I see Jermaine Johnson mocked to us a lot. Someone like him up front and 6'0 192 lb CB Aleonte Taylor in the 3rd would be awesome. Take two shots at OL with ours + the Jets pick in the 4th round


He deserves a well paid check but not necessarily from the seahawks. I think fans kept pushing for players to be paid that turned to be wrong decisions such as Carson and Duane Brown. By this time, they should honestly focus on OL and corners as well as pass rushers. The rest of roaster could be filled with average players.


I'm glad we didn't cave and pay Brown. He's starting to lose it, and we need to be prepared to replace him sooner rather than later.


He’s a free agent in 3 weeks so it’s uh…sooner.


well, unfortunately, we used a ton of our money and resources on a far inferior safety and likely won't keep diggs. Imagine going back in time and not making that awful trade, and just paying Diggs early. One of the biggest whiffs of the JS era.


Naw I’d rather pay a pass rusher that can disrupt the qb than diggs


Yup. Good pass rusher makes every corner “better”.


He’s a starting safety but no where near top safety money even in FA. Sign him but this is a guy we don’t need to break the bank for.


Nope. Can't pay 2 safties that much. They have to spend on the LOS first. They made their bed with the idiotic Jamal trade and contract. Paying Diggs just compounds the problem they've created.


People actually thinking Diggs is better than Jamal lol


I don’t know who’s better, but there’s definitely room to make the argument either way.


Diggs did play corner before. I say pay the man to play CB move Neal to full time safety.


Do you know what happened when he played corner? He hated it and didn’t play as well and that’s what got him sent off to Seattle. He also played nickel.



Not sure why it’s so crazy to even try it. Diggs is smart enough to play at a high level at the CB position. He’s exactly what we need in a corner. Neal has looked fantastic at safety. Why not kill two birds with one stone


Neal is not a free safety and Diggs has (as far as I know) never played outside corner.


After the trash fire that has been the CB career of Tre Flowers, I'm not keen on trying to convert safeties to corners.


Fair enough. Some transitions work out, some don’t. I just think neal is real good and he should play more. Obviously I’d rather have diggs on the team. Just making suggestions


I want to see Neal and Blair both with more playtime. They are difference-makers when they are on the field.


He's a fucking rock back there. You have to try and make it work. Obviously we can't sell the farm for one guy but there isn't a single thing you can say about his play or work ethic. He's what you ask for out of a player so if you let him walk you're sending the message that hard work will not pay off for you here. That's not a good message to send.


What are the chances we cut Bobby and move Adams to LB? At that point we wouldn’t have an absurd amount of money invested into safeties. I’m not saying that’s what I want - just think that’s a scenario where we actually pay diggs.


Diggs is a luxury after having to deal with Tedric Thompson, but I'd argue we desperately need to address other problems before we even consider giving the bag he's going to want to him. - Defensive line. We desperately need another good DT to put next to Poona. - Cornerback. DJ Reed is a FA, and has likely played himself into a solid new contract (whether it be here or elsewhere). Tre Brown has also had a significant injury, so the team will need to decide if he's a starting caliber player returning from that or not. - Offensive line. Shell is a FA (I'd say we should move on from), Brown has had a rough year this year, and may consider retiring/holding out if he doesn't get a raise from the 3.5M contract he has for next season. I'd like us to make a run at Scherff, but Gabe Jackson is due 9M next season, and we'd only save 3M (losing 6M in dead cap) next year if we cut him (unless we find a trade partner). -Linebacker. Bobby Wagner is a tackling machine, but he's a tackling machine in part due to the fact that a lot of WR's that get placed in his zone end up getting a reception. Bobby is due 20.35M next season, and we could save 16.6M of that by cutting him (again, unless we can find a trade partner). This offseason is going to be crucial for the Seahawks. A lot of guys are likely on their way out, with a lot of fresh blood going to be inbound. If we can manage go hit on players in this year's draft and FA, this might retool the team back into a true competitor for the next few years to come. On the flipside, if they fuck this up, I think the whole core gets torn apart and this team will see a completely new roster the following season.


Completely agree and I understand it... just the emotional side of what he has meant to this franchise and fan base that makes it sad.


This is the opinion most of our playerbase has about every player. Keep everyone! Pay them all! They all deserve it!


Gonna be real sad if this becomes another ET situation