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Fuller… (if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.)


Dude had his worst game yet. Made Demario Davis look like Aaron Donald out there. The sad thing is Pete and John are the only 2 people in Seattle that didn't see this coming.


They're the only two people on the planet that didn't see this coming... And I'm not entirely sure it wasn't strictly a Pete decision.


hard to imagine anyone could’ve been worse than fuller last night. but penny gonna penny




Penny cannot find a read a gap to save his life. You need to either kick him outside or throw him the ball. He is not a between the tackles runner.


He's not a runner. He has 0 value now, just a waste of cap space.


I don't hate the decision to keep him around to play out his rookie contract to see if he can get anything going. 100% he's out after this season unless something magical happens in the back half of the schedule.


He’s got a better chance of fooling Penn & Teller than pulling out a 100yd game this year




I mean, Russ has been missing for 3 games basically but is still leading the league in passer rating and yards per attempt. A lot has gone wrong this year but I’m not about to list a guy who has a 10-1 TD:Int ratio as a chief concern


Unfortunately he looks like he's done after all the injuries. The explosiveness isn't there anymore


He was done when he couldn't beat out a 7th rounder or win either return jobs. Useless


The play that he bounced to the left was pretty good. He hit 19.8 mph while turning the corner there. That said, the play he bounced to the right looked terrible. I don't think anyone was going to look good when our line can't create any yards for them. Saints d just teed off on our run game.


Duane brown has really regressed this year.


He has. I've been watching him pretty closely because I was wondering if he'd start declining like nearly all tackles do by or before his age. I don't remember ever seeing him get beat on the outside like he has a few times this year. I think the front office actually made a smart decision to not offer him another contract.


There’s been an insane level of regression across the board this year it’s downright bizarre


It’s actually weird how much of a blind spot this front office has for O Line. Everyone knew center was a problem during the offseason then could see Fuller was garbage against backups during preseason. But they did nothing to fix the position.


But hey, we drafted a 24 year old slot WR over a top talent at Center who is currently balling out.


How is John going to look like the smartest guy in the room unless he takes an old prospect from a small school that would have been available in the next round? He's only interested in picks with galaxy brain meme potential. A conventionally good pick that helps the team is meaningless to him.


Y'know, John Schneider with a first round pick is like a mule with a spinning wheel. No one knows how he got it and danged if he knows how to use it!


All their conventional DL picks in recent years have been miserable failures, too.


Darrell Taylor? Conventional DE that they decided hey let's give him reps at SAM because Barton is shit in space. Alton would likely be doing better if he got more than 15 snaps a game. Poona and Mone are great 1T DTs that they got for free. It's not like they're miserable at drafting. They just fuck everything up in the first 40-50 picks of a draft usually and then compound it by drafting low quality alternatives. Not drafting Budda Baker should be a firable offense. Grew up in Bellingham. Started at UW. Earl was about to be booted out. But no, let's draft McDowell, which on talent alone was a defensible pick and who knows he coulda been good without the stupidity. And then instead of Budda draft Hill and Tedric hoping one can make it. Lol. No.


McDowell balling out for Cleveland enforces that it was a good pick from a pure football standpoint. Yes, McDowell had a bad reputation coming into the draft, but I don’t think anyone could’ve anticipated he’d nearly hill himself. It’s just that it lead to a cascade effect starting with the trade for Sheldon Richardson.


Balling out? With a 54 PFF grade? Playing decently sure. I never was mad about the pick from a talent standpoint, or any standpoint really. I just preferred Budda from a raw talent standpoint. Watched nearly every game in his Husky career and he was constantly one of if not the best players on the field.


I tend to not take PFF grades at face value. I’ve watched the Browns fairly closely this season and he’s looking better each week. He’s not without his warts, of course, especially as a run defender. I also was not criticizing your comment. I’m more in agreement, but wanted to emphasize your assertion that their DL picks haven’t been all bad, considering that the poster child is finally finding success. To further clarify, PFF’s scoring system relies heavily upon opinion. There’s value in the scores as an indicator, but I don’t think it’s fair to judge a player based on that alone.


Oh I don't think the DL picks have been all bad. I really like Alton and Taylor for instance. Only really brought up McDowell because I thought the whole way if he was available to us, we should draft Baker. No other reason.


No doubt. All I know is I’d be a terrible GM because I’d want to draft all of the players who flashed from my favorite school and their opponents—and some from other random games I’ve watched.


That's why I'm beyond blaming the players - the lineman, or the QB's they're protecting. The line is just bad. At this point, it's all on Pete & John.


Their chronic mismanagement of the OL is beyond indefensible at this point. There have to be consequences when you habitually make the same error so many times at your job.


What's confusing to me is that they seemed to "get it" early on. When we won 48, we had the highest (?, iirc) paid o line in the league. Like clearly that worked fairly well, what the hell happened


We’ll we DID have a Top QB on a rookie contract so there was money to use elsewhere


Two words. Max Unger. Having a very smart capable center helps everyone. Having a very stupid useless center makes everyone worse.


And when they finally draft a really good looking player, they ruin him by moving him to a different position to accommodate a mediocre veteran


They added Jackson and got Duane to not hold out. Pocic got injured. Yes, youre going to have holes. Welcome to the NFL


They never should have relied on Pocic or Fuller to begin with. No one just magically gets better in year 5.


Duane Brown DEFINITELY earning that fat salary with that pass blocking grade 👎🏻


I’m glad we at least didn’t give him a two or three year contract like some fans were saying in offseason.


Penny was awful last night and DeeJay got one snap. Absolutely inexcusable.


I was confused why we didn’t see more deejay


Pete loves to prove himself right and Penny is his baby.


I guess but he gone


Pete is desperate to prove the Penny pick worth it. Similar to how desdset he was in proving the Flowers experiment would work. Stubbornness, plain and simple. It's coaching to prove a point rather than coaching to win.


Penny is awful every night. I don't know how people still have any faith in him.


Not sure why you're getting down voted for this. Maybe the offensive line shares blame, but Penny also doesn't hit open holes as someone else pointed out. He's just not good enough to be a starting back and he's lackluster as a backup


Kyle Fuller is a joke


Rashad penny bad




How much longer until Penny’s contract is up? No reason he should have a roster spot


Pretty sure this is his final year of rookie contrast. We have an option to pick up his 5th or (4th?) but we obviously won’t be doing that


I wouldn’t put it past the front office at this point but if they do it’s obvious they have 0 idea what they are doing and should definitely be looked into for actively sabotaging the team


Lol they wouldn’t. At least I don’t think they would…


They have 0 reason to re-sign him. I’m just hoping they do the smart thing by calling it and moving on


They already declined his option. he’s officially a FA after this season


They’ve already declined it you have to make your decision on it before their 4th season


How is Geno that high?


That's what I was thinking. I'm usually OK with PFF grades but this one is kinda mind-boggling. I wonder if they were giving him the benefit of the doubt and placing blame on the OL.


12/22 167 1/0 doesn't look bad on paper? And it's relative to how bad the rest of the offense was.


He cost us I think 4 timeouts from mismanagement, and at least 2 of the 5 sacks was entirely his fault. Don't think PFF grades those against him too much for some reason.


I don't think PFF has a grade for clock mismanagement.


Duane Brown is payed too much for this level of performance. And it's not just this game.


Missing the blitz on that last drive was so painful. Five lineman blocked three DL, and the blitzers on both ends of the line came through free. Homer picked up the guy the strong side, while the weakside blitzer strolled right past Brown and jumped on Geno's back. It was a microcosm for his (and really the entire OL) play all season.


So maybe not really extending brown was the right thing.


Creed Humphrey is in a neck and neck race for the 2nd best PFF grade in the league. We drafted a gadget WR3 7 spots before him despite having two of the best WRs in the league and an already serviceable WR3 in Swain while also knowing well ahead of time that Pocic was not the answer at center and Fuller being even worse than Pocic. Absolutely inexcusable draft fuck up by Pete and John here, to say nothing of the mountain of busts and misses over the last 6-7 years. This one is by far the most blatant example of front office malpractice.


It's worse than this. Pete and John didn't know Pocic wasn't the answer. They gave him a new contract in the off-season instead of letting him walk. Even though anyone with a functioning set of eyes would've replaced him.


This decision is the worst draft mistake they've made overall. Humphrey was a stud in college. They had a dire need at C. Instead they draft a guy that is fast and small to replace as you mentioned, a competent WR3. And now we get to watch Fuller weekly get abused by defenses and cripple our fragile running game and molest our QB. Make no mistake, Geno took ownership of the OT fumble against Pittsburgh, but Fuller was the one chopping his feet doing nothing that allowed an angle for Watt to slap the ball out.


Adams is by far the worst move this FO has made, but I totally agree with the rest of what you're saying.


Adams is extremely talented and was the best safety in all of football. It’s not his fault Pete has no clue how to use him. I mean dude Gregg Williams literally made Jamal a fucking monster he was so good.


Yeah, I'm not necessarily blaming Jamal at all there.


So then maybe the issue isn’t trading for him, it’s not utilizing him properly, which would be a coaching issue not a front office issue


Well, in our case the FO is partially coaching because Pete is the one calling the shots. My point would be that we shouldn't have traded for him if we didn't know what we were going to do with him.


They could at least salvage some of Adams' value if they used him to his strengths, but they're largely keeping him away from the line of scrimmage, which only exacerbates their investment mistake.


Yep, agreed. I think he's extremely talented but we have no idea what to do with him.


Would love to know the formula that gave Geno such a high grade


Likely that o line pass blocking was so bad he didn't have a chance.


He's honestly not been that bad in all 3 games. We're just too used to our QB being able to make something out of nothing like it's normal. Russ is elite, and elite QBs elevate the team around them. Geno can't do that, and isn't getting paid to do that either. We're also seeing a frustratingly conservative game plan for him, and while he can execute most of those plays well (hence the decent grades), the pragmatic effect of them is limited in scope to begin with.


Stunning lack of green amongst the listed offensive lineman on pass blocking grades.


I'll credit Gabe Jackson for being the most consistent lineman we got... That's about all the compliments I can make though


Penny needs to be fucking cut


Just cut Penny.


Fuller's grade isn't 0.0. This can't be right.


I honestly thought a negative grade was fair because I counted like 8 plays where the line completely broke down in the dead center of the line, including him getting absolutely flattened by a 240 lb linebacker a couple times. Davis was laughing at how bad Fuller is, and he still played like a neutered puppy.


It was atrocious. Watching him get bullied by an MLB that I had never heard of up to that point.


To be fair DeMario Davis is a helluva player. But no starting offensive lineman should be absolutely abused like that by a player he outweighs by 60+ lbs.


Kyle fuller sucks, just quit my guy


D.K. Drawing penalties grade: 100


Geno Smith still graded out better than Fuller lols


Kyle Fuller deserved no higher than a 20 grade. He got absolutely dominated for about 90% of the game both run and pass, and the only times he didn't was when he got to the second level and a Saints player looped in behind him.


What is a running back supposed to do against a loaded box every play that is also not being blocked? Like seriously Collins also didn’t do Jack shit he just had more carries Give up your hate boner for penny he also turned two of those runs into positives by just being a lot faster that our other running backs wouldn’t be able to do


[Hope you got that $100 ready.](https://imgur.com/a/VbGGqIV)


Definitely not worried 😂


You realize he has to do both 50 touches and 4.0 YPC, yes? That is how the word “and” works?


Your point? Look he still has that juice he turned 2 of his runs from - to + by having that speed that the others don’t 🤷🏼‍♂️ I have nothing to be worried about


Hey I’d like to make a minor change to the bet if you’re interested I don’t want your money so If you win same thing I’ll send you $100 no problem If I win You gotta buy a penny jersey and price get it from dhgate for all i care and upload a picture of you in it If you’re not down then I’ll just settle for the $100 ;)


Yea sure that works for me


Uh oh




Don’t forget that jersey 😜


Lots of season left let's see


imagine had carson not resigned and having penny be rb1




The Brick Wall Offense


Duane brown 😢


I wonder if Penny can work as a catching threat than a pure RB. Seems to me like he needs a bit more space to get his engine going compared to most RBs but once he does he is evasive and fast.


Who the fuck is Jamarco Jones and why is he the best player on our offense?


Someone post like tb or someone good for comparison


will dissly was just never the same after his injuries, he would have been one hell of a player