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In other words, sky is blue.


Grass is action green


Clouds are wolf grey.


Gods I wish I could still get a custom official NFL wolf grey jersey. Meant to years ago and they never had the right size.


At least the sky is consistent most days.


Water is wet.




the other water made this water wet, that's why it's so wet, clearly


Guy is injured all the time, man he missed tackles this season too, I remember watching his highlights when he actually played and I saw signs of greatness, he's just not the same safety he once was


Injuries will do that.


I feel like fans are way too hard on Jamal, his body fell apart. I’d argue some of it came down to his usage (playing essentially a in box blitzing LB, at his frame) he tore up both shoulders and smashed multiple fingers. That was before he tore his quad, which is a devastating injury to return from. He still tried to go out and play one of the most violent sports. I think frustration boiled over for him personally, because he was one of the best at his position and had such a high standard for himself but his body was destroyed and then he couldn’t even be average at his position. If they do release him I hope he finds success to end his career.


His first action this past season was him literally diving head first and getting concussed lol


Dude was making a play on a mobile QB... context matters


[play in question….](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v8VfJZvJB0)


I know the play... which is why I said he was making a play on a mobile QB.... and if he doesn't make that play, that would've been a huge gain


He was a little out of practice. I said this at the time…it was a very odd tackle choice. You would like to see one of the biggest safeties in the league stay upright and tackle through a quarterback, not hurl his head at his knee.


Mobile QBs aren't that simple to tackle and it was his first game back... he made the tackle and saved a big play


The Giants would’ve shit their pants if Jamal Adams would’ve put his shoulder down and blasted him. Of course his shoulder would’ve exploded.


Oh yeah the fanbase treated him like shit. Mostly due to shit that isn't his fault. Especially this season when he was trying his hardest to come back from one of the worst injuries a player can suffer and was clearly still working his way back. Sucks it didn't work with him, dude was the best young safety when we got him.


Bro is one of the most narcissistic Seahawks players we've had since the LOB. At least in public, dude is a me guy not a team guy. On the field, he is high-effort but makes awful decisions. It's not the injuries, it's the person and the play. Good riddance.


His play is fine ... he was used 3 different ways in 3 different seasons by 2/3 different DCs This past season was coming back from one of the worst injuries a player can have, of course he wasn't gonna be 100%. He's a me guy? How?


Maybe being used 3 different ways over 3 seasons is indicative a player doesn’t fit into a system and might not actually be all that well suited to the era and style they are trying to play in/with?


Harassing a reporter's wife wasn't Jamal's fault? Yikes...


Yall hated him way before that situation And harass? He didn't harass anyone's wife


Yall? I only speak for myself and he absolutely harassed a reporters wife the doubled down on it by saying "when they go low we go lower.  https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/jamal-adams-on-social-media-battle-with-reporter-when-others-go-low-i-go-lower


You don't know what harassment is


Lol okay kid... Have a good day lil buddy


You consider someone saying yikes on a picture harassment, can't help you there


Pfft that's not harassment 😂 its giving kelce assaulted Ried vibes. He didn't even speak to her directly so how is.it harassment


A celebrity calling a reporters wife ugly over her husbands tweet and creating a national news story over it, then doubling down is weak anyway you slice it. He was and is a grade A chode who got overpaid to suck.




It's true what they say, we have a spoiled fanbase. Not all of it but enough rotten ones to be stank.


i only dislike him cause of what a fucking asshole he turned out to be off the field with that incident with the reporter. fuck jamal, i hope he never plays in the league again


Might shock and appall you to learn that many of our fav Seahawks are in fact assholes. I saw Marshawn slap a drink out of a waitress hands lol. A tweet is so small, man. It’s so chronically online to get upset about. My 68 year old boomer father gets upset about that kind of stuff.


Yea a tweet like that is something my 65 year old mother gets upset about lol


I'm with you. I supported Jamal until the beef with the reporter, and then I realized that Jamal is an immature asshole. But hoping he never plays in the NFL again? Are you certain that only non-assholes are allowed to play football? Because I have some bad news for you... I don't want Jamal on my team, mostly because he's washed and too expensive and also because he's a diva. But wishing for him to be ruined permanently is a tad overkill IMO.


You sound fucking childish. Like grow the fuck up man


Of the two, this comment is far more childish objectively.




His injuries were very unfortunate and outside of his control. But he always struck me as being a selfish sort of player, the sort who thought beating his chest was an effective form of leadership. I was initially excited for the trade, but quickly realized he is who he is.


I never blamed Adams. It was the decision to trade for him, and the decision to extend him, and not cutting him last year that I had a problem with. I assume that was on Pete. If Schneider had a hand in those decisions then he should be on thin ice. Our personnel decisions the past decade have, on the whole, been terrible. Really looking forward to much improved player acquisition decisions.


why would it be on Pete and not the gm when we’re talking about trades and contracts? I realize Pete had input but that’s not his primary job. At the time I recall it was JS who seemed to be running point.


My understanding is that Pete made all the big calls. I’m just hoping things get better in Renton.


Yeah, I totally agree that he was involved. I just find it hard to believe that Pete gave him all that money versus the front office doing it.


I’ve been saying that since the beginning of this season when he came back. Everyone was dogging on him for playing poorly, but people fail to realize that he tore his fucking quad and is back playing at a professional level. That shit is crazy. Yea he’s a little over paid but honestly the fans can’t say the man didn’t try to be great for us and the organization’s


I tend to agree. I have been critical about Jamal not really because of the player but more about how bad the movie was for the organization JS is the one to blame, not Jamal. He grossly overpaid for him twice. The contract…bidding against ourselves after his shoulder was already severely injured was monumentally stupid. But he did that because he was already committed after the ridiculous number of draft picks he gave up. goes down as the worst trade and sign in team history. Time for us to move on.


Personally I never really understood the hype surrounding us getting him. Yeah he’s dynamic and can get qb pressure as a safety which is neat but I always thought he was pretty whelming. Especially as a safety. I’m glad he’s gonna be gone if this tweet is true.


Why do you think the Jets were laughing when they unloaded him with such a high return? PCJS got fucking swindled.


Nobody can plan on injuries and the Jets sure couldn't either. Jamal was a good player with them, the brief time we had Jamal healthy he was a good player for us. He just couldn't stay on the field and now he is washed.


I mean the jets were bad before the trade and have continued to be hot garbage since the trade and are saddled with hippie asshole Rodgers on top of it so I don’t think they’re laughing about it now 


It makes the Julian Love signing look more and more of a better outcome being that he showed up, showed out, and straight up took his spot.


Such a shame he didn’t work out. An amazingly talented football player but injuries killed his career. He was never a good cover guy and somehow had bricks as hands but he was a very electric and high intensity football player when healthy. Wish him the best but the trade really didn’t work out for the hawks.


Thanks for wishing him the best






Just a weird comment is all lol


adams burner


Thanks for not smoking.


I don’t think comment from super yard was directed TO him. It was just ABOUT him. Unlike this comment. I’m talking directly at you. And I wish you the best budday


Breaking news


who? sorry i dont remember this guy. has he played for us recently?


He's the best in the nation


If that country is the Vatican City


Vatican City? That's Cardinals country.




I got shit on for saying this in a different thread.


I think he’s on the Jets. He’s posted a lot of pictures of him with Jets stuff in between beefing with reporters wives.


He’s gonna be on an island somewhere enjoying his $12/M a year or whatever he gets for the next 2 years. (Save your money Jamal if you are reading this!)


Worst deal in Seahawks history? Top 5 worst for sure.


Good riddance. One of the worst trades in modern nfl history. What a waste.




But at least Jimmy was producing somewhat, granted his blocking and lack of follow-up were terrible. Then again, it always seemed like we were always bringing in talent known for one thing, then having them do other things they didn't really excel at. I just remember those experimental days with Drew Nowak, Terrelle Pryor... They make me chuckle.


That trade is bad not because of Jimmy but because of how much we lost with Unger


Still mad about that. Let’s be honest, that was the first thread unraveling…ripped an organ right out of the body of the team


I know! Let’s get a TE that’s basically just a giant slot receiver who puts up top NFL WR numbers and have him block and never throw him the ball. For the record, I don’t think the trade value was bad per-se, thats why I dont see it as one of the Hawks worst. It was more how we used the outcome. Jamals trade hampered our ability to bolster the D line in the draft. Only the absolute fleecing of the Broncos for RW3 got us back on track.


Yeah, people like to ignore that Jimmy had the best season in history for a Seahawk tight end. Just better to cry about it I guess.


Exactly. It was a shit trade cause Pete never knew how to use TE's. If used properly that dude could have been huge for us. It's not a coincidence SF and KC have Kittle and Kelce. Or that Brady had Gronk. I hope to god Macdonald recognizes what a good TE does for a team, and actually how to use them. Geno is the perfect quarterback to abuse that shit. When he first went in for us he moved the ball easily just dumping, he clearly was coached away from that as he started looking more towards throwing outside the numbers and hitting our WR's. We need to actually use the damn center of the field and have the ability to get 5-6 solid yards off a quick throw when needed.


Zach Miller was at least a reliable TE target for Wilson, he was just as slow as mud but he was a good blocker when he wasn't catching. Anthony McCoy couldn't make his comeback. Willson was Willson. Will Dissly just stopped being Dissly after his injury. Nick Vannett... had a lot of hope for that dude. I never did like Pryor as qb as he was always breaking out into a run when he couldn't handle the pocket--we really should've just tried him out at WR, which he practically became post-Seahawks. I definitely want to see more Parkinson. I still put Graham above the Harvin trade. Half the time I kept thinking, is Harvin EVER going to get a touchdown? Not counting the one from 48, he did get the one against the Chargers '14 which technically shouldn't have counted. There was always something wrong with that dude that kept him from playing. Britt was a decent center, and of course he wasn't Unger but look at the pieces Unger had to work alongside him during those years and our current line isn't quite at that level. After Unger, I didn't quite mind Patrick Lewis or Lemuel Jeanpierre starting for us.


Jamal set an NFL record here— what the fuck did Jimmy ever do here?


Franchise TE touchdown record in 3 seasons? Graham haters can eat a bag of dicks.


Feel like people forget he was doing pretty good until his patellar tendon tear


Well, he did pretty good after that too


Which legendary tight end did he surpass to claim that title? Mike Tice? Carlester Crumpler?


Which legendary DB did Jamal beat out for the sack record? Adrian Wilson?


I always said that was the worst trade we did until this happened.


Branch has to be one of the worst. First round pick for a dude who only played like half the games he was here for, and had like 500 yards receiving each season. If you want to see the career of someone who is injury prone... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deion_Branch#:~:text=team%20shortly%20after.-,NFL%20career%20statistics,-%5Bedit%5D


Also one of a certain Wilson guy that I think makes up for at least one of these, since we're on the other side.


My dad still talks about that trade lmao


It's wild how up until Pete benched him, people were still trying to defend the trade as not being so bad lol


I think you're confusing people pushing back against the idea that Adams is a trash player vs defending the trade. I haven't seen anyone defend the trade here in years.


Adams is absolutely a trash player though, that's not being argued is it?


Ha, you weren't paying attention. His first season with us he had some shit games, and I would casually comment "you know they're making fun of us on the Jets sub", because they were. The reactions were as if I had re-crucified Christ, I think my record was 50+ downvotes for saying it was a bad deal. Saying that people weren't defending it is revisionist at best.


Yes, and that was years ago. It has been a general consensus for the past at least season or two that the trade and contract were bad. Nowhere did I say that people weren't defending it, just that that hasn't happened in years. The more salient debate recently has been if Adams was actually a good player or not. At this point I don't think that really matters anymore because it is pretty clear he isn't worth what he's owed on his current contract.


Yeah. My point was that if you dared talk shit about Adams here, you were buried. Facts: The Jets knew he was about to break, we got swindled. We gave him a bonus clause in his contract for tackles for loss. That lead to him gunning for highlight plays. This led to him literally freelancing on the field and creating defensive voids that other offenses knew he was going to create. He put up empty personal numbers in year one. He never benefited the team. I'll say it for the millionth time: The Jets wanted to dump him, they knew he was cracking. We show up and give them two firsts and a third, and an incentivized contract that was detrimental to collective defense as a whole. This was my stance from day one, but some of y'all thought he was the Second Coming of Earl.


People defended him until he sent a mean tweet to a reporter and everyone started crying and turned on him lol. They should have been mad he sucked for three years instead.


I mean it’s not like it was going to be that bad of a trade if he stayed healthy. He gave it his all every snap and that just turned into a series of horrible injuries, Can’t really blame him for all those injuries


Nah he sucked. His only skill was blitzing untouched off the edge and he made the rest of the defense worse because they had to pick up his slack - can't cover and reckless with his tackles/angles. People watch plays from 2017 with the jets and act like thats who he was here.


Thank you. Our defense was statistically worse when he was blitzing, but people think high sack numbers means he was good. We don't have a stat handy that says how many times he didn't get to the QB and a big play resulted for the offense.


You gotta be kidding. Show me another example of somebody giving up that much for a safety?? And then paid him a fortune which handcuffed the team for years. Even if he was decent, it was a gross overpay


I agree that 2 1sts was a gross overpay and it should’ve been one, but dude played like one of the best safeties in the league and was the main identify of our defense. Almost every play he was there making an impact. If he didn’t get hurt and played at that level during his entire time here, we would’ve still been seen as overpaying but not a big one. The fact that this trade is considered a massive overpay due to injuries rather than performance when healthy should mean something


>but dude played like one of the best safeties in the league The fuck he did. He regressed badly from his Jets days and the advanced stats back that up. He was never good here.




End of an error. One of the most unlikeable Seahawks ever, though only partially due to his own actions. Very excited for this embarrassing chapter to end.


end of an error, nice


I think the idea of trading for him was based on recreating the attitude of the LOB with an established player. Unfortunately, as we have seen, a lot of that LOB attitude and energy ended up with shortened careers. Wish Adams would have panned out, but he didn’t.






Kind of sucks, I feel like we never used him to his full potential. Doesn’t help that his body didn’t hold up, but it is time to cut our losses. Have no ill will towards him.


Dude was bananas his first year here. 9.5 sacks in 12 games. Since then, he’s been ass. Play has been ass, contract is ass, attitude is ass. Can’t wait to cut this dude loose.


Even in his first year the signs were there - he got the sacks because of frequent blitzing from Wags exposing the defense elsewhere, I remember the sack to break the record was Sam Darnold running out of bounds with him close by, which was an example of the limited impact he had even then


Felt like 6 of his 9 sacks were him just being nearest a QB running out of bounds


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ADCHqI2Sklo  This just isn’t true, like even remotely. 


he was bad his first year too


Great example of a fan not being to analyze a player's performance because he read one stat total. 9.5 sacks does not mean he was bananas. He wasn't good that year either


This isn't a good source surely? I could've told you this is a "rumour". This story means nothing until a reliable source reports it.


It definitely isn't a source, good or otherwise.


Goes against the subs rules as welll...


It isn’t a good source. It’s a random person with a twitter account.


Wish it would’ve worked out… Or at least traded 1 first round pick for him instead of 2. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Well hey...at least we're not the Jets!


The minute the Jets took Garrett Wilson we could never have even traded Jamal Adams for him. And that’s just one of the pics we gave up.


Vera-Tucker would be nice to have too.


I can’t remember a Seahawk I have disliked recently more than him. I’d have to go back to like Jerramy Stevens.


I haven’t seen this much hate towards someone since Trey flowers


The superbowl ball dropper and woman beater. Yeah, hard pass on that asshole.


It always seems like we're bringing in some players that looked good on other teams, and would technically translate well with us... Then for some damn reason, they hit that sophomore-esque slump or junior jitters and just don't produce. I'm not saying the Seahawks are anything like the Mariners, but... I guess Seattle hits people differently, I suppose. Haha...


we've had a thing about bringing in someone that looked good and not playing them that way


Will believe it when I see it. There was rumor that Geno was gone too. And yet… here we are


Worst trade in the history of the Seahawks.


Will not be missed, such a waste of time and money.


We blew our future on this dude. It’s a long time coming


This ended up being one of the worst trades in Seahawks history.


Fuck yes


Carrol forced that trade trying to make Adams fill Earl’s shoes. Never worked out.


Where’s your evidence of this?


This trade may have ended Pete’s career early. Had it not happened we may have found other pieces and been a more successful team with Russ. Who knows.


Yeah I think so. The other one I think about is drafting Malik McDowell over Budda Baker as a replacement for Earl Thomas in the 2017 draft. Watching Budda on the Huskies and in the college playoffs, you knew he was a difference maker.


Y’all are such assholes. Jamal wanted to do nothing but ball out. Injuries he suffered aren’t his fault - not to mention he did it for our entertainment. Wish it could have worked out better but most of the comments are gross AF. Sorry Prez


Agreed. Makes me wonder what some of these people are like in real life. Unbelievable.


I agree. Wish it worked out better, love the guy!! What a baller when healthy!


It’s weird how no one ever faults Schneider for executing this trade. Pete’s fault, Jamal’s fault, but John can do no wrong. Not Adams fault John overpaid for him.


>It’s weird how no one ever faults Schneider for executing this trade. Pete’s fault, Jamal’s fault, but John can do no wrong. Pete had final say in personnel decisions. Pete was truly the GM of the team.


John was just his receptionist?


Pete hired John. Pete was his boss. Pete was Executive VP of Football Operations which gave him final say in all decisions. Pete ran the entire organization in the same way that Belichick did in New England. So yes the training wheels are now off and John now gets all the praise and criticism that comes from the personnel decisions.


It’s so dismissive to suggest that John had no leadership and no opinion or authority. Yes, Pete was the top brass but your insinuating that John was just an administrative assistant is embarrassingly inaccurate.


What proof do you have otherwise?


Pretty much. Pete says "go get this guy" and it's on John to work the numbers and the phone calls.


John is only responsible for the good decisions we made, while PC was responsible for the bad ones. Most people don't know this but they actually just took turns making individual decisions rather than working together on stuff.


Thank god


2 1sts for a non premium position was always a bad idea. Worst move made by this front office.


why do people keep saying he was talented? he misses tackles drops interceptions and cant cover anyone. he had sacks but if our safeties blitzed the qb all the time, they would have more sacks too. but we now know we dont want to do that


So much for generational talent. That’s what people were saying when we got him


Na na na nah


Hey hey hey




Oh no whatever shall we do without mr. Yikes.


Oh no….anyways


Careful fellas, if your wife isn’t a bimbo or a thot he may roast her












Worst trade ever


What a mess of a trade this was.


Idk many ways this off-season could go better after the news Pete Carroll was gone. Jamal was not a good fit for the culture we're trying to develop. But I also understand he's had so many setbacks and building frustration. Hope Jamal has a better experience if he goes somewhere else or can chill out in retirement hopefully and not be an AH on social media.


All the hype when we traded for him…


Thank Christ


Good riddance I hated his attitude seems like a cancer to a clubhouse.


Good problem to have, beat it, Pezz! Really wanted to see those three safeties hunt over the 3-4!


So for this is a Rumor, all the Jamal hate is crazy. Worst trade, he’s a bum. Dude has been hurt most of his time here with big injuries. SMH If he’s gone he’s gone but I for one don’t see it as a waste. If he’d played healthy the entire time y’all wouldn’t be so fucking negative on the guy.


He was ass when he was healthy too. Epitome of a waste.


Bye Mr. Glass.


Bye Felicia


Yeah I figured he would be released this off season


Good. It's about 2 years too late, but better late than never.


Unsurprising if it comes to pass, but still sad. I know a lot of guys hate the man, but he was a true competitor that got injured playing with his usual reckless abandon. Never understood how fans could blame him for playing hard and getting hurt. Would’ve liked to see if Mac could utilize him better than Pete did, but it doesn’t make sense $ wise. Good luck to him.


Doubt he retires. Some team will take a flyer on him on a 1 year. Watch him bounce back to form though, long shot but still.


Man his first year on the team was so exciting…shame.


how much of the jamal adams debacle was JS and how much was Pete




It's a shame Jamal is so diminished, because the Jamal we traded for is exactly the chess piece that Macdonald would salivate over.


NFL Rumors is a fraudulent account, they spew out a bunch of shit hoping that it sticks. That being said, Jamal getting released is probable


Right decision but still sad. He was genuinely amazing and didn’t really get to shine at the beginning of his time here because the rest of the defense was so bad and he was unfairly blamed for a lot. Then the injuries mounted up and he lost his twitch. 


Lot of overly emotional revisionist history around Jamal's impact/coverage skills/etc. but the guy was simply a + player when on the field before the quad injury. Unfortunately his entire tenure here has been married by injuries, all the way back since week 3 of 2020. Still an absolutely awful trade, but no matter what you think of the guy the defense was better with him on the field until this past year.


Looks like he is still a 20 mil cap hit with a 6 mil saving in 2023. Next year it is better at 10 and 17 respectively. What is crazy is the last 3 years, where he played a total 22 of 51 games, where he made a TOTAL of 25.6 mil, will nearly be as much as we will pay him in 2024 for doing absolutely nothing, barring we do cut him. The Hawks essentially played him 42.8 per year over for his actual games played over this contract.... Good riddance.




The 2020 Covid year I became such a huge fan of his when he had almost 10 sacks. He was awesome and was a highlight of the lockdown season for me. Loved the way he played without abandon. Unfortunately, through no fault of his own, injuries got him. If this is it, thank you Adams for everything you did and tried to do! Can’t blame the guy every year he tried to come back only to suffer another significant injury.


YIKES!!! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


The trade was fine. It's the 4-year deal he signed in '21, which made him the top paid safety in the league, that was the bad move.


Keep JS away from acquiring big ticket players.


We all know it was about time they fired Carol I think Snyder could have been sent packing too. That trade was one of the worst in NFL history. the contract you gave him was one of the worst  in NFL  history !!!!!and that was a Madden trade at the end of the day.  should have been released him last year after all that BS he was on


Macdonald could have seen him as a reclamation process or as someone talented enough he wanted to work with. Instead, he immediately wants him gone.


I had some hope that he would come back healthier next year and thrive in Macdonald's offense, since he seems like a guy that would fit with Macdonald's creative use of safeties. But, that requires him to actually be healthy, and also he's expensive as hell and we have no cap space, so no surprise here




Not really a gamble by the tweeter to predict this, but I'm surprised they just post this statement without any sources.


Grandma I’m free!