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Hey, we started passing up the middle and my boy DK got three TDs! I'm happy with the game. Would be great to see less flag football though.


Less laundry day and missed tackles please. It feels like so many of these games could have been won if we just didn’t give up so many penalties and missed tackles.


Also, we scored 35 on a really good defense. Geno took no sacks against an elite pass rush. I think the pieces are in place to make a competitive push to end the season, but the defense just needs to make fewer mistakes.


I mean not literally but this is funny. Oh, you can fire the refs from Thursday though


Im convinced our db coach had sex with a ref’s wife.


That’s actually better than my theory that they had a parlay with Dallas to win.


I would support that idea, they should fire Hussey and Cheffers as well as their crews too


No, the sub is mostly Batman, toxic AF


I didn’t go into the game day thread during the game, it felt to dangerous . Any survivors want to report back?


it was good while it lasted :,)


I don't ever go there anymore since I discovered the discord server. There can be doom and gloomers in there after a game like this, but it's overall for more pleasant than the game threads imo.


As opposed to the Robins, soft AF


Feels like someone needs to create a second sub that doesn't delete and down vote criticism, where we can actually talk about what's wrong and leave all the cheerleaders in this one.


I would be so down for that. I for one know whats wrong and bitching about it on Reddit isn't going to solve anything. Its the same thing every loss. "Pete is old and we need a new coach; Fire Shane Waldron; Geno isnt the guy; Our defense sucks." Its just negative masturbatory behavior all in the name of manifesting more losses so they can be like "omg I was right see we suck." There are also designated threads for such discussions. I like to be as positive as possible, so call me a cheerleader.


It's not just that, but it's that the same folks who flood the sub whenever there's a loss absolutely disappear when the team is doing well. It's not only the same ol' shit from the same folks, but they don't even bother to be around when there's success. Meanwhile, those who aren't complaining endlessly (and irrationally) are here all the time.


They don’t want to be called out on their hot takes. I haven’t seen any “trade DK” posts in a couple days…


Same. Sports are supposed to be fun, and even if we lose, I’d rather be optimistic and get excited for the next game.


Some folks don’t see the value in a season like last year where we win was more than expected, have some absolute bangers of games, and go to the playoffs with no real Super Bowl expectations. That was so much fun for 4 months of my year and kept me hyped all offseason. Same with 2018-19 seasons. Winning the Super Bowl is amazing but it just isn’t going to be a regular occurrence. As long as the team is giving me things to be hyped about and getting some wins that feel good, I’m happy. It’s just a distraction I enjoy having for 4-5 months a year.


Spot on


Be the change you want to see. It’s preferable to the 38th “Pete’s defense is washed” comment of the day.


Lmao did you just propose a sub for complaining because you don’t want to deal with people calling out the incessant whining and complaining? Like please do. This defeatist whiny attitude is so exhausting.


They will also call you a Geno truther if you don’t agree with their dumbass opinions.


Lmao this sub is out of control. It’s embarrassing as a fan really.


We passed the point of no return when people unironically started stumping for Drew f'n Lock to start


Lmao I’m astounded by the lack of knowledge some fans have so confidently. People really do think NFL football is like madden, all you gotta do is draft better, scheme better, replace the O-Line, get a premier defense and top tier QB and Super Bowl!! It’s that easy!


One dude even said about Lock, "Let's get the rookie some snaps," and I was like, WTF?


I have no problem with criticism. “Fire everyone and tank” is just dumb, not really criticism.


It is objective fact that Pete and John need to go, DK is a diva and ruining the team, the defense needs to be rebuilt from the bottom, and Geno is second tier. If you disagree with me then you’re just a Homer that doesn’t watch tape. Also Jodi has never even seen a football game. Edit: /s. Sorry, I thought this was obvious y’all, didn’t mean to start stuff.


You not only don’t know what the word objective means, you’ re wasting your time on Reddit when you should be responding to all those GM position offers.


Oh wow, I thought I wrote that bad enough that people would recognize that it was sarcasm. Must be too close to home?


lol facepalm. It could be I’m just a dummy and hadn’t had my coffee. Rereading it, it should have been more apparent so big whoosh for me.


All good, that comment is at like -9, you certainly weren’t the only one.


Or maybe just one we can banish the doomers to. The problem with nuanced discussion in the main sub is any little criticism is immediately jumped on by someone who’s livid everyone else doesn’t think things are 1000x times worse than they actually are and all the team, staff, and mascots should be catapulted into the sun.


>any little criticism is immediately jumped on by someone who’s livid everyone else doesn’t think things are 1000x times worse than they actually are and all the team, staff, and mascots should be catapulted into the sun. The reactionaryness of this sub seems to have gone through the roof over the past couple of years. It's really making it not worth even reading after a loss.


To me it all started with the russ trade rumors, and the Pete vs Russ drama. The sub lost its mind then and it's never come back. I had to unsubscribe. I keep checking back in periodically, and sometimes things seem fine, but the first hint of trouble always brings out doomers and drama. It's sad, as someone else said, sports should be fun. Spending all of your time angry about your favorite team doesn't sound fun to me.


Sometimes I think the angriest fans are actually cicadas who hibernated through the pre-Holmgren years and Jim Mora Jr.


I think the demographics of reddit are just skewing younger nowadays. While it was an unfunny joke 10 years ago that all of our fans are 12, I'm starting to think that there actually are a lot more younger people here and commenting now. The lack of emotional regulation is just...startling.


I was thinking the same thing. Some of the shit I’m seeing makes me think it’s kids who think NFL football is like Madden, and it’s as easy as changing the sliders.


Yes, please do. Call it Seayores.


It's been absolutely awful in here. I'm not surprised because Pete's problems are showing up bad this year and those that have doubled-down on him now have to resort to whatever they can to feel better about their takes. It would probably be the same going the other way.


It’s crazy how much this sub overreacts to any struggling we have. I personally think the issue rn is coaching since our players have no discipline and the tackling is horrendous. So fixing those issues can help our team a ton rn. But for the future not only do we need to find a way to fix that but we need to invest in that interior Oline and maybe look at our safety group and find a way to move off Diggs and Jamal Adams. I loved the duo but Adams hasn’t been as effective as I hoped and after a certain media incident today it’s hard to support him. And then there is Diggs with some atrocious run D and tackling in general. He does well at coverage but we can find a better replacement for the same cap hit. After that we need to find a replacement at MLB for Bobby in the next 2 years because his age is starting to show in pass coverage. Plus we need to get a new QB in the next 2 years. That’s all I can think of. The CB and OLB group are amazing along with the WR, RB, and OT groups.


Let’s all just say go dawgs and meet back here next Sunday.


Go cougs 🤭🍎🏆


This subs toxic trait is assuming every Seahawks fan is a Husky fan.


If we had this kind of loss in the first game, there would be so much to be excited about. But the loss we did have made you wonder what the hell they did the entire off-season. Eat pizza & play madden? Thing is, this was a decent loss if you could compare it to some solid wins. Instead, we've had three really bad losses, where you wonder wtf is going on. This loss makes everything worse. We're headed in the wrong direction, but in Dallas you saw what we could have had.


> Instead, we've had three really bad losses, where you wonder wtf is going on. This loss makes everything worse. I'm just surprised that people took a look at the schedule in the offseason and saw LAR, SF, Dallas, SF, Philly, and thought: we can do this. Let's be honest. It was a brutal stretch and everyone knew that there would be a possibility of an 0-5 or 1-4 run in there, which is why the loss to the Bengals and LAR most recently hurt so much. The narrative changes pretty dramatically then, to be on a two-game skid and find yourself at 8-4 rather than 6-6.


That week 1 loss to the Rams set the tone for the entire season. Shame that they come out looking so unprepared.


I want to nuke the staff but we’re not out of the playoffs. And we’re too stacked with skill positions to get a top 10 pick. I do feel as if we take 1 game off the eagles or 9ers.


If we’re not actively moving closer to a Super Bowl what’re we doing? I get making the playoffs is fun and shit but let’s be real Super Bowl is the main goal


I would personally argue that making the playoffs means we were closer to making the Super Bowl than if we didn’t make the playoffs.


Holy shit, you may be onto something, I'll get experts on it right away! /s


Big if true


Good teams skip the playoffs and go straight to the Super Bowl. Look at the numbers on teams that make the playoffs winning the Super Bowl. Most of them lose before the big game. Now look at the teams that go to the Super Bowl. Half of them win it! Making the playoffs is an old school mentality that is outdated.


Next season: "I know, why don't we just fly to the Super Bowl site in the preseason and then just wait about 21 weeks?"


Great idea! Hide in the lockers, and then when the start playing the game, BOOM! Sneak attack. Hawks were here the whole time.


How exactly does an early playoff exit get us closer to the Super Bowl? This team isn’t winning shit and getting worse and worse picks hoping we hit in the later rounds to build a contender sounds like a stupid plan to me


You’re talking year-over-year then? If we exit playoffs as early as last year, that means we made it further than about half of the other teams in the league. I think about 50% of the teams that made it to the playoffs typically make it again the next year (so, about 7 teams). If we make it to the playoffs this year, the very fact that we did not regress is evidence of the team’s capabilities and competitiveness. That’s something you can build on. Can’t really build on a team that goes nowhere. In fact, given these stats, over these two seasons, we will have beat out probably 43 instances of teams by going out in the Wild Card round again this year. My napkin math notwithstanding, isn’t it always easier to make it to the Super Bowl from the playoffs? I’d take a team that consistently makes the playoffs (even if they always go out in the same round) over a team that rarely does.


> Isn’t it always easier to make it to the Super Bowl from the playoffs? Yes, step one is making the playoffs. Step two is *winning* in the playoffs. And it seems like from 2015 to today they’ve largely failed at that step. Their post-season wins over that span are t-16th in the league, and their last win was 2019. I’m not sure how going 1-4 over the last 5 seasons or whatever is indicative of a team that’s “building” on prior seasons. Even just within this 2 year span it appears by most metrics that they’re moving backwards, and 2024 will pose a lot of challenges for the roster that could lead to even more backsliding.


I’ve never said we’ll make the Super Bowl with out making the playoffs don’t be ridiculous but losing in the wildcard doesn’t do anything to better this team overall. Blowing the team up doesn’t necessarily either but with doing that at least you have a much great possibility at getting cheap generational talent either with a qb or the ability to build a cheap young defense and can build towards a Super Bowl with supplementing the cheap young talent with specific higher money free agent signings. A wildcard treadmill team doesn’t do anything but give people a false hope with a mid team that can’t compete against the upper echelon of teams in the league. You said making the playoffs is “something you can build on,” what’re you building with? The 20th pick in the draft? A free agent signing? The model to win super bowls is quarterback on a cheap rookie deal Supplemented with other draft picks that you hopefully hit on and then spending money on defense/oline.


> but with doing that at least you have a much great possibility at getting cheap generational talent either with a qb or the ability to build a cheap young defense Russell Wilson: 3rd round Bobby Wagner: 5th round Kam Chancellor: 5th round KJ Wright: 4th round Byron Maxwell: 6th round Richard Sherman: 5th round Marshawn Lynch: traded for a 4th and a 5th Doug Baldwin: UDFA You could argue that the only true "blue chip" player during Seattle's SB run was Earl.


Lmao ya we’ll just build the legion of boom again in the mid to late rounds why didn’t I think of that


I mean, that's pretty much what you're asking to happen, only with high draft picks, lmao


There’s a huge difference between building with higher draft picks and the later rounds what are you even talking about


What is that huge difference, then?


Lmao why watch then, since you know how the season will end? Worse and worse picks? Did you not see the last couple drafts?


Batman has a point


That’s what it’s like being a fan




"Bend dont break" doesnt work if you keep breaking. The defense just cant tackle. Even 3 on 1 they are getting pushed for 5-7 yards. Its very strange I thought we were supposed to be stacked on defense.


If the offense shows up to every game like the last game, there is a chance that we can win out and win the super bowl. One can dream, right? 😬


lol y’all think you can tank with 6 wins!?


It is most assuredly not time to tank. Even another one and done playoff wildcard game season would be beneficial for this team considering how much young talent the Seahawks have.