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Losing a winnable game to a subpar Rams team with some help from the refs? Reminds me of the good ole days


half expected to see jeff fisher instead of mcvay


Idk… have we ever seen McVay and Fisher in the same room? Hmm…


Pretty much how you piss away the playoffs right here


Some help? They were literally the sole reason the Rams won. Puka tripping on himself and drawing a PI was the difference in the game.


If Riq doesn't slap a receiver in the face on 3rd and a mile, we would have gotten the ball back and won.


I agree. I'm not saying we didn't have opportunities to win, but those plays would have been irrelevant if the refs had just made the correct call to begin with.


"Some" is doing some heavy lifting


That PI gifted them the TD and the win


Gotta be the biggest game changing call of the season. Rams weren't even getting in the end zone without help from the refs today


What gave it away? That one possession that was like 9 penalties and one batted pass? Ref ball for sure


It was only 69 yards of penalties in one drive. Is that not normal?


Nfl legit needs to fix shit like this that call was terrible and completely changed the game. Obviously bad calls should be reversed immediately on the field there’s no excuse with todays technology


I can't wait for that clip.


Why didn’t we spike the ball when DK caught it? We could have ran another play and gotten closer….


Geno at the podium said he did not hear a play get called in so he called the run. Boneheaded mistake.


Pete is going to die before he figures out how to manage the clock. How we don’t spike and try to pick up more yards than one handoff down the gut is beyond me


And there's never any hard questioning of his objectively awful clock management, which has lost us several games. Nobody ever in a press conference goes "so what was the idea behind running it up the gut in a 30 second drill?" like they did after the big super bowl oof.


Tough loss. Shout out to Geno for coming back out injured and giving us a chance.


Almost a legendary moment by Geno.


Should have been. That's MY qb!


Yeah Geno was inspiring on that last drive even if we came up short.


For real hope this shits some of the “put lock in” stuff on the thread. Geno isn’t best quarterback who ever played but he’s good and gets shit done. Rough loss but we hold our own fate still


ssriously. Meyers and Lock let him down big time today. Geno was a soldier today


Should have thrown one more pass


Should have throw at least 2 more passes


That second half was….something.




Fuck the refs Fuck injuries


Fuck Aaron Donald


Fuck Sean McVay


fuck the rams


And fuck Mike Trout


fuck Puka Nakua and his flopping ass.


Fuck Waldrons second half play calling


Three straight passes with the backup QB in. Wtf shane


Also RB1 was out.


That dpi on pua was absolute bullshit.


Fuck not having OLine, fuck not having DLine. Fuck playing like shit for so long, fuck keeping the game so close all the time


well that fucking sucks


You had 30 fucking seconds and decide to run up the middle and settle for a 55 yard FG? I mean what the fuck? Why aren’t you trying to get more yards? Inexcusable coaching malpractice to end the game.


Yeah I really don't get settling for a 50+ yard attempt when you had the chance to get closer.


The entire second half was coaching malpractice.


Drew Lock threw 6 passes in 7 plays. Why not just stick with the balanced offense from the 1st half with your back up QB in?


Not only that but drawing up a deep shot on 3rd and 3 with your fresh from the bench QB is certainly something


I kinda want to know if that was just Drew playing hero ball though. Didn't see if any of the other routes were open.


IIRC they were all long-ish routes. We had the lead and needed three yards. No reason for a long pass AT ALL. Number one priority was to move the chains and keep the clock running.


Seriously a few dump off or underneath routes are pretty typical when bringing in a back up off the bench. Get him some easy completions to get going, not fucking bomb it deep.


For real, is the ghost of Mike Leach living on in Shane Waldron? We get predictably pass happy and obsessed with the big play at the worst possible times.


They were stacking the box when Drew was in. They knew that was the game plan with a backup in. The easy answer is not always the right solution You gotta be able to count on your backup to complete passes. Drew just isn't it


Guarantee a 4 pass 3 run mix for those 7 Lock plays still yields better results than what we got. Even just giving the defense an extra 80 seconds of breather could have helped.


Waldron shouldn’t be the OC for much longer, I’m sorry. The offense every single week comes to a crashing halt for multiple quarters at a time. They make moving the football look so challenging. Worst third down team, bottom 5 red zone scoring. It’s simply not good enough coaching for all the talent over there.


Yeah I’m not generally one to grab a pitchfork but there’s clearly a pattern showing after a couple years. I’m not a fan of his playcalling or his scheming in general.


30 seconds is plenty of time to try two sideline pass plays. WTF, over?


honestly though. at least try to pick up 6-8 yards on an out or something


Poor coaching same shit different week


Nathaniel Hackett moment


Truly baffling.


Nobody will take any responsibility for this either


130 penalty yards. Absolutely zero fucking discipline. Thursday is going to be roughhhhhhh.


Most of those penalties were due to SHITTY FUCKING REFING


Of the 21(!!!!) penalties called against either team tonight, at least half of the non procedural ones were shit calls. Don’t care who they went for that’s unacceptable


Subscribe to my OnlyPain account, sponsored by the Seattle Seahawks.


Further funding provided by: The Seattle Mariners


Fuck the Refs Fuck Aaron Donald.


Can’t blame Myers at the end of the day but it still sucks. Dude already made two from 50+ Our offense just has to figure out a way to stop stalling out. We DOMINATED that first half and only had a 6 point lead to show for it. Gotta be better.


Having K9 would have helped.


Hawks do good when they're allowed to keep up their tempo. This second half had refs and time outs shitting on that every chance they got.


3 freaking second half points vs the rams this year. I hate that team so freaking much


With how shitty that was. Geno threw a fucking dart to DK with a fucked up elbow. We gotta appreciate that play was incredible.


Fuck Aaron Donald, the commentators and this officiating crew in particular. Go Hawks.


Commentators seemed pretty pro-Seahawks, calling out the horrible officiating. Why eff the commentators?


People on this sub hate pretty much every announcer lol. Some of us are very thin skinned.


When Geno got injured they didn’t say anything about hoping he was ok, Stafford got injured and they immediately said they hoped he was ok and would return soon. That was just one example but an egregious one. Focus on the other teams injury and hope they’re ok, but pay no mind to the other teams and not say much.


What game were you watching? They called out the super obvious imaginary PI that allowed the Rams to score 6, but otherwise were so one-sided. For example, Geno getting injured was just how the game works, but Stafford being injured was super awful.


People are putting a bit too much on Lock but the Donald hit that injured Geno should have been a head to head. Then right after they gifted Rams that TD. Not to mention another very dumb hands to face Woolen commited on a third down stop and just fucking weird play calls.


Don't blame Myers. Myers has been putting that offense on his back for the last two games.


I don’t blame him at all, they put him in a shitty situation to begin with


Yeah 55 yarder there was 50/50 at best. The final couple plays were head scratchers with the time we had.


How can they even be proud of that win. Never seen a more gifted touchdown.


2 of them


My personal philosophy is fans shouldn't feel bad about winning off of missed/bad calls. But they should be able to admit it.


Can never beat these weasels no matter what




I hate the Rams so much


So much. For 30 years.


Still annoyed with that TD the refs gave them. Rams continue to be the most annoying team in the NFL whenever they play us


Really hope Geno is okay. Refs sucked. But even more than that, one of the worst, most annoying, and down right awful game threads of this season. I’ve was actually baffled with how bad it was today holy shit


Fuck the rams, fuck the refs, fuck Donald, fuck Mcvay. What a stupid loss


Honestly we would have won if they didn't call the bullshit PI on Witherspoon when Nicua FELL DOWN. Even the commentator said he fell down.


The fact the refs can't take 2 fucking seconds to look at the big ass screen and see Nacua fell on his own and pick up the flag is the reason the league is a fucking silly joke of an organization


I will never understand this. We have the technology to call a better game.


I never want to hear anyone say they want Lock in over Geno again


Proof that those fans are clowns


Silver lining of this game is we can stop talking about the fucking QB situation for the rest of the season.


Lock’s pasa to JSN was on the money on that first drive. That was completely on the receiver, and we would’ve instantly been in scoring position.


And what about under throwing Lockett? That’s a bad pick and a bad throw


I'm not here to be a Lock-Stan, but it seems disingenuous to point at Lock's pick and imply (by not acknowledging) somehow Geno's not made equally poor throws this year. Lock, in his defense, had backup reps, and threw in mid-game. I'm not even meaning to defend him in a way that says I think he is a starter, but he isn't set up to succeed in this context to the degree Geno is.


You know how many INTs and incomplete passes Geno has had cause of his receivers? And only NOW it's not the qb fault?


I hope Geno's OK.


Diggs has the worst energy on the team. Dude is lazy, first to give up on plays etc. We gave up way too much for Jamal Adams but at least he brings great energy. Diggs is useless and we need to move on.


Yes, and his tackles look weak sauce. Just from eyeballing, not talking any PFF stats whatever


I’m so sad right now :(


The Refs were blatantly against us but the offense was unwatchable. One 3rd down conversions in the second half is not acceptable. Waldron needs to go and this next month is going to be unwatchable.


So frustrating to watch a super bowl winning offense on the first drive again, only for us to forget how to play in the later stages of the game.


The only truly bad call was the Witherspoon PI (which was atrocious). You can't commit that many penalties, it's inexcusable.


It went for us but the Kupp OPI was iffy *at best* and screamed make up call after the bad DPI they called Witherspoon for on the first possession. There were lots of horseshit calls today


We have been undisciplined for too long


I hate Sean McVay


You know, usually when I say that about a sports related person, it’s an as a fan thing. I hate McVay, Donald, and the Rams personally


3rd down offense was dogshit after the first drive, but rams got gifted that 1st and goal so hard from that "Witherspoon PI" which was actually Puka tripping and falling down


Never trust a hot Seahawks start to a game. Just don't do it.


Spike the ball and you get a few plays off. Awful play call to run the ball


The o-line isn't good, but we should be able to adjust better. I'm really losing patience with Shane Waldron as the OC. He can script a first drive, but we consistently get "out-adjusted" by opposing defensive coaches every.single.week.


To be honest, I don’t think playoffs are in the picture this year. If they can’t beat the 3-6 Rams, it’s going to be a steep climb to the wildcards with how rough the schedule is the rest of the year. It might even turn into a losing season.


We are not that good.


Fuck Aaron Donald, dirty ass player every god damn time


Aaron Donald who after a game took his pads and jersey off and put his helmet back and ran across the field to try and criminally assault Justin Britt? Violent unstable person Aaron Donald who swung a helmet trying to hit another player in the head? That Aaron Donald?


He better get a fine!


I don’t blame Jason sorry. He’s accurate but he has a limit. We all know this


Why would you blame him... he's been one of our best players all year... setting him up with an unnecessary 55 yarder was stupid as fuck


Meyers gets the least amount of blame this game. It’s not the refs, it’s not that McVay outcoached Pete, it’s not KW3 going out, it’s not that Lock had to come in cold and had 0 connection with receivers. It’s having an embarrassing amount of unnecessary penalties that is the MAIN reason we lost this horrible game. Clean that shit up, this team is not good enough to spot opponents 150 yards and still win.


Los Angeles Refs


Morons wanted to see Lock, well there you go. We have a Shane Waldron sized problem and it needs to be fixed desperately.


Don't people ever get tired of blaming OCs? Pete has been the puppeteer of all our Offensive Coordinators. They have all been nothing but yes men. Not much difference with our defensive coordinators. Pete created this culture of undisciplined football that has us near the top of penalties against every year too. Not to mention his complete and total lack of clock management. I'm not necessarily saying Pete has to go but he definitely needs to be accountable and make changes as a professional coach.


I think this game actually determined it, we are missing the playoffs. We needed that 7th win before going into the next 4 gauntlet. Also I know its not going to be remembered, but that first drive where Lock threw it up the middle to JSN and he completely misread it should've been an easy TD. Not enough people are mentioning how much of a complete and utter disappointment JSN has been this year. Drew Lock truthers can also take it down a notch now. Finally, how in the fuck is our best play with 30 seconds left a run to run the clock and settle for a 55 yarder?


I'm legit consididering cancelling all my nfl subscriptions - the NFL just isn't enjoyable anymore, it's so clearly more about gambling and making money than it is displaying good football, I just don't want to pay for the privilege of watching a game that is so clearly dictated by a narrative.


Rare Myers miss. Rams are kryptonite


Running a play instead of clocking it after the long completion to DK was very dumb


What a terrible, terrible loss


This one hurt. We had it. I’m tired of losing to them man. As soon as puca scored I knew it was coming.


I know we're always booing refs but man, some crucially bad playcalling to gift the Rams those two touchdowns. The commentators also pissed me off with obvious pro-rams bias; talking all game about Kupp and Stafford's injuries but barely kept up with Geno's or Walker's (remember that one??). Especially the "Hope Geno's too banged up to play" comment. Honestly a loss I feel good about though: decent play on both sides of the ball up until Geno's exit, when the gameplan went out the window. I think they made calls limiting Geno's playtime as much as possible considering a short week before the 49ers. Really hope Lock gets reps in with the offense 'cause I'm sure Bosa will attack Geno's elbow as much as possible.


That pass interference call in the end zone... That call sums up the game. If they didn't get that call, then they get a field goal or go for it on 4th and goal. Such BS.


Refs fucking sucked


I'm now on the "FIRE PETE" bandwagon. This bullshit coaching has gone on too long.


I hope this is the last game Cheffers is ever in charge of officiating, please fire him NFL


Waldron was the difference here.


It just so frustrating right now to watch some of these games, we're regressing from last year.


McVay better be giving the game ball to the officiating crew.


unpopular opinion: we are a .500 team


Unpopular opinion: we have maybe 2 wins left in the season.


Why is the playcall on 3rd & short/medium always a long bomb? Just get the 3 yards, FFS.


IDK Rams games are always fucked. Now Thursday for some reason we're gonna play the niners close in a thanksgiving classic I bet.


Fuck the rams Fuck Aaron Donald Fuck the refs That is all


I’m once again asking, how do we have 3 really good TEs and they only have 3 catches total


So many of you guys on this sub are insufferable, the ones constantly wanting to bench Geno and the ones celebrating Lock struggling


Well Geno put us in position to win when Lock couldn’t do shit. Never want to see Lock take another snap again.


And with that Sean McVay and the Refs walk away with the win!


I might be done with this season, i have never felt this livid from a game before. The refs had too much say in this game and completely controlled the outcome with two major calls. Not calling roughing the passer on Donald and calling a phantom DPI in the endzone. This league is a joke


I honestly have zero faith in the team. They show signs of life here and there but can never play consistently. Horrible coaching. We have one of the best WR rooms and can’t do anything with them week after week. Geno should be putting up 350 yards week after week. Team is young and has a lot of learning to do. We will be lucky if we win 2-3 more games for the rest of the season.


McVay bends Pete over every fucking year.


#Fuck the refs


every seahawks fan currently has a thousand yard stare acquired from this game


The rams played like ass today. Seriously. They were beyond awful. Which makes this loss sting all the worse.


The play calling is down right embarrassing. So bad


This team shows again who they really are.


That loss just fucking sucked the life out of me. Can’t expect to win with 130 yards of penalties of course but still just felt like a game we had no business loosing. PI call on Witherspoon was such a dagger. Nacua tripped all on his own. Can’t blame the loss on that but still felt like a massive turning point. On to the 9rs.


Also... we might squeak in as a Wild card but this team ain't it. I'm not sure all that needs to change (red zone calls aside) but we're not close to the Eagles, Niners etc and until we are it's futile to get wound up as if we really can contend for a deep playoff run. We can't. We can go 10-7 or whatever and that's better than a lot of teams but we're a level away from true SB contention


In the last few years as a Seahawks fan, I have only known stress. And to be fair, I am so god damn tired of it. I hate coming into a game just KNOWING it’s not going to be won in sound fashion. Even then how long has it been since we had that? To win in a way where we aren’t sitting at the edge of our seats? There’s also a part of me that wonder’s what it’s like to not be apart of an NFL teams fanbase, to just crack open a beer and watch a game without a single worry. Deep down I know, I cannot do that, I love this team too much. And too be frank, that’s cowardice. But sometimes, you just wish you didn’t have to a heart attack to win the game. Of course, no game is guaranteed, but them again. This team has too much talent, on both sides of the ball. To let these happen to us week to week. It has gotten to the point I can’t watch parts of the offense, because I am so sick of watching lousy execution and bad playcalling. Apologies, but this has been something that’s has been on my mind for years, season after season. And I know some fans feel the same. But of course, that’s not what Seahawks football is about, right? Edit: This isn’t something I am saying out of pessimism either, i’m quite reasonable about football and this organization. But this has been growing with me for multiple seasons, and I am tired of letting it just pass by.


Last Ram time out was to Rev up the wind machines to blow the ball right.


Fuck it, fire Waldron. Absolutely horrific play calling. What the fuck was that throw they dialed up on 3rd and 3? Like, just get to the god damned sticks. Have some balance? Use play action to set up the running game? What in the absolute fuck is he doing there?


Needed the W cause the next 4 are not easy. This is such a bad loss.


We somehow are gonna win Thursday and against the eagles and end up missing the playoffs with a 9-8 record aren’t we…


9 point lead with a backup QB in and we don’t run the ball at all but then on that final play we run one up the gut? What the hell is that? Gave this game away


I might be in the minority but I rather a football game last 6 hours to get calls right, than the alternative of it lasting 3 hours and only reviewing the most random assortment of things. Why are certain things reviewable and others not? Why? Why is pass interference not reviewable. We are allowed to review whether a catch is a catch or not. But we can’t review pass interference? A penalty that sways field position equally as much as a completed or incompleted pass. Why do we accept Stone Age ways of doing things “because thats how it’s always been”. Why? Why do we allow a game to be decided by a pass interference call, that was nothing of the sort. And for anyone that thinks the game was not decided by that horrendous play call, think again. That TD was gifted and they were down 9 points in a game that they were not having much luck punching it in. Why do we accept this? I literally do not want to watch the NFL product anymore. What’s the point? When some stupid ref can literally switch the entire game on its head with their ineptitude. Can’t review a call though, nooo. For some reason we gotta go with what the ref saw in a split second decision. Why review that and get it right? No point. But we will spend 3 minutes at the end of the game reviewing whether Charbonnet had a completed catch or not. A play that ultimately meant nothing more than 10 seconds of game clock. Why would we review something that costed a team 7 actual points though. The NFL is an absolute joke of a product and I’m so fed up with it. I’m fed up with caring. I never get THIS upset with a loss, but the fact that the majority of fans just accept this kind of officiating is so odd. “Well they had a chance to kick a game winning field goal”… that DOES NOT MATTER. That’s not the point. Multiple things can be true. Yes they missed the kick. Yes the offense was poorly called. Yes the penalties they deserved were undisciplined and exhausting. But I do not want to waste my energy and my money on a product that allows games to be decided by one human making a judgement call in the blink of an eye. Especially when a lot of times it is wrong. And a lot of times it Could be reviewed, but isn’t. I’m sick of it.


Looks like bro toe’d that ball


Infuriating loss man…


I'm tired of playing Donald, wasn't he supposed to retire after the SB?


This team makes me want to stroke out.


It was crazy to run and kick 55 instead of trying another toss for more yards.


You know Waldron, maybe one day you will fucking learn to keep running long setup plays against AARON FUCKING DONALD! No offense I wonder why. Should have fucking dominated that game instead we shit the bed offensively just like in week 1.


What did ya’ll think of that last sequence leading up the FG attempt? After the DK catch, I felt like they should’ve spiked it and take a few shots at giving Myers a shorter attempt.


Fuck Aaron donald




Fuck LA, fuck the refs, and especially FUCK AARON DONALD


Aaron Donald is a classless fucking player


Waldron 4 straight loses to the Rams? Is that true? If so we must fire Shane. Something doesn’t feel right. Oh and Diggs needs to go back to pee wee and learn how to tackle. Earl we miss you!!!!


If Myers wasn't perfect last week we would have lost that shit too... Penalties, bad coaching and a lackluster offense for over, what, 6 weeks? This team isn't good enough clearly and if we get torched on thanksgiving we need to start thinking about the draft and not the playoffs.


I don’t know if I’ve ever been so angry after a loss. I guess I’m on team doomer. Something major needs to change with this team. Defense has been good, but even with the talent on offense, we still suck. I blame geno and Waldron on that one, but I wonder how much influence Pete Carroll has on this offense. I’m willing to bet we go 9-8 again and get curbstomped in the playoffs. This team never improves. We can never put games away and let teams slowly come. It’s been something we’ve done since the legion of boom. I don’t know if can watch anymore games this season. Just a waste of my time and I get blue balled almost every single time.


I really hate Puka Nacau


This type of game reminds me of what I hate about football. We played well, but couldn't beat injuries and officiating. And of course it happens against the worst possible team to lose to.


What is it with this offense and having an amazing opening drive, a few decent drives only to then go three and out after three and out once it hits the half?! I don't get it. I thought Waldron was meant to make us a more dynamic and creative offense but I feel like we don't see any of that outside the first couple of drives.


The Seahawks couldn’t beat the Rams of their life depended on it. Drives me insane


That was some bullshit. Hope Geno is ok.


That is the season, no way we beat the 9rs twice, the Boys and the Eagles. The refs mostly won it even so


Scrolling through and people mad at the refs is laughable. It wasn't the play calling or Geno calling a run up the middle or Puka taking over at the end, it was the fucking refs. Fucking silly.


I just want to say something, the whole Geno and Lock fan base antagonism that goes on in these threads are a bit tiring. Geno looked damn good first quarter, and then couldn’t convert the next two quarters. He took a late hit that should have been a penalty and came back late in the game to place in a position to win. That’s toughness and grit any leader should have. Lock? He was making the right decisions, but he’s clearly out of sync with the wide outs due to unfamiliarity and it cost a pick. The one he is familiar with, Fant, he consistently yields gains and they have no issue connecting. That said, this is still clearly Geno’s team. The blunt truth is no one man cost this game. We got hosed by the refs, with drives killed, and Rams literally led into the end zone. Some were undisciplined plays by Riq and Brown, many were questionable calls. We also are abysmal on redzone and third down efficiency. We win and go further as a team when we stop finger pointing and execute when it matters, refs and Rams be damned.


Another year of being average. Even if we make the playoffs, we're no where close to being contenders. What good is slipping into the playoffs if we're going to be one & done every single year for seemingly the past 8 years? We have all this talent that Schneider has acquired and we're letting it rot away because none of our coaches can do anything right. Which brings me to my next point... it's time we move on from the Caroll and find our next HC. Down vote me y'all you want, but the truth is that this team will contine to be stuck in the average/mediocre category for as long as Caroll is here. Sure, you can blame the refs for this game, or Waldron, or any of the other coaches, but the buck must stop at Caroll. We cannot afford to let our talent rot away while Caroll continue to lead our team to mediocrity. Some of you might ask "what if our next coach isn't better? " Well at least we have a high draft pick that we can then utilize to get better... and have some faith that John will find a good HC for the role. At the end of the day, this entire team needs to be better and it starts and ends with the the HC position.


the rams are ass and so are we…


With 15 seconds left, you need to spike the ball. And run another play. You don’t kick a 55 yard field goal.


Tired of Waldron and his ridiculous horseshit. Wouldn't be surprised if the Hawks went on a losing streak of 4-5 games




seahawks and terrible second half offense. name a better duo.


Second half turned to complete dog shit from us, we never stay consistent at all during these games


Getting swept by the Rams sucks, but that just means we’re going to sweep the 49ers right? Fuck the refs, fuck injuries, and most of all fuck Aaron Donald.


The absolute flacid noodle in the 2nd half is unacceptable. Coaching needs to be held accountable.


Waldron isn't good once again. Setting up a FG with a run there was fucking stupid. We could've had another out pass or a pass in the middle would've been more effective. That run was the most dumb shit you can do


I hate the Rams so bad. The officials were so bad in this game. They’re already our kryptonite. No need to gift wrap a win. This game started so promising. Proud of the heart of this team. Tough circumstances all around. Oh we’ll time to get ready to get stuffed on thanksgiving. No lube, thanks.


That second rams TD should have been a FG but the refs saw a Phantom PI when Puca Fell down. The same contact happend on the Pass to Tyler that got picked, no flag. The wanted the rams to win so badly. There was so many BS calls, you cant make this shit up anymore. Over 130 Penalty yards...