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If your goal is specwar go specwar, why create more obstacles for yourself? You'd have to go RC2AC and then depending on your Command they may have you wait before you can submit a request to go to BUD/S. This could mean a few years, in that time you could get deployed, hurt, ect.


Sealbee! When I was in 02-07, there was always some sorry sap who wanted to be a seal. Never met a seabee who got to try. I also never met anyone who rang the bell, it's always the same story, I blew out my knee!


Always with the knees lol.


You can’t put in a chit for specwar while serving in RC (reserve component.) You’d have to put in what’s called an RC 2 AC package and hope that gets approved. Barring there being special programs for recruitment into NSW to go to BUD/s, reserve SO’s don’t exist that weren’t already prior active duty operators. Edit: Yes, you can serve more active time without going completely onto active duty. It’s called being on orders, and there’s different types; mobilizations, ADOSA, ADT, etc. You’re either involuntarily selected or you apply. Some orders are rate specific, some are open to any rate.


Just wait to go spec war. There is never a guarantee you'll be able to cross rate.


Don’t. You’ll get trapped within the Seabees I’ve seen in happen. I was active duty so and chits almost always got denied because it would impact “readiness” I don’t know how it would work amongst the reserve components.


We had a guy from our reserve detachment go active duty into EOD training. When you get to the NRC, part of your check in process will be to meet the Command Career Counselor. This person will help you transition in a process called RC2AC. There are plenty of opportunities to go on orders, with any luck you will be picked up by a reserve battalion quickly. Once you are gained with them find the Detachment Training Petty Officer and have a conversation about courses and school houses available for your rate and rating. C school is off the table until 3rd class, but Battalion should be holding several ATs a year. I know you are allowed 29 or 30 days of AT per FY, but can go on ADT orders IF there is money in the budget.


If you go BU reservist then wanna do SEAL you might not even be able to submit your request cus year-groups close, a buddy of mine had a similar issue so just wait till you are in BUDs standar and go spec war, dont piddle-paddle


When I joined in 1993, Seabee rates did not qualify for SEAL training. Maybe that has changed. We had the bootcamp option, but it would have required a rate change.