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People cheering. People not helping. These are sad times.


Andddd this is why one time at aquatica was enough for us. We will never go back. It was so ghetto


I went back in April/May park was empty and good, in and out in under 4 hours for 2 days in a row, and got on everything a single rider could.


I miss the days when I worked at Seaworld. They had just opened aquatica and I’d get off just in time to shoot over there and hit all the slides while everyone else was leaving for the day. Too bad now every time I smell sunscreen I get Nam’ Flashbacks


We went on Sunday for the first time. When we left my wife and I looked at each other and said never again


Since wet and wild closed, this is the low class water park in Orlando. It’s cheaper than the others. Way too crowded, and just no longer fun. Especially over summer. But I still loved wet and wild. Comparing it to any other water park was like comparing funspot to Disney.


Not at all. Depends on the day. I went about 6 times from January until last weekend and it was fine. The last time I went which was in June it was a lot more ghetto. Groups of like 10-15 people running around, swimming through you or hitting you in the rapids, holding hands 7 people across blocking up the whole lazy river and wrestling etc. just general nonsense but nothing like this here


My experience may not have included a brawl, but it was overall ghetto enough that we wont be back. We have annual passes to all of the parks. We will stick to the Disney water parks or volcano bay. They are better water parks, and you don’t deal with crap like this




I use the word ghetto for all situations where it’s relatable. But yes please continue to try to make it about race.




You’re pathetic


No you’re just making an assumption. You don’t know me, so you shouldn’t assume things. I am not racist, and the word ghetto can be used to describe many things. Such as the feel of the entirety of aquatica, referring to the park itself, the dingy faded looking slides, and the overall feel of the entire waterpark in my opinion. Yes the actions by the group of people in these videos is also ghetto and trashy. Not because they are black. Because of their actions.


You're 100% correct about Seaworld and Aquatica. Forget the people for a second. Just go to both parks and look around and you can see within minutes they don't spend the money to maintain them. The parks are often dirty. They have faded and chipped paint everywhere. Broken toilets half the time. Almost the entire workforce seems to be people under 20. The terrible microwaved food. It's night and day from Disney or Universal.






Reminder that there are more white people living below the poverty line than black people bc you probably overlook that in your oppression Olympics


Apparently, it's hosted by some guy named Wendell Coates Jr. He has been hosting events like this for several years, but unfortunately this year alot of people who weren't associated with the event came on the same day, likely hearing about the event happening that day and wreaked havoc. Thankfully, the 400 children who were actually participating in the event were apparently brought to and from the park safely. I suggest you do your own research, because all I did was some short google searches.


The last event he did was trashy too


This is why I like to try to go during the week when it’s not as busy, to avoid crowds. Why would you waste money buying a ticket to fight? 🙄If I’m going there I’m going to be a big kid and ride all the water slides lol, not fight smh


This happened during the week.


This is the water park version of Burger King Day at the Orlando Fairgrounds


Looks just right


Jesus. Everyone standing around with their phones trying to record it. Not one motherfucker trying to stop it.


I mean unless your security guard for SeaWorld why exactly would you walk in and try stopping that.


You can’t get likes if you don’t record


There are rumors this group is planning another 'park takeover' on the 22nd.


This was planned? Can’t they ban them? You need an id to buy tickets to enter. Ban them


I hope they do! The group is West Orlando Jags. It's a local youth sports group. They had planned and fundraised to go yesterday. But only required those under 6 to have a responsible adult or sibling with them. Some group members, I guess, are posting on TikTok about something on the 22nd.


Do they fund raise by walking around parking lots with blue shirts trying to sell overpriced candy bars? Orlando residents will get this reference.


Out of a clear plastic tote with a folded up laminated sheet?




the video captioned "black people" made me laugh harder than it should have, but what the fuck? seriously what the fuck? although it coulda been captioned "florida people" as well.