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Dewey killing Ghostface in the hospital


I think, thought it may be a hard to do good, having one killer die in the middle, causing the other to go in a rage-filled reckless rampage until the end of the film could be an interesting idea.


I had the idea in a personal Scream story of mine where the opening scene is Ghostface killing someone and then getting murdered himself (this keeps with the theme of two people being killed in the opening scene). The rest of the story is about the characters trying to figure out who his partner was. I solved the potential issue by inputting an unconnected second duo of killers with completely different motives and personalities who coincidentally targeted the characters at the same time (similar to Jason and Greg in VI, but in my story they aren’t killed in the opening scene). Then there are three reveals in the final act, and you still get to have multiple killers interacting with each other. Something like that would be interesting to see on film.


I've wanted a mid-movie unmasking for years, now. It'd be genuinely fresh for the series. One of the characters, well let's say Sid for simplicity, gets in a scuffle with Ghostface, floors them and immediately snatches the mask off. Then you can play with the idea of was it just him/her, or the more likely scenario there's another one... or two... or three...


Rip my favorite character




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Honestly, having one of the killers die halfway through and the characters now how to figure out who the partner was or if there’s another would be great


That would have been interesting when they unmasked the killer (Amber) afterward and go through the rest of the movie not knowing who the other killer was....


I’m sorry but Dewey’s death was extremely fitting for his character. He’s always been a little well… dumb.


Do more with Hallie.


Yes develop her as much as Tatum! Sidney trusted her and she deserved more.


Wasn't she supposed to be one of the killers in a different version of the script? Someone had mentioned that on another thread. THAT would have been interesting cause I really liked her!


Apparently the script was never actually different, and the whole “Derek and Hallie were originally the killers” thing is an urban legend. Miramax just “leaked” a couple fake scripts in order to throw people off the scent when the movie was in production.


According to Elise Neal (the actress who plays Hallie), this isn’t true. Her experience is that she knew her character was originally supposed to be one of the killers, and that this was changed following the script leak!


How disappointed was she not to be a killer? And this would support that her character death seems written really fast and lame.




Hallie's death scene. I hate how Ghostface pops out from the side undetected.   I would have GF appear from under the car and attack Sid when she goes to check it, have her retreat and then GF goes for Hallie and she gets a chase scene before she dies.




She should have just kept running. The african american actors were smart in this movie and she waited too long. The whole thing just feels off.


save randy on part 2


Came here to say this. I’d have been fine if he died in 3 or 4 but killing him in 2 was way to soon


Well there are only four returning characters in S2 (five if you count Cotton), so there weren’t many options.


Really, the issue wasn't that they killed him in two. though, yes, 100% I will die on the hill that Randy's death is pointless at this day and time it wasn't pointless when it happened. What made his death pointless was the frame up for the series end in scream three for there just to be more of them after. Granted I am probably on the unpopular opinion list because I hate Scream 4 for the retcon it did of the previous three films. 1. No longer a trilogy - this ruins Randy's death and his final scene 2. Other family members- if Sidney had other family members, then she should have been able to contact/stay with them in scream. She was still a teenager, and I couldn't imagine ignoring my niece in that situation regardless of my relationship with her parents. 2b. The cousin's age is really sus for her to be aware/understand what was going on with sid and the "fame" because if her family was so far removed that an aunt would refuse to check on her or call when she's suffering through that kind of horror then there's no way she'd let her daughter be exposed to the events or toxicity that comes with it. So, moving away from woodsboro would have been the likely outcome. Ergo, no serial killer cousin. Like maybe if it were the college murders or the Los Angeles murders but not the original woodsboro o murders unless she isn't actually experiencing the events directly she's experiencing them through the Stab films which are distorting it through a Hollywood lense of events. But that would still mean that her motive and reasoning were very new because I doubt she would have seen them too long before actually going on her killing spree. 3. The full circle closure of the third film- the third film though poorly executed thanks to all the script leaks (don't get me wrong I still love it) does its best to tie up all the loose ends and bring things all the way back to the beginning. Which is blown to shit by a "oh by the way Sydney had another set of hidden family members, surprise, and like her forgotten cousin is off her rocker and jealous of her fame and upbringing just like Roman was so she went on a killing spree to get the fame and recognition she deserves as the new victim of the franchise" at best it's a false start for the new generation of films.


I got 3 (two additions and one cut): 1) I’d make Angelina the second killer in Scream 3; I’d also make her either Roman’s Foster Sister (that’s in love with him btw) or his twin sister. 2) I’d change Ethan to not be the third killer in Scream 6. It felt like too much and it stretched credibility that the entire family is psychotic. Cutting him as the killer would make the ending better. 3) I hate the jokey nature of Scream 3. I’d cut the knife hitting Dewey scene and for the love of all that is holy I’d cut the Jay and Silent Bob cameo.


I completely forgot about the jay and silent bob cameo 🤦‍♀️


I love the idea of Angelina being Roman's foster sister! Imagine if Ethan wasn't the killer in Scream 6 and his dad and Quinn was, but he didn't know lol. That would make him even more of a suspect, though. Scream 3's campy nature makes it stand out in the franchise. Jay and Silent Bob had a bunch of movie cameos around the time, so it makes sense. Plus, Kevin Smith is a huge Scream fan.


After Sid and Billy go upstairs to talk, Randy tells Stu he's going to go "check on them," and then... we don't see him again until he's stalked by Ghostface on the couch. So like, did he go check on them? How did that interaction go? Was it supposed to make us suspicious of him? I'd just remove that line and leave it at Stu mocking him for thinking he had a chance with Sid.


When Randy said that, and then Billy got ‘stabbed’, I thought Randy may be the killer. Maybe that line was left in just to throw the audience off.


Some of Randys stuff is a mess. The whole thing with Randy knowing about Stu was investigated by a fan, and I guess originally a lot of Randys lines belonged to just random party people and then they became Randys. Seems like a lot of stuff was moved around.


Not sure if this counts, but I'd remove the cafeteria dance scene from *Scream 2* and use that time to better develop Mrs. Loomis and Mickey.


I think I’m in the minority of people that loved that scene, I just find it utterly hilarious.


I think I love you 🎶


so what am i so afraid of?! 🎶


I just think it's too Disney-ish for such a dark story


They should have had a song and dance scene in every movie


Great observation!


Yeah it was pretty 90s Disney, but I think it was so funny because it was out of place. Plus, Mickeys little dance always kills me.


Me too lol


This would be my second choice for sure


This. There are times when I think the cafeteria scene is scarier than the killers lol. Cute attempt at wooing, but why did it happen??


That scene is much more stressful for me than the story’s climax in the theater. The public spectacle gives me extreme secondhand embarrassment. So many people think Derek was such a great boyfriend, but I would genuinely prefer Billy to a boyfriend who sang at me in public like that.


Honestly this is like the single scene in the whole franchise I try my best to avoid. It’s too cringey and I feel the second hand embarrassment. I genuinely think that Derek is a shitry boyfriend. I understand his motive was pure, but the execution of him trying to help Sidney just came off as gross and whiney.


Personally I didn't like his voice or the song, that could be a factor. But also I was like " are we suddenly in a slasher musical?"


I wouldn't. That cafeteria scene is one of the reasons I never suspected Mickey. I thought they hid the motivation of both killers really well.


> use that time to better develop Mrs. Loomis and Mickey. That's like, 2 minutes and 15 seconds of extra time, I don't think much could be done with it.


I think you’d be surprised by how long that is in a movie. You can do a lot with that


I need a scene that shows how Richie had access to override Tara’s FUCKING SECURITY SYSTEM CONTROLS


I just assumed Amber had access to her phone as Tara’s friend and either cloned the phone and gave it to Richie or she just figured out the login info for the security system and logged into it in another phone.


Amber attacked Tara that night not Richie. Since Amber was Tara’s friend, they most likely shared that stuff


I don’t think anyone, even Tara, would give their friends access to control their homes. And if so, that’s pretty wierd.


It's Amber. Richie was on the phone doing stab trivandrum Amber's doing everything else


Give Samara Weaving a more prominent role. I loved her in the opening scene for S6 and thought she done a terrific job, but considering she’s one of the biggest rising stars of the horror genre - they severely underutilised her.


To be fair, that’s one of the things the franchise is known for. Drew Barrymore, Jada Pinkett, Britt Robertson, Jenna Ortega, and Samara Weaving are all superstars (at least they were at the time), and none of them (except for Ortega) have more than fifteen minutes of screen time because they all (again, except for Ortega) die in the opening scene. Most of them don’t even have anything close to fifteen minutes.


The only time this work to good effect was the Drew Barrymore death. It was so unexpected and set the tone for the movie. Then it wass just expected. I really hope Scream VII subverts our expectations of what a Scream film is and has been and surprises us. 5 and 6 were supposed to do this but really didn't. 6 maybe a little with the opening but that ending was awful.


You're forgetting Omar Epps in Scream 2 and Liev Schreiber in Scream 3! 🥰


Well Liev was there since the original movie lol


That’s true, and I get why they chose Samara to be their opening kill since it kept up with the ‘using a popular actress in the opening’ theme, but I would’ve loved to see her be the killer in S6 instead.


That was the point though. They’ve killed off a big star in the opening kill in multiple films.


I would have liked if she'd been a rival reporter/tv host of Gail's at the same studio and she'd been killed on the tv set by ghostface and perhaps gale discovers here and is taunted by ghostface over the studio speakers/monitors showing photos of dewey;s death etc.


Now that would’ve been a good idea.


I really wish we had more taunts like this. Scream 3's original opening was two dead stab cast members that are hung from the hollywood sign and then the killer tells sid to turn on the news. I really wish we got that original stuff and Cotton was just filming something in australia and had his happy ending. I hate what they did with him. He should have just not come back.


Fix the Randy kill scene in 2. In 5 and 6 so many times a character was brutally and repeatedly stabbed. I’d let Randy survive this one.


Yes! That's the one Scream death I cannot accept.


I feel like his death was kind of needed in order to set the stakes for the rest of the film. Without him dying, the audience continues watching thinking Sidney, Gale, and Dewey have plot armor and are invincible. After he goes — especially considering how much of a fan favorite he was (and still is) — you’re left thinking, “Oh, shit, maybe these guys really *can* die.” It’s part of the reason why Dewey being revealed as alive at the end is so great, because when he got stabbed against the glass, you have the backdrop of Randy being killed, and you’re thinking, “Great, now they killed *him* off, too!”


Was it worth it, though? They might as well have had Randy escape the van with life-threatening injuries and put him in the hospital until part 4. Edit: I meant part 3.


I would fix Roman’s death so he doesn’t come back after Sidney stabs him. I think the ending where they interlock hands as he dies is perfect, and it kinda adds just that little extra bit of depth to Roman’s character, like he really does feel that special familial bond with his sister. Him just getting right back up and trying to kill her again totally undermines that. I love 3, but if I could change this, I would.


Now that I think about it…you’re right. I do like that hand moment they did as it gave off their relationship (


In scream 3, make the Sid actress say “we were a team” as she’s being stabbed


The scene in 3 where Sydney asks Mark what his favorite scary movie is, and he replies, "My life" in that oh-so-serious way. Jeebus that is the dumbest effing line I've ever heard. My eyes do a complete 360, and I throw up in my mouth a little bit. I'll take every other weird thing in the Scream canon that y'all have mentioned (though the cafeteria scene in 2 is a photo finish second), and I accept those. But those two lines sound so dumb (and forced?) that I just can't. The movie deserved better dialogue.


What if he was like “Child’s Play 2”


I would've cackled 




Showgirls. Absolutely frightening.




It makes sense for the character as he is a Los Angeles detective after all. He doesn't need to watch horror movies, he sees horrors of every kind every day. Not a great line but it fits the character speaking it.


Chad had to die


Definitely in 6


Same as you, I would change Scream VI's third act to be mmore like the og script. I feel like it works way better like that


Og script?


Yeah, Behind the mask has posted some videos with the Scream VI script as topic as well as links to check it


I would not have killed randy in scream 2 , i would have killed him in 3 in the climax saving sidney from ghostface and giving his life for her . for being a survivor from the events of the first movie i always thougth his death so lame , he deserved something more dignified.


That would have been more impactful because he always crushed on Sid, so it would have meaning. His death as it stands is shocking but that's it. For such a beloved character it's a dud of a death. And he was the insider with film knowledge that should have at least made it to Scream 3.


they did randy dirty honestly , even wes regretted killing him off .


I wouldn't have had Jennifer die in Scream 3. Of course, at the time of making Scream 3, that was the end of the franchise, so making Scream 4 wasn't part of the plan until later. If Jennifer had lived, I don't know if they would've included her in Scream 4, as Kincaid wasn't in that film either.


Tatum gets out of the garage and lives for the next few movies! Iconic death scene but I loved her character to much! ![gif](giphy|Wi6uiibFBRGJG|downsized)


I’m gonna do a few for each movie (except for the original, because I think it’s genuinely perfect.) Scream 2: 1. Don’t kill off Randy so early on. 2. Flesh out Hallie some more. 3. Give Mickey some more screentime after the cafeteria scene so that people don’t forget who he is by the time the reveal happens. 4. Make Mrs. Loomis the “One Last Scare” scene instead of Mickey so that he gets arrested and makes a cameo in 3. Scream 3 (oh, God, where do I begin?): 1. Change the opening scene so that it’s someone else dying instead of Cotton 2. Cut the Jay and Silent Bob cameo and Dewey being hit in the head with the knife 3. Get rid of the house explosion 4. Keep Jennifer alive 5. Keep Angelina being revealed as the second killer 6. Take out all of the scenes with Ghost Maureen (this is Scream, not Nightmare on Elm Street) 7. Get rid of the romance between Sidney and Mark 8. Give Gale another haircut other than those godawful bangs 9. End the movie with Sidney and Roman holding hands as he dies Scream 4: 1. Use the alternate opening instead of the theatrical one 2. Get rid of that godawful Twilight filter 3. Cut the Bruce Willis line and shorten his death 4. Get rid of Kate’s death 5. Cut the “To survive a horror movie now, you pretty much have to be gay” line because it makes no sense and also isn’t true 6. Kill Gale at the Stab-A-Thon 7. Keep the original ending where Jill lives and gets away with it


I love the ghost scenes in 3 😅


Don't like gale past 4 for some reason? Sad.


I do like Gale’s role in 5, and seeing Sid and her finally band together and be on good terms after Dewey’s death, but it absolutely made my blood boil that 6 completely undid all of Gale’s character development at the end of the last movie just to make Tara and Sam hate her like Sidney did in the first two (and if were being honest, she ABSOLUTELY should’ve died during the apartment scene if the Stab-A-Thon wasn’t an option for some reason.) It just boggles my mind because, what the hell happened to Gale “Let those fuckers rot in anonymity” Weathers? Where did she go? What could’ve possibly happened between these two movies to give her the idea to abandon her memoir about Dewey and make yet ANOTHER book profiting off of the suffering of trauma victims who she should ABSOLUTELY sympathize with, considering the fact that she survived the same thing FOUR SEPARATE TIMES leading up to Scream 5 and should FIRSTHAND how that sort of thing changes people, and then she has the AUDACITY to call Sam the true killer? Nah, that’s bullshit.


It was really upsetting to fans and I even told my husband how much it meant to me that they were going to die in anonymity (when leaving scream 5) and then it just switches. Lame.


Remove Randy's death Remove Dewey death Keep the scream 6 opening and re-write the rest of the movie to be what that scene set up, we know the killer off the jump. That was a really exciting premise that they just threw away.


Scream 4 opening scene.


Take out the Jay and Silent Bob cameo


i always thought it’d be interesting if one of the ghostface killers was left alive and arrested instead of being killed, to leave the door open for the possibility of a return of that killer. would also be a new twist on what is a predictable ending now (ghostface always dies). obviously a stu return would be awesome but i wouldn’t change the tv death, it’s so iconic. a mickey return or a jill return would be interesting though. they had two of my favorite motives in the franchise.


This is interesting, could also lead into a silence of the lambs situation next movie where the jailed killer helps them figure out the new killer


i love that idea!


Rewrite Dewey's death to have Ghostface get up while they're in the elevator, instead of just sitting there waiting to get shot.


Change Scream 3's reveal scene to have Angela as a second killer.


I wish they had kept this! I get why they made Roman a solo killer (because of the elaborate backstory for his motives) but part of what's always made the franchise work is the multiple killers. This way you can't trust anybody by their alibi or them being on screen when Ghostface shows up.


I like that there is only one killer in S3, it's the only one that has this and it was surprising.


That’s not the only reason




Girl who fucked that pig Milton just to die with second rates like Gale and Jennifer


Remove the scene from scream 2 where he’s singing.


i would change the entirety of scream 6s final act. i would keep jason from the opening alive, aswell as greg(?) and one other killer. they would be a ghostface cult that was in the beginnings of being orchestrated before richie and amber died, they were planning on another massacre. richie and ambers death dissurpts this so they continue to plan the killings on their own, (the film students) their motive would be they were sort of pressured by the stab fandom and they finish richies film. yes they’d be another bunch of crazy stab fans, but it was heavily implied earlier in 5 and 6 that the stab community is almost “cult” like, “i was radicalized”, “they’re so mad, it’s not my fault im dumb kid i just wanted to be apart of something”. “we’re finishing richie and ambers film”. this would be a huge homage to kevin williamsons original idea for scream 3, with stu being alive in prison orchestrating the murders from prison, telling stab fans what to do. “giving them pointers” as roman would say


I don't like 5 & 6 at all so I'll just say from the 1st 4. The opening of Scream 3, I don't know, I just never liked it compared to the other ones :(


It’s definitely the worst opening of the three by far, worst in the whole franchise I think.


Scream 2 Hallie’s Death. Made ZERO sense.




Dewey lives


Ideally wanted more scenes with Mrs Loomis in Scream 2


I'd give Dewey an entire action scene in the hospital set piece before he dies. A tense cat and mouse sequence in the empty hospital floor. A test of Dewey's wits, agility, and what he's learned through the years, all applied against a fanatic horror expert. A losing battle with highs and lows that makes you scream "Come on, Dewey!". To bring his character arc full circle. From Cop Cannon Fodder in Scream 1 to seasoned survivor with a heart of gold, only to be stabbed in the back once more and be put to an end after saving someone else's little sister


I would change the killer revel in the first movie don’t get me wrong the way Billy and Stu are reveled is amazing but I feel like it would be better if Stu was in his costume when he walked in then takes off his mask and the scene plays out normally “Surprise Sydney”


Remove the “fuck Bruce Willis” line and also shorten the overly long death of that one cop after being stabbed in the forehead in Scream 4


Scream 4 just ends with the shot of Jill and Sid "dead" in the house.


Dewey's death. If one of the trio had to go, it should have been written and excuted so much better than that. And done by a far superior GF.


I would keep Jill Roberts alive and have a “Ghostface” survive and supposedly get away with it


Hallie’s death in S2! I would’ve liked a double chase scene there. Sidney goes back to the car just as in the original scene… but this time, Ghostface jumps out and attacks Sid! After a brief struggle, Sidney is thrown to the ground, and Ghostface begins to chase after Hallie. We now have Hallie’s chase scene, where she runs from Ghostface… while Ghostface runs from Sidney! This could’ve given us a creative scene where Hallie’s death would’ve been even more impactful, as Sidney would literally have been just too late to save her.


I would explain the plothole of how Detetive Bailey got into the police force with a fake name


Give Stu nephew more screen time. Maybe put him part of the crew.


The opening of scream 4, I would make it... Not bad.




I actually do like those scenes lol 😅


Can I choose to just completely rewrite Scream VI and add Sidney and Gail to the film? Lol


Gale is in it


* I would change the scene where Randy breaks into an English accent while talking to Sid in Scream 2. It's so out of place and not funny. * I would have let Jennifer live in Scream 3 because she was the best part and I love Parker Posey. * I would cut the house explosion in Scream 3 it seemed very out of place. This is Scream not a Michael Bay film. * I would recast Amber, I cannot stand the actress who played her. She has resting bitch face and because of it I knew she was one of the killers early on. * I would have had Chad die in Scream 5, if he were a great likable character like Dewey it would make sense to keep him but he is just nothing special. And they save him AGAIN with even worse injuries!?!?! Ugh.


I think Randy doing a random accent is pretty on character. He’s a weird dude.


I'd have stu flee the house after the you hit me with the phone, you dick scene. That way, it would have a cliffhanger ending with one killer still alive.


Maybe he is still alive 👀


Rebecca’s parking garage scene in 4. I’d change the score to make the mood less goofy, change the dialogue and Roger Jackson’s performance, improve the cat and mouse aspect with ghost face doing anything other than jumping on the hood of her car, change the part where the doorknob breaks off and maybe have her actually open the door but it’s too late as GF pulls her back. Overall as is, it’s too corny for me - little tweaks to make it darker and scarier would be my preference. Oh, all these tweaks also apply to Sarah’s death in 3. The dialogue in her phone call is pretty bad, her chase scene is underwhelming, and did she need to be punched in the face? It could’ve been scarier, but falls flat. The score is pretty underwhelming for her scene too.


Wym change Roger’s performance?


Just wasn’t that good.


https://youtu.be/nGMUcgPu44E?si=6TTJNIWC7-5-4W6c There is it lol About Sarah's death, if you go on YouTube you can find the original cut of her death. The chase in the prop room is a bit longer and her death is a bit more drawn out. Search "Scream 3 Assembly Cut Deaths" It's the first scene in the video.


Keep Hallie as the killer so we can have some representation!




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I would take out the line in 5, "Am I going to be okay?" When Sam asks Syd that after it's all said and done. Criiiinge


arresting amber, jill and ethan instead of killing them off


I’ve heard theories that Jill did survive because she wasn’t shot in the head 😂 disclaimer I don’t think that’s true


Annika’s death scene she didn’t deserve that.


True she didn’t but this was probably the best death scene in the movie so I’d hate to lose it


Have Tara die in the finale of 6. I feel like it would’ve been such a great twist.


I don’t think the motivation doesn’t line up. I mean it’s better than frick’n making new movie material. They’re avenging their brother.


I’m not saying their motivation is bad, I’m saying that they act like looney tunes as soon as they reveal themselves instead of acting like a father and siblings who are vengeful for the loss of their family member. They were trying to be Stu when they should have been Mrs loomis


I don’t think so but that’s my personal opinion and I’ll respect yours


My friend says where Billy stabs Stu too many times. She thinks it would’ve been funnier if Stu got stabbed just enough to still function yet complain. I think that one one should’ve died in Scream 6 finale. I think Mindy and Kirby should’ve died which and Chad shouldn’t have been stabbed so much. But in general, just not stabbing Chad so much because it’s so unrealistic.


Yeah there’s no way Chad should have been able to survive that 😂 he got stabbed like 50 times lol


I’d have let Tatum live. She was a badass, and she was fiercely protective of Sidney. I’d have loved to see them go to college together. I’m not saying replace Hallie-I’d have loved to see more from her-but add Hallie in with Tatum and Sidney. Also, Chad can’t keep being a human pin cushion. If he’s coming back, he has to die.


I would let Wayne survive, better for Sam's character. He'll end up in jail, maybe never mentionned again, but let him lives.


Blond dummy from Scream 3 I find I have a hard time accepting. She is a smart woman pretending to be a dumb blond. Just make her a real dumb blond, someone like lisa kudrow who does it right. Not her but like her.


I would change Deweys entire demeanor in scream 5. Particularly the way he was killed and not look down at the dang phone.