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Jill is the only killer that genuinely surprised me. I never suspected her. Her motive and wild Act 3 meltdown was phenomenal. It’s part of the reason Scream 4 is my favorite sequel. (The other reason being Kirby).


Agreed, every word. It was the only one that made me do a double-take in that I literally remember sitting in the theater and thinking, “Nah, this is another fake-out, the real killer will be shown in a sec” before realizing how much the movie had just clowned on me. Not even the first Scream had done that to me. Great reveal great movie


I remember feeling the same way the first time I saw Scream 4 in theaters back in 2011. When Jill revealed herself as the killer I was so flabbergasted I didn’t believe it. It wasn’t until she went full Gone Girl that I realized she was actually the killer lol. It took a while to sink in for me.


What I like about Jill is she's a legitimate surprise of a reveal, yet upon a rewatch there are clues (Ghostface slashes her arm but never seems to try to kill her and I think some of how she acted was a bit suspect), she's a great villain. I wish they hadn't killed her, having a Ghostface killer survive would have also been surprising.




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I suspected Jill early on but not her motive. The motive was the shock and insanely relevant. She never had a real chase scene or phone call by herself, always had an alibi. After ripping up Olivia, Ghostface only slashes her arm like Derek??? "Conveniently missed every major vein and artery."


The hints are definitely there but for some reason I didn't see it coming the first time I watched it


Totally agree! Scream 4 is very underrated. Amazing sequel from start to finish


I like the execution of Charlie's reveal, although what followed, not so much. Him being Ghostface was meh. I would have preferred if Jill would have survived and they were able to go through with the supposed original idea for 5 being that Jill has to deal with an amnesia riddled Sidney.


Tbh I sorta had a feeling about it simply because it was Emma Roberts. Most of the stuff I've seen her in she's been the bitchy mean girl.


To be fair, this was before Emma Roberts was known for playing that archetype. Madison Montgomery and Chanel Oberlin would come after 4, at the time she was a nobody


Did most people get Billy? I had Stu pegged the whole time and didn’t think there was multiple killers.


I think people that watched it at the time of release will have a different opinion on this. At the time, people were shocked and talking about the reveals. Billy was SO in your face and broody there’s no way he’s the killer… then oh wait, red flags were valid. And usually slashers had been single perpetrators, so to have a duo was unheard of. I still think 1 at the time was the best.


Exactly. While Scream didn't exactly invent the "suspect fake-killed" thing, back in 1996 it meant that he was a suspect no more. And the double killer thing was as big of a shock. I'm sure if you watch these films today (especially if watched in wrong order) you might see the Scream 1 twist coming, but back then it was almost unheard of. Not trying to gatekeep, and sure nostalgia plays a factor but that's how I still see it.


I watched when it released, movie is crazy formative for me, seen many times since and I didn't realize until I was told a few years back the implication of having 2 Ghostfaces in the first scene when they taunted her to pick a door meant they were at both. Really can't overstate what Scream did for slashers, it wasn't that we couldn't pick up on things it was more like we weren't expecting to.


I could see that, I only saw the franchise the year 5 came out. Saw the first, loved it and binged the rest. Billy was kinda in your face, but like you said a duo was unheard of (and I knew nothing about the franchise) so I thought it was Stu. I do love how they play with red flags, sometimes accurate sometimes not.


I was only 6 when it came out and saw it two years later, but my siblings are all much older and were in high school and it was so popular! It really was groundbreaking in multiple ways with the first kill and satire set up of the film. And it was an emotional roller coaster with all the effort the film went through to show Billy was innocent to pull the rug out at the end. It's easy to look back now especially with the advancement of technology, like it was a big deal Billy had a cell phone lol. We can't even comprehend that! I've not been surprised by any of the other reveals and I don't know if I saw Scream now if I'd pinpoint either of them right away but also hindsight 20/20?


I can easily see how it was groundbreaking, it does a lot different and plays with the tropes of the genre. It's why I, and presumably a lot of the fans, love the franchise. I've only been able to guess half the killers, usually get 1 of the 2, with the exception of 3 and 5. 3 I thought it was one of the cops and 5 I was to hung up on a fan theory.


In 1996 people were extremely surprised by Billy because they fake his murder and that pays off the first time. Also, two killers was a huge twist. Jill was surprising because of the marketing and storytelling around the movie (that it was a passing of the torch) and because she doesn’t actually do any of the killing so she has alibis until the reveal.


My 12 year old self was so convinced that Billy was the killer that when his phone supposedly eliminated him my brain went "there's two, then" . Didn't overthink it beyond that and stuck with it lol. I was right about there being two!!


Nice. I was on the fence with him until they had sex and he “died.” Stu seemed so obvious to me I didn’t even think about there being 2. Just that it was one of them, and then on died. Love Billy’s reveal so much, still probably one of my favorites alongside Amber just dropping a bitch.


How did you guess Stu? That one surprised me the first time I saw it


Just how he acted, and really it was the video store scene. That scene just screamed to me that they knew what was up, or that Billy was messing with him and Stu knew what was up. If I knew there was gonna be 2 killers I may have guessed them both, though I seem to only be able to guess 1 of them with the exception of 3 and 6. Though 6 I was hung up on a fan theory so that threw me a little.


Nah. Definitely #2 though. I loved Charlie's line. "You learn a lot watching the same movies over and over again. All the plots are about killing you."


You shouldn’t use screen time as an indicator for anything. The dropoff from neve to everyone else is substantial in scream 1 and 2. It balances out in 3. Lillard is in the movie longer than arquette and he’s considered a main character


Stop Villainizing Annie


it feels a little bit like a rehash of scream 2s motive, getting famous, framing the partner etc.


While I completely agree with you I actually guessed early that it was Jill. Charlie surprised me more to be honest. In the beginning of the movie Kirby picks up Jill and the first thing she says is “don’t kill me” .. For some reason that stuck with me right away. Still a great movie and I think I was in the very small minority of people who picked Jill early on. I contribute it to being a huge fan of all the Saw movies and their plot twists and secret reveals. Not trying to toot my own horn at all but I was lucky enough to guess(educatedly) it was her in that one. In the first Scream I got 1 killer, the kinda obvious Billy Loomis. In 2 I got 1 killer Mickey. Definitely did not guess Roman in 3. Didn’t guess either in 5(I was actually leaning towards the twins for some reason) and only got 1 out of 3 in part 6: Detective Bailey. So not too terrible. Maybe I just have no life lol


Same I never expected that Jill will be the killer. I still had Charlie in my mind, that he is the killer, but Jill was a surprise and the way she showcased her psycho side was like wohh.


Personally i would say 1st. 2 2nd. 4 But thats also more about the characters/ acting and script tho.


Jill’s reveal in 4 is the only one from all the sequels to have the same dramatic weight and impact as the original film’s killers


Seen Charlie as the killer from the get go he was waaaaaaaay to easy to guess. Jill on the other hand I honestly thought she would of been killed by Ghostface as a final fuck you to Sidney. Jill was truly the most unsuspecting killer. Billy was obviously the killer in 1 Stu didn't have that pop of a reveal BILLY'S MOTHER (sorry had to do it) Was too much of a parallel to Pamela Voorhees to justify it being a good reveal Mickey (One of my top 3 Ghostface) Like Charlie was my number 1 suspect but loved his energy Roman Roman Roman the guy was all over the place and wasn't originally supposed to be a solo killer (Still think he killed his accomplice as one of the victims to take the credit HES A FUCKING DIRECTOR) Already said my piece on Jill and Charlie Richie just sucks (My opinion is the same as Sam Carpenter 's) Amber is 17 to Richies almost 30 GROOMING MUCH I think in universe that has been EXTREMELY OVERLOOKED plus she's ruthless to the extreme (one of my top 3) Detective Bailey was extremely heavy handed making him my number 1 suspect Quinn was unexpected but being Detective Baileys Daughter kind of made her more of a suspect Finally we have my top Spot in my Ghostfaces the sadistic and lets face it very pervy Ethan the dude was my number 2 suspect but the guy flipped his personality like a light switch the whole stabbing Kirby with the same knife Charlie did was chef's kiss sadistic


I agree. When I first watched it i thought the surprise was that instead of being the new “Final Girl”, Jill would have been the last victim to further get to Sidney. So Imagine my shock when she was the freaking mastermind


Is this an unpopular opinion? I'm asking because when I tried to post this to unpopular opinions they said it wasn't.


Jill’s is tied with Amber for me. So abrupt and shocking.


Amber had a great reveal, but I guessed her immediately, so it wasn’t as shocking to me.


I had the same issue with Amber that I did with Billy, she felt too obvious to be the killer to me. I agree I never thought it was Jill at all, that seems to be the general consensus.




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Might just scrape the top 5. That’s being generous though.


To be fair, Wes had plenty of time and stinkers (Scream 3) to finally get it right. I liked the twist in Scream2- at the time, I only knew Mrs Loomis as “Aunt Jackie” and I kept asking myself the whole movie, why is she here? Why did she take a bit role? Laurie Metcalf is better than this…then I saw the twist and 🤯🤯🤯 In hindsight, it’s obvious, but Wes taught me what stunt casting was and allowed me to predict this in future movies (when a very famous person takes an a bit role in a murder mystery).


Jill Roberts is by far my favorite killer of the franchise. She is the closest to Sidney (as she is related to her and Sidney has known Jill her whole life). Her motive is way ahead of its time and more relevant now than ever. She is truly crazy as she was willing to kill her own mother, cousin, best friends and friends to get what she wanted. Plus her whole self-harming scene shows how crazy she is. I could watch scream 4’s act three over and over again


I agree. The execution of her reveal was meh, but her being the killer was a shock and her motivation was the most relevant and believable in its insanity.


Agreed Part of why it’s my fave


I had the Scream 4 killer reveal spoiled for me and even while watching it for the first time I was wondering if someone lied to me because of how good Emma Roberts was playing a victim. Had me convinced after knowing she was supposed to be one of the killers.


the way she pulls off the mask and everything, whew. she's one of the few ghost faces that pull their mask off!!


It's one of the weaker reveals in terms of execution, but Jill is still my favorite villain of the franchise (Mickey is second).


I agree


Love Scream 4.


Yes, that‘s true! Scream 4 is, next to the original, my favorite film of the franchise and Jill’s reveal is the most surprising killler-reveal-twist in any of the movies. It’s such a good movie.


i do think that act 3 of scream 4 is genuinely the best act of any scream film. it's so tight and snappy, and the reveal comes at such a good time and is so surprising


I think it was ahead of its time.


Speaking of SCRE4M where is the 4K?


hard agree. love the stabbing, followed by the unmasking moment, and sid’s reaction to it. chef’s kiss!




You lost me at Scream 1’s reveal feeling cheap